
2022 April 2022

I’m back! Every time I start writing again this webpage changes and I have to figure it out again. Okay, that makes me sound old. But it is what it is. LOL. You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to figure out how to change this biography. And I’m embarrassed to say. Ha!

But I am writing again. Writing to me does two things: it titillates me as I’m thinking about putting characters in various situations, and it helps quiet the characters’ voices in my head. All characters want is to get their stories written down. So that’s what I try to do.

Anyway, I work all day and then come home to write. It’s what I love and have always loved. Hopefully the creative dam will stay open because for long periods it will close and the characters will go quiet. But for now the stories in my head are noisy and that’s a good thing because as I said, I love to write. Hopefully you enjoy my stories as much as I’ve enjoyed creating them.




Author Stats

14 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
34My Favorites
16My Comments
3Series Published

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June 4


Writing, Music



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