All Comments on '3 Coins in the Fountain'

by StangStar06

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frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 8 years ago
Oh boy!

It's been a while, but let's dust this one off. Not actually going to read this, because why would anyone read 10 pages of the exact same story stang has been pumping out again and again for years, but I will predict what happens in it. And I'll do it by copy/pasting my predictions from his last several stories, since I want to put in exactly as much work and creativity as he does to each of these....

"Perfect husband

Wife who loves him more than life itself

Wife who cheats for absolutely no reason at all, even one that she can give herself

Husband finds out, dumps her, immediately everyone in town takes his side and wife becomes a total pariah

Wife realizes she was wrong and begs forgiveness, because lover was never as good as her husband anyway and her husband is perfect and wonderful and does nothing wrong ever

Husband finds new, hotter, younger woman who immediately falls in love with him and declares her undying devotion to him, everyone including wife's family are happier with this than they were with husband and wife being married and agree she's a better woman.

Wife is miserable forever, because a divorced woman is considered worthless in our society and no one will ever date her or give her a job or take any kind of pity on her ever again. Unless husband decides to do so himself, because again he is perfect and wonderful and generous and literally everyone agrees he was too good for her from the start now. Even their children hate the wife now and never forgive her or speak to her again

Husband may or may not also want to fuck his daughter. This part is optional.

It's so obvious that he's desperately trying to rewrite his own divorce that I can't decide if it's sad or funny."

Now, no one tell me if I'm right or wrong. Because a) I've read enough of his stories to know I'm right, and b) I don't care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It was too long

Just kidding, but a good editor would have cut about half of it. Same old song and dance. Think it's time to hang up the spurs, partner. Nothing fresh or interesting about this. Just the same tired old plot. Couldn't get past page three and sorry I didn't quit before then. Been there, done that. It was great the first couple of times. After 5000, it's just tired.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 8 years ago
Have to agree with the other comments.

Unfortunately ss6 keeps writing the same story but with different characters.

The men are always so perfect and end up with a much hotter and better version of the ex, it has become boring and not worth the time to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Made a wish

I made one too, I wished that this author would write a different story. Guess that didn't work out. Change the names and plug them in. By the numbers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I quite like it.

Its a fun read and compensation for all the stories that seem to degrade marriage in some ways.

looking4itlooking4itabout 8 years ago

@FLC write a story of your own before going on a diatribe about someone else's work.

@swedishmeatball or whatever...then don't read his stories. Stick to Dick and Jane books that better fits your time and/or intellect.

What made this longer than others is the details about racing. Showed an expertise or interest by SS06. Typical of his stories? Yes, it surely is. Stereotypical? Not necessarily. While the SS06 basics are there the details and the telling make it something different.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
To the other whiners...I mean, um, posters...

Here's the thing: unlike some writers here whose catharsis for their bad marriages and divorces is to write BTB or even reconciliation stories where the wife really does "get it" and desperately tries to make it up to their poor betrayed husbands, StangStar is merely doing what they tell you to do when you start to write, and that is to write what you know. Stang really is living the dream now, so bitch all you want, ladies, he's a happy camper, and you can try, but I don't think you can shit on his parade!

elHosedelHosedabout 8 years ago
Another fun read...

...from one of the best writers on this site.

As for the commenters... seriously? What is wrong with you people? I don't go to every Wife-Swap/Cuckold story and spew venomous crap at them even though I find the very concept repulsive. Hell, even if I don't like the plot of tales I do read, I still try and post something constructive about the writing, inconsistencies in the character development, etc.

The stuff below though... why even write for this audience if this is how you treat the authors?

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

this answer is just too EZ.....TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Sorry Stang but this was a difficult read.

If you're going to write about Europe, then do a bit of research first. A beginner driving a formula one car in a race? That's like the ten year old you mentioned playing at the Super Bowl. A fifteen year old F1 car for testing? Get real. Those cars change hands for millions of pounds. I have and occasionally still do race on a circuit, with some modest success, and racing cars, even the saloon racers that I drive are so different from street cars that it's hard to describe, and the way you drive them bears little resemblance to what you do in your everyday car, whether it's a supercharged Jaguar or a modified Abarth 500. (Yes, I'm very lucky). I've actually tried out a formula 2 car and it was intimidating to say the least, and that's not a F1 car. Plus Europeans do not speak like americans but with a few anglicised words thrown in. Probably quite a good story, but simply couldn't get into it. Sorry!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I see all of these people piss and moan about Stang stories and I always check to see if any of these commenters have contributed any stories. Very few have and the reason for that is that their imagination matches the size of their balls. These commenters are too chickenshit to put it all out there and expose that soft spot to the world for possible redicule. What pussies.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
This is @SS06 all along...

This is @SS06 all along...A good story, long because he likes to show all the characters flaws and virtues, all their thoughts...good writting, mustangs, deceivings, selfishness and then consequences...All the story could be summarized in the last page, in the jogging track final rencounter...3*

CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
Classic 'Stang !

Oh all the wringing of hands and all the gnashing of teeth , Stang uses another similar plot , oh the humanity !

Big fuckin deal. McDonald's sells millions of Big Mac's every year. Cambells sells billions of cans of soup every year. Ford motor company has sold millions of Mustangs since '65 . My point , people like what they like. Got a great product , then there will be a market for it.

I will explain my taste in LW through the metaphor of food.

Occasionally I like to treat my lady and I to a fancy 5 course gourmet experience , in LW terms that equals a great Rehnquist story.

If I want a great cheesesteak , then a great HDK story. (sorry HDK , but that's the only Pennsylvania food I could think of)

Some nice Carolina Bar-B-cue , that's a slow cooked qhml1 special.

Something exotically spicy and hot , well what's spicier and hotter than a BlackRandl1958 sex scene ! ( I'm serious, she has the hottest sex scenes period!)

Sometimes I like to throw a shrimp on the Barbie , crack a cold Fosters and enjoy a great Vandemonium1 tale.

Sometimes , a nice big old fresh lobster from the icy waters of Maine , well then that's a Mainefiddlehead story.

And then their are times when you just want some good old American comfort food. One of my personal favorites is a nice Meatloaf dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and nice baby peas with some homemade yeast rolls and real butter. That is a StangStar06 story to me. I love this meal , and I want it often. Nuff said.


P.S. their are a lot more authors who's works I enjoy, but I just couldn't place them with a food item.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Too many extranious details

This was so bloated with crap that had nothing to do with the story I just gave up. A great story could be ten pages long. For this to be great, you needed to get rid of about seven of them. Have to give it a three just based on the sheer number of words, I guess

SidheWitchSidheWitchabout 8 years ago
Another winner

I just love the way you paint your characters, I really can see these people and feel connected. I especially loved how you really got into Maddie's narcissistic behavior without having the counselor spell it out, we see it and we know she's a hot mess, which makes Maria so much more irresistible.

I do have a request: would you please revisit your RAB and Star City worlds, I still want to know more from those survivors... please?

whirlwind_66whirlwind_66about 8 years ago
Old wine , even the bottle is not new ...

The same old story ...a pathetically stupid wife ....a pathetically loving husband and the redeeming woman at last .....Stang simply wastes his writing prowess on his old theme again and again ...would love to see him write something which moves and shakes our feet and heart out of this world ..! I know Stang is quite capable of pulling this one ....

hansbwlhansbwlabout 8 years ago
I fail to understand

that it should be necessary to write about the sluts already covered by JPB? With his abt 800 stories he has covered them all, America is not big enough to have more such super sluts!

PS I dropped off after page 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Couldn't finish

Too long, and too predictable, I made it to page 2.

Slut loves him more than life itself and just CANT keep her legs closed. Guy finds a new girl right away and drive off into the sunset in a Mustang. Change names, settings, how bad she cheats on him, and how much Hotter the new girl is.

Stang, change the storyline up a little?

wonder203wonder203about 8 years ago

I read all the whining about "the same old story" etc. but you write very well and your stories flow like not many others here. I enjoy every one of your stories and the Mustang characters you write about.

Thank you for taking the time to entertain all of us that enjoy reading a well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I can't read your stories any more

The same old stupid wife , with the same story line. You write this at least 90 % of the time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You should thank GOD that this POS annony won't read any more of your stories!!!! I Wish this fool would go some place else and read! I gave you a5 to help offset his old ugly fat fag comment.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 8 years ago
To the

Fucking morons having a go at me.

I have read all of stängs stories on this site and he is one of my favourite authors BUT he does himself a disservice by writing the same story repeatedly.

He has more then enough talent to mix it up.

But if the fucking neanderthals cannot grasp this basic concept and enjoy reading the same story endlessly then so be it.

Any idiot that tells someone here not to read an authors stories has a long overdue appointment with a razorblade and a bottle of pills.

As to someones nationality, if you go down that path of insults it just proves that your parents really should have abstained from fucking.

jacsrjacsrabout 8 years ago
One of Many Great Story

As usual you write the best darn stories, always love them and reread them many times. Keep em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It always happens

StangStar writes a story and the cuckold retards like frontlinecaster comes out of the woodworks bitching about violations of their safespaces. Here's a clue to all you fucking idiots. It isn't StandStar fault that all of you have 2 inchs dicks, that none of you can sustain an erection longer than 30 seconds, and that all of you are excited when your's wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/aunt/daughter gets satisfied by a real man. That's why all of you want nothing but bull/cuckold stories that only go half a page, that's as long as you can last and the fact that all of you are retards you can't grasp reading a cartoon story longer than half a page means we have to put of with your shit each and every time a good author writes a story that doesn't adhere to you perverts. So go back to something you're good at like sucking dicks and shut the fuck up when StangStar writes us a great story.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 8 years ago

No one is actually challenging what I said, just jumping to blindly defend stang. Sounds about right. He's a lazy hack, but he gives the angry, bitter, lonely old men and the women haters what they want, so no one is allowed to ever point out his obvious rehashing of the same story again and again.

If people, rightly, criticize Matt Moreau and xleg for writing the same story again and again and again why is stangstar above reproach? Take out your reflexive need to defend btb authors and ask yourself what's actually different about him from authors like that?

ejsathomeejsathomeabout 8 years ago
Even Though it is Somewhat Predictable . . .

. . . I love your stories. They are exceedingly well-written, and I enjoy them immensely. I am amazed at the anger, vitriol, and intensity of some of the comments - what is wrong with people? In any case, I've given you 10* to offset some of the undeserved nastiness. Thank you very much for your fine writing.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilabout 8 years ago
I'll try again later

Started reading and got to the point where she complained about how her fuckbuddies treated her and had to give up. Just too much of the same stupid wife character that seems so loved in this forum. " Oh he makes me so mad! Let's fuck."

I would score it a generous two at this point but want to me fair. If I can stomach reading the rest, I'll score it then.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
Thank you Stang for another great story

This first wife was pretty calm compared to some of Stang's characters - not really psychotic, just narcissistic. I liked the racing parts and Marie's character. Excellent five star entertainment!

TrtrolesTrtrolesabout 8 years ago
Master is back

Finally you are back. Once again great story. Five stars.

Take care

RTnTNRTnTNabout 8 years ago
Another 5 stars

Thank you for another great story. I think that I prefer your longer stories. It gives you a chance to develop more plot and better characters. Like many others here, always awaiting your next story. Thanks again, SS06

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
same old same old

I knew after the first paragraph what the ending would be. The same as almost all of your stories. Well written and paced but i have read the same thing 100 times before in all your other works. "selfish bitch wife breaks perfect guys heart. Tries to get him back while not really changing. Perfect husband finds perfect supermodel new wife, has perfect kids and live perfectly. Ex wife sad and jealous. The End"

You are a good writer but you need to stretch every now and then.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Kind of fun, kind of lame, and kind of predictable.

First off, any married couple that splits up so one can go on an extended vacation in foreign countries is pretty weak to begin with. Can you say selfish much? Of course any plot that's based on lack of or miscommunication is lame from the start. Why couldn't he tell her he was going to race cars? How does not answering his phone and text messages help her deal with her contrived anger? How come he didn't call her mother if he couldn't make contact with his wife? Then the whole issue of losing contact with Maria, for a year, because, oh my gawd, they forgot to exchange telephone numbers, or email addresses? Really? They don't know each others names, or what towns they live in, and of course don't know how to Google the weather, much less each other? Wow, just argued your 4 down to a 3; not sorry.

Then we quickly slipped into a Martian Slut Ray character morph. Ten years the loyal wife and suddenly she can't get enough cock from all comers. Then we have the life-long poison slut/friend plot device, who leads her into the lifestyle of the unmarried whore. All we are missing is the kids with unknown DNA donors. You really did a number on this female character. Might as well have given her AIDS from one of her fuck buddies, which she passes on to Nancy while exploring her girl on girl freak.

And it only took ten pages! What are you trying to prove, that you are no better than the 90% of crumb writers on this sight? You are soooooo much better than this.

What happened?

foolscapfoolscapabout 8 years ago
Wash, rinse, repeat, and repeat, and repeat...

...with car stuff and stereotypical bimbos inserted. Others will love it and it's great that you entertained them. Ignore FLC, his comments are far more repetitive than your stories and your stories have gotten pretty repetitive.

4 pages too long.

Several nice turns of phrase. Female characters formulaic.. they write themselves, including maria. Just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Glad to read a new story! Thanks for sharing.

Jack99Jack99about 8 years ago

What's different? His stories are entertaining. They're not all cuck-loving bullshit. And I like them, and I'm not a divorced bitter old man. I'm happily married (and so is my wife! haha, or so I believe <g>).

Thanks for the story, Stang!

bruce22bruce22about 8 years ago
I agree with GatorHermit

That the best parts are the racing (pure fantasy) and Marie (a dream). Also I plead

guilty to skimming, something I rarely do. both the characters and dialogue fail to evolve.

BigGuy33BigGuy33about 8 years ago
5 stars

An instant StangStar classic!!

SgtmjrSgtmjrabout 8 years ago
That's Entertainment

AHHHHH come one people. My wife and I really enjoy your work. We find it entertaining. I find the subject matter and style of writing enjoyable. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

And for all you nay Sayers, If you don't like the story--Don't read it. As for my lady and myself, you keep writing and we will keep reading them.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 8 years ago

5 stars. I wish I could give it more...

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 8 years ago
Another gem by one of my favorite authors.

I felt sympathy for the Reid character. I liked the outcome and the conclusion.

The best guy lost a bit but ended up winning so much more.

Oh, Yeah...the racing part...that was cool too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Hello frontlinecuckster...

Didn't you write this in your comment " Now, no one tell me if I'm right or wrong. Because a) I've read enough of his stories to know I'm right, and b) I don't care."

U seem to be spending a lot of time and effort on the comment section of a story you claim you haven't read.

If you couldn't be bothered with that, they why the fuck should anyone else waste their time explaining to you why you are wrong?? Still I'll write down the reasons why I think you are wrong. Just because I think you are a major asshole and I hate every comment of yours I am unfortunate enough to come across. You come off like a dumb pathetic cunt(which I hope is an intentional effort by you to appear as an asshole)..

The wife cheats because she was drunk and angry the first time.

No one else was involved in their divorce.

She doesnt become a pariah, because the reasons for the divorce isnt public.

The lover was better than the husband at least in the sex dept.

The new girl and the husband dont get together till after a year from the divorce.

The ex wifes family doesnt meet the new woman for years and no opinion of theirs was entertained.

Wife isnt miserable, she dates plenty. she has a decent job and works until she gets fired for her stupid actions..

Husband doesnt care enough about the ex to spend any amount of resources on her.

They had no kids.

Btw every author has a formula, and there are only so many ways you can write a lw story where you dont intend to make the man a wimp.. Stang's stories are about moving on and not dwelling on the past and crying about shit that happened to you. Its about having some self respect and not letting others treat you like shit. Its about hoping for a better future. I have read all of his stories and I have rated them everthing from a 1to a 5. Depending on that particular instance of his format..

And fyi xleg apparently is still writing about the same characters doing the exact same thing. Matt is bashed by ppl because his characters are complete doormats and no matter the situation they always behave in the exact same manner.

And that kind of behavior is not normal, at least in a mentally healthy person..


AhazuraAhazuraabout 8 years ago

StangStar, I enjoy the hell out of your stories. Thanks for writing and please keep posting because I think you have a lot of fans like me out there. I had a rant against the haters typed out but I remembered that old saw about wrestling with a pig. So I just hope everyone has a great day!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Boilerplate and precitable

Could done without all the motorhead, gear spinner fluff buy I realize that's your gig. Painfully formulaic, knew where we were going from green flag to checkered flag.

I see your tasteless, jaded sycophants have pumped up your numbers. I've read all your works, and I can assure you that ..... ah, never mind.

One ☆ for boring me and unimaginative plot. Mustangs. SMH.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great read

Thank you for another great read. I thoroughly enjoy your stories. There is plenty to laugh and cry about. Just a ton of fun. Please keep writing and I promise to keep on reading. SJS.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago

I am one of those people who wishes that he could enjoy this author. He is a great writer with a broad imagination. If you disagree then check the stories like Chrissie, or the one where the daughter travels back in time. These concepts are wildly imaginative.

There is always a but though.

Stang's character development sucks. Not so much the devopement, because he develops the hell out of them. But they are the EXACT SAME ONES that he has developed hundreds of times. I think that is what most people complain about. Every author has a formula, but Stang uses the same characters in all of his stories. There is no variety in them. The ex wife and the new girlfriend are always the same women. Their personalities are always the same. This makes for a frustrating read.

This is his major weakness. In my opinion, Stang has what it takes to be the very best author on this site by far. That includes all of the greats. But his Achilles Heel keeps him from soaring.

I keep reading because I want to like you so much stang, just like I want to like xleglover. But both of you have the same curse. You both are two great writers who stunt their own growth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

always, always, always whining and always, always, always ranting and always, always, always repeating the same two tired moronic lines...

what do you expect to accomplish, little girl? do you fell less frustrated, less useless, trolling like a retard every day?

go on, little shit, don't worry. we understand.

PairadoxPairadoxabout 8 years ago
Thank you

I always appreciate another good yarn from your keyboard. Note to some of the other commenters - I bet you don't like it when someone is murdered in a murder mystery either, huh? There is a reason why stories in the same genre have a similar style and subject matter. It's because that's the definition of "genre"...

HatsudaHatsudaabout 8 years ago
Welcome Back!

I missed your well composed stories!

ontheroadforeverontheroadforeverabout 8 years ago
Welcome Back!!!

Good stuff, as always, man...try not to stay gone so long!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well, it's no mustang

More like a 1985 Crown Vic with bald tires and plenty of rust. Eventually, the old girl has to go to the crusher. At some point, this author ran our of gas. He's been pushing this same old rust bucket down the road for a few years now. I have no idea how this clunker has any wheels. There must be a lot of nostalgia for the days when it was a police cruiser. Give the old thing a break, old timer. It's time for the salvage yard. There's no way this deserves more than a high three. It's all paint and underneath there's a lot of rust and bondo.

dissmissdissmissabout 8 years ago
long stories only work if ....

....... they keep the reader entertained. I was not disappointed.

I dont know anything about racing, or even cars for that matter, but I was easily able to follow and enjoy those parts of the story.

There was something for everyone in this tale.

With friends like Nancy, who needs enemies !

You would think Maddie would realise her mistake after that first session, but no, she just went and carried on, with Nancy encouraging her every step of the way. Stupid woman.

I loved the romance between Reid and Maria. It was beautifully written, I could feel the sexual desire pulling them together, and the emotions keeping them apart. Delicious.

Great stuff .... an easy 5*

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago

You have her regretting the first druken experience, wigging out when she realizes the guys wouldn't kiss her, getting angry with her friend for talking her into the sex, and then not really being able to apologize to her husband or express regret. The "it's just something I had to do" defense didn't seem to fit. It was like two characters. The wife you described at the beginning seemed to not really want to cheat (even though for a moment she gets into it before coming to her senses and kicking the guys out), and even seemed remorseful. The wife you described after her husband came home fell into all the traditional excuses (it was just sex, I had to get it out of my system, etc,). Given how you originally characterized her, I expected her to tell him it was the worst experience of her life, she regretted it, and was truly sorry. You had her reluctantly apologizing and even defending her actions.

enjayemenjayemabout 8 years ago
First time

Stangster, this is the first time your ending has ever dissappointed me. It just sort of... well... ended. The meeting in the park is a bit of a contrivance, Deus ex machina if you like, as if you ran out of time or ideas to finish it properly.

Still gave it 4* 'cause it's a good yarn, if a little long. (Sorry, couldn't resist that :) )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Do you ever wonder what makes a reader come back again time after time complaining you write the same story over and over? It would seem that they got you pegged but yet they can't help themselves to go right to the comment section without reading the story and tell others what to expect. Doesn't this seem strange?

Oh, well, that seems to be normal for loving wives. Good story. I read for entertainment and got what I needed. To be entertained. Thanks for your contribution. (signed ML)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

No offense, but you can't write women worth a shit. I kept thinking Maddie was a dude.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartabout 8 years ago

Not stang's best by any means but still heads shoulders and torsos over any of the disgusting crap that passes for posts on here recently. Thanks ss06.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
Stang Stories

Okay, Stang's stories tend to follow a formula. That's not exactly a state secret!

If you don't care for that there is a very simple solution - DON'T READ THEM!

Those of us that do will read them, and comment on what we liked and didn't like about them. Because, despite the "formula" the stories ARE different, and some we like, some we don't and some are somewhere in between.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilabout 8 years ago
For sbrooks103S

I do read SS06's stories and enjoy them to a limited extent. The "formula" does bother me because it seems such a lazy copout. What bothers me more is the failure to even try to depict or evoke real, genuine emotion. I can recall only one or two of his stories that attempt to do that. Those authentic emotions, either on the part of the husband or the wife or better both, are the primary reason LW stories appeal to me. So SS06's failure, usually, to try and capture them disappoints me.

Notice I say disappoints, not enrages or disgusts. The vitriol a lot of commenters spout do those things.

You seem to suggest if a person doesn't like every aspect of this author's work they should not read it and if they read they should not comment. Why should this be so? Most hobbyists want to improve. I think reaching deep and trying to depict the gamut of authentic emotions cheating and intimate relations arouse would make this author more appealing than the "formula". So I bring the subject up. That doesn't mean I want to rain on your parade.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It's the people that don't make comments that tell the story.

Do you see HiV, Slamdawgg, FD45, or any good writer making any comments here? They follow the policy of not saying anything when they have nothing good to say. Stang can depend on the usual suspects to make the usual comments. The commenters that think, or hope, they can insult Stang into some creativity need to study history. It ain't gonna happen. He was a great husband married to a thick woman that shit all over his saintliness and he must have revenge, over and over and over. Part of that revenge is driving his pony. Accept that he's hung up on this and his shrink is making no progress.

Vandemonium1Vandemonium1about 8 years ago
Longest story I've read here

and I did so because you write well. Even though it was 10 pages, I spotted no padding. It did see lots of romance and a perfect amount of justice.

No, you don't develop the characters as much as some people would like. I suspect you're like me and don't see the value in that.

One constructive criticism, you left us hanging on where Maddie and Nancy were going to/from when they crashed. If you told us how he knew she was playing outside the house, I missed it. Due to those flaws, I could only score you 4.99, sorry.

Although not a motor head, I found the car stuff entertaining. Unfortunately, where I live the roads have curves, so I've never owned a Mustang. Ha ha.

Please ignore the 'dismal Jimmies', keep writing what you're good at and keep entertaining us.

Well done.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

"Because he's over there cheating on me with a bunch of sleazy European whores," - How the fuck do you know that? Because that idiot Nancy says so?

"Besides, Reid doesn't ask you when he wants to do stuff. So you don't have to ask him either." - But Reid isn't fucking CHEATING!

"You're not going to be risking YOUR life or YOUR health," - Of COURSE she is! What if she gets an STD, maybe passes it on to Reid? Is she still on the Pill? What if she gets pregnant?

"But it was no more wrong than what Reid was doing." - Is she insane? Cheating on your husband is no more wrong than racing a car without telling your wife?!

"I also didn't know why all of the guys were staring at us. It made no sense. " - Are you for real? It makes PERFECT sense, they're jealous!

"I began to wonder how much of what Maddie had done was my fault."- Please let's not have this become a blame the husband tract!

"I will never understand women. She got the biggest smile on her face, but at the same time tears rolled down her cheeks" - It's perfectly obvious! She wants more than 3 days!

I know it's a Loving Wives cliche, but no good ever comes from a married woman hanging out with a single friend who sleeps around. Maybe it's okay if it's part of a larger group of friends, but not extended time on their own.

"I've worked to long and too hard on this marriage to just throw it away." - You ALREADY threw it away!

"I did ... I do," {Have kids} - Um, you just got through saying how your mothers were forcing you to have kids!

"Maria had simply stolen my life and my dreams." - She didn't STEAL anything, you threw him away.

She talked about him lying about the trip to Europe, and I guess he did lie about what he was going to be doing there, but originally they were going together, and when she dropped out he offered to skip it and SHE told him to go alone. Maybe as she said he was lying about not going, but he still made the offer, she still could have gone, and he wouldn't have raced (and met Maria!), she wouldn't have cheated, and they'd still be together!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
@ForensicFossil Re: Formula

First of all, I wasn't singling out any one commenter, I don't think you were among those complaining when I posted my comment.

Second, I am NOT suggesting that if a person doesn't like every aspect of this author's work they should not read it. I'm saying that if a writer as an aspect that is consistent and well known, and if a reader doesn't care for that aspect,that they probably shouldn't read that writer's stories, or if they do they shouldn't complain that it has that feature. They should certainly feel free to comment on other parts of the story as the mood strikes them. I happen to dislike cuckold stories, so I don't read them if I know it in advance. I don't read it, them post comments bitching about it being a cuckold story.

And I don't object to comments about ANYTHING when meant as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, it's when it's used to put down, or insult or attack that I get pissed off. Like frontlinecaster's comment at the beginning, where he stated up front that he wasn't going to read the story, then proceeded to critique it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
What I'd love SS06 to write.

Most of the time I enjoy your stories stang and will read them cause you write them. But I too am getting tired of the similar plot lines.

Personally I'd like to see some more stories about some of your previous characters.

Tell us the origin of Chrissy.

More on Sarah the private eye. Some of her cases she works on?

The sisters of fate and was it prudence who left and got married?

The art dealer and her husband.

Move on from cheating wives and into the romance section. Maybe the non-human with vampire hunters.

Some of the most successful authors have multiple chapters, allowing readers to bond with characters. I'm finding that I'm not bonding with characters in your story because I know I won't hear from them again unless it's a passing reference.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, critique.

cpetecpeteabout 8 years ago

Write more!

I miss the fine tales

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks for the story

I love reading ur stories ....plz keep them posting.

5 * as always .


zcapzcapabout 8 years ago

Fantastic story. I missed seeing your stories, glad to see you back.

kjohns2001kjohns2001about 8 years ago
They should have raced!

Grrrrrrr.....such a great story except that they should have raced when they met again. I had this vision of him becoming a professional racer in Europe and it just didn't happen. Of course I also wanted them to marry and have kids so all the rest was fine. Oh well, since no mention of what work he did, when they met the ex wife cheating slut whore of a bitch, I'll just pretend that he races for a living now.

stout1759stout1759about 8 years ago
***** Great *****


Loved it. Another good story by a great author. Well written. Answers most questions. Entertaining. Flows well. Well told. Mr. Fantastic.

I read each story on it's own and compare it to other authors. There are a few superstars. There are a lot of awful authors. I want the good ones to know it.

Taffbanjo2013Taffbanjo2013about 8 years ago
Great Story!

Up there with your best, Stang.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

StangStar06 I am a huge fan of your stories and I was elated to see that you wrote a new one. Please continue your writing as it is not only exciting but entertaining as well.

reader13reader13about 8 years ago
Good stuff

Good story line, well developed and believable characters. Well done, congratulations.

Taffbanjo2013Taffbanjo2013about 8 years ago
I'm glad you're back, Stang.

I've read all of your stuff several times and I was wondering what had happened to you.

Mikothebaby is still having problems with your-you're, to-too, and the usual apostrophe epidemic but these tiny flaws are in no way deal breakers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Keep it up.....

Please, more stories!

punkin1077punkin1077about 8 years ago
Keep them coming...

So happy to see you back. Can't wait to read the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good One

So glad to see a new story from you.

Lots of interest and twists and turns, up to your usual high standard.

As often happens in life, outsiders interfering in a good married couples life and destroying it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Wonderful work.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

you will die by them.. TK U MLJ LV NV even if you alter the words mlj

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
No, not another one

Standard ss06 story elements:

-wife is almost always the one who fucks up

-husband is almost always on the high road

-wife receives her comeuppance, husband lives happily ever after

-always a pretty broad at the husband's side at the end

*don't forget the mustang! no ss06 story is complete without one: even if it's just mentioned briefly or a long-winded discussion about it.

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
thanks for the great story

I liked that he was true to himself, was fair and gave her every opportunity to come clean. She was a bit over the top, but that is nothing new in this category. I too wish that you would have continued the racing sequence. They were there for the 2nd season (her 3rd) and he left on a high last year and had an exciting opportunity ahead of him/them.

I look forward to your next submission.

JetskibumJetskibumabout 8 years ago

I love Gunsmoke. The first episode aired the year I was born. Now 62 years later I still watch every episode I can. 635 episodes over 20 years, and still remains popular. I checked. It will air 57 episodes in the next 5 days.

Same story. 635 times:

Bad guy(s)/girl comes to town

Good guy/girl gets hurt/killed

Matt kills bad guy (never kills the bad girl, but she usually dies by another bad Guy's hand)

Kitty attempts but fails to seduce Matt

I and millions of others have enjoyed this formula. So why do you all take the time to bitch about SS06's formula.

Some times I find myself saying to the TV, "Come on Matt!" "Please just fuck Kitty!" I know he never will (or did), but I still enjoy the tail regardless how it resembles the one I just finished watching.

I will continue to watch Gunsmoke, stupid Batman movies, and read SS06 stories.

You bitches that complain, just include a link to your works so we can see how you did it.

Now SS06, you wanted real comments. Here are mine excellent character development. That is why formulaic formats work - great characters.

I was left wondering about Susan, and would have had more of her back story. Perhaps a spinoff?

Eroticafan8000Eroticafan8000about 8 years ago

YOUR STORIES ARE TOO FUCKING LONG, DICKFACE! This is a bad habit of yours so I wouldn't be surprised if you outright crush the cheating wife as well like you always do. No, I didn't read it. Shorten the fucker to 5 pages maximum, and then I'll read it. Cheaters deserve punishment, that's a given, but what you do to them is just flat out cruel. Shit, maybe it's just me. I haven't been in many relationships nor have I ever been cheated on, so maybe I don't understand a cheated spouse's pain. However, I'm pretty good at figuring people out. I don't pretend to know a cheated person's anger at being cheated on but I know it's going too far when a cheater is sorry for doing it. Like truly regretting their decision to cheat, yet a very painful blow is dealt to them anyway afterwards. That's just kicking them while their down and rubbing salt in the wound. You've written them to be truly regretful. I've felt their regret in many of your stories and in almost all of them, it isn't enough for the "protagonist". Yeah, they're borderline anti-hero at best. When level six pain is clearly enough, you have to pump it up to eleven. *Rant done* Learn a different writing style and shorter length stories. Honestly, I get bored halfway through your wanna-be novels.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
re: typical

What the fuck. Talk about long winded. Are you done ranting over nothing.

We get it man, you don't like this authors stories. So why the fuck are you here? 5*

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 8 years ago
Thanks for a good read!

The Hubby was living his dream, try to win a few races. I hope he wins his match by T.K.O.! Five stars.

Eroticafan8000Eroticafan8000about 8 years ago
To Anon.

Yes, I suppose it is a bit long but you should aiming that at Stang. He's REALLY long winded. How are authors gonna learn if they don't take criticism? Mine's a bit harsh, yes, but it's true. This dude loves to crush cheating spouses emotionally. To the point where they consider suicide, in fact. That's just plain mean. And he loves to ramble on about it too. He could've told the story in 5 pages, maybe less. Again, I didn't read it but I don't need to since I know his pattern.

CynfullyCynfullyabout 8 years ago
great read

If you bothered to read the authors preface and continued to read the story even though you dont like long stories than youre the idiot. If you didnt read the preface but continued with the story youre still an idiot. Dont get down on the author because you like 1-2 pagefuckfests, thats your issue not theirs. This is a well written story with believable characters even if the leading lady is a bit over the top. Its erotica not simply porn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
some of the comments are S-HIT

If you don't like the stories go fly a kite in an F5 twister? I think the story is Fantastic! Love you all! Bye. Greg. Oh 10 stars = 100 %. Bye.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Fun read but I still prefer your evil wife, like in "business", rather than the stupid ones like here.

FD45FD45about 8 years ago

Didn't they have a scene in Pulp Fiction about foot rubs and how 'innocent' they are?

Stang, would you give ME a foot rub? No? I don't blame you...Alley would kill me anyway.

That being said, to focus on a few things I liked, the comma question seems to be mostly fixed (this editor is a keeper though I didn't focus on the punctuation), I liked the fact that there was some Mustang humility (yes, there are actually faster cars on the planet. Deal with it) and I liked that this guy grew, if not as a human being, at least as a driver (though with Stangstarian aplomb, of COURSE the hero is a record setter. Because every other guy at Race Camp spends thousands of dollars to NOT learn how to drive fast, just to fuck fat chicks)

The tone in a SS story is hope. That if karma shits on you, it owes you a hotter girl and a nice car, with kids and happiness. What does it say about me that it is not my core story?

Anyway, the very day before this got posted, I was wondering where you'd gotten to. Welcome back

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
nice end

you did it again SS, good story and loved the ending. The wife and Nancy never did confess what happened in the accident(no problem) still good. Haven't seen you for a while, welcome back and keep them coming.

Tom In TX

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I'm always having special fun reading you American guys about racing fast cars etc. and going to Italy or somewhere else for experiencing some speed w/o the cops being after you. - Living in Germany, I can just kind of "invite" y'all to do your completely legal speed thing on the Autobahn: Go to the connection between Oldenburg (i.O.) and Wilhelmshaven, north-west of Bremen. There you have (for most of the trip with no speed limit at all) a straight piece of track where you can show what your cars can do. Go on Sundays after 3 am at best for absence of traffic. Just remember that slicks aren't allowed even in Germany :)

smmhomesmmhomeabout 8 years ago
underoos vesus Underoos

I had a ton of fun reading it, but I’ve got a lot of issues with this story.

Plot – Ok, like I haven’t heard this plot before: There’s a guy and a girl… and they’re in a committed relationship… and she succumbs to forbidden fruit for some stupid reason. The woman ends up feeling really bad and lives with lots of remorse. He moves on and connects with an even better woman – end of story. That plot-line sounds pretty darn familiar to me.

And let’s not forget about the faulty grammar for pete’s sake! – and why is everyone always so concerned over Pete for goodness sake – Anyway, I’m pretty certain ‘underoos’ is supposed to be capitalized!

Did I mention I had a lot of fun reading this story?

And what about maintaining the accuracy of local cultures? I’m highly skeptical that an Italian cafeteria would have bottled iced tea… a barista and killer expresso… sure, but bottled iced tea?

And what about … well, I’m not sure what to call it… but the following quote from the story just doesn’t make sense!

“… Nancy and my mom were both speechless. ‘That's why I wanted grandkids,’ said my mom.”

I’ve never seen such a verbose speechless woman in any story! To be fair, I’ve never seen any woman in any story (not counting picture books).

Did I mention I had a lot of fun reading this story?

Is this review doing a pretty crappy job of trying to be light-hearted, silly and funny? That just goes to show it’s awfully hard to do well. Thus, we might want to appreciate just how good a job StangStar06 does… when he’s doing… ‘his Stang-stuff’ in these stories.

Your tales always make me laugh while covering a topic (cheating spouses) that actually had a pretty traumatic impact on many lives. Your stories are a great form of therapy and allow me to reflect on a dark time, but walk away smiling. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your craft: entertaining as heck; funny side characters; brilliant storytelling!

Did I mention I had a lot of fun reading this story?

5 stars and favorited – Thanks Stang!

PS Were you aware that Underoos has its own wiki page? The Underoos wiki page has 13 references – that’s a lot of effort to document the history and evolution of comic-book themed underwear. Ooops – should I be embarrassed for having researched Underoos prior to writing this? FYI – they also make adult sizes now… YOLO!

Mustang88LXMustang88LXalmost 8 years ago
Ok you did the heartless stupid wife and boy scout husband thing again

And that was boring. But I liked the racing part and Maria, OMG Maria.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 8 years ago

Smmhome and FD45 have some very valid points.

SS6 is a great story writer and I do like the humour in the tales. Also there are faster cars other thzn mustangs in tbis world. For us who live in Europe we do not have the vast open space of North America. So we have to do things differently, perhaps even more efficiently to utilise what resources we have !

The only criticism I have with SS6 stories ( and is the only for me ) is the wife / GF always seems to be stupid !

The wife character will cheat for some stupid reason and believe it is ok !

Apart from that SS6 are an enjoyable read.

Keep up the good work.

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
In the spirit of racing and Ford Motor Cars

I watched Jim Clark beat Graham Hill and Lorenzo Bandini at Brands Hatch in a Galaxie 500. I was at Goodwood when Carol Shelby brought his brand new Shelby Cobra to race against Ferrari and Jaguar. Had fun as the GT40 took endurance practice at Silverstone after scandalizing the press by using the A1 and M1 for high speed testing, (they subsequently implemented speed limits). All while being the driver member of the factory rally team for Vauxhall Works. I was invited to attend the driving school at Brands Hatch and spent a magnificent month working my way up from Formula VW, Formula IV, III, II, and finally training in Formula I. Alas it all came to an abrupt end when my father had a heart attack and I was called home to assume family responsibilities.

You can see how this story might have stirred distant memories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great Story

I've read a few of your stories, this was the best so far. Thanks, I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This is the first story of yours that I have read. I will make certain to read the rest. A sure 5 star rating!

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 8 years ago
Adult voice

A very fun story. I liked the racing- getting guys slammed into walls without know it was funny. The wife was a bit too stereotyped: why no voice modulation? Too much screaming and turning off and on into a foul-mouthed harpy. What was there to love? Obviously the guy is great and gets a hotter wife in the end. Hurrah!

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 8 years ago
as a side note

I think I have discovered a video of every stangstar protagonist before he ditches the cheating wife.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

I am NOT saying you should not comment.

I am saying that your comment should not be a complaint about his "formula". Yes, he more or less has a formula; you don't approve of that; so either don't read his stories or wait till you can see in the comments that he DIDN'T use his "formula" or restrict your comments to what you did or didn't like about the story itself.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

LOL, I hadn't finished reading the old comments, saw I had already said this!

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