
Please note that I have turned off anonymous feedback. This is not because I don't want feedback, it is because if you're not brave enough to give me your name when you discover you dislike something that upsets your world view then I'm sorry, I'm not interested in hearing your complaints.

Discussion is one thing, constructive criticism another. Trying to force your own views down my throat without giving me a right to reply or even bothering to tell me your name is where I draw the line.

These are STORIES. Some are about things that happen to me, mostly they are fiction or fictitious accounts of stuff I have experienced.

If you find yourself empathising with a character, then it means I'm a good writer, capable of inducing that emotion in you. It doesn't mean these people really exist or that you need to stand up for them or express your disgust to me at their behaviour or treatment. And frankly if you can't tell the difference between a character in a story and real life, you're so much better off in front of the TV watching your daytime "stories".

Oh, and thank you for your religious advice. Since I tend to keep my own counsel on my own religion, I'll thank you to do the same on yours.

Shadow Whisper



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