All Comments on 'Eco-"Friendly" Cleaning'

by Tx Tall Tales

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coolromeo3coolromeo3about 11 years ago

not quite what i expected after checking your submissions , for a new entry, for the past few amazing a big fan of your works

chastenchastenabout 11 years ago
Good story

I really liked this one.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
Cleaning up, after & from the over-enterprising cleanup women?

I really admired the sense of devastation communicated, by the narrator after the betrayal. In light of recent prostitution trial of two principals fronting with Zumba studio & massage services, this is a very timely topic.

The girl next door is more likely then ever to be found on, in light of current economic duress. Thank you tight job market, oppressive student loans & tight credit for entrepreneur start-ups. The new whore is a whole lot less likely to be a drug addicted skank. She's just taking care of business, thinking out of box.

I liked that the narrator wasn't a boy scout. He felt entitled to the proceeds of the illicit activity and continued carnal services gratis from his wife's business partner. It did strike me false that the same women who betrayed him so casually, would allow him that money, once they sussed out he precipitated their fall.

Odd time to sprout a functional conscience that. It also seemed disingenuous of the dying wife to claim that the only reason she accepted the narrator's pal as a customer was simply the money. If it was, why wasn't the narrator's rage tempered by the fact that this was purely mercenary ? Would he have felt better if she did it for fun?

There are so many overtones to muse over with the conclusion of the story. The hypocrisy of Puritanical laws this country has in this field might be the primary one. The total interplay of pseudo-morality versus human nature, pent-up, carnal demand & supply might well give Adam Smith& Milton Friedman a cerebral embolisms.

Congratulations to Tx Tall Tales who's Dexter-ously handled all these facets all in one solitary story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It is so sad what some people do out of just pride. Her's not wanting to fails his for revenge. I also know that when one does not think through things the decisions made are very poor. She got hers and will die knowing it. He got his because he will always have the memory of what he did to get even. No one wins in cheating!

Sid0604Sid0604about 11 years ago
Thank you

I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
how long before i forgive myself? for marrying a stupid bitch? or what?

I hate psycho babble. Revenge is revenge designed to a person from a place of being hurt by others to a place of being able to live with ones self. The exwife, now whore, is a self centered compulsive obcessive focused on him. He should have spit on her face and walked out. A piss poor ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Liked the story

But forgive himself for what?

Myhands316Myhands316about 11 years ago
5 Starts for content!

Original, compelling, human! Some people need to face the fact, that sometimes you don't get all the answers. Sometimes life kicks you in the balls and you never get that answer to... WHY?

Great story telling!!! Keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Really good.

Was so captivating and a real joy to read. Great story line and excellent language used.

SirThopasSirThopasabout 11 years ago

One of the best and most emotionally powerful efforts LW has seen in a long, long time.

kelchakelchaabout 11 years ago
Selfish To The End

He has a family to support and she asks him to murder her. Take a chance on losing everything for old times sake?

Story was a five star effort, but the future of the kids in the story made the ending nonsense.

Gomez333Gomez333about 11 years ago
Bl**dy Hell

I had a tear in my eye at the end! Still, its a well known LW fact all us Brits are wimps (and cucks)

Seriously, thought this was one of the best I've read for a long time. Thanks for your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A good enough story...

but what the fuck has it to do with Earth Day? A couple of paras about eco-friendly cleaning products, out of tens of thousands of words?

So, as a competition entry, it's a fraud. One for that.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 11 years ago
Very well written.

There were things implied, but not stated. He apparently strangled his ex-wife without any reason except that she asked him. Suppose she was suffering from an eating disorder and had hidden cameras in the place, just to nail his ass for good? What if she had at least 30 years left to live? Why did he feel it was okay to kill her without an explanation? That took the shine off the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Wrong place

This silly tripe belongs in fetish, not in Loving Wives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Hadn't read you in awhile, and....

I liked this one. Sorry to echo other's comments, but yes it did bother me that he got no explanation as to why she was so frail, and dying. Never-the-less, very powerful writing from you, as you conveyed his emotions well. I have enjoyed several of your stories, and I think this one is up there. His relationship with Gail was weird, and for as much detail as you put into these characters, we never get to know Jenny that well. Also, avoiding some of the far reaching consequeces from his revenge didn't seem so realistic. However, when the writing is good, it becomes easier to suspend disbelief. Glad to see you still contributing, and will keep reading. Thanks!

firas01firas01about 11 years ago
one of the best

this story is so good in so many ways, the decisions that we take, and we know that it is against our hearts, but we still take them and stick by them because there so many considerations beside love, even if we hate ourselves for taking them, they are still our only course of action. the logic we use, the reasoning we use, why hating one cheating woman and making the other a life long friend, why live in fog and hurt people we love and dont realize it until it is too late, great story, although i would have wanted to know more about the ten years of the wife's life and how she ended up fatally sick but it didnt take much of the story, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
oh, boy!

Very difficult to read, to experience. But, so well told, so compelling, I couldn't stop reading.

This story will rattle around for a long time in my mind and I will re-experience all the emotions I felt in the reading, those same strong feelings resurging again and again each time some element of it comes to mind.

What man, discovering his wife's infidelity hasn't wanted to do exactly what our protagonist did without hesitation?

What man doesn't wish he had the means and the contacts, the skill to plan and execute such a response? And what man doesn't equally wish he could, after so much pain over the sharp, deep blade of betrayal and so long hurting.......un-break his heart?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good, but strange

I've read lots of cheating wives stories but they generally feature upstanding victims to really contrast how villainous the cheaters are. However, this story is filled will all different shades of the grey area. Both characters are, almost equally, bad people. It was a great story, but it also really freaked me out. For example, strangling the ex wife? What... why? I get the whole promise thing, but really? He should have gotten her help or something if he was a decent person. But clearly all the main characters in this were pretty messed up so I guess that sorta fits in with the whole cheaters mess up their lives and other people's lives.

rocketeer50rocketeer50about 11 years ago
Well-told story

I hate, hate revenge stories in this Loving Wives category. I wish there was a separate category for them. But apparently there is quite an audience here for them. You are a great writer and I did enjoy reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
a real ertic tale, I have to give that to you!

good written, nice story telling but you know if you wouldn't exaggerate in every single story you write. the stories would be a lot lot better.

you think something so sad will bring any half way normal human beeing towards some erotic feelings. Not that your other complety cruel so called erotic stories are better.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

Incredibly well written and heart wrenching. The whole affair with Gail was extremely odd. Also, there was no mention of her illness. Obviously, we can deduce she was near death, but he didn't even ask her what was wrong. And then killing her by choking the life from her? There are more humane and loving ways to do that. Still . . . Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
If you were going for a hypocritical asshole, you succeeded.

If you were going for a real man, you missed. Completely. A real man stands for what is right, not revenge. He won't stand for being cheated on but he sure as fuck doesn't threaten someone with murder. He stands up to his "best friend" and punches him in the face, he doesn't hire someone to do it. Lastly, he doesn't take advantage of a woman who is down on her luck, one who's only choice is to be his slave or live on the streets.

Your "real man" is no better than a rapist who looks for his next victim and convinces himsel that he's doing his victims a favor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What a -

-wonderfully written story. Enjoyed it so much, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Really Good

Well-written and gripping. It seems totally right that cheating spouses should suffer for the anguish their partners feel or would feel if they knew. I gave it 4.

However,the husband's actions seemed to me to be completely over-the-top. Theft of the money from the company, getting Nick's fingers broken and murder of the ex are all seriously illegal-and quite unnecessary. The offenders had all suffered sufficiently to regret deeply what they had done-and she was dying anyway. Blind hate is irrational and sub-human.

Please keep writing-I'm definitely a fan!

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 11 years ago

This was one hell of a story. It points out how people can be their own worse enemy. A truly outstanding effort.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 11 years ago

But touching and it is interesting that the husband and the wife each were blind.He assumed she did this out of lust,as many of the usual suspects on here did,and as a result went over the top without bothering to find the truth,he assumed he knew and that was that.If he bothered to talk to her he might have not wanted to be with her,but he could treat it as an asinine act,not deliberately cruel and not caused himself and her so much pain.He also showed he wasn't above rationalizing,with gail,who didnt hurt him directly,he hurts and uses her before,finding some humanity.

The wife fell into the trap of thinking she needed to prove to hubby she could succeed so he would respect her,and in an O'henry twist destroyed that.Though.a bit over the top,both of them are human characters who fail in their own ways,and it leads to a less then beautiful ending. The end may seem wrong to all the great moralist who I guess feel his ex should die alone and in pain,but in a sense,he shows how much he loved her by an act of mercy at the end and the last thing she would remember is him with his arms around her,granting her last wish.

I did cry at the end,there was something human in such a dark tale,I think Tex hit a spot with this one.

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Spectacular story

Nothing much else to say. A favorite story from a favorite author. The premise is out of the Twilight Zone, but totally involving so who cares...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Very, Good Story but...

Please re-write the ending and don't have him kill her. And besides strangulation is extremely obvious as a crime. (Also, it leaves a big ? for us not to know why she is dying.) Instead, somehow (for example, he moves her to a local nursing facility) just have him with her so that he can be the last thing she sees. Good job though!

katibkatibabout 11 years ago

The hero, Dave, is one miserable excuse for a human being. His principal complaint? His wife refused to have anal sex with him! He pushes his quest for revenge far beyond the boundaries of rationality. He deserves neither respect nor sympathy from the reader. He is a completely self-centered, selfish, piece of human dreck. The writing is good, though, and gives us a good sense of character.

wheelzCOwheelzCOabout 11 years ago

Dark, but WOW!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
@ katib, ummm...say what?


I have no idea what story you were reading, but Dave’s principal complaint was Brenda’s CHEATING on him! The denial of anal sex while providing it to her clients was simply the cherry on top. She betrayed him on so many levels and he simply lost it.

Do I condone the extent of his revenge? No. But I do understand it. He basically subsidized his wife’s cheating. He supported her in every way, business support, ideas and most significantly- financially. And she cheated on him repeatedly. She was basically running him down to what she thought was his best friend. (A blackmailing bastard, that Nick, and still look how she was with him.)

Dave realized in the end that he went too far. I do not believe that Tex intended to create simple black and white characters. All were flawed, some monstrously so, but all had something decent in them- even Brenda. She did not start out looking to cheat, she was blackmailed into it, The fact that she expanded the number of men she slept with after that IS on her. Also, the fact that neither she nor Gail tried to get retribution showed that they knew it was their fault that everything went bad.

Good story, but I agree that the ending is poor. No way he kills Brenda, not unless he wants to make his wife and kids suffer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Wow, what a fucking dickhead. So his wife cheats on him and he comes up with an awesome revenge. Great, I like BTBs even if they're a touch tainted by threats of murder. But then, the fucking imbecile not only has the pure fucking audacious idiocy to sleep with a whore relying on her "good word" that she's clean, but pay all her legal bills for her and not only that... finds himself a lovely second chance woman.

Then proceeds to cheat on her for a week with Gail. What the fuck?

Add in the lying, claiming his wife walked out on him in order to emotionally manipulate her and in general behaving no better than his slut wife. Seriously this dude is a piece of shit and still ends up with a happy ending. Sometimes a double-BTB is required, and turning the husband into a fucking asshole like that on someone like Jenny who doesn't deserve it requires him to go down just like his ex-whore did. No, I don't fucking care that they weren't married yet, he was cheating on a good woman, a new girlfriend, who deserved his love and trust, and cheating on her with a fucking cheating ex-whore who didn't.

Losing three stars for the blatant rationalization of one man's cheating while condemning his wife to death for it. This is why your stories are hit and miss, alternating between wonderful and shitty. Some of the crap you attempt to pass off as legitimate behavior just completely suck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I agree

Dave was a worthless asshole . . So not much was mentioned about Ron . Was he not a friend of Dave's ? Must of been some what of one . Dave had Gail and Ron over for a cookout . So let me get this straight . Ron kicks Gail out for her cheating . Dave makes Brenda disappear or get killed for her cheating . With me so far ? Ok . Now Gail comes over to Dave's house after Ron kicks her out and Dave ends up fucking her like the whore she is . Where was Dave's loyalty to Ron as a friend ? And Dave even pays for Gail's divorce because he felt sorry for her ? I could go on but whats the point . Stories like this is why i have almost quit reading Loving wife's altogether . Just to fucking depressing .

( I could feel my heart pounding, my blood rushing into my head. Sadly, I also felt it rushing into my lower appendage) Did i read this right ? Sounds to me that Davie boy was getting off just like all those other sick fucks that like watching there wife's getting fucked buy other men . Point maid . 1 star .........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The cheating slut finally got what she deserved 10years earlier

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
One more thought ...

As one commenter stated, why was this guy so willing to fuck over his friend Ron? He gets revenge on his friend because he fucked his wife, the he turns around a fucks his friends wife. Why? I can't believe I totally missed that.

Cauthon7272Cauthon7272about 11 years ago
Great story

Sure there might be elements to the story I dislike, but it's very well written. After having read many of these lw stories recently, I was impressed with the emotional intensity. Great writing

cliqueggecliqueggeabout 11 years ago
Great read as usual.

Thanks for yet another excellent read.

I don't understand the vitriol that some people are pouring out. If you have criticism fine give it but to go to the extent that some of the people do is way over the top.

Ah well - please keep up the good work - I check your page often waiting for a new submission.

Thanks again.

Jim44444Jim44444about 11 years ago
Good story

I am not a fan of the revenge stories but this was well written. There were no heroes or innocent victims just a bunch of normal flawed humans who make stupid decisions. I would have given 5 stars if it was not entered in the Earth day contest. Since I could see no logical connection to the contest theme I gave it 4 stars.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago

The cleaning ladies used 'organic' or 'natural' products for the cleaning services? Like lamb-skin condoms? Or latex? And lightening-bug flashlights? WTF!!!

Dark story! Hubby was uber-nice until he found out, then changed hats. After that, nobody to like or respect until innocents get introduced! Death by strangulation is obvious to anybody picking up a corpse for transport!


timviztimvizabout 11 years ago
Trashing Nick's house

A fish put between the mattress and box spring is always a nice touch and add a sprinkling of fiber glass to the mattress top to keep working it's way through the sheet and cause incredible itching can spice things up a bit too

Tx Tall TalesTx Tall Talesabout 11 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments

I appreciate all the insightful comments about the story. Occasionally I like to give some view into the writing process I go through.There are aspects of the story and the way it was written that I'd like to share, based on some of those comments.

There are things unexplained in the story. Many stories, especially in this genre are written in 3rd person omnipotent. The narrator has access to all the thoughts and knowledge concerning everyone in the story. In a first person POV, the narrator is limited to the central character's knowledge. That's it. As in real-life, no person has complete self-knowledge, or complete knowledge of anything, for that matter. It is up to the reader to go beyond what the narrator says, to fill in the blanks.

This is important in such matters as Gail not pursuing the money that was taken, as brought up by snakes454, where the justification would have to be brought out in some convoluted dialog. In my mind, the fact that he paid up to $20 grand for her lawyers, and housed her would offset the matter for her. Add lack of proof, since he never admitted taking the money. Plus, the guilt over ill-gotten gains would apply, as well as his helping her get a new start (which was eliminated in the editing process as now moving the story forward - more about that later.) Plenty of reasons for the esteemed reader to justify not making big deal about the money seven years later.

The same applies to the conditions of his ex-wife's illness. She doesn't volunteer it, for reasons known to her. Dave doesn't question it, with her driving the conversation. He'll probably wonder for years what was wrong with her. In truth, it doesn't matter. She's dying, he hastens her death. That was my thinking.

Back to the editing process. Believe it or not, after the story's written, I try to edit out at least 10-20% that isn't essential. That's right - these long stories would be even longer. One scene left on the cutting room floor, was the Ron/Dave conversation, after Dave took in Gail. I had problems writing the scene, and after two attempts, decided it wasn't advancing the story much, other than to say that Ron was happy enough to get rid of his ex. Their marriage was on life support, as was implied in some of Gail's discussions. A chance to get out, after the humiliation he suffered, was something that Ron grasped at, especially since there were no kids involved, and he got out practically scot-free, giving her nothing. The logic there is she had income, and savings that offset what he would have had to pay her. The money disappeared, but who's to say she didn't hide it. Gail was feeling guilty enough to not rock the boat. Ron basically tells Dave to keep her, good riddance. Ron and Dave do not have much if any relationship after that. The best friends were Gail and Brenda, not Ron and Dave. Nick was the best friend, for what that was worth.

As for sleeping with Gail, after sleeping with Jenny, I don't think there's any issue there. They were dating, they had sex. Neither had made any commitment to exclusivity after their first time together. These are grown adults. Dave made the unilateral gesture to stop screwing Gail, to develop a relationship with Jenny. The following weekend they spent in bed, and he explained the relationship he's had with Gail.

Jenny was not fleshed out on purpose. She was meant to be almost invisible, a shadow character. The point was to highlight that even though he loved her, married her, and created a family with her, the feelings he had for her were much less than those he'd had for his ex-wife, and maybe even Gail. In the end, I tried to make it seem like that might be changing. I may have done a poor job of that.

The characters in this story, as in many of mine, are flawed. Deeply flawed in this case. Not perfect people in any ways, and responding poorly to bad situations. Anyone who thinks that Dave is an asshole, would get no argument from me, or from him either, I imagine.

The ending may be a bit contrived. This story developed from a one paragraph plot outline, and the ending hasn't changed from that moment. And yes, as NJLauren commented, I saw what he did as a gesture of forgiveness, mercy and love. At a high level of risk to himself. Of course at the time, he didn't consider the risk, as he was too caught up in the moment. Afterwards, he'd be looking over his shoulder for years.

Anyone complaining about the tenuous relationship to Earth Day, I'll give you that. In the original writing, the 'natural' cleansers had a bigger part in the story, and the whole 'bikini cleaning' was not there. His discovering what happened, and the reason the women became whores, had to do with the supply and demand, and homemade cleansers. I tried, but it didn't work for me, and while I was driving to work, the whole costume route concept was conceived and fleshed out, in the 30 minute commute. After those changes, the Earth Day connection was minimal at best. Mea Culpa.

That's it for me. Thanks for the comments, great observations, and views into what works and doesn't work. I'm not saying what I wrote was right or wrong, it's what I was thinking as I went. There will always be holes in stories this short (I know, some of you think 4 1/2 pages is interminably long.) Stories driven by dialog, and the old 'show instead of tell' tend to be longer, and I hate those endless paragraphs of telling (like I had in here with the hiding money - probably could have done a whole lot better with that, either gloss over it, or make more of the matter afterward.)

In retrospect, I probably should have left the Ron conversation in, and perhaps exposed why his wife was dying and from what. When I first thought of the ending, I imagined her continuing to whore herself out, after she left and was still angry with her husband, and contracting AIDS. If I were to actually go back and try to explain it, I'd probably just go with bad luck and some terminal disease. The AIDS thing seems even more cliche than the ending.

looking4itlooking4itabout 11 years ago

This is probably my favorite story that you have written. After going through your explanation in your own comment I think you made some good choices. I don't believe the end was contrived but rather the rest of the story was so well crafted that the end didn't need to be anything more than what it was. It was a hardcore BTB story but not so over the top to be unbelievable. Did some of the plot choices stretch things? Certainly. But that is what fiction can be, pushing through reality but not beyond believability. Some wont agree with me but that is why life is fun to live. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Sad Romance

One of the nicest and saddest stories I read here in Loving Wives.

It really tugged at my heart.

Thank you Tx Tall. I just discovered you... you're one hell of a writer.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 11 years ago
Reading the comments

It is interesting how people don't read.They call Brenda a cheating slut,as if she was having affairs with the guys,not sleeping with them for money...and hubby later cheats on jenny with gail and the yellers are like nbd.Brenda screwed up but she didnt do it for pleasure.

As far as strangling her one thing to keep in mind is a woman found dead in a crappy apartment,who may or may not have been turning tricks,would probably not get much effort put into it.Even if they got prints not likely to match hubby,and they wouldn't look if they figured out she was dying,might put two and two together and let it drop.Cops are human and they aren't as morally black and white as some on here are.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 11 years ago
Tex gives a good explanation on the parts that

I fully understood and felt worked fine. I agree that stories in first person must always reflect the POV of that person and he/she cannot know what others are thinking or doing all the time. He dances around my one problem with the story. Our hero never asked why she was dying, nor did he make an effort to confirm it. He simply killed her because she asked him. That really seemed bizarre to me. As I pointed out before, she could have developed an eating disorder and could have hidden cameras to film her murder, so her revenge would have been complete. He risked his entire future by killing a woman that may, or may not, have been terminally ill. He simply did not know anything about her health.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Did you read the author's explanation about his so called cheating on Jenny?

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 11 years ago
I gave this a real go

but after having to skim through a page of cleaning fluids, ( I just bet cantbuymy got off on that), and almost coming to a jarring halt with the line ' I put my rod in her naughty bits' (?) I actually persevered until -

"'She shook her head. "No. Not the words. I don't give a fuck about the words, Dave. I need you to do it. To forgive me from your heart. Forgive this selfish, cheating lying whore for destroying our marriage, shattering your heart....'"

I couldn't finish through my tears. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A real dark tale

We're there any winners here.? He destroyed her and it took ten year to come to terms with his own selfish behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A really good read.

I couldn't stop reading but when I made it to the end I was a bit shocked. I think I was expecting them to resolve their issues and go their separate ways. One thing that bothered me was his relationship with Gail. It would seem his business would suffer if he continued to see the other half of the sour business relationship. Why wouldn't the police be aware of his affair with Gail and wonder if they had conspired to kill her off?

All in all, a great job of writing and tons of work. I rated it a 4* but it deserved more.....but not a 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good good

You got your LW bug out I hope , now back to your group sex awesomeness please?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I remember....

when TTT wrote quality erotica. But this is just a garden variety BTB story with a little bit of "forgiveness" thrown in to make it seem different. It isn't; it's just shit.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

What the fuck was that? First it had me going as a decent burn the bitch tale. It's funny how in hindsight all the damn fucking cheaters regret what they've done. But as it happens they revel in it. It first bugged me that he took with the other whore but I figured he was just using her. If he actually fell for her I'd be giving this more shit than now. But seeing his ex-cunt, the cheating skank whore that destroyed his life and put him on the dark side and fulfilling her last request, was absolutely absurd. Now as a murderer he returns to a wife he barely loves and he gets to live a life? You've written many tales but this is a bullshit tale not worthy of a quality writer. Now you say who the fuck are you to criticize my work like this? Here's my answer. Try living through a betrayal that you were clueless about during a cheating whore's lifetime and knowing there is nothing that can be done to get closure. Kill the offending parties? No I don't think so. The shrink I saw after convinced me that would give me no closure, just a jail sentence. So here I am reading this crap and wondering why? Oh I have some tales in me. It's just taking a while to put it down on paper. Damn. Alright I'm done rambling for now.

cpetecpeteabout 11 years ago
All the boxes checked.

Love, betrayal, revenge, violence, redemption, sex-what more could you ask for?

Well done story that hit all the numbers.

imhaplessimhaplessabout 11 years ago
Very original

For originality and suspense alone it's worth a 5.

Tony StrokesTony Strokesabout 11 years ago
A bit underrated.

I don't see what everyone seems to be complaining about. I usually don't mind cheating wives stories every now and then, but I don't see how people could have such a low opinion of this story. On a site where most of the cheating wives stories I've read involved a spineless and/or SIMP (Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy) of a husband, which I tend to despise more than anything. The husbands usually wimp out in the face of their wife's betrayal, if they ever catch on at all, and some are even written as blaming themselves for the wife's behavior.

This story didn't do that, you allowed the main male character, i.e. husband, to maintain some integrity and a pair of balls. And I, for one, really appreciate that. Kudos, sir.

apollo90apollo90about 11 years ago
Definitely different

Not sure about why this should be a contest entry (Eco-friendly in the title?), but as others have said, you definitely hit all the buttons. Good suspense (especially when he is putting together his revenge plan: what will he think of next?), drama, and the sex and human emotions were very believable. I for one definitely enjoyed the read. Voted a 5 for the nice pace of the story and the human honesty.

good read.

SalamisSalamisabout 11 years ago

That was some powerful writing. As with all good stories it made me a little uncomfortable. I also recognized elements from 'That Asshole' by KK as well as themes used by jakewho69, ohio, and Agena. This was not plagerism, just a damn good exploration of such themes.

To have a vengeful heart for so long, it's surprising that both spouses were not near death by the time the story ended.

Thanks for a great read!

MinigalesMinigalesabout 11 years ago
RE: Good good by Anonymous

Anonymous said:

You got your LW bug out I hope , now back to your group sex awesomeness please?

I second that.

Although this may be your best story so far, this is not why your readership is hear. They are hear because they expect your special style.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A decent story! How about updating/concluding all your other entries as opposed to writing new ones...

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Good Story

A very good read revolving around a cheated husband.

The plot had some nice twists and characters had some depth.

A few points for clarification,

What illnesses was Brenda suffering from that cause her to be drawn ! ?

As for Nick blackmailing Brenda, well all Brenda had to say was to inform Nick she would tell her husband about him trying to get in her knickers.

As from what can Tran Brenda and Gail had not done any whoring at that time.

What did Brenda do for money for 10 years ?

What did the husband do with money he transferred from the cleaning company ?

How could a smart gilt like Brenda white her self out in her local area and then expect to then slowly exit from that VIP service with out any future come back.

It only take an ex customer to mention her and husband in a bar, dinner table, super market que etc. Not a bright idea on her part !

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Potentially Good

It just has way too many gaps and hanging threads. A cleanup to shorten it and remove some of the "crap" or lengthen it and fill in the blanks. This would make it a much better read.

Bigg_MikeBigg_Mikeabout 11 years ago
This is a damn good story. Uncomfortable, but nevertheless damn good.

This is one that is written very well, with human characters behaving in a common fashion: just muddling through, decision by decision, act by act. It is dark, but then again, so is life from time to time.

This one is so haunting. It stays in your head and makes you think.

That is, I believe, the essence of a great story, told very well.

uboat1uboat1about 11 years ago

I dont care what you write. Please keep writing. I have read and enjoyed every word you have on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Stories these affect society

This larger than life revenge story numbs people to be more accepting of revenge

violence and even murder, by justifying them. That is not a good thing. I don't

know who I am more sorry for, the readers who enjoy reading such cruel

things, or the people in their lives. Yes I believe that this sort of thing affects people

more than they realize. I also realize I might be wrong. I hope I am.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Hated it

I forced myself to read it till the end. I had Tx as a fav author. In my opinion the worst story on LW. Hey, its not erotica at all. I gave it a 1, regardless the quality of writing which is great as always.

GmogrosGmogrosabout 11 years ago
Snuff on Literotica?

I had no idea this site advocates snuff. Killing your ex as an act of mercy, to save her what? This story should be removed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It took a while, but I finally figured out that was the best description of how I felt about this story, but more importantly that TTT would write such a thing. Disappointed in TTT for lowering himself to this.

After so many good stories, with laughter, sex, cringing guffaws, warm loving, raw sex, group sex, monogamous sex - to suddenly find myself saying "He didn't really, did he?" But yes, here it is - the blatant real showing that women are just something to be owned, the subservient barefoot and pregnant wife, male dominated point of view is where he really comes from. All those fun and game stories - they were all trashed from this one story.

So sad. So sad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Liked your story alot, BUT..........bill

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Good writing as always, seemed a bit cliche with the constant references to forgiveness, but pulled it off pretty well for a 5 pages story.

Since it is so different from your other stories, it probably rubbed your fans the wrong way. The disclaimer at the top should have more emphasis on how different this story is compared to your others. I would give the story a solid 4.5, but rounded up to try and balance out the notoriously judgemental LW commenters.

JohnnyGaltJohnnyGaltabout 11 years ago
Damn, Tex!

You certainly are in a dark place recently

While your storytelling is as good as ever, I long for something more like most of your older stuff

MerlynemrysMerlynemrysabout 11 years ago
The ending surprised me.

Very moving and satisfying. It held together and felt real.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Now this is a real story

I must say this story is one of only a few that have kept me reading all the way to the end, It also brought tears to my eyes. Good work anything you write I will read, keep up the good work.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiabout 11 years ago
Just one statement:

Wow!! Heartgoing story, surely one of your best! Don´t you dare stop writing!

5 Stars, of course.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

Always liked this one and he kept his promise but would be caught and jailed for it in real life.

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540about 11 years ago

In an episode of "Southpark" Cartman goes scorched earth on a character named Scott Tetterman. Afterwards, Kyle turns to Stan and says, "Don't ever get Cartman mad at you."

I will say, don't let TTT get mad at you. Oh, boy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Hope you keep up the great work mate, I'm a big fan of many of your series. Keep writing more of this awesome stuff! (ok this one was a bit dark ) :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Minus *= 0* for worthless writings.

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
once again WTF?

i forgive you, you forgive me, we forgive each other, now please end my well deserved suffering and go home to wife and kids like nothing happened because we both know how easily you get over things......... "No" . So once again it seems Tx can set up a great story but cant finish worth shit, explains Texas dont it a land of make believe and "fairy" tales, yeah because Texas is full of tales of the bad guys getting away with shit....please, this shit eating bowel retching crap gotta end, just because a cunts gonna die does not mean they get forgiveness... it is a cop-out plot twist done by the weakest writers.He should have said "no, not because i wont give it but because once again you are only sorry at the end, where you are caught this time by death where you will lie and cheat to get forgiveness, you like the anal you enjoyed the sex and you are lying to me now and your self , so no forgiveness and no last request, die in pain and curse in vain for your self-centered sins. I will not carry this or any part of you into my life with my kids and wife could be touched by it.. call a priest"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A Five

Thanks for the somewhat "different" story - but a good one. I am a fan. I have never found one that ended the way this did but I think it was somewhat appropriate, if not expected.

dreamer63dreamer63almost 11 years ago

different from your normal stories the ending after thinking on it and understanding what was going on with her was almost to much glad it was fiction i don't think anybody could do that for real and not go bonkers. but a great read even if a little dark.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not sure what to make of it

I disliked it intensely and don't believe I could rate it fairly, so chose not to rate it at all.

Leonine44Leonine44almost 11 years ago
Opposite of Erotic

Tx Tall Tales is the best erotic writer I have discovered so far at Literotica. His "Accidental Nudist Cabin" is by far the best story I've seen here. Non-stop dick stiffening situations, really inventively devised, well-paced, and engagingly written. A true combination of literature and erotica which met what the site's name encourages.

Eco-"friendly" however was the exact opposite. Filled with so much hate and hurt dwelled upon at length that even the erotic scenes with the protagonist's wife's business partner cannot relieve the reader's depression that travels from head to groin.

I disagree with another commenter that forgiveness was a cop-out. Most of us have had an intense, head-over-heels first love experience that rarely lasts. Its loss eats a hole in the psyche and the pain and longing linger into future relationships unless dealt with maturely. Those later relationships are, in a sense, "settled for" because with maturity, with experience, and with leveler heads we do not open ourselves up to the unbridled emotions of a "first love" anymore. However, those relationships can be undermined by unresolved feelings and memories of the first love. Hackneyed but true: "Forgiveness is for the forgiver, not the forgiven." The forgiven doesn't even have to know about it. But the injured person has to reach the point of being able to forgive so that the pain can be put behind and removed of its power to negatively affect his/her life anymore.

So, I didn't have a problem with the protagonist forgiving his first wife. I had a problem with the cheap trick of it being given on her death bed. Thumbs down, Tx Tall Tales, for the device and for the overall story which failed in its first responsibility -- to turn us on not off!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
must have done something right.

Once again, the characters are developed to the point that people comment and complain about them as though they are real (and flawed as you mention, which people seem to have a hard time accepting). It's interesting that even people who have been through some of the experiences expect the character to do the correct thing. (ex: my therapist says thar revenge never brings closure. I agree, but the characters is not you or doesn't always do the right thing. Don't donk the story because the character makes mistakes. That's the human condition. You have to decide what to do when it happens to you. Don't de-star the story because the main character is depicted as an a**hole. That's not what you're voting on.

The comments seem to reflect the level/depth of the commenter's knowledge of life. They range from the shallow " the centrr of tge universe types tp the experienced souls. I am challenged by what I have never experienced in the story, like a major betrayal, so I don't know how I would react even if I had the presence to step back and try to see it from a different perspective or wether I coild focus on what's constant and what's the flash of the moment.

slaverowanslaverowanover 10 years ago
Dave is just a psycho

Like many of your stories you advocate violence against women as the way to resolve issues. You've done this multiple times in many stories: men strangling their wives to force a result.

I honestly think there is something wrong with the author.

1 star.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
What a grim story

There were little bursts of light, but overall it was quite dreary. He did settle. But considering what Brenda had allowed to happen to her, where was the 'happily ever after' likely to be?

Sadly, nowhere.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A little disappointed

I was a bit disappointed with the ending I wish you had went on with what happened to Brenda, ie did she start doing drugs or turning tricks or got some disease or something to get to the condition he found her in. Also when I got to the part where they started revamping the business I had already figured what was going to happpen with the business and that he would find out. I don't know it just seemed to predictable but I think of those things when I read stories anyways. Don't get me wrong I actually liked the story because it brought out emotions in me even ones I do not like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
That was the best

You are a terrific author. nothing else to say! *****

DC_PackardDC_Packardover 10 years ago
Holy smokes!

This story actually had me in tears. Even through Dave's anger, and the strong emotions in his retribution, I could feel the pain as if it was my own. The last scene is one of the most powerful that I have read on this site, maybe anywhere. Well done Tex, and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Here I am, supposedly a tough middle aged logger, with tears running down my face at this moment.

I can't think of anything else to explain how wonderful this story was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Did not see the end coming. Could not stop reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nope ...

... The moment the cheating, cum dump, three hole, anal SKANK, WHORE "blamed" Dave for her disgusting behavior, expected an apology from him and said she forgave him was the signal that Tx Small CUCK was once again entering The Cuckhold Writing Zone! It's that special place where RAAC authors encourage (even demand) their readers excuse, forgive & even support WHORE wives who betray, insult, lie, disrespect & humiliate their faithful, loving husbands. Forgiveness is expected from both the "innocent" husbands & the readers because the CHEATING wives "really do love“ their spouses and:

- "it was just sex"

- "it didn't mean anything"

- their "out of balance hormones" caused them to let a complete stranger have their ass

- they only had an orgasm "every fourth time"

- their husbands are still the "best"!?!

- and the biggest lie .... "I'm done fucking other men"

Spin it anyway you want Tx Small CUCK, the story still spells Wimp Male &

Reconcile At All Cost!

A Zebra can't change it's stripes & a Cuck Author can't stay out of the closet!

Thus endeth the lesson!!!


"Call me a wimp. A sucker. Whatever" ... actually after what Brenda did to Dave ... I'd refer to Him the same way as I would to the Gutter WHORE Brenda ... A BIG OLD PUSSY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

That was one hell of a fucked up story, lol! Again, you had me completely captured...keep doing what you do because you have an incredible story telling ability Tx...I've been working from the top down on your stories list and haven't been dissapointed yet. I started with "it's just a blowjob" and then was so happy with that that I started reading all you stories. Cvsn is my fav so far and would love to see more of that too...Thank you...

DjshengDjshengover 10 years ago

Thanks for making me cry, dick.


javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Nicely done

Almost stopped reading. I often hate revenge stories, because they almost always go over the top and become unbelievable. When I saw that this was a revenge story was about to stop reading, but I decided to finish it. I'm glad I did. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Can't believe

The ending, ... I cried. I felt the pain as much as them.

Thank you.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3about 10 years ago

Anon 1/3/14 must really have wimp issues with himself to judge from his comments. It is also apparent that he did not read the whole story. He didn't tolerate her crap, he came out a winner and she died miserably. What more could you want in a revenge story? 5 stars

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 10 years ago
WOW ....

I really enjoyed this story even though it was one of the saddest that I have read!

Some comments say he was a wimp? Not even close! He went extreme and who can blame him? However the author shows us how our own reactions can can have a detrimental affect on our lives. If he had talked to his wife sooner, his life might have been easier and he might have adjusted better!

This is real life and so times real life sucks! 5 STARS!

JamtkoJamtkoabout 10 years ago
Three stars

I only give you three stars because it is an Earth day story that only gives lip service to Eco anything. It is just a loving wives revenge story. No Eco angle except the choice of cleaner in one scene. Next time link it to what the contest is about better.

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