Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 06


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"Wow!" she gasped, looking up at him, panting for breath and grinning wide. "Well, that was long overdue! Wow!" Jon's eyes were closed for a moment after that kiss ended before finally opening them, looking dull and overwhelmed as he backed into the dining room to put a little distance between him and Sylvia. Finally, he found his words.

"What was that?" Jon said shakily, unable to process the electric make out session with his mother-in-law.

"Oh, hon... don't play coy now. You know you wanted that as bad as I did," she teased, biting her lip lightly as she stood in the doorway and looked up at him.

"What?" he replied, still confused.

"I mean, we both know about this little crush you've had on me since we first met," she stated. "Trust me, I feel it too. Me and you doing this... it was inevitable!"

"No... no," he panted, still confused. Him having a crush on her? What was she talking about? She was clearly projecting these feelings on him, but... he had just made out with her. What the fuck just happened? Why didn't he fight back more? "I... I... no, you! You did this. You kissed me! What are you doing?"

"Hon!" she said with a grin, running her hand over his chest teasingly. "You made it pretty obvious earlier. Making this whole big deal out of the mistletoe right in front of me. It was pretty obvious you wanted it to be you and me under it."

"No..." he stammered again, shaking his head. How could she make this all about her? She was lying, or... manipulating this whole thing just to make it like this was all some big thing about him trying to get in her pants. It was the opposite. She was trying to get into his pants!

"Honey, you don't have to be coy," she stated, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his waist, pressing herself against him again. "We were both imagining this exact kiss when you were reading off the tag on the mistletoe. And... wow! That stuff worked. Yeah, I felt sparks! Did you?" She looked up at him expectantly, and as much as he hated what had just happened, he couldn't lie. He did feel a certain electricity. Seeing his silent agreement, she grinned wide. "You see? I guess you and me are meant to be..."

"Sylvia..." he said, finally trying to step back, but she stayed clutched to him, not letting him escape her grasp. "This is a mistake. This... I don't want this. You are misreading... literally everything!" he said firmly.

"Am I misreading THIS?" she asked, wiggling her taut belly against his crotch, revealing to the married man that his cock was as hard as iron in his pants. This small friction against his throbbing weapon made him wince as electric bolts of pleasure coursed through him, just like the ones he'd felt during the kiss moments prior. This was enough to spur him into defensive action, putting both of his big hands on her shoulders and pushing her back firmly, breaking her grip on him. As she stumbled back, her big boobs bounced, and her very evident hard nipples caught his attention. He shook his head to clear his vision.

"Sylvia! Listen!" he said firmly, his voiced raised only to a harsh whisper, not wanting to get the attention of the others in the living room. Through everything, he hadn't realized that the strongest affect the kiss had on him was that his cock was throbbing in his pants because of it. That kiss had caused his nerves to be lit afire, his muscles to twitch, and his cock to throb. Unfortunately for him, at least unfortunate in this very specific scenario, he was blessed with size, nine and a half inches and very thick, and his straining bulge was very evident to his mother-in-law's eyes.

"Don't try to act like you didn't like it! I can see how much you LOVED it," she replied, eyeing up his clothed member with twinkling amusement and dark intentions. "Babe, you have no idea how horny I am right now! I've been horny all day just being around you! Just like you with me!"

"No... no... NO!" Jon said, as firmly as he could without raising his voice. "None of what you think here is the actual truth. Sylvia, you're my mother-in-law! I'm married to your daughter!" he stated, still speaking angrily but quietly, trying to get her to see reason.

"Oh, hush," she said, waving this very legitimate argument with a wave of her hand. "Honestly... who cares? When there's an attraction like the one between us... we can't just ignore it. We can't deny it. And if we keep things bottled up, it'll explode even bigger! We can't let Deb get in the way of this, or it'll be so much worse for her."

"Sylvia..." he began, truly shocked at how not an issue this was for her. "How could you say that? I love Deb. I know you do too. This would be so wrong. It would destroy her!"

"She doesn't have to know," she said with a grin. "A girl like her isn't asking questions with a man like you."

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"Just... a girl like her should feel really, REALLY lucky to land a man like you," she said delicately. "She's probably not looking to ruin a good thing by asking questions. You could be doing all sorts of bad things behind her back and totally get away with it! I'm surprised you're not already..."

"Sylvia..." he said, shaking his head. He knew what she was saying. That Deb was beneath him, by whatever metric she viewed things. That Jon could do better. He was amazed she could think about her own daughter that way. "This..." he began, pointing between the two of them. "This is insane! It's not gonna happen. I love Deb. I'm happy with Deb. I'm satisfied with Deb!"

"Oh honey..." she said, tilting her head slightly, almost mockingly. "You can be honest to with me. I'm your mother-in-law. I know my daughter, and I know she doesn't match up with me. I mean... just look at me." At this, Sylvia posed in front of him, arching her back to really jut out her breasts. "It's not too often that a man's mother-in-law has a body like mine."

Posed like this, her boobs looked absolutely massive, bursting to escape her tight black top, the crevasse of cleavage bulging out from the low-cut part of it. Her hard nipples were very evident through her top, displaying how turned on she was. She did a little turn, just enough to showcase her jean-clad butt for him. Full and round, her perky ass looked great. And the heels she had on really helped show it off, the cheeks testing the tight confines of the thin denim.

"Deb..." Sylvia said, turning back to face him fully, the motion making her huge breasts jiggle. "She has a... good body. She has that nice, cute little butt. But I've got a hot ass. She has little boobies. I have big tits! Face it... I have a better body than my daughter! A guy like you, so tall and handsome and built, who's probably been with all sorts of girls... of course you want the best. You deserve the best. So no one would blame you for wanting to get your hands on my hot body. It's pretty much perfect."

"I... I can't believe you're doing this, Sylvia," he muttered, head in his hands, looking away from her body, despite her open invitation to stare.

"C'mon, babe..." she began. "There's not a chance my daughter can keep up with you where it counts. She has her good qualities, but she does not strike me as the type of girl who is particularly creative in bed. Jon... we both know you can do whatever you want with me, and I'll love it." She said.

What she said wasn't exactly untrue. Sure, he'd had a good time when he was younger, and he'd done some things with those girls that he hadn't done since. That being said, he was perfectly happy with his sex life. And his wife. And his married life. It was true. It wasn't like this was some front, and he actually wanted to be having hot, nasty sex all the time. That stuff was fun, sure, but it was all stuff he was willing to leave in the past. Deb made him too happy to really care about such things.

His resolve renewed, Jon escaped his thoughts and refocused on the matter at hand. Glancing down at Sylvia, she looked up at him, smiling wickedly with those lips of hers. Those soft, plump, smooth, kissable lips. Despite the wicked words she was saying, Jon found himself suddenly transfixed by her mouth, the same one he'd been kissing minutes prior. For a moment, he found himself drawn to her, a jolt of excitement coursing through him as he unconsciously took a small step towards her. Then he caught himself.

"Sylvia... this can't happen..." Jon said, trying to put his foot down. For so long, he'd been so steadfast in his ability to dismiss all of Sylvia's flirting. And now, after that sudden kiss, his mind was in turmoil. He could barely think straight.

"Of course it can't," she replied. "I mean, not right now, with everyone awake. But that doesn't mean we can't have some more fun now..." she said, taking a step towards him expectantly. Jon reached out and put his hands on her shoulders, stopping her. She pursed her lips, and again, his eyes were drawn to them.

"Sylvia, please..." he said, begging her to stop. He didn't want to do this. He didn't. But some... force, some compulsion inside him wanted to kiss her again. Maybe it was the memory of the sensations she had shown him during that first heated kiss. Feelings he had never felt before, sensations of pure pleasure. Of course, it was natural to want to feel them again. But he couldn't. Not with his mother-in-law. No. Never.

She was his wife's mom! You don't French kiss your wife's mom! Not ever. Sure... she was attractive. Very attractive. But she was 46. But she didn't look 46. She had the body of a woman half her age. Her breasts... her ass. They were every bit as perfect as she boasted. But no... that was no reason to give in. That was stupid, immature thinking. This had to stop. Not just the, uh... kissing. All of it had to end. The teasing. The flirting. Jon had to put a stop to it now, despite the raw, physical reaction she had caused in him. No matter how amazing it felt, no matter how much that kiss had set his body on fire, it couldn't happen again.

"Sylvia... stop!" he said firmly, holding her back. Stopped in place, she looked up at him. "I know you think this is fun, that this is some sort of game. But it isn't! This has to stop. No more flirting. No more teasing. No more... this!" Jon said, glancing up at the mistletoe. "I love my wife... your daughter. This can't happen. I don't want this, and we can't do this to Deb. So please... stop." He said. Looking up at him, she scowled. But she stopped trying to move closer to him, so finally, Jon thought he might have gotten through to her. She looked away as she stepped back, looking down.

"You're probably right. This would be a really bad idea," she relented, sighing. She then looked up at him, her lips twisting upwards. "Shame... that was a really hot kiss. I'll be thinking about it for a long time..." she said, raising her eyebrows teasingly. She moved to step away before stopping. "But don't pretend you didn't feel what I felt. Don't pretend you didn't feel electricity. Don't pretend that me and you wouldn't have been special. The best either of us would have ever had. I know it, and you know it. And every day, for the rest of our lives, we'll be thinking about it. We'll both be wondering what could have been." She said this confidently, looking up at him, and upon her last words, she licked her lips. Coating them with her heated spit. Making her plump, smooth, sensuous lips shine in the dim light. For a moment, it looked like her shining lips were bristling with electricity.

Jon didn't know what it was. Whether it was the truth in her words. Or the fact that his body was still brimming with the same energy and lust caused by that first searing kiss. Or maybe it was just the sight of her glistening lips. But in the moment where it finally seemed like she'd gotten the message, and was about to give up and walk away, a surprising thing happened.

It was Jon who acted.

Without thought, without hesitation, without regret, Jon stepped forward, closing the gap between he and Sylvia. His lips met hers in a fiery kiss, open mouths colliding roughly, tongue sliding against tongue. And this time, he was actively participating in the kiss, letting his tongue slide into his mother-in-law's mouth. Their arms wrapped around each other as they pulled themselves in close, letting their bodies press roughly into each other. Their open mouths formed a tight seal as their illicit kiss resumed.

Jon couldn't explain it. He knew this was wrong. All logic and reason told him so. Yet... here he was. In the moment of truth, when it seemed like the war was won, he surrendered. He couldn't explain it. Some force inside him, some desire that was exposed by that earlier fiery kiss, had reared its head again. It had pushed past all logic and reason and seized control of his actions, and by an almost unholy magnetic pull, it had drawn their lips together once again. He'd touched something that he never knew existed, a pool of heated, concentrated lust. He'd gotten a sample... a taste... of the waters of sin, and in the moments afterward, he'd been scared by what he'd felt. But that pool of sin that had been stirred inside him wasn't done with him just yet, reaching out and grabbing him, pulling him back despite his best efforts, trying to drag him beneath the surface. And now, lips locked with his 46-year-old mother-in-law... he was drowning in sin.

Lips locked, mouths sealed together, cheeks hollowed, tongues dueling, they were both really going at it with this nasty kiss. Despite his prior objections, as soon as his mouth met hers, he couldn't stop himself from participating. The pull to sin inside him was impossible to fight off, and now that he was exposed to the wicked lust of this heated kiss, he couldn't stop himself from indulging further.

Their bodies melted against each other as their arms wrapped around one another. Her huge breasts were pressed against his chest, ballooning against him. Her arms wrapped around his back as his wrapped hers, pulling each other in as their mouths savagely attacked the other. Unlike the first kiss, he was far more active, sliding his tongue into his mother-in-law's mouth, letting his tongue truly duel with hers as they mashed against each other. Her plump lips slid pressed against his as they swapped spit. And through it all, that electricity that had been there was coursing through them, electrifying them both. His muscles had tightened and his nerves were streaming with pleasure. These same feelings were coursing through his mother-in-law's luscious frame as they made out, and the more they kissed, the better it felt. More jolts of pleasure ran through them as the kiss got nastier, and neither of them could resist the electric lust now flowing through them.

Very quickly, these two were making out like horny teenagers, mouths attacking each other savagely, swollen lips pressed against into each other roughly. Spit was leaking from their mouths, making the kiss extra gooey. And their tongues were really fighting for control, going from her mouth to his, back and forth, dueling madly as they slid against each other. And as they furiously made out, their bodies got into the action, and their hands began acting on their own accord. Sylvia lifted her leg, and in the same moment, he hooked his hand under her knee, holding it up as she pressed herself even tighter against him. This allowed her to grind up against him, riding his leg as they made out. And he was responding in kind, sliding his swollen dick against her fit belly, the pressure sending jolts of pleasure coursing through him. And through it all, they kept making out, barely coming up for air during the nasty kiss.

All those objections in Jon's mind were long gone. His thoughts weren't focused on anything but the pleasure of this nasty, fucked-up kiss. He'd never felt this turned on in his life. He had a fair bit of experience, as he'd always been popular with girls, but nothing compared to making out with his mother-in-law. Some part of him still registered that this was wrong, that he shouldn't be making out with his wife's mom, but at this point, it didn't matter. It felt too good to care. Despite the fact that he had never felt any great affection towards Sylvia, despite the fact that he'd never enjoyed being around her, he was making out with her with a passion he never knew existed. The electricity of the lust flowing through him was better than anything he'd ever felt.

The living room was filled with the voices and laughter of Deb, Liam, and Jessa, trading stories and having a wonderful evening. And on the other side of the house, on the edge of the kitchen, the only sounds filling the room were those of muffled moans and sucking sounds as Jon and Sylvia's mouths attacked each other. They ground against each other like animals, and their hands were starting to wander. His slid around to cup her firm ass, squeezing it greedily. And hers slid between them, massaging his throbbing pole through his pants. They moaned into each other's mouths as things got taken to the next level.

An onlooker would have no doubt where this was heading. Sure, he was this tall, well-built, handsome young man. And she was this hot-bodied older woman, much older than him. But the way they were going at it, lips parted, tongues buried in each other's mouth as they humped against each other... an onlooker would have no doubt that this was gonna end with sex. And with the passion they were making out at, the sex would no doubt be hot and nasty. But Jon was a bit too overwhelmed to see this conclusion. He was too lost in the pleasure to think about what was coming next.

But not Sylvia.

Finally, she pulled back, lips swollen, mouth open, panting for breath. His eyes were closed as he sought out her mouth again, but she only gave him another quick kiss before pulling back again. His eyelids opened, revealing his addled, lust-filled eyes. She could practically see the sparks of electricity in his pupils. He tried to kiss her again, but she pulled back.

"No... no... wait," she said, still catching her breath. Looking up at him, eyes blazing with lust, it took every fiber in her rational mind not to just jump his bones right there. "We can't do this..."

"What?" Jon asked, slightly angry. After all this... now she gets hesitant? But Jon was quick to find that this was not the case.

"Listen... babe, I want it too, but not now. They're all still awake..." she said, glancing back towards the living room. Their voices were still echoing through the house. "Let's me and you meet up later. At midnight. When everyone else is asleep upstairs, let's sneak back down here. There'll be nothing stopping us..." she teased before stepping forward. As she did so, she reached down to grope his bulging, clothed cock again. She brought her lips to his ear and spoke again. "If a kiss felt that good, just imagine how amazing it'll be when me and you fuck..."

Jon's blood ran cold as this statement sobered him up ever so slightly, a shiver running up his spine. Fuck? Were they seriously... no. They couldn't. Yes, the kissing was bad, but actually fucking? That was a line they couldn't come back from. Was she seriously planning on taking things all the way?

Jon stayed frozen in place as Sylvia stepped back, looking at him confidently, giving away no questions or doubts on her end. She wanted to fuck him, and now that he was in her clutches, she was ready to seal the deal. Smirking, she turned and began walking away, heading towards the living room, shaking her ass side-to-side with each step.

Jon didn't move. He was still trying to process what had happened. One second, he was ready to reject Sylvia once and for all, then the next, he had his tongue down her throat. He had never had the slightest urge to do anything physical with Sylvia, despite how objectively attractive she was. But why did he kiss her? It was like some almost unnatural force had taken over, spurring him into action despite any objections his mind might have. Pulling him into the lustful morass until he was so deep he couldn't escape. Till the objections of his mind didn't matter when compared to the all-consuming electric bolts of lust coursing through him, empowering him, instigating him into lustful, wicked action... not letting up till he was voraciously making out with his mother-in-law, dueling tongues, swapping spit, attacking each other with their mouths. He couldn't explain it, he couldn't justify it, but he had done it. And he could not forget it.