A Concerted Effort


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"Yeah, are they near each other?" I said.

"Uh, guess I forgot to mention, Ty, we're sharing."


"Well, originally it was going to be Aisha and me. When you said you could come, I never thought to change the reservations. Look at it this way, it'll be my treat. It's only one night; we can manage."

I had mixed feelings about being alone in a motel room with Cassie. Bella's words of caution kept echoing in my mind. Too late to worry about it now, since Cassie was pulling her gear out of the van and heading to the stairs. I got my stuff and locked the van.

She was at the door when I caught up with her. Slipping the card in the slot, she waited for the green light and then pushed open the door. She fumbled in the darkness for the light.

My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw the single king-sized bed.

"Cassie, there's only one bed."

She smiled and said, "Oops. At least it's a big one. I'll let you choose your side."

"I can sleep on the floor," I said without much enthusiasm.

"Don't be silly, Ty. We'll be fine."

We dropped our stuff and collapsed on the bed without even pulling the covers.

"God, this feels great, but I need a shower before I crash. I feel like I'm covered with a ton of dust and dirt from today."

"Yeah, I'll take one when you're through. I feel kinda' gross too."

"We can share," she said as we both looked up at the ceiling.

The thought of my soapy hands moving over her taut naked body send a shiver through me. Bella's warning echoed in my head.

"Why don't you go first," I answered.

"Chicken," she said with a laugh and bounced out of bed. She gathered her bag and went into the bathroom.

I lay there thinking of her standing under the shower and wondering if I were crazy not to be there with her or crazy to think that we would ever have sex.

I heard the water stop. In a few minutes the door opened and Cassie stepped out naked. She was drying her back.


"Uh, I can wait til you're dressed."

"Ty, I'm as dressed as I'm going to be. This is how I sleep. Besides you've already seen all the pieces."

"Yeah, but not all at once."


"It's overwhelming."

Cassie laughed out loud. "Well, I've been called a lot of things, but never overwhelming. Anyway, take your shower and then I have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?"

"Duh, if I told you it wouldn't be a..."

"Surprise. Yeah, I get it."

Cassie was now blow-drying her hair with the dryer attached to the wall in the bathroom. My only options were to strip in the bedroom and walk into the bathroom or to take my clothes off in there. The bathroom was small, so I opted to strip in the bedroom.

As I walked toward the shower, Cassie turned and looked me up and down.

"You really are a hunk, Ty. God, you always dress like a nerd. But, underneath you have a great bod."

I mumbled thanks and stepped into the shower, drawing the curtain closed.

"Don't be too long in there," she called out, "if you get what I mean."

I immediately stopped stroking my erection. "Shit," I thought, 'is she peeking or just clairvoyant."

Almost as an answer to my thoughts she said, "Tyler, I just know guys. So, don't think I'm spying on you."

I washed and rinsed and pushed back the curtain. Cassie was not in the room, but the door remained open. I grabbed a towel and dried off. Wrapping the towel around my middle, I used the dryer to quickly dry my hair.

I walked in the bedroom to see Cassie's back as she bent over her travel bag. I stared at her rear, admiring the perfection of the two globes and the rear view of her tight pussy lips.

Cassie straightened up and turned holding something wrapped in a small towel.

"Lose the towel, Tyler, really I've already seen it all."

I pulled the towel off and tossed it back into the bathroom.

"Much better," she said as she moved toward the desk. "Why don't you pull down the covers so we can lie on the sheets?"

I yanked them down and sat on one edge of the bed.

Cassie turned, carrying two plastic cups, and sat on the opposite side.

"Crawl in," she said. We each fixed our pillows so we could rest against the headboard.

Cassie handed me the cups.

"This suggestion comes from Bella," she said as she unwrapped the towel around the object in her hands. "I thought we could just relax a bit before we go to sleep."

Cassie unveiled a bottle of 12 year old single malt Scotch.

"Bella said you don't use ice with a single malt. I'm willing to try."

She poured us two generous amounts.

"Pardon the plastic cup and cheers,' she said lifting the small plastic glass.

I returned the gesture and we touched rims.

I sipped the amber liquid and felt it warm my throat on the way down. It was good.

"Hmm, not bad," said Cassie. "I usually don't like hard liquor, but this is smooth."

We sipped in silence for a bit.

"Thanks, for being a sport, Ty. Today was fun."

"My pleasure," I said as I let my gaze travel up and down her naked front.

Cassie watched me and then we both burst out laughing.

"Hey, I like being naked," she said.

"Well, I like you being naked."

"Not too shocking for you?" she asked.

"Well, getting a BJ from your sister was certainly not expected."

"That was a surprise to me, as well. She is quite the little adventurer. She told me later that it was a combination of being buzzed and turned on by seeing your dick. She just went for it. I don't blame her, you do have a nice dick."

As she said this last part, Cassie ran her hand over my dick.

"Cassie, what's going on here?"

"What makes you think anything is going on?" she said as she circled my shaft with her fingers and lifted it up from my thigh.

"Cut the shit. Really, are you..." I stopped to realize I was just going to sound like the guy in that old movie, The Graduate.

"Am I what?"

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

Her laugh was full and throaty.

"Jesus, Ty, am I that pitiful that you are not sure?"

She continued to fondle me.

"But, Cassie, you're married. You're my wife's sister."

"Ex-wife, Ty, so that makes me no relation to you whatsoever. As far as the married part, how about I tell you a little story?"

She paused and then added, "After we have some more of this Scotch."

She refilled our cups and took about half in one swallow.

"Yes, I am married. And, I love Geoffrey. I believe he loves me. But, we have come to an understanding."


"Yes, after the twins were born there was a period when I was in a bit of a post-partum depression. Not too serious, but it knocked me off balance. I was nursing the twins, working a couple shifts in the ER, trying to keep the household together. I was perpetually exhausted and quite bitchy."

She took a small sip and slipped her hand into mine.

"Geoffrey tried to be understanding, but he had his share of pressures. One way he always was able to unload was to have sex. He is a good lover and liked to have sex four or five times a week and multiple sessions each time. I was not in the mood for anything and the best I could do was throw him a half-hearted fuck about once every two weeks. I knew he was frustrated, but I couldn't bring myself to accommodate him. I even stopped giving him blow jobs. Actually, I found them more trouble than letting him fuck me."

Cassie squeezed my fingers. She lowered her head and rested it on my shoulder.

"Do you mind listening to me, Ty? I sound so pathetic."

"It's fine, Cassie. I'm happy to listen."

"Always said you were a nice guy," she said and kissed my shoulder.

"I was sorry when you and Bella split," she said. "I get it that sometimes it's best to admit that staying together is more harmful than splitting. At least you two have remained friendly."

"Bella's been my friend for over half my life. I don't want to let that disappear. I think she feels the same."

"She does," Cassie assured me.

"Are you thinking about divorcing Geoffrey?"

Cassie let out a long sigh.

"I don't think so. Let me finish my story and then maybe you can give me your opinion."

Cassie finished her Scotch. She poured some more into my cup.

"Scootch down a bit," she said.

I moved my body down so only my head was elevated. Cassie then curled up on the bed, resting her head on my stomach. I could feel her breath on my dick. I willed myself to not get a hard-on.

I stroked her hair as she spoke.

"So our understanding is that we can have a lover, if we want. Not a mistress, not a permanent thing on the side, just a lover or a good fuck-buddy. We set four rules. One, you can only have one at a time. You can't multiple date. Two, you cannot bring the person to our house. Go to his or her place or get a hotel, but no screwing in our house. Three, there is no emotional attachment. If you are falling in love, you must stop seeing the person. And, four, a condom must be worn at all times."

Cassie rolled on to her back and looked up at me. "Bizarre or what?"

I smiled and said, "Unusual. So, how's it working out?"

"Geoffrey is getting fucked and I'm still fucked-up."

"So, you've not taken a lover?"

She sighed again and turned back onto her side. Her face a couple inches from my dick.

"I had one guy. He was a salesman who used to come around the hospital. He flirted a lot, but usually I just laughed it off. One day I was coming off a 12-hour shift and he was having coffee in the café. I grabbed a cup and sat with him. He asked if I had a rough night. I told him so-so. I don't know what came over me next, but I just looked at him and asked if he'd like to go somewhere and fuck.

"After he stopped coughing on the coffee he inhaled, he grinned and said we could go in his car. We went to a local motel and went about three rounds. It was strange. The sex was pretty good, but not very fulfilling. I never went with him again. He asked a few times and I told him it was a one-off and it was not happening again."

I looked down admiring her long body stretching across the bed. Her small breasts hardly sagged and her nipples stood out. I let my hand move up and down her side and over the swell of her hips, ending with a soft caress of her ass. She wiggled it and kissed my stomach just below my naval.

"And that was the end of it?" I asked.

"The end of me and another guy, but then something even more strange happened."

"Want to tell me?"

"Sure, but I have to pee first."

She went to the bathroom and sat down without closing the door. I watched her pee, wipe herself and wash her hands. She returned and poured some more Scotch for herself.

"I like laying in your lap, do you mind?"

"Not really. It's just that I'm trying to concentrate on your story and not get a boner at the same time."

Cassie giggled and put her head back down.

"You can get hard, it won't bother me. And, Ty, I liked when you were rubbing me. That felt really nice."

I slid my hands over her smooth skin as she took up her story.

"So, I never wanted to know who Geoffrey was banging. But, a hospital is a closed community and secrets are just about impossible to keep. One of my fellow ER docs told me he heard that Geoffrey was seen with a new OB/GYN doc. My colleague was a good friend and I told him it might be true, but that I was not bothered by it. For some reason I asked him who it was. He told me her name was Aisha Gomes.

"I recognized her and actually had seen her a bunch of times at the health club where I work out. We said hi a couple times. I decided I wanted to check her out some more. I tried to arrange my workouts when she was going to be there. Her usual schedule was to go after office hours. On the days when I was not working, I would hit the club at six. I began to see her and learn her pattern.

"She looked great in her workout clothes. I had discovered that her father was Indian and a physician, while her mother was white and a lawyer. She had black hair, dark brown eyes, perfect brown skin and what appeared to be a great figure.

"One night we found ourselves working on ellipticals next to each other. She said hi. She knew I worked at the hospital and we began chatting. I soon realized she had no idea who I was. Since I use my maiden name, I don't think she made the connection. To my surprise I liked her. She was intelligent and had a great sense of humor. We hit it off. Soon, we were hanging around together at the club and doing the same routines. I noticed that some nights she would finish with a sauna. I never cared for them, so just headed home.

"One night I decided to see exactly what Geoffrey was enjoying. She and I finished our workouts and she said she was going to take a sauna. I headed to the shower. I waited a few minutes and then with a towel wrapped around me, made my way to the sauna.

"I went in. She was alone, sitting naked on her towel. My heart caught in my throat. She is gorgeous. Not an ounce of fat on her. Perfect breasts that stood up proudly. She had a thick dark patch between her legs. Sitting there covered with sweat she looked like a goddess.

"She seemed surprised to see me and went to cover up. I told her not to bother since it was just us girls. I dropped my towel and sat opposite her. Her legs were slightly parted and I could not help taking a peek at what was hidden."

My dick was now somewhere between soft and erect, and definitely on its way to an erection. Cassie ran a finger down my shaft and said it was ok. That did the trick and my dick now stood straight up.

"So, what did you see?"

Cassie again ran a finger up my now hard shaft. "Mind you I had never been with a woman; never had any desire to do so. But, I thought her sex was the most exotic thing I had ever seen."

"Did she notice you looking?" I asked.

"Not sure, but she did move her thighs together. Looking at her I decided to go for it. I told her she was beautiful. She blushed and started to say something. I cut her off and said I could understand what Geoffrey found so attractive. Her mouth dropped open.

"Before she could say anything, I said, 'Geoffrey is my husband.' I thought she was going to throw up. She bent over and let out a soft moan. She kept saying no and that it was not possible.

"Finally, she calmed down and pulled her towel around her. She assured me that she had no idea. I told her I didn't think she did. I asked if she knew he was married. She avoided my eyes and nodded."

I felt something wet against my thigh and looked down to see tears in Cassie's eyes. I wiped one away and stroked her cheek.

"I told her I was not upset. In truth I was relieved that Geoffrey had chosen someone so beautiful. She tried to explain, but I reassured her that we had an understanding."

"'I must stop this now,' Aisha told me."

"I asked her, 'Why?'"

"'Because it is not right. I now know you. I like you. You are like a friend. I cannot do this,' she said."

"'It's ok,' I said."

"Then I said something that came out of no where. I told her I found her extraordinarily beautiful and attractive."

"She looked at me and asked, 'Attractive in what way?'"

"'Attractive in a way that usually involves sex,' I told her."

"'I am not like that,' she said softly."

"'Me neither,' I added with a chuckle."

"We sat in silence for a while. Aisha was sweating and opened her towel to cool off. I asked if I could ask her something."

"'I suppose,' she said, 'But I may not answer.'"

"Nodding, I asked her if Geoffrey went down on her."

My dick throbbed just thinking about it. Cassie pulled it to her lips and gently kissed the tip.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Well, she sat there for a long time. At last, she looked at me and said 'No'."

I sipped the last of my Scotch.

"Why'd you ask her that?"

"Because Geoffrey will never go down on me. I don't know how to put this delicately, so I won't even try. After looking at pussies all day long and knowing all the things that can go wrong with them, he just has no appetite to go down on me. God, I miss that so much. I love oral sex. Not that I mind a good screwing and he can be good. But, there is just something about a tongue in my pussy and lips on my clit that make me purr.

"So, if he went down on Aisha, I was going to be pissed and worried that maybe he was falling in love with her.

"I asked if she missed that. She told me she did miss it—a lot."

My hand was resting on her hip. Cassie took it and placed it on her right breast. My hand cupped her breast and I felt the hard bud push against my palm. Her entire breast fit perfectly in my hand. I gently squeezed and she moaned in support. I let my fingers play with her nipple. I pinched it and then let her breast rest in my palm.

"That feels so good, Ty."

"It sure does. So, is that the end of the story?"

"Almost, but the best part is coming up. I said maybe there was a way we could help each other out. I again said I was never with a woman, but I did have some curiosity about being in a three-way.

"Aisha's eyes widened and I suggested that maybe she and I could go to bed with Geoffrey. He would, of course, love it. Maybe in the context of being with a man, we could experiment with each other."

I must have squeezed a little hard, because Cassie let out a yelp.

"Oops, sorry. That thought pushed a button."

Cassie rubbed my hard-on and said, "Pushed my buttons, too. Come to find out it also pushed Aisha's button."

"She agreed?"

"Yeah. So, that night I laid it out for Geoffrey. At first I thought he was going to have a heart attach when I told him I met Aisha and that we had a long talk. But, he made a miraculous recovery when I told him we were up for a three-way.

"The next weekend Aisha arrived with an overnight bag. She has one child, who was going to stay with her parents. She had been divorced about a year.

"I'll spare you all the details..."

"Don't have to spare on my part," I said as I fondled her breast.

"Well, I don't want this to become a kiss and tell, or in this case, kiss, kiss and tell. Aisha and I took turns screwing Geoffrey. As one of us was riding him, the other would play with each other's tits or maybe kiss each other. We double-teamed him on a blow job with us sharing our tongues quite a bit. When he was well satisfied, we made out and made a couple attempts at oral sex with each other. I really liked the sensation of her lips and tongue on me and, truth be told, my pussy was parched for oral. I was surprised that I liked going down on her. It was not as gross as I had feared. I even liked the taste. We did each other for a little bit, but did not bring each other off. Geoffrey was watching and got another boner. So, we took turns riding it until he was done. We then fell in a pile and slept."

Cassie said everything so matter-of-factly that even my hormone-driven imagination was not over stimulated.

"Ever do it again?"

"No, that was a one-time experience."

Cassie shifted around so that she was facing me. She looked up and said, "Kiss me."

I bent over and pressed my lips to hers. Heat exploded along my mouth. Her tongue slid inside and I sucked it deeper. I pushed mine into her mouth. We made out for several minutes.

"Ty, you know that you were filling in for someone this weekend, right?"

I nodded.

"And, I think I told you that it was Aisha."

I thought back and realized that she did say so after she hung up on the call she took at the pool.

"And, I made the reservations for the rooms?"

Again, I nodded and not understanding where this was going.

"Aisha and I were going to share a room."

"I figured as much," I said.

"Ty, there's just one bed."

It hit me square between the eyes.

"You mean you two were going to..."

"Yes, we were going to see if we could be together without a guy being involved."
