Beauty's Choice Ch. 04-05


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Just thinking about them made her cry out with a sharp stab of pain. She couldn't stay here, couldn't see them again. She didn't think she could find the strength to rebuke them again. She had to leave this place and find her home. She rushed to the wardrobe, tearing at the door to quickly scan through its contents.

There! She knew she'd seen the fur cloak when Margaret had brought in the gowns that Ramilla had loaned her. She tore it out and threw it on the bed, then went through a small writing desk that sat under one of the massive windows in the room to find paper and pen.

She dipped the thin quill in the small pot of ink and penned her note, thanking them for everything they had done and apologizing for leaving without saying goodbye.

Your family has been so very accommodating and wonderful. I hope to be able to repay you some day for everything.

She had signed it simply—Beauty.

Leaving the note on the pillows, she flung the thick cloak over her shoulders. She checked the hallway outside her chamber door and then snuck out, quickly rushing down the stairs and hurried to the tall wooden doors that led to the bailey outside the castle. She pulled the cloak's warm hood over her hair and walked quickly though the gate into the town proper.

She hurried down the tidy, well- kept roads that ran through the gorgeous, small village. Flowers bloomed in boxes and hung from pots. The colors were fabulous, brilliant but tempered with a six petal white flower that she didn't know the name of. It perfumed the air with a sweet scent that she knew she'd never forget.

Each small house sat upon a square of land. Gardens were green and lush, filled with ripening produce. Children played in the yards, their excited voices peppered the air. Looking through some of the open windows she could spy families sitting together around a table eating. An older woman sat before her small fire, knitting something in brightly colored yarn. A man shouted, startling her and she stopped, staring at him. When he reached down and picked up a small child in his strong arms and threw him over his shoulder while the child giggled delightedly, she clasped her hands against her chest.

The village gate was open and she walked through, breathing a sigh of relief when she wasn't stopped. Most castle guards were concerned about who was entering the small village, but not who was leaving.

The moon was bright along the roadway and she made good time. It wasn't until a dog's barking startled her that she realized that by following the road, she would be making it so much easier if anyone came looking for her. Some inner sense of caution had her leaving the road and going into the dark woods that ran both sides of the road.

Chapter Five

"Your Grace?"

Ramilla started, looking up as Margaret called for her. "Yes, Margaret? What is it?"

"Lady Beauty isn't in her chamber. I went to help her prepare for bed and found this." She thrust out the note and then stood fidgeting while Ramilla read the missive.

"Where did you find this?"

"It was on her pillows, ma'am. Her wardrobe door was open and the gowns mussed, one half of a skirt pulled out. I didn't find the fur cloak, the one you instructed me to give her."

"Where are my sons?"

"Alpha Bryce is in the throne room with your youngest sons and I am not sure of Beta Blaise's whereabouts."

"Find him." Ramilla hurried to the throne room, reading through the short note one more time.

Three of her sons were in the throne room, Declan and Micah playing a game of Sticks and Wheels, a gambling game, while Bryce sat close to the fire, staring morosely at the flames. They all looked up when Ramilla hurried in.

"Bryce, when was the last time you saw Beauty?" She held out the note, barely allowing him time to read it before demanding as answer.

"We went for a stroll in your garden after supper." His face fell as he remembered Beauty's dismissal of his suit. "She told me... She... Never mind that," he said, shaking his head. "Where did you find this?"

Thorn walked into the room, having been alerted by Margaret about their missing guest. He walked to his wife and ran a strong hand down her back to curl his fingers at her still slender waist. "My love," he murmured against her ear, letting his presence soothe her.

She sighed and relaxed into him. "Margaret found it on her pillows when she went to turn down her bedding. She said that the wardrobe door was open and her cloak missing. Did she say anything to you about leaving?"

Blaise stormed into the throne room, going to his brother's side. When Bryce turned to look at him, Blaise curled up his fist and slammed it into Bryce's eye. "What did you do to her?" He stood over his brother, his lack of control had his beast apparent in the shimmering gold of his eyes. "You are an insufferable ass."

Micah grabbed Blaise and pulled him away from Bryce, struggling to hold him until Declan rushed to help him. "Calm down, Blaise!"

"What did you do!?" Blaise shouted.

Bryce rose and stared at his brother in amazement. "What makes you think I did anything?" He walked to his brother and pressed gently against his eye that was slowly swelling. "Maybe you did something..."

"Because..." Blaise paused and cleared his throat. "Because I told her she should be with you, that I was no good for her. She should be with the Alpha, not the lowly Beta." His cheek flexed as his teeth ground. "What did you do?" he asked again, though in a more controlled voice.

"Is that how you feel? That you're only second best?" Bryce set his hand on Blaise's shoulder.

Blaise jerked hard, yanking away from his brothers. "It's how it is." His eyes narrowed as he glared at Bryce. "It's how it always has been."

"It's not true, brother. It's not how I feel. You are every bit as good as I am and in some ways, you're much better. Why didn't you ever tell me how you feel?" Bryce's eyes spoke of the truth. He had to make his brother understand or else he could lose him altogether.

Blaise's body was held so taut, he almost seemed to vibrate. "And you'd do what, Alpha Bryce?" His tone was darkly sarcastic as he glared at his brother. "Give up the throne for me? Put out a royal edict? What would you have done? It's the way things are."

"Oh, Blaise." Ramilla slowly walked toward her son, gently laying her hand on his arm. "Have you ever watch Heath, seen everything he does around here?"

"He works every bit as hard, and sometimes harder than I do. He is the one who holds this kingdom together, son. I would never be able to do half what I do now without him." Thorn's voice was low but it commanded his sons' attention. "Who do you think Bryce will depend upon when he rules? He'll need you, son."

"But he is still given first everything. That doesn't matter." He shook his head and stared at Bryce, his eyes glowing. "What did you do to her that made her run?"

"I asked her to be mine." His eyes began to shimmer, his wolf very close to taking over. "I begged her to stay and be mine, to be my queen."

"That can't be it," Blaise growled. "She told me she wouldn't have me, that she wanted you, too. I told her to go and be with you."

"What do you mean, she wanted me too?" Bryce voice was rough, every syllable short and crisp.

"It doesn't matter! We need to find her. She could be..." He couldn't put his thoughts into words, couldn't verbalize them and give them power of any kind to come true. He turned from his family and rushed through the castle, ripping at his close with talon like claws as he ran. By the time he got to the heavy doors of the castle, his brothers were behind him. As they leapt over the doorway they came down as huge, menacing black wolves.

They caught her scent quickly and streamed through the village, ignoring the people as they bowed their heads respectfully.

"We are going to talk about this." Bryce's snarl was in Blaise's head, using the wolf speak they shared as lycan kind.

"Back off, Bryce. We don't have anything to discuss. Just know this. If anything happens to her, if she has a scratch upon her person, I will end you."

"You won't have to." Even in wolf speak the despair was evident in his voice. "I'd end myself."

"How about you two stop with the melodramatics and we find her?" Micah's voice cut through their mental battle like a slap to the back of the head. They both turned their heads and glared at him and then put their noses down to keep her scent.

She is everything. Blaise glanced over at his twin. I'd give anything for her.

And you think I wouldn't? I love her.

So you would take her away as well as everything else. You might as well, you...

Bryce glared at his brother. What have you given up? He sounded more curious than angry.

What haven't I given up? You are ten minutes older than I am but you are given the world and I get crumbs. I could have been as good if not a better Alpha than you. Because of those ten minutes, I am a Beta, a second place leader. I'll have to watch you take the woman that I love and be content with a vision of her with you. Blaise growled the last words before turning and tackling his twin to the hard ground.

Bryce grabbed his front leg with his powerful jaws and they rolled, neither one able to strike a telling blow. Insubstantial scratches that healed almost as fast as they were made did nothing to calm the fury inside them both.

She should be mine! I am Alpha. My mate will rule at my side!

Blaise's fangs tore into Bryce's shoulder, tasting his blood. It shook him, knowing that he had hurt the wolf that he'd shared so many things. His lady fair deserved to be with the real Alpha, not him. He let Bryce take him to the ground, his throat bare and his head tipped back, showing deference.

Bryce held him there, staring down at the panting, black wolf who looked so much as he did. He quickly released his hold and just stared at his brother. You had me, Blaise. You could have ended me easily, why didn't you?

Because she deserves the best and you are the Alpha. You will protect her and care for her. He coughed to dislodge the huge ball that seemed to be suffocating him. He was giving her up. He couldn't believe it, but he was. He rose and let his head droop. Life seemed like one endless deserted road in front of him.

Bryce stared at him. But you love her. If you had taken the advantage, you could have killed me and taken Alpha from me.

Blaise glared at him. He shook his big black head. You are my brother, my twin. Killing you would be like killing myself. He took a step back and bowed. You are my Alpha.

The Alpha stood and sighed. Brother, I may have a solution that will solve all our problems.

* * * *

Beauty ran from tree to tree, the darkness of the forest making her feel infinitely more alone and fragile. She stumbled and fell to her hands and knees, a face appearing in her mind's eye. She shuddered in fear, ducking her head as if to hide herself. A name tickled her lips and she spat it out like a foul taste.

"A-Abram, Chancellor Abram Black."

And just like that, the veil that had hidden her past was lifted and she remembered everything.

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skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

AAAHHHH ! I would be saying if I had to wait for the next one .

ausvirgoausvirgoover 8 years ago
Love the story.

Your story's so addictive I had to read ch.6 before coming back to post this comment!

Two small pieces of constructive criticism:

1) A small typo, about three quatrers of the way down page one of ch. 4 - "you're lips" should be "your lips".

2) To me, the brother's language and actions towards an injured woman they've just met would seem too crude and disrespectful for their society, station, and upbringing. It's like they've been consumed by raw lust and all their manners and decency have gone out the window on meeting their mate. I know this is Literotica, but that doesn't mean you have to throw in gratuitous sex before the story's ready. Your writing is good enough to entitle you to make the reader wait!

I'm good at criticising, but couldn't write a story worth reading, so please take this into account when reading the above. You, on the other hand, really can write a story worth reading!

P.S. The other commenter may say Beauty was stupid to run away, but I think her reaction was very realistic. Whilst I think she would have been better advised to seek advice and support from Ramilla, things were moving too fast, she was in a seemingly impossible situation, she hadn't known Ramilla for long, and she was still shaken up from her accident and the resulting amnesia, so couldn't be expected to make the best choice. (But you know all that, since you wrote it!)

ariesgirlariesgirlover 8 years ago

Beauty was real stupid for running with nowhere to go. She has no money, didn't know her name or where she came from. If she would've thought about it a bit longer she would've realized that she did the one thing she was trying not to do. Beauty didn't want to hurt the brothers by choosing one over the other but that is what happened when she took off. Now she got her memory back I wonder if the person she remembered is someone horrible.

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