Petting Zoo Ch. 02


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"Geh," she mumbled, cracking her right eye open while smacking her lips and wrinkling her nose in distaste.

With a heavy sigh, she groaned and swung her legs over the edge of the couch. Her feet bumped into the floor, turning at the ankles. She squawked, opening both eyes as she looked down to see what had happened.

The girl's knees bent before her with her long toes spread and her feet flat on the ground. She turned and the world spun before her, forcing her to press her left hand against the couch.

"What the hell?" she asked herself, staring at the marbled curves of her calves. Her eyes swept up to her knees and back down to her powerful thighs. Her shorts rode high on her waist, a gray "V" shape on her elongated body.

"What the hell," she repeated, reaching down.

Rust-colored fur peeked out from her taut shorts in a wide spray that reached nearly to her hips. The crotch of the shorts pulled tight enough that she could see the side of her exposed labia. It was nearly completely covered in white hairs.

Closing her eyes, Emi breathed in deeply and then cursed when the back of her head hit the wall behind her. She rubbed her head, turning to glare at the wall before looking back down.

She was still far taller than she should be and the hairs still covered her. She reached down slowly, brushing the tips with her fingers and shivering at the tickling sensation they gave in return. Pressing deeper, she slid her hands against her lower belly before clenching her fingers and tugging.

"Ow, damn," she cursed. It was ridiculous but she'd half-expected the hairs to somehow pull away. As if glued by some random prankster. Or Janelle as a punishment for falling asleep before she left.

Just before she let go, she realized she could still see the narrow strip of black hair she'd left when trimming the night before. She lifted her hand but traced a finger along her body, watching as the hairs bent beneath her touch.

It took her a moment to realize her stomach was showing and her favorite pajama top hung awkwardly against her upper body. Distracted by the realization, she missed the line of skin on her stomach until her finger bumped against it. Goosebumps rose along her body, forcing her to jolt in a sudden shiver.

Emi leaned forward without realizing how tall she was now. Frowning, she slid her ass to the front of the couch and stared at the strange growth. It was warm to the touch and oddly sensitive with tiny red streaks just below the surface. She leaned closer still to see miniscule white hairs covering the surface.

"I am not going to work today," she told herself. She followed the little red lines from the bump on her belly but each faded to nothing almost immediately. Emi squirmed. Moving forward pulled her panties deeper into her ass so she slipped a finger beneath the band and ran it along the length to pull it.

Glancing over to the small desk in the corner of her living room, she nodded and stood. The room swayed before her. A new instinct made her lean forward as her tailbone curled beneath her hips. Skin rose low on her back as cartilage and muscle began to build around her hidden tail, finally forcing it outside her body. When the ghost of her tail failed to help steady her on the floor, she caught the edge of her coffee table instead.

Standing once more, she surveyed the room. Everything appeared slightly out of place at the corner of her eyes and brain but when she focused on any one thing, she couldn't place why it felt wrong.

She closed her eyes once more and ran her fingers through her hair while taking a deep breath.

"Okay," she told herself after breathing out. "Okay."

The girl walked to her desk and her splayed toes slapped against the floor. She caught herself leaning forward with each step and forced herself straight. Yet when she began to think of what she'd need to write to her boss, the bulge low in her back shifted and she continued to bend her upper body just before raising her left foot.

A single tap against her laptop's trackpad woke the screen. She pulled up her browser to send a quick message to her company and then opened a new tab.

Second growth spurt, she typed into the search bar. Results returned immediately showing information on growth spurts when puberty hit. She sighed and added to the search: in adults.

More accurate results were returned and she clicked through them. Most spoke about teenagers approaching their 20s and growing half a foot over a summer or over the course of a year but nothing overnight.

Emi's fingers gently played with the line of skin low on her belly. It felt pleasurable to touch and eerily similar to toying with her own nipples but not quite as erotic. She reached up to change her search before grabbing the stress ball she kept next to the laptop. Her eyes flicked through heavy lines of text discussing pituitary gland problems.

Soft fingers clenched the stress ball that rested on her strong thigh. Even in her rolling chair, her knees were bent. She focused on the screen as her free hand reached toward the line on her belly. As she read, her hand pressed the stress ball against the line and then down. She repeated the gesture multiple times before setting the squishy bag aside with a loud sigh.

"Dammit," she said, spinning slowly in her chair while stretching out her long legs. She stared at her feet and the webbing between her widened toes while mentally chewing through the articles she'd read. Some of the articles mentioned hair growth but not color changing and not the strange spread of pubic hair she had now. She flexed her feet, pulling them back and forth and watching her calf muscles bulge to the sides. "Dammit."

Standing once more, she unbuttoned her top and let it drop to the floor before digging thumbs into the band of her shorts and panties. She grunted as she pushed and walked to the bathroom, struggling out of the unreasonably tight clothing. They dragged painfully against her muscular legs until they slipped past her knees. When she lifted her foot to step out of them, her toes spread further apart automatically until she stepped down again.

Now nude, she felt oddly free and found herself raising her arms while standing on the tips of her toes. Her entire body shuddered as she stretched until she lowered her arms to gently scratch the line on her stomach. The girl's large ass flexed with each step.

When she reached the hallway beyond the living room, her hair moved. Bones cracked silently on the sides of her head. She yawned and rocked her jaw as her ears quivered. The tips brushed against her hair when they slid an inch higher than before, bones shifting around them as they transitioned. She pulled at her ears until they popped and her palms brushed tiny alabaster hairs emerging from her jawline.

Shaking her head against the strange ache deep in her skull, she stepped onto the cold bathroom floor and hopped over to the tub and the floor mat beside it. She turned the handles around the faucet and stepped from one foot to the other.

Steam slowly filled the small room. She reached her hand out, turning it palm-up to test the water. Charcoal colored hairs slid slowly from the back of her hand, trapping the water as she adjusted the temperature. Drops of water and sweat began to dot her back, some tracing an erratic line down to her ass while others stopped against copper hairs growing in sparse patches.

Emi leaned forward, knuckles against the edge of the tub. She pressed down, humming to herself as the bulge twisted against her back. The stubby tail uselessly tried to anchor itself to the floor while she lifted her feet into the bathtub.

She groaned, smiling into the nearly scalding water as she washed herself, turning to let the water course down her thick thighs and pronounced ass. A few more hairs emerged between her shoulder blades and she reached back to scratch herself with one hand while turning to let the water splash her chest.

Her right hand pressed against the skin beneath the long line of swollen flesh. Unnoticed by the girl, the skin moved at her touch, shifting slightly as if unattached to her body. Her thumb flicked against the ridge of skin before rubbing it in circles.

As she scrubbed conditioner into her short hair, she sang in a quiet, halting voice. Her nails clawed against her body while she worked body soap into skin and hair. She reached down, scratching through the tuft covering her mound and then further, carefully cleaning between her thighs.

"Jesus," she gasped, spitting water that streamed down her face.

Her hand rubbed her thighs and she was amazed at how dense her legs felt. She could feel the muscles flexing beneath the skin and she lost herself in rubbing them again and again before shaking her head to reach for her shins.

The tips of her fingers flailed for her shins and she blinked in surprise. Emi bent her long torso so her short arms could reach her legs and feet. Once again her tail rose, pressing out against the skin on her back. Her waist felt tight suddenly as muscles began to form in her hips surrounding her tailbone, readying her body for the massive tail yearning to grow.

She leaned further to clean between her toes. They spread wide for her, her toenails scraping against the tub as her pinky toe and big toe flexed beyond the sides of her feet. She frowned at her nails, picking at them when she noticed how thick and gray they appeared.

Standing once more, she rinsed her body, sighing happily as the warm water surrounded her. She reached up blindly to grab her shampoo, spurting it into her hand to rub into her hair.

A single gray line appeared in the center at the bottom of her nose. She sneezed and then bent beneath the water to allow it to wash away the shampoo. The gray darkened to black as little dark tendrils sprouted from the line, spreading until they reached the edges of her nose.

Now clean, she pushed the stopper to let the water divert to the faucet. She sat at the edge of the tub with her knees nearly to her chest before grabbing her razor. Spreading her knees, she stared at the strange pubic hair.

What if the doctor needs to see it? she asked herself, touching the hair with the blunt edge of the razor.

She thought she could smell it for a moment and it reminded her of a wet animal. Something new triggered deep in her brain and her breath caught as she groaned and breathed in deeply. Her fingers gripped the fur, pulling hard while faint impressions of something echoed through her mind. Something red and hot and hungry. She groaned again as the razor clattered to the tub. Her hips rocked slowly on the edge of the tub as she crossed her arms over her breasts.

Cream-colored hairs emerged from her forearm. They crawled up to her elbow until red began to replace white. Her nails clawed at her arms and she shuddered. Thick copper hairs grew from the nape of her neck, hidden beneath her black hair. Her fingers reached up to scratch the deep itch they left behind but she fell short. Red lines appeared in her skin as she dragged her nails down her back.

"Woooo," Emi said quietly, blinking her eyes as she unwrapped her arms. Her tongue darted out as a tiny split appeared in her top lip. "Wow."

She bent to grab her razor. Once again she breathed deep before exhaling. Her soft sigh rumbled quietly in the back of her throat as she squeezed her thighs together. Spreading them apart once more showed a single clear strand attached between her labia and right inner thigh. Her labia bulged beneath the white hairs and she touched herself carefully.

"Christ, Emi," she told herself, wiping the liquid away. "You need to get laid."

Bracing herself against the wall, she stood and stepped onto her bath mat before grabbing her towel to pat herself dry. She wrapped it around her hair, shivering as the coarse edge brushed against the short fur along her nape.

Humming once more, Emi stared at herself in the mirror to pluck loose hairs and apply subtle makeup.

Black fur spread from the hairs covering the backs of her toes, growing along the top of her feet while she leaned in to apply soft pink lipstick. She scratched at the line of skin on her belly and then put away her kit. Unwrapping her towel, she luxuriated in being bare once more.

A valley appeared in the center of her back as muscles bunched up. She rolled her shoulders and scratched herself, clawing at the red hairs still pushing through her skin while stepping over to her closet. She grabbed a pair of panties, stepping into them and pulled them up until they caught against her thigh. She glared at them and tugged harder until the material strained and threatened to tear.

Emi flung the panties away to grab another but every one she tried was the same. She stomped in frustration and her long feet thumped against the carpet.

"Dammit, dammit," she fussed, digging through her dresser until she found a shamefully unused pair of black yoga pants. She pulled them on slowly, grunting as they stretched over her calves and then again over her thighs. They stretched as she yanked and then yelped when the crotch dug into her pussy. Stepping away from her closet, she stood before her mirror to stare at herself. "Whoa."

Her ankles and over six inches of her legs were bare and a few reddish hairs peeked out from the band of the pants. The yoga pants ballooned out over her large ass and her eyes widened as she turned to stare at it.

"Fuck's sake, Emi," she gasped, admiring herself. "This can't be normal. But I sure the hell ain't going to complain. Unless it's cancer. Unless cancer somehow gave me an amazing ass and legs before rampaging through my body and killing me. Might still be worth it, though. Damn."

She leaned forward as she walked to the closet once more and her stubby tail pressed against the back of the pants. Her fingers flicked through hanging shirts until she pulled a white exercise shirt down. She struggled into it, shivering as it scratched against the sparse fur covering her back and over her oddly sensitive nipples.

Once more, a vast expanse of her belly lay exposed. She touched her stomach in wonder, amazed at how much she'd changed overnight.

"Oh," she said, looking up at the mirror.

The yoga pants stretched tight over her crotch, easily outlining her mound and pussy into a small yet visible camel toe. She blushed, tugging and pulling at the pants in the hopes that she could force it to settle but nothing she did helped. Her thighs and ass were simply too muscular for her clothing.

A thought hit her and she turned, bending to the corner of her closet. She mumbled as she dug through piles of clothing until she pulled an old hoodie free.

"Look at you, Jason," she said, holding the hoodie out. "You actually did do one good thing for me after all."

Emi pulled the large "borrowed" hoodie over her head, pulling it down until it covered her waist and crotch. Turning back to the mirror, she smiled when she saw how well it hid her tight pants.

The girl shoved her hands into the front pockets and a warmth blossomed in her belly, filling her with a strange sense of happiness. She pressed her small fists against her lower stomach, rubbing the ridge of skin as she walked to her front door to retrieve her purse and keys. Red bloomed on her chest, just above her breasts and she smiled. She felt satisfied and happy as she held her fists in the front pocket. It was a strange feeling and a wistful one. She pulled the hoodie tight against her body as the intrusive animalistic part of her reminisced over a ghost of a memory.


Two receptionists sat behind a desk in the quiet office.

"And the reason you're here today?" the second one asked as she stared at her computer. She was approaching middle age but the unhappiness she exuded appeared to permaturely age her.

"Oh, well," Emi hesitated. "I, uhh, I grew a lot. Overnight."

"I'm sorry?" the receptionist asked, turning to stare.

"I used to be about five foot two inches," Emi said. "When I woke up this morning, I was way taller. Oh. Should I have measured myself? I didn't, I'm sorry. I think maybe I'm six feet tall now? And-"

Emi bit her lip and looked down, suddenly embarrassed. The receptionist eyed her with naked skepticism, waiting for her to continue but she shuffled her feet in the long socks she'd worn. None of her shoes had fit her distended feet. She'd walked out of her place bare-footed and nearly made it to her car before she realized what she'd done.

"And?" the receptionist finally prodded.

"And, uhh," Emi mumbled, blushing deeply. "I grew hair. Uh. Hair down there. Different color. It's normally black and ohmygodwhyamItellingouthis."

"Just fill out the form and the doctor will see you shortly," the receptionist said, shaking her head as she passed a clipboard through the dividing window.

Emi snatched the clipboard and spun, stumbling on legs longer than she was used to. The tip of her tail scratched against her pants, hidden beneath her hoodie. It grew in a fit, sliding down between her ass cheeks before stopping as she sat hard in the uncomfortable chairs lining the office.

She filled out the questionnaire as carefully as possible, writing the reason for her visit under "other" as there was no section for either of the issues she was facing. She scratched the black hairs covering the back of her hands and fingers, rubbing the aching joints before continuing to mark the paper. She wrote the explanation for the line on her stomach as a possible infection since she had no other idea on how to explain it.

Once finished, she snuck the clipboard through the window, avoiding the receptionist's eyes and returning to her spot. She folded into herself, pulling her long legs close while clenching her hands together inside the pocket. The feeling of contentment and happiness returned and she found herself slowly rubbing the long bump on her belly through her ex-boyfriend's sweatshirt.

Alabaster hairs emerged from her shin, the pale tips piercing her black yoga pants as they marched along her leg, higher and higher. Just below her knees, copper hairs mixed with white before replacing them entirely. She scratched her knee idly before pulling it back into the pocket. Her ears crunched, muffling all sounds for a few seconds until she yawned. They began to move again while the tips grew to points, slicing through her hair like a pale, furred shark emerging from the water.

The warmth from earlier continued to spread and she focused inward as she enjoyed it. Her fists slid lower on her belly until she rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot. The girl jumped in surprise but then glanced around sheepishly before pulling her legs back in.

Yet her hands stayed where they were and she moved them in a tight circle. New nerves lit up, shooting sparks along her spine to the roof of her mouth and down, deep in her guts. She rubbed her tongue against her mouth while pressing her thighs together and her hands never stopped moving.

Stealing a quick glance towards the receptionist desk, she ducked her head and tensed the muscles deep inside her pussy, feeling the wetness within. She could smell that peculiar scent once more but it was now mixed with the faint smell of her arousal.

A single dark patch appeared in the center of her black yoga pants, just beneath her clit. She arched her back and her powerful muscles flexed as dense muscles swelled around her tail, pushing at the back of her pants. The wet spot spread against her tight pants as she pressed her fists harder into the tiny spot just above her mound.

The door dinged, forcing her to sit up while pressing her knees together. She stared down at her feet but looked up to see a bearded man step into the office. He was broad-shouldered in an unbuttoned long sleeved Henley shirt with curly brown hair and rough blue jeans. She swallowed and pressed her fist against her belly while leaning forward slightly.