• Authors
  • julybear7


70+ y.o. widower. As a writer, I tend to count on the intelligence and knowledge of the reader. Rarely am I disappointed.

A writer has two functions in a story:
as a guide to show you the trail--the development of the plot and to introduce the people in the tale;
and to entice you to follow along, perhaps even lead, as the tale is told.

If I have done my job, and you are still with me at "my conclusion," then you know how the tale ends. If I have really done my job well, then your ending will be the same as mine, even tho' i might not spell it out.

If your ending is not the same as mine, i am sure it is just as satisfying for you as the one i had planned, and I see no reason to disappoint you.

Recently saw a poster on Facebook with which i totally agree---If i can make one person laugh, or pee their pants a little, then my day is not wasted.



Author Stats

14 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
39My Favorites
22My Comments
11Series Published

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