After Hours Apologies


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Then I spotted the pair of black panties on the desk beside the keyboard.

I looked around as though a woman would fall through the ceiling tiles at that moment. What I saw was more clothing. A skirt lay upon the arm of the small sofa against the wall. A black lacey bra was on the floor just at the foot of the couch.

My eyes were wide. I realized I'd been holding my breath and I exhaled slowly. I shot a glance back toward the open office door. My skin flushed warm in seconds. I hunkered in the office like prey, my senses becoming hyper aware of everything when the realization hit me.

Cameron was cheating.

"Holy shit," I whispered to myself.

There was no other explanation. The clothes were proof enough. My mind raced. They had to be in the store. Judging from the evidence they were naked. A huge part of me wanted to sneak back out of the store, get in my car, and drive away. There was that deep devilish voice, however, that bade me to find them. Even if I could just see them, to know for sure, that would be plenty of leverage to get my job back. It felt disgusting to even think of it.

It also felt thrilling.

I crept into the hall, glancing both ways. The thought of finding the lovers doing something lewd was enough to spur me on. There was only one logical place to find them if they weren't in the office. Cameron had taken her out onto the floor, where all the brand new comfy sofas and beds were ripe for the taking. The simple thought of it impressed me. An already devious act made more daring by fucking on the very furniture that customers would be sampling the following day. I had no idea Cameron had this in him. I had to see for myself.

I crept from the corridor out into the main hall. The cavernous room was dark. The squatting forms of the empty furniture looked haunting. I scanned with my head on a swivel, and listened for sounds of life in the gigantic room. I would have to go deeper. The arrangements of living room displays and faux walls meant that I wasn't going to easily spot them from the entrance to the hallway. My footfalls were silent on the carpet as I moved. I tried to control each breath, but my heart was pounding with excitement and each time I exhaled sounded like a gust of wind.

I began to hear sounds. I couldn't make out exactly what they were, but I pinpointed their origin to a far corner of the store. Sure enough, I crept around toward the sectioned off area near the bedroom suites and spotted light. I realized as I drew closer that Cameron was using the overhead studio lighting. The lights were used to give the prefabricated bedroom display a warm allure. Now, the scene glowed like a bonfire in a dark field.

Gentle music drifted from the area, flowing like a gentle breeze. I had no idea what kind of music this was... pop? No, maybe some sort of contemporary or alternative. It wasn't something I was used to hearing, but made me feel like I was creeping through a fever dream. It was relaxing, soothing... and mysterious.

I ducked low behind a huge loveseat when a figure stepped into view. At first I wanted to retreat back through the dark store. I froze and merely observed from my hiding spot. A pair of faux walls did well to section off this bedroom display. It was probably the reason Cameron had chosen this spot for... whatever he and his guest were doing. I had to crouch low and creep to the other end of the loveseat to get a better look into the area.

When I peeked over the cushions, my mouth fell open.

The woman I saw was stunning. I sucked in a deep gasp of air while my vision tunneled and my head began to drift toward the ceiling. Long honey blonde curls swayed across her smooth shoulders. She was tall, and her body gently swayed with the hypnotic thrumming and humming of the music. I saw that she wore a black corset, with cheetah print trim outlining her every curve.

I couldn't tear my gaze from her legs. The woman wore black stockings that were pulled so high up her thighs that they nearly stopped at her backside. And what an ass it was. A black thong sliced its way between two tear shaped slabs of flesh. Each time she twisted or twirled her hips to the music, her ass would deform and jiggle. She wasn't wearing heels or shoes at all. The woman looked as though she'd just stripped down for the day and was dancing in her stockings before going to bed.

"Damn, Cameron," I hissed to myself under my breath. "What a catch."

The woman performed a slow twirl, her hips gently whirling and leading her in circles. I was afforded my first view of the woman's front side. I couldn't clearly see her face, but past her bouncing golden curls I could make out deep red lips the color of sangria wine that she would purse and pucker, while mouthing away the lyrics of her tune. Caramel and honey waves of makeup contoured her every feature while dark chocolate shadows hollowed her eyes.

The woman completed her spin and bent at the waist. She blew a kiss to someone I couldn't see. I craned my neck trying to see more into the bedroom suite, but I was still too far away to observe the scene fully. I had to get closer.

I shrunk lower behind the loveseat and stared at the floor. I rubbed my eyes. I'd seen what I needed to see. There was no sense in getting caught spying on Cameron and this girl he was with. I needed to get out of there while I could. I couldn't be sure who the woman was, but it was certainly not his wife. It didn't matter if she was an escort or a mistress. My chest felt so cold that my lips trembled with every breath. It all felt so dirty. It tasted good, and I craved more. I glanced back toward the hall in the dark distance.

Then I peeked back over the loveseat.

The golden haired woman was tousling her hair, staring at the wall. I couldn't see it, but I knew there must be a mirror decorating the faux wall. She toyed with the corset and tugged it higher onto her chest. She had very small breasts, but it made her look no less beautiful. I watched her slide both thumbs back and forth through the straps of her black thong before letting them snap back into place at her wide hips. The sound made me bite my lips. Then she twisted to the side, clearly admiring the way her ass looked. She knew how sexy she was. There was something about the way those stockings rose so high up her thighs... it made her ass seem to bulge forth atop her legs.

The woman turned and made her way around the side of the bed. Immediately I cursed under my breath. I could barely see her. I couldn't see Cameron at all, though I knew he was probably lying on that bed. I rubbed at my pants and blew out a breath. A warm bulge was already forming in my briefs. I started to care less and less about the risk of what I was doing, or that I was considering staying to watch.

I hunkered low and moved closer.

As quickly as I dared, I found a better vantage point behind a squat dresser that was a part of the scene before me. From here, I could see everything. I hesitated to even peek, however. The overhead lighting was shining right down on the dresser, though a single unlit lamp was sitting on top shielding me from view. I was so close now that if I lost my balance I would fall right out into the bedroom suite with the pair of lovers. My new view of the scene was a lot to take in.

Most notably, I didn't see Cameron anywhere. The woman was by herself, fiddling with something in the corner. I couldn't help eyeing her backside. Her ass was both tall and thick, larger than any woman I'd ever been with. When she stepped away I stooped lower and hid as best I could. That's when I saw the thing she had been fiddling with. It was a camera, not a small cheap thing, but a large expensive looking camera angled from it's place in the corner to capture the entire suite.

A brief spike of panic hit me in the chest. I wondered if it had captured me. Peering around the dresser I watched the woman dance-walk her way back to the wall I'd just seen her standing in front of. From my new spot, I could see the mirror on the faux wall, but my eyes fell to the end table beneath it.

The woman opened her hand a fanned out her fingers. I gawked as she let her fingertips brush the tops of the toys that stood atop the end table. Four, no, five different sex toys stood on their base on display. I spotted a cone shaped plug, a couple of standard looking dildos, an odd looking thing that looked like a stack of spheres, and a huge chocolate colored cock. Each of the toys were suctioned to the top of the table, and wobbled as her fingers brushed their tips.

My eyes darted around behind me. Cameron wasn't there with her! She seemed to be preparing for him to come back. Whatever lewd activities they had planned involved those toys, which made my mind turn flips. The camera, the dildos, the elaborate little scene they had set... this wasn't a simple little fling. I couldn't believe what I'd sleuthed my way into. Now, I felt exposed. For all I knew I might already have been on film. Cameron could be anywhere. I felt so stupid for not even checking the bathrooms.

I had to make my way out of there. The thought of running into Cameron in the hall was unsettling. I'd wanted to find him, I'd wanted to catch him doing this. Now it seemed wrong. What was I going to do, burst in and twirl my mustache, declare my master plan, and threaten Cameron to give my job back? And what would I burst into? Were they about to shoot an amateur porn video or something? The idea of watching made me uneasy. My heart was pounding. My briefs were feeling tighter with each beat of my pulse. No. I had to leave. I peeked over the dresser one last time.

I kept staring.

The woman had selected a simple realistic cock from the selection on the table. She held it up before her eyes. Her dark red lips fell open in admiration of the wobbling silicone in front of her. I saw her green eyes widen. I couldn't look away. It was so lewd, this gorgeous woman's face staring at the fake cock in her hand. I was likewise entranced. I still shot several nervous glances back into the darkness of the main floor, but I couldn't leave. This incredibly hot woman was about to do something. I had to be here to see it. Just a taste. Just a peek.

The golden haired woman was not waiting for Cameron. She stood there, opened her mouth, and stuck out her tongue before dragging it up the shaft of the silicone cock. My own cock throbbed at the sight. Repeatedly she lapped at the jiggling shaft, slowly savoring it's taste as though it were made of ice cream. She pursed her lips and sucked in just the tip of the thing. The contrasting colors of the pale silicone and her savory sangria lips was incredible.

The beauty held the dildo in one hand now. Her mouth opened a little wider and more of the silicone disappeared into her lips each time she pushed it inside. Her shaded eyelids fluttered like she was having a seizure. I saw the whites of her eyes as they rolled into her head. Her free hand groped at her chest before sliding far lower, across the intricate designs on the corset, down to the black pouch at her crotch. Her entire body shuddered in response to whatever she felt coursing through her.

I felt my dick nodding now. I licked my lips and swallowed hard, trying to maintain my composure. Her hand was inside of her panties now, cupping and caressing what was beneath. I heard her moan, a low smooth hum of energy that I felt all the way from my hiding spot. I eyed her hand as it worked, no doubt spreading her moist lips in circles. Her hand was so big it could have covered her entire crotch, and was barely able to fit behind the black fabric of the thong.

I looked behind me into the dark. I couldn't believe Cameron had found such a woman. Where was he? As if hiding and peeping from the shadows wasn't nerve racking enough, I was expecting Cameron to walk up at any moment. Why wasn't he with her? Was he actually cheating with this woman? Or just letting her use the store for whatever she wanted? To what... shoot videos? In either case, I winced at the thought of Cameron walking up on me, just watching this woman.

I stared at the floor. My mind went blank. A single thought occupied the vacuum that remained. I turned my eyes back to the woman I'd been watching.

Painted fingertips still gripped the silicone shaft while the woman craned her neck, bobbing her head in and out. I traced the lines down her chest with my eyes, watching the way the flesh moved beneath her skin. Bulky knuckles worked beneath her panties. Her huge green eyes opened, glazed with ecstacy while the long dildo wagged away from her lips.

In a single second, the weight of it all came crashing down on me. I didn't need to see the toothy grin that spread on her face. The realization shattered my mind even before she tugged the hand from the bulge that had grown in her thong. I saw what was there, hiding behind the black fabric, the all too familiar shape that strained for freedom.

She was Cameron.

I could only stare, gripped by shock. It was definitely him. I felt so stupid for not putting it together sooner.

It was so strange to see him flip the golden curls back over his shoulder and grin with glee. Even through the caramel smooth makeup, I recognized him now. His nose, his angular cheeks, his big green eyes. It was all there. It just looked so off-putting. It was like seeing a politician in swim trunks, or a celebrity at a fast food joint wearing sweats. The same person I knew dressed so different, so out of their element... but it was him.

Cameron turned to look at the camera. I saw him smile. This was not the polite smile I saw him wear for the customers in the store. That grin was devious, a knowing expression of what he was doing and what was no doubt to come. Cameron sucked two long fingers into his mouth and wet them from knuckle to fingertip. He then held the silicone cock in both hands, stroking his slimy saliva up and down the length of the shaft. After a few seconds of stroking, he bent over at the foot of the bed and planted the suction cup base loudly onto a wooden bench that I hadn't even seen until now.

I ducked down and tried to steady my breath. Disbelief wasn't the word for it. This was Cameron. Golden curls, corset, thick ass and long stockings... every bit of it was him. Out of some vile instinct I rubbed at my jeans near my upper thigh. It was still there, pulsating and half erect. My cock seemed to be caught in some strange limbo. I'd gotten hard watching this woman... watching Cameron, and now my brain writhed in my skull as it tried to convince the rest of my body of the truth.

My dick nodded and crawled deeper through my briefs beside my leg. I couldn't make sense of it. I should have been repulsed. I should have been crawling toward the hallway as fast as I could. Clearly I wasn't having a chat about my job with Cameron now. It felt like I were pinned down by gunfire in my little hiding place.

I had to look again.

Cameron was still at the foot of the bed. I shuddered when I saw him though. He was bent over, his long legs straight and spread open, that meaty ass jutting high. His back arched down, and his head bobbed on the piece of silicone sticking up from the decorative bench at the foot of the bed. Golden curls were draped beside his face. As he gulped down the fake cock, I could see his firm jawline working.

Again my dick straightened beside my thigh. I couldn't look away. To see Cameron that way, to know that was my boss, sent such strange and new sensations throughout my body. The scene was so perverse, but that pulled my eyes in deeper. I couldn't ignore how amazing his legs looked in those stockings. A cold flutter hit my chest whenever my eyes darted across that smooth ass. Yet, again and again I kept looking at Cameron's made up face, trying to make sure that this was indeed him.

Cameron pulled away from the cock to flip his hair over his shoulders. He looked toward the camera while his hand stroked the silicone as though it were a real erection, squeezing it in his fist and lathering it with his spit. I couldn't see it well, but I could tell he was working his other hand between his legs. Looking close, I saw the thin fabric of his thong responding to every stroke and rub.

He was looking away. I had to get out of there. I blinked several times, trying to break whatever trance I was being held by. I took a deep breath to steady myself. Then, hunkering low, I crept away from the dresser and back into the dark.

I felt resistance at my right foot. Something pulled. There was a crashing sound behind me. Still my foot wasn't free. The urgency shot through my veins and I kicked away at whatever held me. When at last the cord around my leg was gone, I was standing, trying to catch my footing. I should have been running. The fancy lamp lay on the floor now, not shattered, but having broken the silence and my cover all the same.

Cameron stood at the foot of the bed. He stared right at me.

I watched recognition and a million other emotions warp his facial features. Cameron recoiled and attempted to cover himself with his arms.

"What the hell!" Cameron yelled. "What are you doing here?"

I took a timid step forward and lifted my hands to show that I meant him no harm.

"H-hey easy, I just wanted to ta--"

"What the hell are you doing here?" He screamed back. "Get the fuck out of here!"

"Cameron, calm down!" I said. "I could ask you the exact same thing, man!"

Cameron took several steps back and sunk behind the bed. He cowered there, glaring across the room with wide wild eyes.

"You're not supposed to be in here!" Cameron continued. I heard the quiver in his voice. "You... you don't even work here anymore, Trey! Jesus Christ!"

"Look, I just came to talk!" I replied. "I tried calling you. I looked for you at your house. This was the only place I knew to try."

Cameron's green eyes widened even more with horror.

"You went to my house?" He hissed. "Oh my god. Oh my god, this is not happening!"

Cameron's eyes darted wildly. He swept away the long waves of golden hair, but gripped them tightly at his forehead. I saw his shoulders heaving from over the edge of the giant bed.

When Cameron didn't speak, I took another step into the faux room and attempted to deescalate the situation.

"I swear, I just wanted to apologize," I started. "I... I know I was wrong a-and I just wanted to talk to you about everything--"

"Trey, get the fuck out, now!"

Cameron cut his eyes over at me. That glare cut right into me, no matter how shadowed and alluring he'd made his eyes appear. He was shaking, from anger or worry I couldn't tell.

"B-but I--"


I put my hands up and backed away out of the glowing bedroom scene.

It felt like the first time I'd really taken a breath and it rushed in fast enough to daze me. I wove my way through the dark store between all of the elaborate furnishings and set pieces. Inside of my head was a tornado of thoughts and images. I couldn't quell that storm, and I couldn't even process the last minute of what had happened.

Speeding down the hall past the offices toward the back door, I fumbled for my keys. None of it seemed real. The dancing woman, the dildo, the lamp falling, the screaming... it all felt like a dream.

When I reached the back door, I stopped. My thoughts were racing forward. Somehow I knew that if I left, this would be the last time. There was no way Cameron would ever speak to me again. In an instant I tried to wonder where I'd find day shift work that wasn't shit. I couldn't decide if this stupid job was even worth all of this. Mostly, I couldn't understand why I couldn't calm down. I couldn't even take a breath without trembling.

To top even that, I was still throbbing hard.

I glanced back down the hallway. If there was a time to face everything it was right then. The worst had all happened already. I squeezed my eyes shut in utter disbelief of what I was considering. Whatever I was doing, I had to try.