Petting Zoo Ch. 02


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"Michael," the woman said sharply, flinging a medallion towards the man. He caught it and pulled it over his head with a sheepish look. "Unless you're ready to-"

"No," the man said. "Not yet, no. Thank you, mistress."

"Please," a new voice said.

Emi turned to see a woman seated on a bench. She hid her nudity while staring at the ground before her. A single black stripe of skin circled her belly and another covered the tops of her breast. Before Emi's eyes, the suntanned skin beneath her breasts grew pale before fading to white.

"I'm- I'm supposed to get married tonight," the woman whined. Her right foot clacked against the hard floor. The tip of her toes was a hardened black semi-circle. She brought her left leg up to rub her toes but even from where she stood, Emi could see her nails pulling back as the toes merged. "T- Tom, t-t-tell them."

A man stood next to her, ringed in white and black. A thick tuft of black hair stood out from the nape of his neck. He licked his lips and his black nostrils expanded as he stomped his hooves on the ground. A short tail flicked behind him. He reached forward to stroke the girl's hair lovingly.

But Emi's eyes zeroed in on the man's crotch. The man's cock bulged forth, bending under its own absurd weight. In contrast to his pale body, his cock was charcoal black and blunted at the tip. Black skin covered the base. Her mouth watered, staring at it and she groaned while imagining it plunging inside of her.

"T- Tom, please," the woman groaned, pulling at her fiancé's arm. She tugged again but her eyes slowly lowered from his until they stared at his dick. The woman set her left foot down and her new hoof clacked against the ground.

A clear drip fell from her pussy on a long line, breaking near the floor to join the puddle already beneath her.

"N-no," she whinnied, looking away from the cock. Her body betrayed her as she turned back to find her hand no longer on her fiancé's arm. It encircled the base of the man's cock but it was far too thick for her thumb to touch her fingers. "N-no, I'm n-not- I'm not an anima-aaah gawd-"

She groaned and leaned forward as her jaw cracked and began to elongate. Thick black hairs pressed through her loose brown hair as it crept down the nape of her neck. Her hand gripped her breast but then reached back to press just above her ass as the skin there bulged. Her tan was fading beneath the base of her struggling tail as a new stripe took its place.

Drool dripped from the woman's mouth as she tried to take the entire length of her fiancé's dick. Her ears slid through her hair as she bobbed back and forth, no longer ashamed of rutting in front of everyone watching.

Emi grunted, jerking as her fingers grinded against her clit. She watched the act, licking her lips as she imagined her own mouth over the man's cock. The girl shuddered through a small orgasm but kept going as a larger one built within.

"I think you'll fit in just fine," Lady Lilith said as she strolled away.


Cream-colored curtains billowed in the soft, warm breeze of an open window. Emi lay stretched out on the bed with a scroll before her and an open notebook beside it. She tapped a pen against the strange, flowing script on the long paper while consulting early pages in her notebook. Her left arm rested on a pillow nestled against her belly and the tip of her tail occasionally tapped the gigantic bed.

Nearly a year after meeting Lady Lilith, she had finally settled into a routine she enjoyed and even the few interruptions were interesting rather than annoying. And sometimes more than simply 'interesting.'

"What is this damn word?" she asked herself, tapping the butt of the pen against her narrow lips. Her tail writhed behind her as she flipped pages.

The book was a combination of busy work and training. Lilith's library was immense and ancient with varying languages used throughout. Translations existed for less than half of the scrolls and books stored and only a few residents cared enough to help translate the rest. Lilith was greatly pleased when Emi showed interest and they both enjoyed the sporadic lessons.

The language had no name, Lilith told her. And only a handful of people were aware of it.

"Looks like a vase with an inverted base?" she wondered aloud.

She'd tried to look the language up on the Internet once but only one character was a partial match to something called Sinaitic script. Another bore an eerie resemblance to a DNA strand but nothing quite matched that, either. The partial match on the first character had led to a very interesting rabbit hole to follow and questions for Lilith later but the cursed, secretive woman had redirected the conversation back to their lesson.

She'd worked through two paragraphs only and it appeared to be the middle of a longer text. So far it was the account of a lone man - an outcast with no idea of his own history beyond a vague, worrying memory of having done something horribly wrong. Every experience was new to him. Every creature or plant he spied was unknown and he struggled mightily in a vast wilderness.

A gentle knock came from the doors to her room. Seconds later, it opened and a well groomed young woman peeked in before opening it completely.

"Lady Emi," the woman intoned. "Your guest is here."

Emi smiled and carefully rolled the scroll before setting it atop her notebook and placing both carefully into a safe at her bedside.

"You'll never stop, will you?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," the woman said with a bow.

"Well, I'm sure the hell no lady," Emi replied, sticking her tongue out while pushing herself up. "Is Janelle still visiting tonight?"

"Lady Janelle herself confirmed thirty minutes ago," the woman said, stepping backwards while still bowing.

"Thank you, Shirai," Emi said but the woman was already gone. It embarrassed her to be thanked for her duties but Emi would never stop being polite to her.

A middle aged man stepped carefully into the room, glancing about for a moment before settling his eyes on Emi. They widened and he took a half-step backwards with a hand to his chest.

"It's true," he said.

"Yup," Emi said, smiling with her long muzzle. It was a strange sensation on the longer face but she'd tried her best to master it and hoped it put people at ease.

"May I?" he asked.

"May you what?" she replied, cocking her head. Her ears angled back through her long black hair. She'd had Shirai make intricate braids early in the morning but the top was loose enough to not tangle her ears.

"Approach," he answered with some embarrassment.

"Uh. Yes?" Emi told him.

He was dressed in casual but incredibly expensive clothes. A year ago she wouldn't have been able to tell but Lilith had specific tastes and her visitors were far from poor. His sandals slapped quietly against the stone floor until he stood at her bedside. Most visitors were shy to some degree. Or just in shock from seeing her. Or any of the other girls that resided in the area.

"You can sit," she said to save him from asking.

He did and his eyes never left hers. Finally, he looked toward the door and then back.

"Are you-" he swallowed, glancing back once more. "Are you happy here? Not against your will? I have a helicopter waiting and guards I can summon if you're being held-"

Emi laughed, leaning her head back with her mouth open and her hand against her stomach. Once finished she reached out to touch his arm lightly. His long sleeve was rolled back to show hairy arms.

"You're a sweet one, aren't you?" she said. They weren't always but those that overstepped after misrepresenting themselves to Lady Lilith were dealt with accordingly. And brutally. "Yes. Yeah, I'm really, really happy. It took a while and I miss my mom but my eyes have been opened to what life can offer."

He touched her hand and she left him, watching his expressions carefully. His eyes seemed to strain to meet hers and she wondered how difficult it was for him. She no longer wore clothes and her breasts had filled out over the past few weeks. Her dark nipples easily pushed through the coppery fur lining her chest.

"Your hand," he said.

"Yes?" she asked, smiling once more.

"They're so soft," he finished.

"I know, right?!" Emi said, laughing again until she winced and touched her stomach.

The girl's expression changed but the visitor had no reference to understand

"Why are you here today, sir?" she asked, touch his arm again. She stroked him, her paw moving back and forth through the hair on his arm.

"I-" he swallowed, watching her hand. "I'm a philanthropist with no children. And even if I had them, I believe it would be wrong to leave my entire wealth for their enjoyment. A thing should be earned, as I have done. I donate to worthy causes and, one day, I received a call."

"And you met Lilith," Emi said. Her hand slipped down to the man's thigh. He watched it but didn't stop her.

"Y-yes," he told her. "Eventually. After rounds of interviews. She has some extraordinary causes that align with my interests."

"Mmmhmmm," Emi said, scratching her nails into the man's leg. "You have some causes that align with my interests, sir."

"I- yes?" he asked, uncertain of her intentions but swallowing as Emi reached up to the buttons on his shirt.

She undid the top button and pulled it aside. An amulet lay beneath the shirt with a simple symbol: two vertical lines with a diagonal line that began at the left line and passed through the bottom of the right line but continued past. It meant "bind", she knew. The man from her story had the same symbol on the inside of his wrist but had no idea how it came to be there.

"Oh, yes," she said, toying with the amulet. She lay her hand against her belly. "My boyfriend is off with, well, I suppose I'm not supposed to say. We came to an agreement early on, him and I. He knows how very attached I am to him but he also knows what the changes have done to me. To us. To all of us. What the animal aspect does to us."

She undid another button and then a third.

"My breed is almost always pregnant," she purred, leaning in to kiss his neck. "I don't plan to pop out countless babies but even when I'm not knocked up my sex drive is insane."

"Oh," he said, frozen in place.

"What's worse, though?" she continued, reaching up to slip his shirt free. He was in impressive shape for his age, despite the spray of gray chest hair. "I am pregnant. My toys are barely enough these days and it makes him happy to know I'm satisfied."

"I didn't-" he swallowed again. Her short claws tugged playfully at his trousers. "I've already committed to Lady Lilith's efforts. I don't need-"

"Shhh," she told him, placing a black-furred finger on his lips. "Don't keep going or you'll probably insult me. I'm not a whore. I'm not here to seal the deal you've made with Lilith. No, you are here for me."

He groaned quietly as she worked the buttons and zippers and then smiled once more to find him growing erect.

"It's my perk," she said, turning and crawling onto a mound of pillows

She arranged them beneath her breasts and rested on her arms, wiggling her ass back and forth with her massive tail pulled up. The fur surrounding her pussy was dark and strands of her cum connected between the base of her tail and her swollen lips.

"If you would, sir?" she said, reaching beneath herself. She placed her claws against her pussy and spread herself open to him.

She knew Lilith's profiling would have placed him properly in her suites rather than someone else's. And the thrill of her unusual status was generally more than most could turn down. He wouldn't have the amulet if he hadn't shown a subconscious interest in fucking her.

"Are you-"

"Yes," she told him, looking back as she slipped a finger inside. "I'm really damn sure. In fact, sir, I'm begging you."

She turned back around with a smile when he stood and finished undressing and she prayed he could last long enough to dull the heat nearly constantly dogging her. She hoped with the eventual birth of her twins, it would die down permanently but knew it wouldn't. Her kind were almost immediately ready again after giving birth.

And, as the man crawled into the bed to gently kiss her back and lay his cock between her thighs, she once again told herself she was more than okay with it.

"So beautiful," he told her, kissing her neck. He sat behind her with her tail against his side. "And so soft."

He slid into her and she sighed as he filled her ears with beautiful, tender words in a language she didn't know. He felt amazing and she gasped as he began to take charge but she was already looking forward to the evening with Janelle and her twin lovers. And perhaps they could invite-

"Ahhh," Emi moaned when he nibbled her neck.

Still, she missed her mate and Siobhan. Both were with Lilith. It would've been her first outing on the mysterious trips as well but her pregnancy delayed it. She made Lilith swear she'd get to go after giving birth.

As the man increased his pace, she lost the threads of thought in her mind. She gave in to the animal inside with a short growl and a thrust of her wide hips back into him. It was as exhilarating as the first time and every time since then. All of the new experiences thrust upon her paled in comparison to the way her body responded to a single suggestive thought or touch.

Oh, she suddenly realized in an odd moment of clarity. Janelle is- oh, oh, fuck, oh god, yes- c-coming over because it's my b-birthday.

"Fuck!" she shouted, slapping the man's shoulder with her tail. He kissed the tip of it before thrusting into her once again.

Gotta, she panted, trying to think through the red haze of her heat. Thank. Thank her. For. This. Again. And. And. And. Email mom.

Wind blew the thin curtains, carrying Emi's screams throughout the complex. A few passed, grinning fiercely while others shook their heads in amusement.


Far away, in a large brick building at the foot of Saint Paul de Vence, a young worker hung a sign on a building with swooping hand-painted letters reading, simply: Ouverture très bientôt!

Black paint dried on the large board as employees entered the building with cages of animals. The first worker stared critically at the sign before nodding and straightening it.

A young local girl strode by and then paused, curious at the activity around the previously abandoned building.

Four workers carefully carried a large wire cage down a ramp. A sable creature with a wide ash-colored back ringed in silver hissed and swiped at the cage before biting the bars. It was as large as a dog but shorter and wider and incredibly fierce looking.

"What a vicious animal," the girl mused. It grew calm at her voice and turned to her. Black eyes met her blue eyes and she gasped at the spark she felt staring into them.

"Yes, it can be," a voice said to her side. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she replied politely. "Are you a zoo?"

"Of a kind, yes," the man said.

"When will you be open?" she asked, peering after a cage containing a sedate but huge bird. Its brilliant yellow and red flowers were a sharp contrast against the creature preceding it.

"As soon as our mistress is finished with prior business," he told her. He reached out and the girl took the proffered pamphlet. "But, please, visit us when we do open. I think you'll be delighted by what you find."

"Yes," she said, her eyes turning inward as she folded the paper into her purse. "I think I will."

"See you soon," the man said with a wide grin at her back. He watched her leave and then stared at others as they obliviously passed the building. "Very soon."

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mac1729mac172912 months ago

What a fun story you have created. I look forward t many more chapters

Thanks for writing

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