Z's First Time


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"Z wants to let you fuck her. We talked about it all week." Now it was out; no matter what happened next I had said it to Tom. He sat there with a stunned and dumbfounded look on his face, mouth open, but he didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. "I know you want to fuck her," I continued. I might as well do it now. "She wants you to fuck her. And I'd like to have you fuck her. She will let you if I set it up, if I arrange it. I want you to do it. Really. And I want to watch you do it to her."

Nothing from Tom. His face was frozen in utter shock; he didn't move. I saw the guys coming back from getting the drinks carrying several each, and the couple with the baby-sitter was on the move from the phone. Before everyone reached the table I had to close this out, lock it down, do something to create the next step. "Stick around late with us tonight. No pressure. No commitments. I don't even know if she'll do it when it's for real instead of a hot fantasy, but it won't hurt you any. If you stay, you might get to fuck Z. I certainly won't mind." And with that I got up to go to the bathroom, just as people started sitting down at the table. The women weren't back yet from the bathroom.

I passed the three of them, including Z, just as they came out of the ladies' room, and Z looked up at me, a quizzical expression on her face; I smiled at her. I went into a stall in the bathroom, even though I just had to piss, just to think. I was so hot my cock was about to bust out of my pants, and I adjusted it so it didn't bind and pinch. Even just handling it made me realize how close to cumming I was and I thought about jerking myself off right there, but didn't; there might be more tonight and I wanted to keep myself at the edge. I needed to communicate privately with Z, to see if I could push her over the edge to do it. I took out a business card from my wallet – it was all I had to write on – and wrote a note on the back of it: "I asked Tom if he wanted to fuck you. I told him you want to fuck him, and that I want him to. He wants to do it. He'll stay late with us. Let's make it happen. We both want it."

When I got back to the table the women had returned. Tom was still in shock, but had recovered enough to be in the conversation. And Z was talking to him – small talk, nothing overt. Tom was really keyed up, I could tell. He looked up at me as I approached the table and then glanced over at Z. It was involuntary – he couldn't help himself. As he realized that he had looked over at her, he blushed and turned away, then looked down, then up at me quickly, then down at his beer. He took a sip, and his hand was shaking. At least he had something in his glass this time. Out of control. I just smiled and nodded at him when he looked up again.

As I sat down next to Z I kissed her on the neck from behind, and after I had pulled my chair in I took her left wrist in my right hand and brought it over to my lap, where I slid my hand up to open hers. Gently I pressed the business card with my note on it into her hand and closed her fingers over it. I held it there with the card in it for a second while I leaned over to her and whispered in her ear, "I told Tom you wanted to do it. Read the note when you can." She looked over at me, not quite knowing whether or not to believe me. I couldn't tell whether she was mad at the thought I might have done it or excited by the hope I had. From the look on her face, probably both. She glanced down, then up. She took her hand away and looked the other direction. I caught her glancing over at Tom, maybe looking for some clue as to whether or not it was true. Then down again. But she didn't blush, and she seemed a lot less nervous than Tom did. A few minutes later she excused herself and wandered back toward the ladies room again; I knew she had slipped away to be able to read the note.

Tom looked up at me. I smiled and nodded slightly, and said in his direction, out loud, "We'll know soon." Tom's face turned red. Everyone else looked at me, then at him. I nodded toward the band, which was about to start up again. "We'll know whether they're really any good – the second set has their original material. Tom was telling me how much he liked their stuff." People went back to their conversations, but a couple of them glanced at Tom as they did, and he was clearly uncomfortable. The band saved him – they started to play an up-tempo jazz number. Z came back to the table and sat down.

She leaned in to whisper to me, "Did you really do this?" She sounded mad, but there was no way out now. I didn't answer, but nodded and glanced over at Tom. Z turned to look at him, and his eyes were on us. He flushed visibly and fidgeted in his seat. Z turned back to me, again whispering, "Are you sure you want this?" I looked at her steadily and nodded yes. She didn't say anything. She didn't blink.

Z turned back to the table and soon thereafter started an animated conversation with Tom. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She had seemed to be mad all evening, but as it wore on it appeared that she was having a good time again. Eventually there were only five of us left and the last couple excused themselves around 12:30. Now it was just the three of us. Tom was still with us; he was going to do it. If Z would.

There was an awkward silence after we had said goodbye to our other friends and watched them walk out the door. We all turned back to the table. Z looked down; Tom looked at Z. I watched Tom.

"I think we all know what's going on here," I offered. I've talked to you both about this and know you both want it. I'm the only one who could object, and I don't. I want it as much as you do." No reply from either of them, but now they both knew it was true, that I had talked to them both about their fucking, and they both knew that what I had said about each of them wanting it was true. "How about we head back to our house and do this?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want this to happen?" Z asked, turning away from Tom, toward me.

"We really don't need to do this, guys," Tom interrupted. "I'd love to, of course, but I won't ever say anything if either of you wants to call this off – it's probably not really a good idea," Tom volunteered. He was talking to me. And then to Z, "If you don't like this idea I'm outta here; no harm done."

"Be quiet, Tom," Z ordered, shooting him a look. It sounded like she didn't want to let Tom off the hook. "Larson was telling the truth – I told him I wanted sleep with you, and I do, and now you know that, but I don't want to lose my marriage over it."

"Guys, we all three know that now that it's out in the open you're going to fuck each other." Hearing me say the word, 'fuck' jolted them both. No euphemisms any more, no ambiguity at all about what we all were thinking. "You probably would have anyway, eventually, and now it's certain. You can't both know the other is willing to do it and then not follow through. If you do it behind my back it's bound to be destructive. If you do it this way I'm in on it – it's hot. I want you to do it, and I want to see it."

Z looked up at Tom and the two held the gaze for a long moment. And then Z broke the tension by smiling at Tom. "OK, let's go if you're interested, Tom.' She had made her decision. Tom nodded. We paid the check and headed for the parking lot.

As I was holding the door for Z to get into the car, Tom was a few cars away in the next row, and I shouted over at him, "See you at our house in a few minutes. Don't be long."

"Oh, I don't think so, Larson. Not if there's a chance Z is going to do this. Keep her warm for me." Tom had made his decision, too.

I closed the door behind Z and walked around to get in the driver's side and started the car. "It's called cuckolding," Z said as the car came to life. I had heard of cuckolding – I had read about it in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales – The Wife of Bath – in college. I remembered it being vaguely exciting even then. Where was she going with this?

"If we do this you'll be a cuckold for the rest of your life," Z continued. "Another man will have fucked me, will have fucked your wife. You can never have it back once someone else has been inside me. I admit I've been hot for it, but I won't do this if it bothers you." I heard her, but I wasn't so sure. I was thinking it was too late already.

"I know," I answered. "I can't believe I want this, but it's amazingly hot and I do. If you do. I don't want to lose my wife over it either. I want it if you want to do it, and if it won't ruin what we have."

"You have to tell me you want it at least as much as I do," she offered. "I'm not going to have you regret it tomorrow, or ever."

"Well, do you want to do it, Z? You seem to be really hot for him. You admitted you wanted to fuck him. Can you really tell me you won't fuck him anyway, even if I change my mind now?"

Z was thoughtful for a moment. She had always been honest with me, and it was part of what I loved about her. I knew she would be truthful now. All the posturing was over – neither of us was nervous any more. Aroused, horny, hot, but not nervous. We both knew what we knew. "I can promise you that I wouldn't start it, that I won't try to seduce him. So if he leaves me alone, yes, I can promise that I won't fuck him. But I have to tell you that if he makes a pass at me and asks me to fuck him, I'm pretty sure I would let him; I wouldn't be able to say no."

"Pretty sure?" I asked. I wasn't hedging. I just didn't want her to back down, and I probably wouldn't have believed she could have, but I did want to hear her say it.

"I'm sure, Larson. Even if we back out of it tonight, I'm going to fuck him if he asks me to." There was no hesitation now. "It's just about certain now. You've told him I want to fuck him, and that's true. And he wants to fuck me or he wouldn't have decided to go home with us. So he's going to try now, if not tonight, some other day this week at the house, when we're there alone. And when he does I'm going to let him have me. I want him to fuck me. You've sort of set this up, you know, by making him aware that I was interested. And now I know I want to do it, that I will do it, and I hope you want me to now, because it's going to happen. Your only choices are whether it happens tonight, and whether or not you get to see it."

"I want you to fuck him tonight, Z, in front of me. If I get to watch you do it I'll be part of it. I just hope you can love me while you're fucking him."

Z was silent for a moment. "Yes. I love you, Larson. And I don't love Tom. I won't ever fall in love with him. But I do want to fuck Tom. And tonight I want to fuck him more than I want to fuck you. If we do it tonight you can be there to watch, but you need to know that I'll be thinking of him fucking me, of his cock inside me, and I'll cum for him, too, not for you. I'll still love you afterwards, but when he's inside me I'll be his woman, and my cunt will be his cunt. You won't really be a part of it while he's fucking me, except to watch. And I'm willing to talk to you about it afterwards, to tell you the truth about how it felt, how I felt, and I already know that will hurt you, because I want him inside me so unbelievably much, more than I've ever wanted anything, more than I've ever wanted you inside me. I can't help myself. Will you be OK with seeing that?"

"I think so," I answered. "It's what I hoped to hear; it's what I want."

She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek – it was the first really affectionate thing she had done to me that whole evening. "I said I'd do it for you. Now I'm going to do it for Tom. I admit I'm very aroused that Tom wants to fuck me, and that makes me hot, hotter than I've ever been. So I'm going to let you do it. You can stay with us, but please don't interrupt, and no whimpering about it once he's inside me. If you're going to decide you don't want to see it happen, decide it soon, or just leave the room. If you chicken out now, I'm going to tell Tom, in front of you, that he can fuck me later this week at the house when you're not there, so it's done now, OK? You don't have to watch, but you do have to know now that I'm going to do just what we talked about last night, open up for him and be his slut. I'm going to cum for him, not for you. Do you understand? Whenever I do this, and I'm going to do it more than once, I'm his cunt until he's done. Unless he decides he doesn't want to fuck me this is going to happen tonight, and I think I can make him want to do it, don't you?"

I nodded. I was pretty sure there was no stopping it now, not tonight, not ever. I wasn't a cuckold yet, but I knew I would be now, one way or the other, and I felt it between my legs.

When we got to the house, Tom pulled up right behind us; we all got out and went inside. "Anybody want a drink?" I asked.

"I don't think that's what we're thinking about right now, any of us, is it Tom?" Z answered. Tom shook his head. "Let's go upstairs to the bedroom." We followed Z as she climbed the staircase. She went into the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed, hands on her hips and legs shoulder width apart and faced us as Tom and I came into the room.

"If you want this to happen in front of you, Larson, maybe you better show both me and Tom." I looked at her not knowing quite what she meant, but she glanced down toward her skirt and made a barely perceptible thrust forward with her hips.

I figured it out. I went over to her, squatted down at her feet and took the hem of her skirt in both hands. I gazed up at her, looking for confirmation that I had understood her, and she cocked her head as if to say, "Well?" and then she looked at Tom. I looked over my shoulder at him and saw that he was rapt, cock bulging in his pants. I stood up and took Z's skirt with me, raising it over her hips in one movement. She took the gathered material from me in her hands and pulled it on top of her hips. Her nostrils flared, and her throat and the part of her chest that were visible reddened. She adjusted her stance slightly to spread her legs apart a few more inches and pushed her hips out in a provocative pose. We stood there for what seemed like forever but must have been only a couple of seconds. I put my hand on her left nipple and pinched it a little through her blouse and camisole. She exhaled sharply but kept her gaze steadily on Tom.

"Let him do that if he wants to," she said. I beckoned to Tom and he stepped forward to put his hand on her breasts to fondle them through the soft material. It was electric. This was no accidental brush – I had just watched another man feel my wife's tits. In front of me. At her invitation. My cock was ready to explode.

Now Z turned her head and looked right at me. "If you want to watch this, sit down. " I did. "And Tom, put your fingers up inside me and do this. I'm doing my part." She was. She was doing what I had asked for and it was up to Tom to do the rest. Tom didn't need to be asked again. He squatted down in front of Z and in one motion his hand was up the leg of her loose-fitting tap pants. I could hear the liquid sound as his fingers entered her vaginal opening. "Unnhhhh," she moaned softly. It had started. Z was doing it. Tom was going to do it. My wife was going to let another man fuck her in front of me. I thought again of the word she had used: she was going to make me a cuckold.

Tom fingered her vagina softly, his fingers making a light sliding sound as they went in and out of her parted labia. Z moved her feet a little further apart and squatted a tiny bit to give him better access. Now she was thrusting her hips forward slightly with each stroke of his hand to help him penetrate her. Her head went down on her chest and she let out a low moan, rocking with each gentle movement he made. Tom took his fingers out of her and put them up to his nose, sniffing the scent of her sex into his nostrils, and then to his lips, licking her wetness off his fingers. Z took the opportunity of the interruption of his ministrations to her cunt to reach down and strip off her blouse and camisole. She was standing in front of both of us with her tits exposed, her nipples erect. Tom looked up at them and that was enough for him to take her red silk tap pants and pull them down over her hips to the floor.

Z stepped out of the lingerie Tom had removed. She was nude now except for her red garter belt and black stocking and heels, hips thrust forward to display to Tom her downy brown pubic hair, the moisture from her pussy dripping down her inner thighs. She was the picture of everyone's favorite kinky pose. Z was always wet when we made love, but she was positively dripping now. She looked over at me, "Is this what you want?" she asked. She didn't see me nod my assent because Tom had stood up and had taken her in his arms and was kissing her.

"It's sure what I want," he said. He looked back at me. "Thanks for letting me fuck your wife." And then to Z, "Be a good girl, Z, and open up. I really want to do this." Z responded by opening her mouth for his tongue, giving him hers, arching her back.

"Me too," she said when he paused for a second, "I want to do it, too," and then opened for his tongue again. Tom fondled her tit as he frenched her deeply, pinching her nipple, and it evoked the response I was used to, the soft moan, the open acceptance. In a minute Tom reached down and unbuckled his pants. Z sensed it and dropped down on one knee, finished the job of undoing his belt, and wasted no time in hauling down his pants and underwear as Tom kicked off his shoes. His cock sprang out in front at full mast. His cock was about the same size as mine, and he was as hard as I was at that moment. The head of his penis oozed clear, sticky, lubricating precum. She looked up at me from her vantage point down by his penis, and held my gaze as she licked up the sweet discharge on the end of his cock and then closed her eyes and took his whole member in her mouth as far as it would go.

She didn't ask, and there was no teasing, just as she had promised. She was giving him the kind of blowjob she had given me so many times, licking and sucking with abandon, and I could see Tom was ready to go off. Z always swallowed when I came in her mouth, and I was starting to say something to her to warn her that Tom's cock was unsheathed when I remembered her admonition not to interrupt them. But I need not have worried about him cumming in her mouth because she sucked him for only a couple of minutes before it was too much for Tom; he reached down, took her under the arm, raised her to her feet, and maneuvered her back to the bed, where he pushed her gently down on her back. She scooted to the middle and, without any hesitation or prompting, opened her legs wide, putting her arms over the insides of her knees and pulling herself open. Her sex gaped open, pink and sopping wet. It was wetter than I'd ever seen it – with her vaginal secretions dripping onto her inner thighs and into the cleft of her anus. Her labia were completely visible and wide open, and there was an open hole where her labia parted revealing the inside of her vagina. She was so ready for Tom's cock her vagina had dilated wide to accept him and she was completely exposed. She had done just what I had asked, and now my wife was displaying herself for Tom. She was splayed open, ready and willing to be fucked by another man. I didn't know who was more aroused among the three of us, but it would have been hard to be hotter than I was at that moment. Tom's head went between her legs and his tongue lapped at the sweet liquid from inside her cunt. I could hear, rather than see, his tongue licking, probing, tasting her labia, and I saw him move his face down lower and flick her anus.

"Oh, God," Z exhaled. "Do it now, Tom. Come be in me." Tom raised his head up and moved into position between Z's legs. I tapped him on the shoulder without a word to get his attention. Z shot me a look, but I reached into my pocket and took out one of the condoms I had bought earlier that day in case this happened, held it up for her to see, and handed it to Tom, who took it and nodded.