All Comments on 'Megan Ch. 03'

by Slirpuff

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CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 7 years ago

First I had to go back and reread the first two chapters, it had been awhile.

The problems between the two of them were plausible , but it just didn't come off as being linear , for lack of a better term .

Maybe I'm getting jaded to these stories and I simply don't absorb the raw emotions that I used to . That's on me and not the author .

They were both very stubborn , and that trait bit them both in the Ass . And both sets of parents were even more stubborn than theiron kids . I could actually understand her parents acting as they did , but his mother especially came off as just an old hag . Her condescending attitude towards him is probably the base reason for the many shortcomings that he possessed.

Thank you for sharing.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 7 years ago
Blighted Story and Noxious Characters Get Madeover to Best of HOF Author's Ability

The 2nd installment of this initially promising drama went right off the cliff with the narrator getting drunk , cheating and then abandoning kids like expired coupons. Well Slirpuff made a laudable effort to tow that wrecked story from base of precipice and labored very hard to make a credible case for rehabilitation.

I think he failed in terms of measuring up to the incredible heights reached in " Bigmouth" " A Little Bit of Death " and very underated " Love Wasn't Enough For Her ". Yet this story had heart and earmarks of much thought and effort. This story was a sort of Lazarus hobbled with irregular stride after coming back from grave , but the fact he's breathing and limping is a marvel.

I thought this story was a goner and 6 feet under. Well I was wrong. Thanks go to Slirpuff go sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Bullshit ending after waiting far too long!

tazz317tazz317about 7 years ago

to figure out That Working Together makes life so much EZer. TK U MLJ LV NV

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 7 years ago

An adventurous conclusion. I'm not one for reconciliation but it seems to work here. Him becoming a man again and her forgiving his one time infidelity could possibly make for a successful marriage. Oh, and taking good care of the kids helps. Not bad.

Impo_64Impo_64about 7 years ago
The story is good, not one of the best from this author, but good nevertheless...

The story is good, not one of the best from this author, but good nevertheless...However it has some issues: 1st - He was shot twice in the chest, almost died, stayed 3 days in coma and was released on the 4th day already walking? I think it would take a lot more time than that...2nd - What was his relationship with his in-laws from then on? 3*

dc6370dc6370about 7 years ago
Well, I enjoyed reading it.

I am glad you've written the last chapter. She should have known better, he should have kept his dick in his pants, his mother should not have gotten in the middle, and her father should be shot.

A beautiful family dynamic!

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 7 years ago
Thank you

Really appreciate you finishing this one!

I enjoyed it too!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
The usual hilarious StayPuff mistakes,

Like "wanting my son's back". That is too funny. Carl's room was filled with electrons! What are the odds? There should be a contest or something where readers try to find all of the mistakes this writer makes. Your and you're are foreign concepts. No one needs an editor more than this guy.

FD45FD45about 7 years ago

I am not going to comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
re: anonyous-As I predicted........

What's a "wrier"? As I predicted, the cuckold lovers don't like writers like this.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 7 years ago

At least their talking and he is being a Father. They both F'ed up their Marriage it will take Both to keep it going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Ive never wanted to rewrite a story so bad in my life. This sucked!

You know the courts are death on men who LIE to it, right? The only one serving time would be the hemmerhoid who lied to the court to get his ex wife arrested. I refuse to call him her husband or even a man because a real man doesn't abandon his wife and kids and that's what he does, he abandons them and this bullshit ending of yours where they live happily ever after is as much a fantasy as Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny.

If anything, their hate would force the courts to file restraining orders of protection for the children.

gabaagabaaabout 7 years ago
Oh NO!

Oh Slirpuff, how could you? When I look back on some of your classic stories and now...this horrible mess, I grieve for what your readers used to have.

The guy was a complete ass. Why on earth did he want custody of the children? It was manifestly obvious that he couldn't run his own life, let alone take responsibility for others'. The reconciliation was completely unbelievable. Just imagine what their life together will be like. Gruesome.

As for the proof-reading...what a joke. Don't you care any more?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
What a bunch of idiotic comments out there!!!

Now, he ends his story with some different potentialities and some of the readers reek treachery!! Whats your problem?? He described possibilities for people to find ways out of a shitty situation!! If you prefer another one whats the problem??

RhomanovRhomanovabout 7 years ago

Chap 1 great

Chap 2 so-so

Chap 3 better but not up to Chap 1 standards

Still overall a decent story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Was this story really written by Slirpuff?

Thank you for finishing the story finally. I think all incomplete stories should be removed after a 3 month lapse. This particular story has the distinction of containing the two worst examples of humanity I have read so for in Literotica. Megan is too stupid to remember to breath. The husband/father represents everything that needs to be removed from the male species, Douche bag doesn't begin to describe his idiocy. More is the surprise that this horrid story was written by an author I have a high opinion of.


boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
What A Mess!

How you got these two losers back together was a wonder to behold! Most of your stories that I've read have at least one sympathetic character, but in this one, you can just leave off the 'sym' -- they were both pathetic! Nice job getting me to read all three chapters when I disliked the two principals! ;-)

As others have noted, chapters 1 and 3 are good, but chapter 2 seems a bit of a mess. Still gonna drop 5* on all three for giving us a couple of characters we love to hate....


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Not your best but please keep them coming

A little disappointed but hope you are going to give us another story soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Yep, He Did It

He crawled back to her. He should have just quit while he was behind. The bitch was right, he is a freakin' loser. Wish I hadn't wasted my time reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
WAY too far a leap to RAAC.

It would have been a much better story if they had just gotten divorced and lived in the area with their parents as support. Each could have gotten an apartment, they could have shared custody and at least been civil to one another for the boys sake. But going to councilors and getting back together was just too far to stretch this mess. Well written story, horrible ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Sailors, Bailers, And Trailers

After a goody two shoes wife causes horrible harm to her marriage the reader strains to understand what conditions are necessary for the next step to be taken. It's either some type of healing or a split.

But when the relationship languishes and the writer piles chaos upon chaos like a dagwood sandwich, particularly the husband's drunken philandering, the story becomes something that belongs in a new category.

For this reader, the new category should be Trailer Town. She is a wife on the short road to her Fabio hammering her from the rear up against the dumpster in the alley outside the club, and hubby is nursing the lesions from his sexually transmitted diseases.

When the husband out of nowhere stupidly cheats, one naturally feels that the momentum of the story has taken a dive - the wind has gone out of the sails. It becomes a free for all, so to speak. And when he finally bails out by running south the plot has become something of a circus.

In this case the husband is not a likable person. Though, in looking back on the chain of events, the woman started all of this with her disrespect of her marriage vows and of her husband's peace of mind. She is the proverbial piece of work.

For this reader her most insulting blow to her husband apart from the actual drunken pre-sex rituals that she regularly enjoyed with other men, was that after she gets caught and there is a confrontation she goes to her slutty girlfriends to cook up her response to her husband's demands. Now that is heaping bitchiness upon bitchiness.

This woman is a willfull cheater if there ever was one. As written, though, she is one who hasn't quite yet encountered the right conditions for her graduation into the card carrying, official world of cheating trailer trash. One pities these poor children if she can't keep her proclivities under control.

One thing that was a bit wrankling is wifey's clueless parents should have been informed in crystal clear language: your daughter wanted regular steamy, seedy drunken encounters with other men and she asked her husband to accept that. And the author has the husband actually taking some of the credit his wife going off the rails bit that came off just plain wrong.

All of the miscommunication from all sides in this story somehow makes the plot suffer and is experienced as low-iq, sleazy behavior from daytime television.

Slirp stories are always worth the read. In this case, though, one must wonder about the advisability of spending an hour with these trashy characters.

shaman43shaman43about 7 years ago
Emjoyed it

I liked the way you had to work to make the whole of events plausible. And it was that. In my work I have seen reconciliations with more difficulties than this. Seen reconciliations with more stubbornness, less communication and as much immature behavior as in this story. We are all human. We have choices. We make mistakes. We can make most choices work if we do not have preconceived concepts and judgements about what is right or wrong. Thanks for the effort. As a group the folks who read stories in this category and write comments under anonymous have to be the most fucked up and closed minded morality prigs in the world. They would be at home with strictures like in Sharia.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 7 years ago
Worth the wait?...

... debatable.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 7 years ago
Poor story

Much below the standard this writer is capable of. The scenarios were too absurd to be believable, and I saw no point to the overall story.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago

Thanks for the offering.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Ch. 1 was a good start but 2 & 3 were clearly not some of your best, not even good work. I recognize most of these stories are fiction, therefore the author's vision of the scenario, but this was not very good in terms of what was being done, especially by Rick in the last 2 chapters. She was the relatively good wife.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Happy to see you writing again Slirpuff...

This wasn't your best, but I appreciate you finally submitting another story.

In my opinion, the was way too much jumping around in the story line, not enough continuity. The wife was obsessed with the cliche "big cocks", she was out dry-humping other men on the dance floor every Friday night, leaving him home to babysit. He's finally had enough and threatens divorce if she doesn't stop; she responds by doubling down with a little homespun psychology conjured up by her coven of enabling co-workers. "See? You like me to look sexy so you must want me to continue dry-humping all the bar-bodied douchebags on the dance floor."

Out of the blue, and out-of-character, we see the husband has cheated with some real skank, picking up STDs in the process. The wife lords it over him; sure, she's humping every Larry Leisure Suit in the bar, but at least she didn't cheat. They both get pissed, split up, she serves him with divorce papers and an unrealistic TRO, so he packs his stuff and drives off to margaritaville for endless cheeseburgers in paradise.

She hunts for him for two years because she apparently needs to cuss him out before REALLY leaving him this time. He chases her so he can have his sons, blah, blah, blah. Takes two rounds in the chest saving her life at the DMV like some modern-day Joe Kidd, then they move back in together to live unhappily ever after - and to do it all over again - because she says she's going out for drinks and dancing with "friends" and he's invited along. Isn't that how all this started?

It just seemed to be a grab-bag of well-worn scenarios, with just a whiff of cuckolding tossed in as a promise for future pain. What man will sit at a table full of women, listening to their chatter all night while his wife rubs crotches with Fabio and the male cast from Twilight? "Here honey, hold my purse while I go stroke some monster cock and pretend like it's just dancing."

It just seemed like a waste of time. They both acted too stupidly to be real, both treated each other like crap, and now they're going to do it again. Nothing likable about either character, nothing in their lives interests me enough to care about what happens to them. I don't even like the grandparents, either side of the family, they're all horrible people. The boys don't have a chance: they'll be in and out of prison or perhaps have a long career in either the fast-food or lawn maintenance services.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You. The hard work of completing this story is visible on every page ✍❗

Please, do not feel obligated to complete any other.

I look forward to your next new story 👨💻❗


fisheronefisheroneabout 7 years ago
Road to repair

This chapter shows that when tragedy strikes, it can bring something good out. Once they they realized it was both there mistakes and found good counciling it worked out.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 7 years ago
Like able ending

I am glad to see you put an ending to this story. The first and second chapter really left me hanging. So I appreciate YOUR ending. I did like the ending since the main problem was lack of communication. Pretty typical in many stories but truly devastating in this story. Thank you for your time writing and sharing.

If you keep writing I will keep reading.

WvrjjrWvrjjrabout 7 years ago
Thank you....yes it was WELL worth the wait

Really nice, I knew they belonged together. I had been one of many (I believe) that begged you to finish.

Nice job - as always.

Thanks again


KRD19254KRD19254about 7 years ago

Not bad, but one small-major MISS that was totally passed over and I cannot believe her father didn't catch it and want revenge. Carl kidnapped her at gun point, And by closing the gate he kidnapped him too, Carl had all that stolen property, Carl threatened both of them with a gun at gun point, Carl shot him twice - and they did not sue Carl's 'estate' for the business and every dime they could get, WTF?

Plus tow chest shots at 20' and he gets out of the hospital in less than five days!@#$%^&* I see a writers rush to end the story, here, dropping this to a 3*.

She had a 'cheaters' mindset when she was going out Fridays dancing with other men and she wanted a taste (of what). He was just to stupid to put his foot down soon enough and then got caught up in tit-for-tat revenge.

They need to leave Mini-snow-ta in the rear view mirror if only to get FAR away from the corrosive actions of their parents/in-laws - and his mother is a beeeoch, I would never visit her again after this. No let Grandma/pa(s) stew never getting to see their grand children again. I cannot imagine what the two Grand-mothers were feeding the young boys in attitude, innuendos, body language and out right over-heard condemnations of their parents. No Grandma/pa's are not a healthy atmosphere for these two boys. And there is no guarantees in this story that the Grand-parents will not keep their DAMN noses/opinions out of this families life and cause future problems.

They had problems, they are trying to work out, but there parents are still meddlers - they need to keep the meddlers further than arms reach. He likes it warm - head south and away from all the bad karma.

Moloch_The_MysticMoloch_The_Mysticabout 7 years ago

Ending at chapter 2 seemed more real to me. And I feel bad for the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

so glad that the cuck got back with his slut hotwife. as all man should do. FORGIVE YOUR COCKRIDING SLUTWIFE IS THE MANLYEST THING YOU CUCKS CAN DO.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good writing deserves good proofing

"If it was just some innocent flirting, no harm no fowl." FOUL

Why is it that women think that just because they have what men want between their legs, they're in charge? Well, their not, or at least she wasn't. THEY’RE

It took two day but I finally got permission. DAYS

She didn't scowl at me, but didn't look none too friendly. ANY too friendly or “looked none too friendly.” (double negative in the original)

… and the place would smell rancid until everything dried up. dried OUT

They talked nonstop telling me that mom and them were going to live in Chicago with a friend of hers. and THEY (OK you could probably get away with it. Not too many worry about usage enough to object to “mom and them”)

The room was filled with everything you could imagine, electrons, guns, tons of clothing and even paintings. ELECTRONICS

We were both so horny the second night we set a new record for fasted climaxes. FAST climaxes

We were tourist and bought the boys tee shirts and a sexy dress for Megan... TOURISTS

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
could you be a little bit more predictable?

All his fault, she's a little angel, and he deserved to get shot. Who could've imagined that ending? /s

1 star, though if I could, I'd revise it to 2 because at least you didn't make him apologize to her for forcing her to be a "almost but not technically fully consummated" cheating slut.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 7 years ago
good story

It's so stupid, It must have really happened. I associated with the hubby here. They both made mistakes, and they both admitted to that.

The fact is that both sets of parents were against him, and that was over the top for me. They both manipulated him. She said she didn't talk to losers in key west, so she really didn't want to talk. She would make excellent fish bait. She is not worth anyone's love. I would never speak to either set of parents again, maybe piss on their grave, or burn their house down while they were in it.

Love and marriage are hard enough to accomplish, let alone have all that interference from relatives. His mother didn't care, she was on the other team, so fuck her, and his dad never stood up for him at all according to the story. Knowing that the rest of his life he would have to look at their faces, saying I told you so, or you should do what I say, or we can make you do anything we want.

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 7 years ago
Tried a dramatic end with the shooting, but... And is it Rick or Steve???

I can see trying to make an exciting end with the kidnapping and shooting, kind of intereresting actually, but then the story really takes a nose dive. He does a heroic act to save his wife, yet everyone is acting as if he did a stupid thing. They should be falling over themselves with gratitude, especially Megan's parents. But they're still being dicks.

And his parents, especially his mother... who's side is she on. She's as bad as Megan's parents in her treatments of her son. And dad's not much better.

Oh, and the protagonist's name; am I mistaken? It seems to switch from Rick to Steve, and back to Rick. That's a real big editing failure.

As usual for Slirpuff, a lot of interesting ideas, but this chapter really needs a lot more work. It feels like is was written hurriedly, is choppy, and not proofread very well.

And of course one of my pet peeves - "your" vs. "you're" - errors repeatedly. Another editing failure.

Because of all this I could only give it 2 stars. I could almost give it 3 stars,, but it's not quite there. Perhaps 2 1/2 stars?

SMLlewellyn7SMLlewellyn7over 6 years ago
Wow, what the heck?

Well, I rated this story as a 1 and I rarely do that for good authors. I can usually find something I like. But this was awful. Very surprising for a good author.

There were just so many things that didn't make sense, and it bounced around in time in a confusing way all the time.

They have makeup sex on the couch and then he demands she go to a STD clinic?

She files divorce papers on him after three days?

She goes south to find and comes into the bar day after day for weeks? How is that possible? Where are the boys all that time?

She walks into his bar with his sons and orders three beers? They've been married 11 years. How old are the kids?

When he final tried to talk to her she says she doesn't talk to losers? Then he founds out she moving and the trip south was the last chance to talk to her?

He gets drunk cheats on her and then is upset she demands he goes to a health clinic?

Others have pointed out a million typos.

It felt very rushed and not thought through at all. Sorry, but this author has done much better.


gatorhermitgatorhermitover 6 years ago
Overall a good series - credible and interesting

A couple of the typos are funny - almost Archie Bunker time. I usually don't like RAAC, but in this story was glad they stopped fighting and worked it out. SP wrote the wife's character really well - nothing was her fault. Overall, though, five star series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I didn’t like it for several reasons. The number one reason was the parents. Both sets of parents took the wife’s side, against the husband. He should have disowned his parents, especially his mother, and beat the hell out of her dad. The second reason was, his wife, or ex, or whatever, tracked him down just to harass him. Not to make amends, just to fuck with his head. 1 Star. And I think that’s generous. D

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
He has got to be the dumbest biggest loser and this is a waste of time story

This guy really is a waste of space and she should have left him. A man that leaves his kids without wanting to see them for 18 months is the lowest life form. And he saw them after 18 months because it was forced on him. Him sending money was decent enough, but no where to making him decent. He was also childish and had no clue how to handle anything.

Honestly, I'm surprised she never screwed around or left a loser like him. That being said this story was a waste of time about a brain dead human being that should be alone in life. And those people saying they're surprised both parents turned on him and she was some kind of "skank" are likely losers like him that can find something redeemable in this guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The BTB folks are hilarious

I like BTB stories, but it's not an all consuming thing to me, because reconciliation should be the goal of every troubled marriage until it doesn't work. The problems in this marriage didn't need BTB. It needed communication, caring for each other, getting her garbage parents out of the picture.

The story had a realistic RAAC ending showing a little that a troubled marriage took time to turn to crap; it will take time to repair. And no, when I refer to realistic, I'm not talking about the shootout. That was just over the top.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love your stufff....... except this one

It was just stupid. Husband, wife, parents, inlaws. There wasn't a likeable person in this mess.

The whole premise was such a stretch and the author kept stretching. Husband hasnt seen wife in 18 months. And they ignore each other? Just stupid.

Glad this wasn't BTB. These assholes desrve wach other.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
well written but

A well written story but how could anyone empathise with someone as childish and stupid as Rick the Dick.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I don't like insulting other authors stories.... Because like erikah badu said... "We're sensitive about our shit"... But this was a pure mess of writing... And just stupid... Ive read most of your stuff and it's hard to believe that you really wrote this... Bro... This was really bad... You didn't come close to staying true to the characters you originally created... You did little or no research... C,mon... A police affiliated impound lot where the owner strips cars that he knows will be reclaimed and the thefts reported... Then he kills the owners with impunity... A man gets shot... Dies once on the table... And gets out of the hospital in a couple of days... And even more resumes normal activity with just a couple of pain killers... Loads of ridiculous scenarios like this... This was a really poor story...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You screwed the ending up. I can't believe you sent him back to prison, the screwed up marriage he had. He should never of left Florida and filed for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Slirpussy. Go and fuck a goat you contemptuous cunt

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good premise but,,,

Good premise but somethings off. Phraseology? Timing? Need's polishing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No Innocent Parties Here

Of the adults, anyway. Rick was an idiot, and Megan was the bigger idiot. And a conniving bitch on top of that. But what ticked me off more than anything was the way both sets of grandparents took Megan’s side and turned their backs on Rick. Actually his parents stabbed him in the back, over and over. I believe that would have been justification for him taking his boys far away from his wife and all the grandparents. Forever. And let them choke on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

You have to remember that it's a mentally ill person creating fiction for an audience of fellow outpatients. Of course it doesn't make any sense to those who don't regularly have conversations with people who aren't there.

GrimmerGrimmerover 5 years ago

Chapter 1 was decent. Chapter 2 was a bit less. Chapter 3 continued the roll.

Sorry to say the ending of this tale was more than a bit out of sync with the tale line.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

If their parents,especially her father had kept their noses out,they would have got back together a lot quicker.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

One comment is that the plot turned into something of a circus.

Well, at least circuses are interesting to watch. (What with clowns and all.)

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I can't figure out your grammar.

I responded once before about your lack of proper English, and then some stories were much better, and then 2017 went astray again. You might consider using even the Word spell and grammar check, just to make your tales more readable.

They are very interesting to read, and I wonder just why you are so angry with Judges and wives -- must have had a bitter experience.

I do enjoy them -- thanks.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

have run a LONG time ago. She is bad news.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The husband... such an immature dickhead. She needs to run as far away as possible. 5 stars. Thanx!


GymShortsGymShortsalmost 5 years ago

One comment/observation. As noted in the story Megan, and friends, were being cock teases. Bad things Can happen, and to often do, to those doing the teasing.

Especially if they are stupid enough to keep going to the same bars, the same night of the week and in the same (large) group. Guys buying rounds, even giving money out, often expect something in return. It only takes one guy a little off center to take things from consensual to nonconsensual really quickly. With all the types of date rape drugs out there that is not a fire you want to flirt with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Interesting Story

Not necessarily a great story, but still interesting. The both of them were pretty much idiots, they would probably both have been better off to just call it quits and walk away from each other. But I know one thing for sure, if my mother did me like his did him it would be a cold day in hell before I ever gave her the time of day again. Yeah, I’m a vindictive SOB, so sue me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
She pushed the...

...envelope; he took away her stamps. However, she saw the light and played a mean hand of love poker and together, they won the pot. Fun story; entertaining as he--. What else are we seeking here? Pulitzer prize material? Four stars, with a wink and a smile.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Good one

Nothing like a little gunfight to bring a couple together again. Girl's nights out are always trouble, at least in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

dude is a dumb asshole. she too. they are good together. poor story.

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago
Good story

In the long run he was the big problem.

NegativeNellyNegativeNellyover 4 years ago

Why did the sex after girls night out stop? If she didn’t cheat and all she did was dance then what changed?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
As always

Slirpuff makes the man the bad guy, and the wife that was dirty dancing, and probably fucking around the heroine. Standard Slirpuff man hating cuckold story, as are majority of slipuff offerings. And most if not all you who comment don't see a theme to all his stories

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago
Just no

Your wife goes out to clubs drinking and dancing without you, start hiding money and collecting evidence. And getting good and drunk is never a good plan. REALLY not a good plan when you are in the middle of the shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Remember The Episode

Of WKRP where Mr. Carlson bum rushes Les and Herb out of his office saying "Did I say send in the clowns?" I would have liked to take a peek at the points on those 3 sheet of paper. It sure would have been a rush to have been able to watch my ex being escorted back to her cell. Signed: BTW

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
Not believable...

She was obviously cheating on him during Girls Night Out. He was drunk and very stupid to sleep with a slut. I still think she was the start of all the problems...

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

"Tried that for over a week in Key West, got no where." - Huh? From Ch 2: "I don't talk to losers who abandon their families." That's not exactly trying to talk.

I find it hard to believe that nobody had ever complained about thefts from their cars in impound before.

Two shots in the chest and he's out of the hospital in less than a week? Even if somehow no vital organs were hit, he ain't going anywhere anytime soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

dont expect peaches and cream. TK U MLJ LV NV

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 4 years ago
three chapters of BS

she fails the sniff test, he goes even further. And yet in the end it's all his fault. She hasn't done anything wrong, yeah right!

NitpicNitpicabout 4 years ago

A story about two stupid and stubborn people,especially him.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Great story and the happy ending works

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Nonsensical ending.

Retarded ending, shoehorned in with a cheap scare.

Only proper ending was them both moving on, too many fuckups for it to be plausible that they could fix their marriage.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Curious about something. You said he wanted to improve their sex life. In the first chapter once they started she wanted it all. She wanted to try everything and started buying toys and then videos. So why did he think it was his fault for wanting more? It was all her doing especially what was going on at the GNO. A major missed direction there.

numbnutz49numbnutz49almost 3 years ago

Agree with Warhammer- a 5* effort and one of few storieslike this where reconciliation seems deserved!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another white knight story who's sole purpose is to excuse a woman's shitty behavior and transfer all blame to the man in the relationship. Typical Reconciliation Complex mindfuckery!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well written and entertaining but the ending was far too contrived to provide a satisfactory conclusion. Her behaviour may have been selfish, petulant and childish but he reacted like a vindictive, infantile, cowardly hypocrite and why she would even conside taking him is a complete mystery to me.


NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Should not have got back with her,ok he had drunken sex,but it was her behaviour that lead him to do it.Why couldn't she keep up payments on the house that never got explained.?Both sets of parents were arseholes ,especially her father,who jumped in interfering,so why didn't he help with any expenses.?

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

That all worked out just fine. Great series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He cheated FACT she didn’t FACT if I was cheated on r u trying to make out from this story I’m to blame wow. Wonder the response if roles were reversed she would be a cheating whore so y isn’t he a cheating arsehole who abandoned his family he doesn’t deserve shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Horrible story. It was a torture fest of the main character.

mainer42mainer42over 2 years ago

Well written, good series no nitpicking here

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - there is no difference between physical sex and mental sex - in fact our libido is driven by our minds and senses as to what we consider to be sexual behavior. So if a couple seek outside sexual activity of either type - as individuals - their couple relationship is doomed and headed for divorce.

If you are not 100% into the relationship you have with your partner - you might as well separate and move on until you find someone else. LIFE is SHORT and then you DIE - trust me I'm not very far from the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ranked back with his tail between his legs to a woman who openly flaunted her infidelities. No way. 1

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 2 years ago

good story but your hero was kind of an insecure dick. Most of his issues were fear based not sure if she didn't set him up with the one he fucked to make a point but either way not sure he deserved the happy ending but like always great read thax

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You nailed it at the end.

A sex life.will only hurt people.

A love life on the other hand.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really pathetic story

arsenelupin66arsenelupin66almost 2 years ago

This was idiotic, sophomoric, and remarkably immature.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

This section put the story back together for a better ending, bring them back together. Enjoyed the ending. Thanks for your writing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 2 years ago

As I said in Ch 1, her failings, such as they were, didn't preclude a reconciliation.


What still bothers me is her possible cheating. Since this is his POV, and he never followed her from the club, we can only go by what she says, and unfortunately I find it not believable that she didn't cheat, so if I were in the MC's shoes I'd need some proof. I need an explanation for why she no longer needs to jump his bones, coming home two hours later and needing a shower and NO sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why are the critics worried about her possible cheating? Yes he got video in the clubs. Was there any data that he had that suggested she cheated on him? He got drunk and screwed an ugly skank and got two STDs. Wow talking double standard. At least her STD tests were negative. This was pretty dumb. Just kept escalating out of control. And then the shooting incident and everything gets solved in half a page. Way too rushed. Uggh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Trite, uninspired.

You have the talent to be a GOOD writer.

Re-read this story please. Major breakdown is he should have left her after the night club shit. The follow on was non-sense desperately in search of non-existent validation.

Give us a chance to sign on to a storyline we can believe in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fuck all the cry babies. It was a good story. Yes he was immature, and she teetered on the edge between shut and underappreciated....kinda like real life. The needed each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't see where they resolved her desire to experiment? Earlier she wanted to experiment which meant sex with others where she said he could not. He cheated and got STD's so she has every right to be pissed and probably divorce. But can he trust her to now more than ever to not wander? Why has she not had sex with anyone since he left her? Divorce or not that is what she wanted and in her mind since he bailed it would be justified.

I don't see why that was not really addressed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story One of your better ones (jaybee186)

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Whilst the story had an happy ending,for me there should have been some fallout.I think he should have cold shouldered his mother for her attitude towards him and siding with Megan on everything,including not be willing to talk to her on his behalf.As for her father he should have had nothing to do with him what so ever.If he wanted to see his grandkids it would have to be with Megan only and no holidays spent at his house.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonabout 1 year ago

Two immature people going through the process of growing up. 5*

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