All Comments on 'A Joke Ch. 02 - Texan's Epilogue'

by Tx Tall Tales

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m48gunnerm48gunnerover 11 years ago

Good Ending, Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
How clever.

Anyone who thinks your story is ridiculous is now Roger, Anonymous and a testicular-ridden asshole victimizing poor little authors. Dude, get over it. You've written good stories, Gamer Goddess being a prime example, but this story was and still is a bad joke.

Specifically addressing your comments on this story, I'll point out that I'm a BTB fan, be it burn the bastard or burn the bitch. Because revenge against deserving cheaters is the ultimate justice. However, there has to be scale and proportion or every single one of those stories might as well end in "and then he shot her dead, infected all her lovers with aids and lived happily ever after". Those stories are stupid, and illustrate reasonable characters turning into raging vicious psychopaths. There's no justice in that, no reason, no fairness. They stop being a victim and start being an animalistic perpetrator.

But more importantly, they become caricatures. A joke, and a very bad one. Their behavior is inexcusable, so far out of proportion that you can't help but wonder what the author went through that he thinks something like that is a NORMAL response.

Specifically regarding this story, I never saw this as a reconciliation story, and it's fucking bizarre as hell that you have him and Flo staying together after her complete disrespect for him. What the fuck, really? After all that preachy victimized nonsense about how your character's response was perfectly appropriate because he was so terribly wronged, you see him forgiving this cunt and getting back together for hot threesomes?

Yeah, about those threesomes. He just traumatized both of these women with a vicious attack on everyone involved that included toruture, blackmail, coercion, cheating and outright lying. So both of them want to continue having hot sex with him? Ironically, I gave you high stars for that punchline on an otherwise over-the-top previous chapter, but this ending is just idiotic with no punchline to save it. You should have stopped where you were.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Outstanding and thank you author!

We did not think anyone could pull off an epilogue to your chapter 1, but you did it amazingly enough. Kudos all around. [Hope Roger/anon rots in hell.]

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
This is your fantasy Tex

and I am not into it. There is no way she could respect him now and there is no way he or they could even look at each other after that night. But you worked out an ending and I applaud your effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


BriteaseBriteaseover 11 years ago
Loved it

Particularly the end, but you have to write stories to understand why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
There is no one to like in this series

Just a bunch of stupid, uincaring people.

FD45FD45over 11 years ago
I am torn

You paint a very cutting scenario. There was a wash of emotions and I eat that shit up! I think that the characters as described by you (a small rewrite on the originals) behaved in a credible fashion.

But...I hated the ending. Excuse me. Hate is a strong word. Disappointed is closer. It went from a welter of emotions, pain and harm straight into frat boy fantasy #69, which I fell cheapened the story.

Pretty girls frequently go on to be happy. So many men are out there to try to make it possible. But they can still have regret. They can still have remorse.

You are uneven in your punishments. Flo was fully as culpable as Roger. She didn't regret a thing until AFTER her husband was wreckage and wretched. THEN she was sorry. Big Deal. It's all fun and games until someone looses an id.

And yet she gets him back and merry bisexual sex. SHE WENT OUT OF HER WAY TO HUMILIATE AND CHEAT ON HER HUSBAND.

She chose another man constantly. And she skips around.

You love pretty women too much. Some of them are rotten.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 11 years ago
I liked it

This epilogue felt right to me. It was a good story and all is well that ends well. Personally, I would have killed Roger.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

A very clever way of getting out of a very certain prison sentence.

"I was no better than them." I think that realization is what ultimately led to them reconciling. Actually, he was worse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Not Fair

Loved the story and the payback.Yes taking her back after equally guilty conduct was weak but that was your choice. I most heartly object to the killing of Roger's innocent dog as a form of payback.

C_frommnC_frommnover 11 years ago

The Ending and agree I like Happy endings if possible.. it was good for everyone to realise what they Had. and to try to keep it together.. Maybe they should just just a "promise" ring one for Both Ladies and one for him and stay as a threesome.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Slapdash Ending to Carefully Crafted Counterstrike !

The story regenerated like a Phoenix in that room of revenge, redoleant with smell of singed skin and toasted hair follicles. Tight, terse dialogue with all four people pyches and epidermis raw and exposed. The ' poly ending ', however, felt like a slipshod, inorganic splice to story.

Those types of relationships are only sustainable with people of much more healthy hearts and minds. The author just did too excellent a job, rubbing sandpaper across the characters' souls to make me believe that graft would take. Everybody involved needed years of counseling, to heal scars both interior and exterior.

Loved the ultimate exile of Roger and found in sum this story to be uber-provocative. Texas Tall Tales has worked hard on this and I thank him. I also curse him, just a bit. My morbid mind is wondering how Rodger got his predilection for predatory, practical jokes and what exactly was his fate.

Did he learn anything or is he lurking online for novelty knick knacks to shock and awe his new neighbors ? As a story, this is a veritable moebius strip, chain of pain --- " if a man looks in the mirror and wonders if he's gone too far, he will not be wrong. "

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
loved the ending

loved the ending. roger got off too easy. i always wondered how you were going to resolve the last ending. thanks i love happy endings

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well written, but...

(Always a but). Good ole Roger should of gotten his in the basement. And Good Ole Flo should of ended up getting a far more just payback (in this tale she most definitely did NOT).

Of course, it is easier to comment and criticize than to actually write a tale. So, Tx Tale Tale, my hat off to you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
You forgot

to kill Roger yourself.

green117green117over 11 years ago

Actually, for a reason I'm not entirely clear on, I thought your continuation was as funny as heck...

Really. Up there with the best of HDK.

Sorta, fuck em all and let God sort it out...

if you know what I mean.


(and I generally >hate< clusterfuck endings as unjustified fratboy wish fullfillment - this time, I almost buy into the idea that he earned the priviledge. Not enough character development on Roger though...)

kakashi524kakashi524over 11 years ago
What to write, what to write.

My thoughts about certain points.

About Jim not going after roger to even the scales: Well, I guess he was entitled to a little more payback but we all know that if he had gone after Roger, Roger would go after him until someone ended up dead. So, I support Jim's decision. Someone had to put an end to it and Jim did. And he got his payback with Alice ending up in his bed.

About Flo and Alice's friendship: I believe it was fixable, yes Flo was part of the problem that took them to those torture sessions, but Flo was simply naive. Jim was right, Roger wanted into her pants and used a different strategy that wouldn't ring any alarms. She just fell for it, though she should have listened to her husband.

Alice forgiving Jim: Alice said it, both Flo and Roger pushed him too far and Jim got carried away. I can understand her forgiving him, he was not the cause but the effect.

Jim's relationship with both Flo and Alice: Well, I can see Jim ending with each of them separately after the magnificent sex they have with Jim. But it was a surprise seeing them all ending together, even if temporarily.

About Jim and Flo not marrying: who cares about a ring if you can have what you want without it. Spending their lives together, no ring is necessary.

I liked very much the epilogue, it was a great way to end the story. Thanks tx tall tales.


MattblackUKMattblackUKover 11 years ago
5* of course, but even more!

This was like a Shakespearean tragedy, mate! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
no absolutely no!!!!!!! write your own story and keep the characters in line.

no funny at all your kind of jokes. why in hell should the husband, who could not forget the haunting jokes, forget about it all and no live with the 2 women together ? I guess you are more out of your mind than your characters. this story is two chapters too long and it's your chapters.

virago920virago920over 11 years ago

Is this garbage finally done, if so then maybe TX can sit down and write a decent story. Remember crap is still crap no matter how much you polish it.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 11 years ago
WHY do authors KEEP doing a re-write of this God dman awful story!?!


the ORIGINAL story was vile disgusting poorly written pile of cow shit because it never answered ONE KEY question:

WHY? ..... WHY?

By that I mean what kind of LOVING spouse FORCIBLY imprisons their spouse while the tortures them psychologically in " pretending" to have sex with another person in front of them ...or in the next room so that he/she can hear?

the original story was mindless drivel written by a retard. The ONE KEY Question was never asked.... and since this question is never asked the follow up question -- WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? -- can of course never be asked.

That is How authors force RAAC. The spouse never asks "WHAT DOES IT MEAN ?"

In the 1st version by this author of THE JOKE we see the idiot loser Husband STUNNED to see his whore wife again getting sucked into Roger's manipulation. But he does he ever ask his wife WHY she is doing this to him.. AGAIN?

no of course not. to ask such a question would be far too rational

In the sequel Texan's Epilogue we FINALLY have JIM ask the RIGHT question

"Why wouldn't you ever listen to me, Flo? How many times did I ask you to stop? How many times did I warn you it would go too far? Why couldn't you just stop?"

I loved you so much. I did. Why did you have to do this to us? Destroy everything we had? .."

Jim goes on...

How, Flo? *** HOW *** could he possibly use you? How was it possible that after all he'd done, you were even around him long enough to get used? How could you speak to him? All he ever wanted to do was belittle me in your eyes, so he'd have a better shot at getting in your pants. All you did was help him.

and FLO's answer... NOTHING. The story reads ...

'She was crying. "Where are we now, then?"...'

so in the end we dont KNOW why Flo o thought yeah... "torturing my husband mentally ... and imprisoning him against his well whole I fuck another man.. is going to be REALLY FUNNY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

why is the only thing harryinvirginia ever writes is bull shit comments. WRITE A FUCKING STORY IS YOU HAVE THE BALLS ASSHOLE.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
He who laughs last ...

We now KNOW what happens to "he who laughs last..."! AND it is NOT pretty! It was also painful to read, from soup to getting his nuts zapped! Will NOT be a favorite of mine, because of the pain, but it IS a highly recommended read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Did you really spend dozens of hours writing this?

Now that is a funny joke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Well.....while I'm not too fond of some of the twists and turns....I mean the guy was semi-psychotic there near the end, for god's sake!

But make no mistake. Your writing and story-telling are bar none. 4 'cause that revenge scenario was just mean!

But 5 for style and just damn fine story-telling!

nwhalernwhalerover 11 years ago
Highly entertaining - improbable but entertaining

Roger, Alice and Jim were consistent characters but Flo was the odd man out. Still don't understand why a wife would do that to her husband .

Regarding Jim - in today's day and age , having seen road rage, witnessed inexplicable temporary madness and hear about impulsive suicides - I can see how he could behave like that for one particular day.

The three way seems implausible but the scenes, characters, dialogues makes us believe that this fucked up trio could well have found and forged some bond that day. A three way arrangement (unsure about all 3 people being present together) is not that unheard of in this day and age.

All in all -very entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The original pissed me off and this didn't help matters

Frankly, the original story was just too damn stupid to ever be fixed, but this was a good effort. The whole thing could have been handled simply by Jim filing assault and kidnapping charges and watching the two idiots serve jail time for it. The wife MAY have come back after 6 months to finally understand just how goddamn stupid she was. The only other real option left to Jim was something like this story.

zed0zed0over 11 years ago
Way Better Than The Last Ending!

Because he didn't kill Roger while he had the chance, he deserved Rogers paybacks. I think it's great that he was able to divorce the slut wife but keep her around as a fuck buddy. Now THAT'S A Happy Ending!

TexarManTexarManover 11 years ago
Yea Screw Rodger

What is it about people to play jokes on others.

They never seem to know when to quit.

I guess that because they pick on people that they realy don't respect or like it the truth be known.

TX keep the stories comming.

Richie4110Richie4110over 11 years ago
Great story finale

I, apparently along with many other grateful readers, wanted to feel the rest of the story. You have done a masterful job bringing closure to my feelings. Obviously, in real life these antics would bring legal complications but in the art of fantasy this ending filled the bill.

Best regards and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Glad you are OK with MY comments

But Roger ................... well fuck him.



BDEarthBDEarthover 11 years ago
The very far !!

I have not read every story in the Literotica library; but I'm working on it. This, in my opinion, is the best series of stories I've ever read!! The original ending of Agena's "A Joke" was lame. Tx Tall Tales nailed it...home medal...grand prize winner!!

My first thought when he/she indicated it was going to be dark...very dark; my thinking was Jim would torture Roger and cut off his dick in front of the women. Then knowing the legal shit he would be in for he would take the gun (a real one) and blow his head off leaving grey matter splattered all over Roger's face. That would certainly leave a lasting impression forever in the minds of the other three jokesters. (now that's DARK) However, I must say that I liked it much better the way TTT's decided to end it with the happy threesome and the story of Rogers demise. I Loved It !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great finish to interesting plotline

Both the revenge chapter and this epilogue masterfully bridged fantasy and reality for me. Loved it.

fantasy-style revenge in previous chapter with a gritty realistic feel.. the epilogue extends this theme with a fantasy-style resolution with amazing, realistic emotional turmoil. Rhenquist-style real characters while pushing the plot to the edge of reality - and just over it... really well done.

I'll stop now before I get more redundantly effusive in my praise.. oh wait, too late.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Glad I read it

Story-telling masterpiece.

I've been thinking about your writing and why I look forward to it so much. I think it comes down to this. You have a recurring theme of "ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances leading to pleasures that surpass the ordinary."

This series ends up fitting into that theme, although it took the epilogue to do so. Those complaining about the ending should recognize that this is your brand. Similarly, opening a bottle of Coke won't lead lead to a root beer float. The reason that we, your fans, enjoy your work is that our expectations are always met and often exceeded.

The TTT brand is a good one. The best, in my opinion. Write what you write and I will enjoy it. Thank you for your artistry.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 11 years ago
I agree, FUCK YOU, Roger.

I loved this ending (I love happy endings). Rock on!!!

terrydavidterrydavidover 11 years ago
Outstanding effort and story.

Appreciate the follow up to your story.

johnnyjonesjohnnyjonesover 11 years ago

Of all the stories I've read on this site... This one made me laugh the hardest. LOVE the comments on Roger... Stubbed his toe twice a day! ROFLMAO.

phil2213phil2213over 11 years ago
Great story

Epilogues are sometimes very necessary and only conscientious good writers provide them. Your story needed it and it worked. I like happy endings and this one was lukewarm but nevertheless good. Roger couldn't get enough snake venom in my humble opinion. Flo and her hubby should've moved to a totally new start with renewed marriage vows maybe a winning lottery ticket or a major unexpected inheritance. Alice was nice and was the innocent bystander and her sharing the bed with Flo and hubby was not the outcome I was looking toward. The story was thoughtful well-written and well developed. There are philosophical differences in opinion but it is in fact your story nit mine. I like your writing style and your thorough descriptions. Thanks for a nice ending

DownUnderThunderDownUnderThunderover 11 years ago
Yeah FUCK YOU Roger!!

No need for a story. 5 stars for Rogers ending! Keep up the great story writing!

DoctimeDoctimeabout 11 years ago
Two star accident

That's right, I was deciding which one of your stories to read first, and hit the stars by accident. This story is back to more of your style, so lets pretend I gave you four stars. Welcome back, Buddy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The above applies to author only.

He created characters to his liking.

Flo should have been brain dead to behave like she did. Hubby was way too tolerant beyond belief. The only one believable was this lowlife Roger.

Garbled ending to all at the end to make the story crap

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

Lots of twists and turns. The end sums it up. Fuck you Roger. Fuck everybody that looks like like you. Fuck your mother and your father. Also, eat shit and die.


davidotero1961davidotero1961about 11 years ago
Original is better

Why take it to that point the original was much better and realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I gave it a 5

Just to piss off the guy who gave it a two. Petty revenge? Isn't it all.

I liked this ending better.

As to the guy who says unbelievable. I dunno. Men are romantics. They have faith that love will conquer all. Sometimes it doesn't And it takes some men a long time to wake up. A clever woman can string things along for decades. Not good enough to make things work. Not bad enough to call it quits. How do I know? Well I was personally stupid for 40 years. "Maybe this time she will see the light" especially after hearing from her "If I knew it would be this good I'd do it all the time." And it was bliss. For a while. Fooled me. All she needed to do was give me a taste (every few years) when it looked to her like it was crumbling. Besides. I couldn't do it to the kids. Until they were on their own.

LustyDragonLustyDragonalmost 11 years ago

As always love your work...Write faster!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Much better than original

Probable I have with the tale (though well written) is that the thought that Jim became part of the problem in a little like blaming the paper for catching on fire when a flame is held to it. Blame the flame; blame Flo and Roger. As for forgiveness, forget it. Roger should of walked away and been done with her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Beautiful irony

betrayed saying "fuck you Roger" when everyone except him knows he is the "roger" - fucking brilliant man, delicious irony.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
not needed

You are a fine writer and I enjoy your stories very much.

This one though was not enjoyable, everything was a bit too extreme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

babble drivel worthless non sense acting.

typical worthless ttt tales

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
It's too bad that Iron Dragon didn't finish his version....

It was a good story but unfinished....just upload it again. A good story that is incomplete is worse than a fucked up story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

good 1....bill

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Nice ending

With the exception of the threesome, I found this ending to be a good finish for the direction that this author took with this story. I told myself I wasn't going to read this chapter, but morbid curiosity won. I'm glad that I did. I gave a 1 star to the last chapter because of the over the top revenge, but this chapter gets 4.

WisquejacWisquejacover 10 years ago
anonymously sent

Fuck you Roger.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago

But where was his wife when Roger was hitting him from behind and tying him to the chair, and branding him? WTF! Even if I had done that to Roger, I wouldn't have anything to do with her after she let that happen to me! Also, after I got free, there would have been a beating! Old Roger would be pulp!

DjshengDjshengover 10 years ago

Holy shit you should get into comedy 10/10 just for the after comment.

And 10/10 for the story I like a happy ending when everyone ends up happy :) thanks for the great read mate

PultoyPultoyover 10 years ago
Good effort

Thank you for the interesting read and for getting the grammar managed to where it is easy to read as well.

Revenge is such sweet torment to the soul. We all seem to have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand, we feel Flo and Roger deserved it and on the other hand we sense Jim went to far.

You ended the story in the way you wanted to and that is your privilege as the author.



BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 10 years ago
Well, I read your ending for the second time and it was pretty good.

I liked it better the second time I read it. I will say that I liked the ending (forget who wrote it) where Roger got jail time and ended up shooting himself after he escaped and then knew he had to go back. That ended him! Actually, this ending of yours was too good for Flo, IMO. Thank you for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Adding this on to the Texan's Ending brought it all together quite well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Well we agree on Roger anyway.

Aren't Texan the most take no prisoners in the country?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

"Fuck you Roger"? Brilliant, just brilliant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Puke story. Jim's a wimp; no guts for true payback. And, author, doubt if you read comments but you are no better.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
A good primer for evil

In truth, this is beyond childishness. If Jim only had the balls to stand up to Roger and Flo long before it got so out of hand; this could have nipped in the bud. When Jim didn't cold-cock Roger over the lipstick stunt, I had zero respect for him. The only thing of value to this story, was it is a good example of the devious methods of evil people. They are the opposite straight forward earnest good folk, and you did an outstanding job of explaining it. If good men could just learn the difference jealousy and zealousness; they would be much more proactive at protecting their marriage, and you'll see the evil fuckers back off as fast as they can because their goals and methods can't stand the light of day.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Biggest problem

Saying it's a Texan ending is an insult to Texas.

In Texas it's an eye for an eye ,you should named it RAAC style,then we would have some idea. Anything like a Texan style they would go to jail and rightfully so. If nothing else for unlawful confinement.

most .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well, I'm anon...

BUT, I think you tale was GREAT! Many of us "anon's" stay anon to avoid pissing contests. Hope you understand.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Not only that....

"Except for that damn Roger. He got cancer, testicular. Lost a ball. Picked up three strains of VD from a transvestite hooker......" And if all that wasn't bad enough, the poor bastard ended up in Texas.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

How is this RAAC? It may be reconciliation, but certainly not at all costs!

Re Anon "Disgusting - Puke story. Jim's a wimp". How is he a wimp? Tortured Ralph, got the best sex of his life, got his divorce from his humiliating wife. Has her back on HIS terms, not to mention occasional (maybe not so occasional!) hot threesomes with Alice!

krosis666krosis666almost 10 years ago
Next time

Be a man. Stop pandering to sissies, just because they criticize your story. If you are going to destroy a story, and write a completely illogical ending, then don't write in the first place. The last story was fine as it stood, maybe a little over the top, or out there, but it was yours. That is now meaningless, because you couldn't handle a few 'Politically correct' pussies that can't even READ about confrontation, criticising you, so you felt you had to play up to them, just for a quiet life. But you fail to realise, that there will always be someone there to criticize you either way (like me! And yes, I am a huge fan of irony), so don't write follow up tales to appease people, just be you, and leave it at that!

krosis666krosis666almost 10 years ago
Also, @Karen

The last story, and this one, you commented about "Ralph". Methinks you mean Roger!

Boy, grumpy tonight, ain't I?

I actually did enjoy both tales, even if the second one was crap in my opinion, so I shouldn't be complaining! But I will anyway, because I enjoy it!

How could you but them back together, Tx? She cried and begged for him to not hurt Roger, yet when Roger was torturing HER husband, she pushed Alice out of the way, because she was so impatient to get her turn! She pleads for the guy she KNEW was trying to humiliate her husband, and she FIGHTS to be next in torturing her husband? And you put them back together?

If you were wondering why people would complain about this story, THAT is why!

krosis666krosis666almost 10 years ago

You are one of those? Really?

One of those sad people that bitch about 'anonymous' comments. Really? I Love how all of you fail to see the irony in that! Makes me laugh, every time! How can you not see what is painfully obvious?

WE ARE ALL ANONYMOUS! Or is Tx Tall Tales your REAL name? Like countless authors before you, you use a pseudonym. Why? To remain anonymous of course! Changing the name 'anonymous' to some other random, make up name or word doesn't make ANY of us any less anonymous! Duh!

You bemoan people criticising your writing by bitching about anon comments, yet YOU hide your identity behind that same screen? Perhaps you might consider changing your anonymous name from Tx Tall Tales to Tx Hypocrite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well now

This was certainly a ride. A veritable roller-coaster of emotions.

You did splendid work here, five stars. If for nothing else, than for making me feel something other than disgust with a story that's in the LW category here. Is it strange that I keep rummaging through the gutter in hopes of finding more gems like yours? Ah well, thankfully you have other stories for me to enjoy. Cheers.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
I have read this before, don't remember if I commented or not.

I think I have read six or seven endings to this story. I prefer the one where he leaves Flo and Roger goes to prison and then when he escapes he kidnaps Flo and their daughter and then gets his head blown off. Good ending. Fuck Flo, the cheating bitch whether in actuality or just pretend, she cheated.

zguillotinezguillotineover 9 years ago
Great Story

I love your stories, wish you would write more. I also think the anonymous thing is kind of funny. Like my name is zguillotine or something. Anyway, I love your writing and that you are brave enough to post them. I have thus far chicken out at posting mine, though I have like 20 or more (counting individual chapters in series) that I would love to post.

So, I am encouraging you to write more. I think I have never given you less than a 4 and I think most have been 5s. -=zg=-

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
I found the initial reactions of the ladies odd here...

But I suppose not impossible. Roger's reaction seemed ideal for the kind of lying sack of shit he was...

As epilogues go, this worked pretty well. Nice to have Flo forced even more to face what she'd done and it's cost.

I reckon I can live with them getting back together as long as they either NEVER remarry or it takes her years to prove she'll side with him against others for now on. It would be nice to have seen proof that she eventually respected and trusted him again - not sure we saw that here.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
@krosis666 Re: Anons

I've said this elsewhere, but yes, you are correct, we are all technically anonymous here, but the difference between the anons and those of us with handles is two-fold:

First, we can have a conversation, an actual exchange of ideas, which is hard to do with no id.

Second, with ids we learn a little bit about each other, learn whose views we value, and, yes, whose views we think are ridiculous and can skip right over!

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
@krosis666 & @KarenE... here's my thoughts...

It isn't about using a real name or a pseudonym - and in some cases, even about just using "anonymous".

You can use any of those choices for your name and STILL be anonymous.

The trick is in "Is the person who's leaving the posts YOU or not...?"

I've known people who even using their real names pretended to be something or someone they weren't. Now, while that's OK on the one hand (if you're just playing), it is also foolish in my book if you're not.

The ONLY way people posting online interact with each other is THROUGH their words. If you want to get to know people but aren't yourself, why bother...?

You either have thoughts and opinions and share them and we get to know YOU - or you lie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well you epilogued it to death.

Sorry - just didn't enjoy this on any level. Not a single decent character in the lot. And I accept that they weren't your characters to start with. But your stories didn't do anything good for them. I find that if you can't enjoy, empathize or even like any of the characters in a story, then there's no way to like the story. Maybe next time.

jimbo103jimbo103almost 9 years ago


krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago

I take your point about anonymous comments. It's a valid one. I too skip reading certain comments by certain names. Like that Krosis666 guy. I hate that opinionated, sanctimonious fucker! They're just fucking stories, dude, get off your soapbox!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
yup, fuck roger.

Enjoyed it, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
That fu-- Anonymous

Yea, I just hate that s(d)ob, too wimpy to sign his/her name, or just too damn lazy to sign in. I'll bet they don't even know their own name anymore.

BTW. I really like the way you collect harems; I am a big fan of yours. I expecially like that twisty, kinky mind of yours creating really excited plots. I just can't wait to read what happens next in any of your stories, maybe that's why I have only written 3, oh, ah, well, 1 that the dog-virus didn't eat.

Send me your email and after I copyright it I'll share it with you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
timing seems off

He untied Alice, then starts to release Flo, How did Roger get free so fast ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Yes good finish. Love wins out. 5*

I don't always like some of your plots but you write well. This was much better than Ch2, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Yea epilogue

I really liked the BANG ending, and here it comes, BUT I was pleased by the final product. I am a fan of the happy ending whenever it is reasonably possible and this was just barely reasonable.

Keep writing, I enjoy your work.

ChucknWNCChucknWNCover 8 years ago
Good One

Damn dude, I don't know where you get your inspiration, and even though your writing sometimes gets long (like mine) it is very good. Your ending is the best of all I have read. Even though Jim and Flo got back together, it wasn't "Oh I forgive you, now the four of us hold hands and every one sing kum-ba-ya". I look forward to reading more of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Lol REALLY hate roger....a moped....that's harsh dude

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"I wasn't laughing at you. It wasn't me! He used me!" – She took the bottle from Roger, didn’t it EVER occur to her that it might be another prank? And she DID laugh at him with the others.

“You're so good at deflecting the straight on attention. He came at you from your blindside." – That may very well be, but Jim BEGGED her repeatedly to stop, and she just HAD to keep it going!

While I lean toward BTB, I'm not opposed to reconciliation when I feel it is deserved, and here I generally feel that it is, especially where it's not a TOTAL reconciliation, Jim actually gets the best of both worlds! In any case, despite Jim's doubts, I DO believe that Flo is sincere, especially when she refuses to accept Jim's excuses for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Really liked the add ons to this story. Part (or most spoof) and part very good alternative, Outstanding author !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks for a Lovely Story

I loved reading it. All parts, including the last few lines.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago
Not a man of his word

Decent enough chapter though a last payback on Roger was missing, after all he said he was a man of his word, seems like it wasn't the case after all.

Permanently shacking up with both Flo and Alice, though I'm not really a fan of people returning to the ex that betrayed them, could be considered a nice bit of payback come to think of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

She's a whore the "friend" is a scumbag and he's a candy ass. They both deserved a bullet

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I did NUT get Vd!

& my grammer is prefect.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Everybody loses

Tell you what? The branding and the cutting was a tad over the top in my opinion..... in both the chapters. But I really liked the ending; especially the part where Roger stubs his toe twice a day.

Go fuck yourself, Roger!!!

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958almost 8 years ago
Well, I liked it.

Why not get back with Flo? It makes sense. They've been married 23 years and they seem compatible, except when Asshole is thrown into the mix. Alice seems super hot. The three of them work. Great situation for everyone. What's not to like? Full marks from me. Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

If she is not capable to not hang with Rodger than she is not a good wife. Drop her and leave the hood fast as you can.

tazz317tazz317almost 8 years ago

if you only go half-way, one never reaches the destination or the brick wall. TK U MLJ LV NV

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

loved the anonymous comment at the end.

very funny

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Roger's revenge

Roger has sat in the bushes watching for months (from his moped). He won the lottery, had them kidnapped on Thier vacation and now keeps them imprisoned on an island where he cuts a piece off of one of them every week for fun. letting Jim pick which one. What are bff's for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not As Good As Your Previous Ending...

...but still good enough for 4 stars. Oddly, I could care less about Roger. Roger was like so many stupid idiots I know who laugh at their own 'jokes'. They are so stupid they don't see that their 'jokes' aren't funny; they are destructive and humiliating. And their jokes make them losers and people to be shunned. Pathetic scum. So, let Roger slide off into obscurity and yes anonymity.

266xxyz266xxyzover 7 years ago
Loved the story

Both of them. They went down like a two fingers of good of Scotch. 5*s !!

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