A Concerted Effort


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I used a rasp and sandpaper on the bottom of the shell where her breast rested and felt with my fingers until it was smooth. As I was working, Cassie trotted to the pool and dove in. She started doing some laps.

I used my router to round off the edges of the shells' rims and sandpapered them to a smooth finish.

I called to Cassie and she climbed out. She walked toward me, her small breasts bouncing slightly as water dripped from her erect nipples.

She used her hands to wipe off the excess water from her breasts and I handed her the shells.

"Ah, that feels much better."

She handed me the shells and I made a loop of string to go around her neck and two pieces that would tie around her back. We had to make several adjustments until the fit was good. I enjoyed getting it right, but enjoyed even more looking at her breasts every time she removed the shells to make adjustments. I had fantasized about them for a long time. In this case, reality was far better than my imagination.

Cassie said she was going to keep the bra on for a while to get used to it and see if there were any other problems.

By this time, the girls had shucked all the other coconuts.

"Next?" I called.

With a positively wicked grin, Amanda stood up. She unfastened her top and dropped it on the table.

"Ooh, no," groaned Bella.

I know it's not polite to stare, but her breasts were spectacular. About twice the size of her oldest sister's, they were plump mounds resting on her chest. Her areolas were oval shaped, large, and deep pink. Her nipples were deep burgundy and stood out.

"Uh, you could wait until I cut the coconut," I said.

"Hell, it's cool, T. Anyway, we girls rarely wear tops, or even bottoms, when we're hanging out at the pool. Well, as long as the kids aren't here."

"What about Guy?" I asked, wondering if he received a regular eye treat.

"Yeah, well let's say there are no longer any family secrets."

I gave Bella a look.

"Remember, my dear ex-husband, we didn't have a pool when we were married. Guy put it in."

I mentally added another item to the list to be pissed off about regarding Guy.

Back to the task at hand, I tried to figure out how to proceed. Looking closely, and a good carpenter measures twice and cuts once, I asked Amanda to turn sideways. When I asked if she could hold her breasts up, she readily complied and pulled them out by her nipples. I noticed that her breasts had a slight torpedo shape to them. I estimated that if I cut the coconut about two-thirds instead of half, that the cups may fit her better.

I went through the same process as before. Amanda took the shells and held them to her.

Her breasts squeezed out a tiny bit around her chest, but it added to the sexiness of the look. I figured we would not have to tie the string too tightly around her back and that may ease the pressure.

"My nips are pressing against the end of the shell," she said.

"Show off," called Cassie.

"We could probably put a piece of cotton or soft cloth there. That might help."

"Yeah. Either that or I'll cum about ten times walking around with my nips rubbing like this."

I know I blushed. Bella just tsked-tsked her sister. She offered to give her a couple of her nursing pads that she wore underneath her own bra to soak up her leaking nipples.

Going back and forth we got the right string length. I smoothed all the edges and fit Amanda for the finished product.

"Feels a lot better around the edges now. I think I'll wear it for a bit, too."

I looked at Holly. We had only met a few hours before. Was she feeling as awkward as I was?

She dropped her top and smiled broadly. Guess not.

Her breasts were...well let's say they were massive. They were round, wide and heavy. She had big brown areolas and brown nipples. Her breasts sagged a bit under the weight, but all in all were a big-titted fanatic's wet dream.

"Jesus, Holly, those are totally unfair to the rest of womanhood," called out Cassie.

She slipped her coconut bra off and stood next to the younger girl.

She cupped her own breast with one hand and one of Holly's with the other.

"Amazing," she cooed. "These are at least three times mine."

"Try five times," snarked Amanda.

"Maybe Tyler should get a feel of the difference before he goes to work," said Cassie.

I was already hard inside my shorts and this comment made it twitch.

"Aah, I think I can do fine following what I did before."

"Too bad," said Cassie as she released Holly's huge boob, whose nipples were obviously now erect.

I chose the largest coconut and cut it so the circumference was at the widest spot. After cleaning it out, Holly held the shells to her boobs. They covered about three-quarters of her mass.

"Well, how do they feel?"

"Really squished," Holly said, "and my boobs are like hanging out all over."

"But it looks super sexy, Holly," said Amanda.

"Very sexy," chimed in Cassie.

"Maybe I can thin out the inside a little bit to give you some more room. And, we can tie the strings looser and not pull them so tight against your chest," I suggested.

Holly pulled her nuts off and rubbed her breasts to soothe them.

"What size are they?" asked Cassie.

Holly turned rose and said, "I guess about a 38 Double D."

Cassie just groaned. I knew I did not have a Double D coconut.

I used my router to take out as much of the sides of the shells as I could. When she tried them again, she said it felt better, but they were still squished.

"Holly, I have an idea. If you're a bit of an adventurer, I think we can rig up something that will not squeeze your..."

"Her tits," offered Cassie.

"Yeah, them," I said laughing.

"Sure, I'll try anything."

I took another large coconut and, after draining the liquid, cut just about one-third of the nut from each end, leaving a thick middle section. What I ended up with were two large caps.

"Here try these."

Holly put them up to her breasts. The shells covered her nipples and a tiny bit of the front of her breasts. And, that was it.

"That's fuckin' awesome," cried Amanda.

"I think that will work," I said. "We can tie the string loose enough not to squish them, but tight enough to do the job."

"Yeah, do the job with a lot of bounce," said Amanda. "Jesus, guys will be following you around with their tongues dragging on the ground."

"And their dicks in the air," added Cassie, with a quick glance to my tent.

We all shared a good laugh.

I took the caps, smoothed the insides, and made the ties. Holly modeled the new bra and she looked incredibly sexy. The bounce factor was off the scale.

"Tyler," said Cassie, "after wearing these for a while, the string is really irritating. I don't know if I could stand it for an entire day."

Holly and Amanda agreed.

I thought about the problem and then came up with an idea.

"Bella, do you have an old silk scarf or even a silk tie of Alex's that you don't care about?"

She went to look for one. The three ladies shed their tops and enjoyed the freedom of having their breasts unencumbered. Amazingly, I also enjoyed them not wearing tops.

Bella returned with a long, silk scarf and an ugly tie.

I took Holly's shells and removed the strings. I measured the silk and then cut the pieces. The fabric was pliable enough to thread through the holes. When I was finished, Holly modeled it. She immediately said it felt tons better and proclaimed my new design a success.

I tried the tie with Amanda's bra and she, too, admitted a great improvement.

I said we could shop for more silk tomorrow and I'd fix the bras for use next weekend.

We celebrated with a round of beers. The girls wanted to swim again and urged me to join them.

"I don't have a suit," I said.

"And the point is..." proclaimed Cassie.

"Yeah," said Amanda, "we told you Guy skinny-dips with us. If it will make you feel better we can loose our bottoms."

Bella spoke up.

"You ladies will keep your bottoms on. I have a sixteen year old babysitter inside who is the daughter of our minister. I do not want her seeing you guys running around bare-assed, let alone seeing Tyler with his business out. I do not need her spreading tales of wanton sexual behavior circulating through the congregation. It's bad enough that she's seen me with my boobs out as I breastfeed JR."

The girls meekly nodded, but I caught something in Cassie's eyes that told me she wanted to push our boundaries a bit.

"Tyler, come with me. I think one of Alex's suits will fit you. I'll put a suit on, too."

Bella led me to the master bedroom. I had not been in here since we divorced. It felt weird.

Along the way, Bella checked on the sitter and the kids. All was going fine.

She closed the door and started rummaging through my old dresser. She pulled out a pair of trunks and tossed them to me.

She made no motion to leave.

I hesitated and looked at her.

"Christ, Tyler, we were married for seven years. I think I've seen everything you've got."

I slowly removed my shirt and unbuckled my shorts. Dropping them, I hooked my thumbs in my boxers and eased them off.

Bella looked me up and down.

"Still looking good, Ty. I always loved your body."

As she spoke she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off. She had on a nursing bra. I remembered the type from when she breastfed our kids.

"Yeah, still nursing JR," she said looking at the massive undergarment.

She pushed down her shorts. Her stomach was a little loose, but still she was an attractive and sexy woman.

"God, I feel like a cow," she said pulling at the small roll of fat at the top of her pink panties.

"You're beautiful, Bella. Always were and always will be. You look great."

She blushed and softy thanked me.

She turned and rooted in her closet and pulled out a dry one-piece bathing suit.

Turning back to me, she undid her bra and threw it on the bed. Her breasts were bigger than they'd ever been. Her nipples were dark, hard and leaking some milk.

"I'm going to have to pump soon or I'll explode."

She dropped her panties. I was surprised that her formerly full bush was now just a narrow strip over her sex lips. The hair around her lips was gone.

"Sexy," I said.

"Guy likes it this way."

"Good taste."

She looked at me and got the pun. We both doubled over laughing.

"You could always make me laugh. I think I miss that the most about you."

"Not my prodigious love-making ability."

Bella couldn't hold my gaze. She looked down and said softly, "Well, that, too."

After a pause, she added, "And, your cock. I miss your cock."

Said cock was now well beyond half-mast. When Bella moved her eyes back up, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Oops. Sorry, Ty."

"Happens every time a beautiful woman stands naked in front of me."

Bella crossed and opened her arms. I welcomed her and our bodies pressed together.

My now full erection pushed against her stomach. I felt her large breasts mashed against my chest as some warm liquid seeped out from her stiff nipples.

I kissed the top of her head. She hugged me.

"We were good together," she said into my chest.

"Well, we were good together when we were good. But, I let it slide away."

Bella hugged even tighter. "We both let it slide, Babes."

"Anyway, I'm happy that you're happy," I said. "You are happy?"

She nodded vigorously.

She tilted her head and I bent mine. We kissed gently.

"Just letting you know, I miss you sometimes. And, I love you," she said.

I choked back a tear, and kissed her forehead. "Love you, too, Bell. Now, we better get dressed before something goes wrong."

Nodding, Bella slapped my ass and stepped back.

"One last thing."

I looked at her.

"Well, I don't know how to put this, but watch out for Cassie."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that she is flirting with you big time. She's always has been very sensual. Shit, make that sexy. I don't know what's going on with her and Geoffrey. She says they're fine. But I keep getting these vibes. You know, they've been married fifteen years and so maybe the heat has cooled. Or, not. I don't know. So, just be careful."

"I have no plans to become involved with your sister. Wait, is it because she's your sister that you're bringing it up."

"Ty, I know you've always found her attractive. Shit, let's be honest, you've had the hots for her since the first time you laid eyes on her. I get it. She's sexy as hell. I knew it was just hormones and never thought you would do anything behind my back. But, I'm telling you, just be careful. Or, at least if something happens, do it with your eyes open."

"That's the best way," I said. "Otherwise you miss all the eye candy."

"Asshole," Bella said and punched me lightly in the stomach.

"Ok, Bell, I will. I mean, I'll keep my eyes open. And, you're right. I never did anything behind your back—with anyone. I hope you know that."

"I do. This big boy was all mine all the time."

Bella ran her hand up and down my hard-on and a chill ran up and down my spine. Her touch brought back a flood of memories.

She stroked me a couple times more and kissed me on the lips.

"Yeah, we had some good times," she said as she cupped my balls with one hand and squeezed my dick with the other.

Breaking apart, we dressed. Thankfully Alex's suit was baggy and a little big for me. It almost hid my stiff member.

Bella did not pull up the top of her suit. On the way back outside she stopped in the kitchen and picked up two baby bottles and liners. Avoiding the family room where the sitter and kids were watching TV, Bella led me back out to the pool.

The girls were in the pool and tossing a beach ball back and forth. Yes, I know it sounds like a scene from a bad titty-beach movie, but that's what they were doing. I allowed myself to enjoy the sight of six tits bobbing.

Cassie noticed us and hooted. "Way to go, Sis. Nice to see the puppies out for a walk."

"I have to express some milk. They're killing me."

Holly looked confused. "What's express?"

"She has to milk the teats," said Cassie.


"Yeah, you should go watch. It's neat."

"Would Bella mind?"

"Hey, Bella, can Holly watch you milk the cow."

"Cassie, some times you're just crude," shot back Bella. "Holly it's no big deal. C'mon up."

Holly pulled herself out. I marveled at her boobs as they swayed with every step. I wondered if the movement was showing up on any seismic monitoring system.

Bella started massaging her left breast and soon a couple drops appeared followed by a thin line of milk flowing into the plastic-lined bottle.

"Awesome," said Holly.

Bella pumped some more.

"Wanna' try?"

"Can I?"


Holly took hold of Bella's left breast. Bella showed her how to move her hand pushing the fleshy breast back toward her chest.

"Don't pull on my nipple," Bella said. "You can massage the areola, you know, squeeze it a bit as you push my boob back."

Holly used her thumb and forefinger on Bella's areola, as her other hand moved back and forth on Bella's breast. Almost immediately a tiny drop of milk appeared at the tip.

"Rub it around my nipple."

Holly let her finger move around Bella's nipple.

"That's what you do when you want a baby to latch on. The baby can smell the milk and will go right after it."

"Did you every taste it?"

"Well, from a glass. Not from the source," said Bella with a smile.

"Ty used to like it. Guy, not so much."

Holly kept pumping and staring at Bella's breast.

"Do you want to sample it?"

I didn't believe my ears.

My fairly straight and conservative ex-wife was offering her lactating tit to a woman.

"Would that like be weird"?

"Depends, I guess. Both of my sisters have tried it. I don't put any sexual connotation on it. If you're curious, I'm ok with it."

Cassie and Amanda had stopped playing in the pool and were glued to the scene unfolding. I was standing behind a chair so my now throbbing erection was not visible to the ladies.

Holly smiled and said, "Well, if you can't do crazy shit when you're twenty-two, when can you do it?"

Bella turned her body and Holly knelt in front of her. Slowly, she moved her mouth to the breast still resting in her hand. She extended her tongue, licked the drop of milk and swirled her tongue around the erect flesh. She kissed Bella's breast and then moved her lips over the entire nipple and sucked. Bella eased Holly's hand from her breast and pumped with her own hand.

The look in Holly's eyes, told me that milk was filling her mouth.

She suckled aggressively and I could see her throat working as she swallowed. I also noticed that Bella was moaning slightly. I knew that when I used to suck her milk, Bella would get really turned on. A couple times she came just by doing it. I felt she was on her way.

Holly slipped her other hand onto Bella's free breast and massaged it. I saw Bella's hand drop between her legs and her arm started moving. Holly was sucking hard and fondling the other breast making more milk dribble over her fingers. Bella shot her head up and let out a yelp. I could see her shoulders shaking and knew she was cumming.

Her head dropped and her shoulders sank. She eased Holly off her tit.

Holly was also glassy-eyed. I wondered if she too orgasmed.

Holly got up and collapsed in a chair. Her nipples were dark and aroused.

"That was awesome," she said.

"Oh, yeah," said a breathless Bella.

"I guess I got a little carried away," said Holly.

"Ya think," retorted Bella.

"Did you, like, get off?" asked Holly.

"Did I look like I did?"


"Honey, that was way past sorta'"

They both laughed. Cassie and Amanda applauded from where they were standing at the pool's edge.

I took this opportunity to quickly run to the pool and dive in.

I surfaced in the deep end and swam back to where Cassie and Amanda were standing in water that just stopped below Amanda's breasts and left most of Cassie's upper body exposed.

"Well, that was interesting," said Cassie.

"Fuckin' smoking hot, you mean," added Amanda. "Big sister gets her rocks off with all of us watching. Hot."

We all looked at each other and silently agreed we had witnessed a highly erotic scene.

"Did that happen when you two sampled the milk?"

"Hardly," said Amanda. "I just sorta' got a taste and then stopped. I'm not into lezzing my sister."

"Is it just your sister that's off limits?" I asked.

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Guys. All they think about is two girls getting it on. Honestly, Ty, do you think there is anything about another woman, like Holly, for example, that could possibly turn someone on?"

I looked at the blond sitting a few feet away. Her large breasts still heaved as Holly took deep breaths. Her nipples remained erect and dark. The crotch of her suit showed a dark spot.

Cassie was smiling as she watched me check out Holly.

"Nothing to say, Ty?"

"My mind is like mush right now. Any way, how about you Cassie? Did it turn you on to taste Bella's milk?"

"Nah, same with me," said Cassie. "I was always curious since I nursed the twins. Obviously with these jugs I could not suck my own nipples." Cassie tried pushing one tit toward her mouth and reached down with her tongue. There was a huge gap.

We laughed. Then Amanda said, "You mean like this?"

Amanda quickly pushed her tit up and her tongue curled around her extended nipple.

My hard-on was bordering on explosion.

"God, I hate you," said Cassie as she splashed her sister.

Amanda splashed back and we began a huge water fight. Cassie then grabbed the beach ball and cried out, "Keep away."

She tossed it over my head to her sister. I lunged toward Amanda and she threw it to Cassie. This went back and forth for a bit. One of Amanda's throws was off and both Cassie and I leaped for it. I won and Cassie crashed into my back. Her breasts and rock hard nipples rammed me. I turned and held the ball over my head. She then kept jumping up and rubbing her tits against my chest. Amanda came up from behind and tried to get the ball. Her large breasts smooshed into my back.