Zombie Wars in Somalia

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Somali village fights zombie apocalypse.
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The village of Ham sat on top of hill, about thirty kilometers from the City of Mogadishu, Capital of Somalia. The six thousand or so people who lived there led simple lives. They raised cattle, which they defended fiercely from external threats such as brigands as well as beasts of the wild like hyenas, coyotes and leopards. When the zombie apocalypse reached the shores of Somalia, the people of Ham were undaunted. Generations ago, their forefathers and foremothers resisted attacks from Italians and Americans. They often clashed with imperialist Ethiopians. Let the damn zombies come. Somalia's countryside is ready...

"Seventeen, beloved, I am up by one," Habiba Dahir said, laughing. The tall, dark-skinned and curvy young Somali woman thrust her spear into the zombie's skull, ending the creature's unnatural existence. Triumphant, Habiba pumped her fist in the air. Next to Habiba, her husband Abdirahman Ali thudded his boot through a zombie woman's skull, obliterating the creature. Habiba and Abdirahman were part of the Phalanx, the front line which defended the Village of Ham from the zombies. Eighteen men and fourteen women formed the front line of the Phalanx. Armed with spears and machetes, they got the job done.

"Watch out," Abdirahman Warsame shouted, and a confused Habiba shot him a look. what was he talking about? Habiba looked at her husband quizzically. Abdirahman drew back his arm and let his weapon fly. The tall, bald-headed and taciturn hurled his spear into a zombie who had been lunging for Habiba. Gasping in shock, Habiba watched as a large male zombie went down with Abdirahman's spear protruding through its skull. Abdirahman gently tapped Habiba on the shoulder, a silent reminder to always keep her guard up around the Undead. One bite is all it takes...

"Thank you, Habibi, you saved my life," Habiba said, appearing suitably chastened. Abdirahman nodded and pulled his spear from the slain zombie. He and his wife shared a brief embrace. The heartland of Somalia is a conservative realm and the locals aren't given to public displays of affection, even between married couples. The other members of the Phalanx exchanged smiles as they looked at the couple. The Phalanx had been at it for hours, slaughtering zombies left and right. The Undead had come through the fields, ignoring the cattle, horse, sheep and focusing instead on the farmers. The people of Ham had their work cut out for them.

"Let us go home," Abdirahman said to Habiba, and the rest of the Phalanx took their leave as well. A new group arrived. It was comprised of men and women who had not yet seen combat that day. They were there to take care of mopping duty. With spears at the ready, they turned over fallen zombies and destroyed their brains to ensure that they would not return. The Undead are tenacious. A zombie could get shot a thousand times and he or she will keep coming until the brain is destroyed. The mop-up crew always finds the zombies that the Phalanx missed. The only good zombie is a dead zombie, and all it takes to ruin everything is one zombie on the loose...

"Home sweet home," Habiba said as she and her husband Abdirahman reached their dwelling. The couple enjoyed some much needed rest and relaxation. After a sumptuous supper consisting of fried goat, white rice and Somali tea, Habiba and Abdirahman retired to their bedroom. After hours of passionate lovemaking, the two of them lay side by side on the bed, pleasurably sore. In an age where the dead are coming back to life and devouring the flesh of the living, every moment counts. Abdirahman held Habiba's hand and smiled at her in the dark.

"If you scare me like that again, I'll spank you," Abdirahman said to Habiba, who laughed and snuggled against him. The couple took solace in each other once more. Mere months ago, their world was different. Abdirahman was considering moving to Mogadishu with Habiba in order to start a family. Fate had different plans. The zombie apocalypse happened. Since traveling during a zombie onslaught is ill-advised, Abdirahman and Habiba had to stay put. The bright lights of Mogadishu could wait. The Somali capital had its own problems. There was always a zombie horde throwing itself at the city, and the Somali National Army had its hands full defending it.

"Our sons and daughters will praise us as heroes of the zombie war," Habiba said to Abdirahman, as he lay next to her. After making love for another hour, Abdirahman was exhausted. Habiba, curvaceous and tempting, is as tireless as any woman ever born. Upon hearing her words, Abdirahman smiled. Habiba was haughty and loquacious at times but the gal has his heart and she often knows just what to say. When Habiba took Abdirahman's hand and pressed it against her belly, the man's heart skipped a beat.

"Masha'Allah," Abdirahman whispered, as understanding dawned on him, and Habiba smiled and nodded. That's right, Abdirahman Warsame, Somali farmer turned zombie slayer, is about to become a father. Overjoyed, Abdirahman pulled Habiba into his arms. The couple shared a passionate kiss. The zombie apocalypse might be wrecking the world, the fearless men and women of the Somali Heartland have no fear save for the Most High. In their modest home, Abdirahman and Habiba celebrated the good news in a most wondrous manner...

The village of Ham prepared for the night. There were sentinels posted all over the place in wooden towers. Any enemy attempting to come for the villagers would be spotted and dealt with. The sentinels had guns, spears, crossbows and various other weapons. Watchmen and watchwomen patrolling the village during the nighttime had always been a way of life for the villagers. The villagers built huge bonfires which warded off wild animals. A circle of fire surrounded the village even now. Let the enemy come. The folks of the Somali countryside were not to be trifled with.

In the darkness, a small group of Undead gathered. They were not the usual type of Undead. They were nothing like the mindless Undead which had been slaughtered by the Phalanx during the late afternoon. Ayaan the zombie watched the village of Ham through binoculars. Next to her lay a trio of fresh zombies. A female zombie named Mariam Ali, a male zombie named Malik Osman, and a middle-aged male zombie named Yusuf. In mortal life, they'd been part of the Somali National Army battalion tasked with protecting the outskirts of Mogadishu. Ayaan the zombie converted some of them to the glorious state of the Undead...

"I am hungry," said Mariam Ali. The former Somali National Army Corporal, now a zombie, gnashed her teeth. Ayaan shot her a disapproving look. when Mariam Ali was human, she killed a lot of zombies. During a fight with a zombie horde, Ayaan managed to get the drop on Mariam Ali and bit her, along with her good friend Malik Osman, and their former commander, Captain Yusuf. All three served as Ayaan's lieutenants in her fledgling Army of the Undead...

"Patience, sister," Ayaan said, firmly rebuking Mariam Ali. The former Corporal seethed with barely contained fury but held her tongue. Like the other zombies made by Ayaan, Mariam Ali retained her human intelligence and personality while gaining the inhuman endurance and hunger of the Undead. Next to Mariam Ali, former Private Malik Osman kept still as he watched the village. The zombie soldier assessed the village with the mind of the tactician he'd been in mortal life.

"Ayaan, the sentinels on the tower won't be expecting a firefight with zombies, they don't know about the smart ones like us, I suggest a multi-pronged assault with rifles," Malik Osman said sharply. Ayaan looked at the zombified Somali soldier and flashed him a hideous smile. This was the best damn idea Ayaan had heard in a while. The leader of the fledgling smart zombie battalion knew she'd chosen well when she turned these three...

"I have plenty of weapons secured for the job," said Captain Yusuf. Once a formidable member of the Somali National Army, now an even greater leader of the fledgling smart zombie battalion, the Captain was as always battle-ready. Ayaan gently touched the Captain's shoulder. A surprisingly human and gentle gesture, considering they were all monsters who lacked a pulse, did not breathe, and craved the flesh of the living. The smart zombies are something else and humanity is not ready for them...

"Prepare yourselves, we attack an hour before dawn, right before the changing of the guard," Ayaan declared. Malik Osman, Captain Yusuf and Mariam Ali nodded, acknowledging their maker and new commander's orders. After her Undead lieutenants left to take care of business, Ayaan continued to observe the village of Ham. The zombie leader made sure she was out of range of both rifle and crossbow. The one who underestimates his or her enemy is the fool who dies tragically. Ayaan, leader of the fledgling smart zombie battalion, is anything but a fool...

The newly zombified Somali soldiers known as Malik Osman, Mariam Ali and Captain Yusuf had their orders and carried them out. The three of them went out into the surrounding desert, summoning hordes upon hordes of the slow-moving, dull-witted, 'normal' zombies. Those things would be cannon fodder which the smart zombies would throw at the Village of Ham. The men and women of the Somali heartland are resilient, their courage is without equal, but the advent of the smart zombie is something they are not ready for. Ayaan intends to conquer them. The Queen of the zombies has arrived...

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