
Stories by LustyLovers

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Erotica writers meet for naughty Christmas party.

H 4.75 43.4k 2 11 5

Halloween Costume leads to lust.

H 4.76 177.6k 70 28 87

A Christmas gift changes her life forever.

H W 4.79 153.2k 50 13 72

Couple shows their lust for each other. (AUDIO)

4.27 84.5k 4 2 5

A cemetery, a blizzard, & a ghostly lover who saves her.

by LustyLovers
NonHuman 05/12/2001
H 4.74 43.2k 9 9 11

A warlock, a curse, & an innocent maiden collide in Ireland.

by LustyLovers
NonHuman 05/11/2001
H 4.65 46.8k 10 4 12

Her last breath at the hands of a vampire.

by LustyLovers
NonHuman 05/11/2001
3.75 27.7k 5 4 7

Sexy phone romp is almost to hot to handle.

4.22 55.1k 4 3 6

Vision from his youth brings him to a crumbling castle.

by LustyLovers
NonHuman 05/04/2001
H W 4.67 99.1k 35 12 46

Out-of-body experience gives Cyber-Lovers an unforgettable evening.

by LustyLovers
NonHuman 05/04/2001
H 4.7 39.9k 4 2 7