
No one has any right to steal and publish any of my writing in sections or in entirety. Anyone I find doing so I will pursue legal action.

Currently working on a second part to Captivating Sin. I write as a hobby. I have never had and will never have any incest relations. I write fiction. Filthy, taboo, guilty-pleasure fiction. Umm on a side note: I don't exist for you to email me about having sexual relations with your family members at young ages. This disturbs me and I would prefer you didn't share these things with me. Thank you.

Also, don't email me and demand nude photos. This won't happen. I am here to write and share. Not to expose my body to you.

I welcome your comments both good and bad on the stories where everyone can read them. I will leave them (even the mean ones). You may say whatever you wish about me and my work. However, what I won't do is become upset by mean or negative comments left anonymously or childishly. I can't take such seriously. Constructive criticism is more than welcome and will be heard and taken to heart.

An observation I have made...when I get truly nasty comments on my stories (almost always made anonymously of course) they always tend to be on stories where I have included a male/male gay theme. Makes me wonder if it's all homophobic people leaving said comments. Food for thought. And with that thought I always imagine them jacking (I think most are males) or jilling off furiously to the story before feeling ashamed and leaving a nasty comment to make themselves feel better. :D

In light of recent Lit Events I am extending a challenge to the homophobic readers. Please show me some rules and regulations for Lit where it states that the Incest and Taboo category can only have heterosexual incest and taboo sex stories. If you can link this to me I will gladly move my stories to the gay male category and post accordingly from now on. :D

Thank you for reading. xo



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