All Comments on 'Nighttime Confession: Daytime Regret'

by JakeRivers

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cloacascloacasover 18 years ago

About her obsession. You see that in people, that they focus on something, a fault or failing, and it becomes their excuse for bad behavior.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
That brought it full circle

That certainly was a clear and irrevocable conclusion. You created a good plot and kept the story moving along nicely. Thank you

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Again you see lack of communication

and exactly how far it can screw everything up.

Had she talked to him it all would have been cleared up. But, had he had any sense he would have told her what happened both times. So he has a lot of blame here but not nearly so much as Marge.

Good writing Jack. Kinda thought you would pull the marriage out but it just got to be a deeper affair.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
great story,

i left a longer comment, or at least i thought i had. evidently it didn't get picked up when i hit submit. great story, fantastic delivery, perfect balance, couldn't have been any better. one way i know how much i'm enjoying a story, i hate to see it end. i could have continued reading this story all night long. keep up the excellent work, and please don't don't make us wait too long for that original. a fan always.

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
A Good read

Following up on Nightowl22’s comments, I find it sad that the main problem in this marriage seemed to be the lack of communication between the spouses. Why didn’t the husband come forth with these explanations when he was first confronted with them? He ignored his wife knowing how much she was hurt by her misimpressions. His silence was cruel, and had he simply explained himself this entire problem might have been averted.

That’s not to let the wife off the hook. What she did was inexcusable. Nevertheless, don’t you find it ironic that even at the end of the marriage this man cannot talk with his wife? How cowardly to leave notes like he did!

The WandererThe Wandererover 18 years ago
Loved it

Both parts of this story I really enjoyed reading. Everyone knows I have a propensity to happy endings and that's why I didn't think I could tackle this one. Jack chose the same ending I would have liked to have used. But maybe not in quite the same way.

I think it was good writing by both writers. Well done to both of you!!!!


Um. I've always taken the fact that a spouse who does not wish to see or meet his/her other half after they have betrayed them, as sign that they still hold a flame for them. Having the opportunity to put someone you no longer like* down is generally too good a chance to miss. Where-as meeting with someone you love and can no longer be with, for whatever reason, is a very painful experience. Take it from me!

Memory fades with time! Anger fades with time! It is just possible that given enough time, things could go full circle. Love is blind. Jack are you a closet softy like me?

* I won't use the word "HATE", life is too short to hate anyone and hate destroys the hater!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Definitely Good

Lack of communication is one of their problems as some have said, but the biggest problem was Meg's desire to cheat. For her to chance it while at a conference with her boss, who has issues with her, is stupid and will end her marriage at some point. Thank you for the read.

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago

Very well done, Jack. An excellent morality tale with devastating consequences. Thanks for completing the story.

PAPATOADPAPATOADover 18 years ago
Good Story

Enjoyed the read. Thank you. Keep up the good work.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
to Marilyn37MWF

a double standard does exist, i would never be so foolish as to try and deny that fact. i will make a very strong statement based on my life experiences during my 56 years here on this planet. that double standard is not limited to just males, it involves men, women and children. part of it is natural and part of it is a mental image that we create as a social society. my wife and i have had this conversation many times in our 34 years together. it will always be an on going argument between men and women. i also will make this statement before i continue, as far as being wrong or a sin as we call it, there is absolutely no difference. that being said, there is a big difference in perception, emotion, and consequensces between the two acts. i will give just a couple of examples to show what i mean. one true story is a recollection of a father getting in his teenage son's face. he very firmly informed him that if he ever talked back to him, he would knock him across the room, but if he ever again showed any disrespect to mother, he would stomp the shit out of him. kind of struck me odd, why the difference. another true story, actually happened very recently, was a daughter's comment about her mother. for a period of time the mother had been quite openly flirting with another man. let me say that i honestly believe it was no more than that, just flirting. needless to say, everyone was noticing, including her husband. it was the daughter tho that got the most upset. she made a statement to me one evening, i hope my mother is not so stupid or foolish as to have an affair. of course i had to ask her why. her reply shocked me. it would totally destroy the whole family. of course i had to ask what if it were her father. that would hurt, and the kids would be mad at him, but it wouldn't destroy the family. i had to face the reality that we do put motherhood right up there with sainthood, or at least very close. it would definitely seem that the family unity and structure pivots more around the mother than the father. i firmly believe that is why it is much more emotionally distressful to us as a society to have a married woman involved in an affair than a man. not that it is more right or wrong, just more earthshaking. that is why the cheating wife stories are way more prevalent than cheating husband stories. i know that this won't make you feel any better about the cituation, but hope it helps bring you to closer understanding of one of the more important things i've learned in life. there are many injustices in our world, some can be changed, some can't. learn the difference, deal with the ones that can be changed, the others, develop some patience and learn to live with them. you will be a happier person in the long run.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What if the Husband had cheated?

Excellent Story!

The first story left the impression that Don was a standup guy so the two unconfirmed "affairs" assumed to be one night stands did not make sense. Marg never communicated to her husband how serious in her mind these supposed lapses were if they were serious enough for her to divorce him! Her second mistake was after her first real lapse in fidelity she did not level with her husband even though she had this discussion with him about Frank hitting on her. She just ignored it for a year and then tried to rush a resolution just before the convention. Her third and final mistake was a revenge fuck (just because Don had not called) with Sam who she did not like.

Now suppose Don had these previous affairs? Would they both confess and seek counseling? In Don's case there was no ongoing decision to continue to cheat and he did not seem the type to open up his marriage. The first story seems to create the impression that her cheating was an accident where her doubts about her husband provided the excuse for the fling with Phil.

I agree with Wanderer that the husband's behavior is reasonable. Her very presence would be like acid now since he still loved her so much (recall that he had done nothing to deserve this treatment). What is she going to say to him -sorry I joined a sex club because I was not happy with your explanations?

Anyway, thanks for a realistic and great story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Realistic!

It is great to see a believable & realistic story. Stupid bitch deserves it all. Thanks for taking the time and putting together this piece. It is great not see another wimp ass husband story.

One of your many fans!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
KUDO's Author

Welcome - Very well conceived and delivered, as well as appreciated for the lifelike reality and consequence.

Emotions and communication or the disproportionate lack of them clearly affect lives and families.

A mistake in choice of spouse or action is just that - a singular error that is compounded by not dealing with it or continuing it when the little voice inside says it isn't right or fair.

Uncontroled emotion can make us act or react against our own standards in moments of anger or loss of control. We have all done it. Lost rationality I mean. Consequence follows either from within or others reactions. Knowing this cycle from childhood, why then do we all lose control at times - pain - anger - misunderstanding - selfishness, etc. can make us children again at the worst times. However, unlike a child, we can then discuss, apologise and build a better plan to avoid that mistake again - then hopefully earn the forgiveness and regain some respect by our future controled actions - if we care enough that is.

To the story, his reactions through the years were something a man might not consider important or too embarrassing to bring up on his own. Ackwardness isn't a good subject for most men and as it was more her issue she should have made it an earlier priority unburdoned by her actions.

Phase 1 & 2 Authors did a very competent and entertaining job of staging and completing this unfortunate slice of life's reality.

Life extracts consequence to balance out unfairness in all of life's arenas, but particularly so where the offense causes the destruction of the trust and mutual respect expected within the agreed upon marital contracts conditions.

Perhaps especially here, "Words" are powerful shapers of emotions and actions - so it is particularly fair that these stories of consequence balance to some degree those stories that can't fairly respect that word or us.

Again KUDO's guys - with High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Proof of an old adage

Well this story certainly proves the old adage of "two wrongs never make a right". Even if you spouse is cheating - cheating back is never the answer and in this case that was doubly proven. Another adage that came in to play in this story was ..One should never assume anything because when one does they make an ass out of u and me and it is usually the one that assumes that gets hurt the worst.

Excellant story...keep up the good work.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 18 years ago
Great job

Jack, great ending to the story! One reason I left this story open was because I knew there were writers out there who could take it in directions I wouldn't. I liked the way you kept on delving into Meg's character. Thanks for taking up the challenge.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

Good story, The main theme of this story is first she didn't believe her husband, this could be turned around as a man not believing his wife cheating. Same problem if you don't trust your spouse you have a big problem maybe bigger than the cheating. Second if Meg had of walked into the room on Don... things would have ended just as bad or maybe worse..sense she was sure he had cheated before... anyway good story

cageyteecageyteeover 18 years ago
An excellent story.

An excellent story, very well crafted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
my exact story, if i were to write

excellent, Dynamite Jack; i like your style. life's not always kisses and hugs;

when someone --- whether out of willful ignorance or intentional and malicious acts --- goes out to violate trust (more than just trust, its also about legal promises [marriage] and implicit "moral" agreements), the consequences need to be immediate and harsh.

life's lessons (suffering a heartache, to catching diseases, to death itself from dangerous viruses from promiscuity) are, in real life, harsh, immediately, and sometimes irrevocable.

people who talk about picking up brothers with big equipment and have all the sex they want, any time, etc., they live in fantasies (try doing that a couple times in real life, with the men and women you see in busy places like downtown, and there's bound to be some serious diseases and such; forget about the angry spouse at this point; that's not even the biggest concern)!

sacksackover 18 years ago
Ok, so it's not completely realistic,,,

Revenge is not always sweet, but this is one of many possible story endings and I thought it was well written. It's OK not to agree with the author's viewpoint, in that case why not write your own version of the ending and submit it here?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
at wetapap

The reason why female infidelity is worse then male infidelity, is b/c she has the woomb. The reason why men and women get together is to make&raise babies. Period. A female wants the male to invest his life into the family, and the male wants the female to carry his babies. When a man is unfaithful, the female risks loosing her investor. Then she'll have to look for a new one. However, when a female is unfaithful, then the male risks waisting his life on a family that is not his, and thus a certain evolutionairy death.

It's the equivalent of rape. Rape is trying to reproduce in a parasitic manner. There is nothing more important than making babies in any animals life, and an unfaithful female is taking this away from her mate, and instead she tricks him into investing himself in the offspring of another male. So the humilation a man feels when his wife offers herself to other men (like flirting), is the same humiliation when a man forces himself upon a woman. She is taking from him what is most valuable.

Depending on culture and knowledge about reproduction, 20% to 40% of all children are not their fathers' child. The females of every single monogamous animal on the planet have this same strategy. Fake intercourse, a.k.a. intimacy, with one male to keep him loyal. Then real intercourse with one of the alpha males.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago

For two years in a row Margaret knowingly enters into an adulterous relationship with fellow conferees.

She lies to her husband as she betrays him only to find out that with some men there are no free passes. Her premeditated acts void any chance at a reconciliation.

A well told tale that points out how important communication is to a marriage.

zed0zed0over 16 years ago
Best Ending Yet!

I LOVE A Happy Ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The husband was at fault here, more than the wife.

Relationships survive and die based upon trust and communication. Twice he was in a compromising situation that he should have told his wife about regardless of any promises he made to any other person. His wife should have come first, beyond merely restraining himself from sex. If he had told her about these situations and put her in contact with the people involved she would not have closed herself off from him and finally cheated. Yes, cheating is wrong and she should have just divorced him instead of going for revenge. But he should not pile the blame up on her for his own betrayal of her trust. Lies and deception are even more cruel that murder in many ways... and I suppose this is a good story about two people destroyed by lies.

mwoody2950mwoody2950about 14 years ago
Not my cup of tea

As always outstanding writing. Sorry, I had to jump from page two to the ending because I saw where you were going and I hate these kinds of endings, too depressing.

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754about 14 years ago
The 2 endings were both very good

The original ending had Meg's reaction to her cheating to be totally repentant person, while in this story she wasn't. The difference is how she acted afterwards. Reconciliation was not possible in this version, while the original ending both Don and Meg were open and honest about their failures and hope for resolution. As said before, the original had communication between the couple, while this one did not.

robinhodrobinhodover 13 years ago

well written but I preferred the original. I see there are others I have to read. This story really started something didn't it!

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
Still love this story ; )

This dummy wife obviously was leaking brain matter, she had no proof of her husbands "supposed affairs" but yet she continued to accuse him & than get agitated & angry when he refused to confess & apologize for something he didn't do. The poor son of a bitch husband did his best in reassuring the dumb slut of his love & fidelity-- but her lack of trust & respect & just plain common sense overruled all that. Than to try and justify her stupidity and whorishness she uses these non-existing affairs as a means of placing the blame on the husband; even though he tried on numerous occasions to defend himself but she was so fucking obsessed with his affairs that she refused to listen! Well--- you can't get dumber than this idiot... Beauty fades, but dumb is forever. Even if her husband did in fact had two affairs two wrongs don't make a right, she should've either divorced him or forgiven him but "revenge" isn't a third option. I think she fuck'd others cause she enjoyed it regardless if her husband had affairs or not, by her saying well he cheated on me 5 years ago so now I'm going to fuck a room full of people balances our marriage out is selfish & moronic.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
Yep much better ending -

She was the one that failed the marriage - more than once -

She failed him and herself and got what she earned although Cape's ending is probably more realistic heh the world can be shitty -

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The best ending yet!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

I agree with the last comment. She was a cheating fucking cunt who deserved everything she got.


tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

should it be given or earned, BUT, especially maintained, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
sad story

I believe it was said best in the last lines of the story

she losted so much family, job, friends and love

what would one write as alternate ending.

that they got back together , don never wanted to see her again

the stuff family's do

birthdays, high school stuff, college stuff ,wedding

she burned the bridge too bad

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
The best so far

I've read both capecodmercury's stories 4 author follow-ons. Yours is the best so far.

Meg is portrayed more like the flawed character that she is. And affairs always end badly... always. Someone finds out, or slips up, or falls in love... always... and then it is never pretty... and then the gutwrenchind regrets... always...

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 7 years ago
Rocked it Rivers

Right on

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Another great story about a cheating slut who gets caught. Good BTB with no spousal harm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No ‘Wow’ for the crappy story BUT

Wow - what a misogynistic asshole JakeRivers turns out to be.

‘Suddenly’ what were his original two betrayals [original story] became minor embarrassments - for which he had Zero responsibility - but justified Not Talking to his wife ...Then, the Mighty Morals Police of the School Gods BURST in and burnt all the Unholies, especially the Wife Most Foul!


Jesus F JakeRivers, someone must have hurt you awfully badly.

Still, why the fuck write and submit stories to an erotic literature site?

Shouldn’t you be beatifically serving decaf to the homeless somewhere?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Not a Bad alternate ending....

The comment below written a hyperventilating twit is laughable. Women cheat, as do men. Writing about a cheating bitch who didn't insist on her husband communicating with her is not misogynistic. They exist.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

She could have gotten over her misperception of his infidelity.

I am a bit disappointed in you here.....

I have read most of your stories and I recall you rationalizing a reconciliation of a wife taking off with a band for four months, fucking the entire band repeatedly, getting the band tattoo, and then explaining to the husband that she really loved him the whole time because she made all the guys who fucked her wear rubbers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good start, good plot, good middle, but PLEASE apply a decent end!

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 1 year ago

A revenge fuck to get even is a sure way to destroy a marriage. But this chick never really knew he cheated, yet she went forward with the wrong information. She gave up on her husband long before her conference calls.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Margaret you bitch, burn in hell

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0353 months ago

Nailed it - 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Interesting that she was so bothered by her husband's supposed infidelity that she ends up doing it herself. How does that make any sense? If she had a shred of integrity she wouldn't be able to cheat no matter what (assuming she still has agency, so no drugging etc). In the end she just proved she was a slut with no common sense or belief in her husband. If she had actually talked out her suspicious perhaps he could have explained, although it seems to me that he should have had the sense to realize how things could have been misinterpreted and should have asked her why she thinks he has been unfaithful. Oh well, another marriage in the bin because of stupidity. *Whomp whomp whooooomp*

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