
Writer's Note

This is designed to provide information, while not being a story-line spoiler. So, you may read it without removing the element of surprise that sometimes pervades chapters of this story. Reading this won't spoil your fun, fascination, disdain, or anger a single bit.

I wanted to get this story out of my head where is has resided for more than a decade. I also had another purpose in this storytelling. I have always wanted to write a different kind of Incest Story. I wanted a story that wasn't just a chapter-based fantasy, but a complex tale with some exploration of the effects of incest on a group of people.

This story isn't a pure incest fantasy. It is probably more accurately described as a 'Coming-of-Age' tale. The two central characters are Nicole (Nikki) and MacKenzie (Mac). They are both eighteen at the start of the story.

Like all coming-of-age stories, the young characters are in search of the knowledge and experience that will help them make the passage into 'adulthood'. In this story, the fathers, Jack and Spencer, are the epicenter of their ever widening adventures and investigations.

If you ever feel lost, find out what is happening to the two girls because this is really their story. Like a rope or tapestry, every thread plays an important part (I hope) in the story. Many (not all) of the chapters or threads can be read as freestanding stories. But, the way they link and twist into strands of a broader story line are the point if this tale.

The setting is early summer. The events of the story start after their high school graduation at the end of May, and the story concludes on the 4th of July weekend. This is a total of seven and a half weeks.

Every waking moment of life and of this story is not necessarily about incest. Life has to go on. There's a living to be earned, marriages to manage, jobs to balance. In this story, the dads are Family Practice Attorneys. They have a new client who is involved in incest with his daughter.

This incest case winds through the narrative of the story. It is a catalyst of sorts. It is an excuse of sorts. It is a legal riddle of sorts.

The style of this story is my own. It involves mistaken identities, family secrets revealed, family secrets concealed, good dads, bad dads, words said aloud, words whispered into the darkness, words unspoken in the minds. There are misunderstandings, misdirection, opportunities seized, and opportunities missed.

More than any other erotic genre, incest is about relationships.

Incest is about secrets. A lot of this story revolves around secrets.

For this writer, Incest is about much more than just penetration.

Incest is kind of a metaphorical black hole of lust and passion. At a certain point--an emotional event horizon-- escape becomes impossible, everyone near is drawn in by the power of the fantasy.

For this writer, incest fantasies and stories are the most emotionally and sexually involving and intimate kind of erotic writing there is. Maybe, it's because of the trust involved.

In these chapters of this story, there's a lot of spoken and unspoken internal dialogue. 'What is said' and 'What is thought' aren't always identical (just like life). Memories aren't always totally accurate. Some things get untold, or left unsaid, based on who is listening. In this story, things not said aloud are every bit as important as what is said. Some thought, but unsaid things, are more important than what is actually spoken aloud. Some things remain unspoken altogether (just like life).

In the course of the telling, there are stories and chapters with non-incest (romance, erotic couplings, interracial swapping). There are chapters (three I think) where there is little or no sex (just like life). Some of these chapters or sequences relate to the Courtroom, or pretrial antics of the lawyers. I found it difficult to create an act of incestuous sex in the physical setting of a court. Still, I believe these courtroom encounters are essential to that part of the overall story.

Here are some things I believe will help you understand the approach I'm taking with this tale:

For this writer, an erotic imagination is God's most perfect gift to humanity

For this writer, I believe, anything can be sexualized. Any setting. Most objects. The simplest of daily activities. Any other person. House, Jeep, boat, office, church, an iPhone, a shirt, a dress, a teddy bear, etc., etc., etc.

For this writer, the caress of words is as seductive as the touch of a hand, fingertip, a pair of lips, or a gentle exhalation across the tiny hairs of your skin.

Fantasies are fantasies. Real life is life. Actions in either have consequences. Not all consequences are good. Not all outcomes are happy.

But, have faith and keep reading because, I also believe in 'happy endings'.


Mexico on a boat



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Morning Wood Hence The Picture! It Is A Photo Of A Desk Drawer On The Boat. Unless Of Course You Have An Erotic Imagination.

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