Model Slave Ch. 07


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"Eyes on me, I want to see everything through your eyes." Her master said sternly.

Her eyes stayed glued to his as she grew hotter with his expert fingers doing things she never dreamed of. His other hand began unbuttoning her blouse and then reached inside and pinched her left nipple. For a second Penny couldn't breathe as her throbbing nipple joined with aching clit and the excruciating ecstasy threatened to push her into her orgasmic abyss. She gathered strength from her Masters eyes and barely held on, pushing her orgasm back just enough.

Suddenly he pulled his fingers from her and sat up in his chair as their appetizer was brought to the table. Penny glanced around in a panic ... 'He couldn't leave her like this' she thought. He had kept her on the edge of an orgasm since they left the dress shop and her whole body was throbbing with need. She was desperate to cum with her nipples so hard they felt like they would burst and her pussy was swollen, red and slick with her needy juices.

As her mind came to the realization that there would be no orgasm she looked around and noticed that all the other tables were arranged in a semi-circle around theirs. Everyone was watching her and watching her master play her body like a Stradivarius. She was the show for this evening and her face blushed red with embarrassment. However, at the same time there was a pride in her bearing. She belonged to her Master and he was proud enough of her to show her off to his friends.

Patrick stuck a fork full of the appetizer in front of Penny's mouth and she gratefully took a bite. She chewed and swallowed the morsel without tasting it. Her body was still shaking with unrequited passion as her eyes poured love into his. With her eyes she told him how proud she was to belong to him and she let him know she wanted to give him the most precious gift she had ... her submission.

He continued to feed her until the appetizer was gone and then he stripped off her thong. Then he unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it behind her letting it hang from her bound wrists. She was stripped naked in front of the lusty crowd with only her skirt bunched around her waist. Something in Penny had changed she wasn't embarrassed, she was proudly defiant, celebrating being her Master's sub. With her eyes she challenged him to push her, use her and let her prove that she is worthy of the great Master Patrick. She wanted to show everyone here that she belonged to him.

Patrick smiled at her, proud of her challenge and he nodded his head silently mouthing 'I Love You'. Then he began again with his fingers, tongue and mouth stoking the fire inside her. Finally she couldn't remember there were people watching it was only her Master. She had made a vow to herself not to beg or plead, but show her master that she was strong and worthy of him.

Patrick was in rare form as he took his love on an erotic journey the likes of which she never imagined. By the time their salads came Penny's eyes were glazed with a wide open surprised look and her mouth opened and closed silently. Her stiff body was glistening with perspiration while all her muscles under the skin were knotting and trembling. The effect was devastatingly erotic with shifting reflections of light as her muscles and skin never stopped its shimmering light show.

Penny had trouble breathing as each new sensation piled on top of the last banishing all thought. Her mind was soaring through space, being driven mad by every touch, caress, slap or kiss. Every sense was heightened and every touch magnified, but it was never enough to give her the orgasmic relief she desperately craved. She never begged or pleaded, but every breath contained a whimper or moan.

As the salads arrived Patrick stopped his torment and lightly slapped Penny's face and kissed her until her eyes could focus on him again. As their eyes joined the crowd around them disappeared and their hearts merged. Something very special was happening. They already loved each other but this was different. They were becoming one, two sides of the same coin, separate, but joined together.

When the salad was done Patrick used some rope and tied Penny to the chair with her legs spread wide. Then he began again, but added a vibrator and riding crop to the torment. The riding crop would lightly strike directly on her nipples or clit sending bolts of erotic lighting through her body. Then the vibrator would sooth her tortured flesh as a counter balance to the crop. His lips, tongue and fingers also joined in and almost immediately Penny was back, flying in the special space dedicated for subs.

It was never enough to send her over the edge and her whimpers and moans turned into breathless pleas. "Oh God, Please Master, Oh God Please."

The entrées arrived and Penny never came down from her flight in sub space. She chewed and swallowed each bite mechanically without tasting anything as her master fed her. Her eyes were still glazed over as the food was finished and he began again.

Penny went to a whole new level of sub space and her whole body opened desperate for his soft touch or torment. Whatever he wanted to do, she wanted it too. She just wanted to give herself completely to him and gone was any rebellion. She soft whispered her pleas.

"Please Master ... Oh Master ... Use Me ... Take Me ... Yours ... Master Yours ... Please Oh Please Master."

Patrick's heart swelled in his chest. The spoiled Princess from Nebraska was being stripped from her and her defiance was fading. Penny felt it too, she no longer wanted to resist, but to bask in her Masters control over her. Not just her body, but her heart, her mind, her soul and free will. She wanted to give all she was to the only man that ever made her feel like this.

Every other man she had would be so enamored by her beauty they would tolerate her willful petulance and her spoiled Princess ways. However, her master stripped all of that from her and she lay before him with her heart open and bare ready to submit to anything he desired. He could have crushed her or abused her, but he didn't he understood that a woman's greatest gift is her submission. He took her gift, cherished it and treated it with the reverence it deserved.

With that he gave her a reward, told her to cum and put the vibrator directly on her clit. Every cell in her body exploded, rejoicing in the release her Master granted her. Her body locked, rigid in a silent explosion and she couldn't breathe, think or move. Only when her vision began to fade into darkness did her body relax enough to catch a breath. Then she screamed the cry of a joyful banshee and blasted into another cum just as big. Her body convulsed in the chair and without the ropes she would have fallen.

Penny's eyes were as big as saucers and the power surging through her was unlike anything she ever felt. She had been kept on the edge of an orgasm for close to an hour storing erogenous energy and now that erotic power had been released. The awe, bliss and rapture on her face filled Patrick loving pride. At this moment she was the most beautiful and incredible woman he had ever seen and his love for her created an ache in his chest.

Penny had no control over her body as untamed enthusiastic spasms gripped her body. Her eyes were glued to her Master's intense loving eyes as he took her from one massive cum to another, never letting up. Patrick loved watching his woman express her wild and exuberant elation with all her muscles rippling beneath her skin as she contorted passionately. She was especially gorgeous at moments like this when she had been stripped of her models facade and freely showed the pure passionate woman inside.

Penny had always been shy and modeling allowed her to step into someone else's shoes and pretend she was a gorgeous fantasy girl. Her master had taken her out of her shy models persona and let the real Penny come out of hiding. At moments like this she glowed with passionate beauty, radiated erotic womanhood and was the personification of Aphrodite, the love goddess. The affirmation of the crowd and loving fire in her master's eyes only reaffirmed everything she was feeling inside.

With every spasm her body rejoiced and sang the praises of the man that gave her this unbelievable bliss. She adored the man that pulled her out of her shyness and let her inner light shine like a beacon beckoning others to see what she had become. Every glorious muscle rippling cramp sent her spiraling towards the sexy, sinuous, incredibly stunning goddess she knew now she could be. However, only with her Master could she become the goddess of sex and love. Only he made her feel bewitchingly beautiful, scorchingly seductive and devastatingly loved.

Patrick pulled the vibrator from her clit and began to devotedly caressing her precious yet still wildly willful body. As her contortions began to fade Patrick used a towel beginning to wipe the glistening perspiration from her rippling skin. Then as her tremors began to fade he began untying the ropes that held her to the chair and finally removed the cuffs from her wrists. As the ropes loosened Penny began to sag in the chair limp and exhausted from her passionate, yet tempestuous surrender to her master.

The crowded restaurant suddenly burst into applause and cheers. For the audience this was the conclusion of an incredible demonstration of a submissive surrendering to her Master. For most it was a lesson in how deeply loving a master and sub relationship can be. Most were used to submission coming from whips, crops and paddles with pain and not from torturous passion. It was a lesson many took home with them.

Patrick dropped some money on the table that included a healthy tip and then gathered Penny into his arms. Penny's limp boneless body sat heavy in his arms as he carried her to the car. Along the way Penny wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his neck and as she kissed his neck she whispered.

"Oh my God Master I don't have any words. I love you, I love you so much. You stripped me of everything except your love and I will be yours forever."

He sat her in the car and climbed into the driver's seat. Penny was glad his car had bench seats so she could easily lay her head in his lap. He could feel her almost purring as she softly said. "Master, I tingle all over and when I see you or hear you, my nipples get hard and I quiver all over. Just being near you excites me more than anything I have ever done. I can't live without you Master, I love you."

Patrick looked down at her head laying in his lap and her eyes melting his heart. He knew he was the luckiest man in the world and he had to tell her how he feels.

"You know Penny that tingle you get when you just look at me ... just to let you know your master gets the same kind of tingle. To know that you are mine, I have marked you as mine. Then when I see how much you love it when I mark you, punish you, take you and prove you belong only to me, well it fills me and sustains me like nothing ever has."

"Baby your master gets mind-blowing tingles from all of that. I want you to know it's not just you baby. Watching my red hand prints appear on your tight little tush and then watching your muscles ripple as you fight the passion flowing through you is staggeringly erotic. There is something primal about claiming and marking your woman and it goes to your very primitive soul."

"For your Master it is the most soul satisfying thing I have ever experienced and my love for you deepens with every session. I think you know what I mean because it is gut level satisfying for you too. To have me take you, claim you, strip away your pride and make you mine, goes to the most primitive part of your heart. From listening to you, nothing fulfills you like an intense session with your Master."

"My eyes fondle you as I tie you up, caressing your skin as I bind you and my hot hungry look sends quivers in your belly. You know my hunger is going to be taken out on you. My hunger for you only fuels your excitement, your anticipation, your anxiety and yes even a little fear of what is going to happen.

I am getting off on your anxious looks and your bodies quivering anticipation, but you're getting off on my slow languorous looks as I appraise you, my property. I am gazing at your body looking for places to drive you wild. Because I want to see those crazy, wild and wanton looks in your eyes, the ripples and quivers run all over your body."

"It goes back to the animal caveman days, claiming my mate, bending her to my will and then marking her so everyone knows she belongs to me. It's primal, erotic and satisfying at a basic animal level. Both our bodies react without thinking, just animal passion and mating rituals. I am claiming my mate. Your struggle is to prove your worthy, but you finally submit and you acknowledge me as your master."

"What we have is raw, deep, primitive, fulfilling and nourishing like nothing else. What you and I have builds a trust, a bond and a connection like no vanilla couple could ever achieve. You have to believe and trust me completely, without hesitation or qualms, knowing that I will always protect you and keep you safe. Likewise, I believe in your love, devotion and complete subservience. We have become part of each other and can't exist without each other. Our love and passion is deep down, at a gut level we trust each other and without any hesitation, believe in each other."

After that they drove home in silence, but no more words need be spoken. They were joined together and forever would be. They were part of each other now. When they came home Patrick soothed and cherished his Sub, his woman in heart rending after play. He bathed her, shampooed her hair and massaged her tired muscles before they fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next day was Lisa's repayment for letting Patrick know about Penny and allow him to save her. It was the grand opening of the newly expanded Clothing store and adult toy store. Lisa had renamed the new store "Wicked" and with all the wickedly sensual clothes and toys the name fit perfectly. Patrick had told Penny she would be modeling some of the clothes, but had not gone into any detail of the modeling job.

Penny woke on top of her master, with his downy chest hair tickling her face and his scent swirling around her. Immediately her body broke out in goose bumps and her nipples hardened. She snuggled deeper into his arms listening to his heartbeat, letting his heat warm her and tasting his salty skin. Last night had been a turning point for her and the man in her arms was all she wanted in life. She was his Sub and after a lazy morning in bed cuddling, Patrick and Penny arrived at the store a little before noon.

Lisa had set up a small buffet for all of the people helping her work the grand opening. Patrick ate a hearty brunch, but Penny ate lightly nervous about what she was going to be modeling. Lisa and Patrick had showed her the outfits earlier and three were very diaphanous sleepwear. One outfit involved some very sexy crotch less panties and a peekaboo bra. Her nipples hardened at the thought of how they would be revealed in that bra. Another was a completely transparent baby doll nightie while the last outfit was a harem style sleepwear. The other two outfits are very elegant clubbing clothes and she really couldn't tell how that would look on her, but she knew she would be very artfully displayed.

Since they they're already at the store, they walked down to the display window. People were already standing outside waiting to see the show, but they would have to wait. Penny took one look at the setup and knew her new Master was going to play her body like a Stradivarius.

The backdrop of the window made it look like a forest, dark and foreboding lots of trees. Towards the left side of the set was a rope spider's web and Penny could only assume somehow she would be what was caught in the web. On the left side stage was a pole with a bench hanging off of it and on the bench was what looked like half of a small barrel.

Between the ropes and the device on the other end Penny knew she would be naked and on display for everyone to see. What he was going to do to her and knowing she would be displayed had her already excited. She looked at the device on the pole and knew at the end of the night she would becoming harder, faster and more often than she thought possible before she met him.

Penny came over to Patrick and stretched her arms around his neck, laid her head on his chest and quivered in his arms. Then she looked up at him with unwavering love, a lot of lust and then she said.

"Master you've taught me so much over the last few days, things I never dreamed or imagined and things I didn't know my body was capable of. But you knew, you've always known how far I could go and what I could do. I don't think I can even exist anymore without you, the love and the discipline that you give me. I know tonight you're going to push me to the edge again and I just wanted you to know I will make you proud. I love you Master, I will always love you and I will always obey you."

"Penny I think you know how much your master loves you and as much as I enjoy showing everybody that you belong to me, right now I would rather be holding you in my arms and making slow sweet love to you."

"Yes Master, after this, please show me how much you love me and take me again as yours."

Patrick drew the curtain across the window and then had Penny disrobe, once naked Lisa entered and began to dress Penny in a body revealing outfit. In each outfit her body was not covered but artfully and erotically displayed and as she looked at herself she was more than naked. Her breasts were almost completely displayed along with other sexy parts in most of the outfits. She was modeling the most erotic clothing she had ever seen and after she Lisa had her dressed her master created rope cuffs on her wrists and ankles.

Her master attached the ropes to each cuff and her arms were pulled above her head. With each outfit she was bound in a different position on the spiderweb. Each position was designed to display various aspects of her tight delicious body. Once Penny was dressed Patrick opened the curtain and from now on it stayed open even during the wardrobe changes.

She modeled the first outfit and it was an extremely elegant dress. It was floor length with a high choker collar that opened into a large keyhole opening that flared from her neck out to her shoulders. Then it swooped down in the center barely covering her nipples and leaving the insides of her breasts bare. It tied together with a thin strap around her sternum with two snaps and then flared behind her into a train behind her. Everything below her breasts was bare, but framed nicely by the dress. They completed the outfit with a thong.

Penny was attached a spider's web with her arms high over her head. This had the effect of all lifting her breasts almost completely out of the dress. The edges of her areolas be seen at the top dress. Penny knew that if she took a deep breath her breasts would burst out of the top of the dress. Penny could see the lust in many of the people's eyes on the other side of the display window. She could tell they were also praying for her to take a deep breath and release her breasts from their captivity.

Her very sexy belly, hips and beautifully toned legs were all perfectly framed by the dress and completely on display for everyone viewing. Penny's whole body trembled with erotic heat, just like the first time when the photographer broadcast her exposed body on the web. There was something about being the subject of everyone's erotic fantasies made Penny tremble with excitement.

As she scanned the crowd outside the window she could see the lust in all of the men's and some of the women's eyes. People were licking their lips are adjusting their crotch in blatant arousal and Penny felt every eye caressing her exposed skin. Penny looked down at her erotically displayed body and she imagined what her master's hands would be doing right now. Then she looked over at her master and he was beaming with love, pride and a lot of lust.