All Comments on 'Plain Gold Ring Pt. 03'

by GirlintheMoon

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norafaresnorafaresover 4 years ago
Five Stars

The perfect ending to the perfect story written by the perfect girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved this. One of the best, for sure.

I've been waiting for this for so long, and it was everything I hoped it would be. Five stars, for real.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 4 years ago
A Story That Embodies All Too Well the Quote About Every Cloud Not Necessarily Engendering a Storm

The third act of the play is what separates the contenders from the pretenders. What if Hamlet decided that he would let his mom and father's brother reign over Denmark because he would inherit the throne by sheer inertia in a few decades and not avenge his father's murder ?

What if Hector and Achilles fully armoured and festooned with weapons met outside the gates of Troy for showdown and then just as duel was about to start lawyers for Trojans and Greeks announced a monetary settlement and peace.

What if Evel Kneival tried to fly over the immense canyon of the Snake river in rockeyship for death or glory. What if he launched it and parachute prematurely popped out and the daredevil fluttered to the ground and deserved obscurity.

Melissa will never be transposed modern Maleificent as she could have been in part two. Angelina Jolie would read lukewarm finish and would query ' is that all there is ' ? Cue the opening strains of immortal Peggy Lee ballad. GirlintheMoon will NEVER be a great writer. It's too demanding.

I love the character studies, the organic dialogue ( both spoken and inner) present here. This author could be a pro script doctor no doubt with her gift of making reader mind meld with the characters. We remember series like '' The Sopranos'', '' The Wire'', ' Breaking Bad and most recently '' Game of Thrones '' because their creators had the guts and daring to consign both villains and beloved characters to Hades.

If GITM had written '' Titanic '' Jack would merely have gotten the sniffles while waiting in Artic waters to be rescued, he and Rose would have married and moved to the Bronx and evil Billy Zane would have repented of his elites ways and started non-profit food bank.

In another words more's the pity, there's not more to pity.

This tepid installment goes unrated much in the spirit that Jesus had no patience for. quaffing lukewarm drinks and would spit them out. Both he and I haven't got time for the 'meh'.

stev2244stev2244over 4 years ago

A new GitM story is always an absolute highlight on Lit. Not only that, it's June fucking Silva! Awesome. This one measures up to the great first two chapters. Thanks for writing it for us.

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 4 years ago
a good strong finish

ty for the happy ending :)

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

Wow, I can't believe I was waiting 5 years for this chapter!

Unfortunately, it was really anticlimactic.

I was expecting Melissa to start some nefarious scheme, only for John and June to win in the end and destroy the bitch. Instead, nothing really happened. The star-crossed lovers spend a year apart, Melissa never suffers any consequences, and it just ended when John and June finally got back together. There wasn't even an epilogue...

What a lacklustre ending to such a promising story.

Todd172Todd172over 4 years ago
A true artist

GitM is leagues above as a writer, there are very few in her class. Few writers can put you inside the head of a sociopath, a love struck teen, or a shattered guy so well.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've been badgering her for this closing chapter for three years. One line messages that said "Whatever happened to June. Fucking. Silva?" It looks like writing it on her car window finally worked.

This has been worth every bit of the wait. Look carefully, you can see Melissa's doom approaching, you can see John and June's future together, and even glimpses of Sam and Maggie's future. It's in the darkness, like a Japanese shadow painting, but it's all there if you look.

Amazing work.


Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 4 years ago

Just ponderous

jezzazjezzazover 4 years ago
About. Fucking. Time:)

No one gets in the heads of people who are plagued with tricky situations and indecision like you do.

You are a real writer, while the rest of us are just pretend.

I’d still like to see Melissa get hers, through some situation of her own devising - like coming up against someone better at the game than she is, but otherwise, this is a terrific bookend for the story.

Thanks GitM:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Five Years?!

I'm sorry, I'm a fan of GITM, but I'm not a fan of stories with over five years between chapters.

I'll read this when I have time to go back and read chapters 1 & 2 again.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 4 years ago
Doggyboi's comment embodies all too well the quote that it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Imagining that someone actually intelligent and educated would find his pseudo-phrenic babbling anything other than laughable is one of the more humorous phenomena around the site.

After the long wait, we are paid in coin that is both spellbinding and heart-warming. Girlinthemoon is a towering talent, as this story aptly demonstrates. Those of us who write know. Girlinthemoon leaves us speechless. All the best writers around acknowledge her mastery of the written word. The most common thing I hear when I discuss Girlinthemoon with other writers is "We tell stories. She's a writer. Some of us are craftsmen; she is an artist." Persons of little wit see through a glass darkly and can only mutter imprecations.

One of the best stories, in its entirety, on the site, and certainly worthy of the five stars I gave it. Randi.

Bebop3Bebop3over 4 years ago
So Depressing

I look at the score for this gem of a story and get depressed. It deserves much better.

I look at the dreck that scores better than this and I get depressed.

I realize that I will never be the writer that GitM is and get depressed.

Thankfully, LordSlamDawwg's bloviating attempts at displaying erudition make us laugh and lifts a bit of that depression.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You are one of the most incredibly gifted writers I've ever had the privilege of reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The insanity of this place.

This is one of the most compelling stories to come down the pike in years. There must be some really low-brow morons who read and vote here. I do see that you have writers I respect who understand what a beautiful work this is. When you have Stev2244, Randi, Todd172, Bebop3 and Norafares giving you total respect, you know you're good. Then you have total losers like puppyslammer mouth-breathing through another comment that makes sense only to people with brain damage. I know who I'm going with. The best writers around, or someone who's never written anything in their lives. Five big stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You are amazing

Your characters are always incredibly complicated, sometimes unlikable, but so very real. You invoke powerful emotion, which is the biggest compliment I can give an author. You’re spectacular, GITM, and we need so many more of your stories. Thank you.

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 4 years ago
Not many people can write like this.

Here’s some high quality storytelling and insightful writing. Thanks for finishing this gem, it’s a masterpiece. Much respect.

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleover 4 years ago
thats a good 'un.

Yessirree. Previous commenters having used up all the superlatives currently available in English I'll give the story a well deserved 5 stars and leave it at that. And yes lordslampuppy or whatever is a pompous ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
John is a schmuck

This is one of the two endings I feared. I was hoping that June would eventually see that John is the man who was totally sucked in by Melissa and maybe not really the man for her. June then gets on with her life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

@stev2244, you're a dickhead like the other 'great ones' or so you all think you are trying to act younger than you are by speaking like the complete dickheads who make up words like 'yeet'.

As for this story, why bother after 5 years? It was shit anyway and is deserving of the score it got despite it making Bebop sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very powerful

Great story, great writing. Pity the "schmucks" who can't see it.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
Great ending

Would have loved to see Melissa crash and burn, but life isn't always what we want. She will grow old and alone in a series of loveless relationships. That is the ultimate punishment. In the end John did the right thing and if we are optimists they all lived happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Your a gifted writer

I can’t believe it took you 5 years to finish this story. But I’m one of the lucky ones who read it today from chapter1 to the finish . I’m glad I just got to read it completely today. Great writing a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Jesus. Write something yourself for once. You’re an idiot.

GITM, you are a fucking blessing. Please, please bless us more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Professional. Just perfect.

I loved it, read all three parts back to back. You write so well, with such heart. I read everything you write and have never been disappointed. Your quality belongs in magazines, if they exist any more. I also love your female slant on things. We rarely get to see inside a woman's head like the glimpses you give us.



HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 4 years ago
No one is disputing Stev2244 being a dickhead, although

he hardly qualifies as a complete dickhead. He's improving all the time and may yet become a total and complete dickhead. I am giving him pointers.

Yeet sucks both as word and even more so as a vegetable. It should be banned along with you're, they're and waist, thus ending the confusion lesser dickheads suffer with simple contractions and homonyms.

GitM, however is pretty special in many ways. One is the quality of her writing. Why did it take five damn years? In that span, she took time off to train for, and win, the Boston Marathon, find a cure for yeast infections, seduced every male and female actor in the Avengers: Endgame cast, spent a week in Rio with Brad Pitt and cleaned her oven.

I can just see the Pope yelling up to Michelangelo, "What the fuck is taking you so long, Mike? Da Vinci would have finished this years ago, and what's with all the naked women? I wanted more boys!"

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

Since I am reading all three chapters back-to-back, I will comment on them all here.

Pt. 01 - Present tense?

She's going to Carrie's for three hours, tops, calls FOUR hours later, drank too much, staying over.

"You can call her if you don't believe me." - Like Carrie wouldn't lie for her? And why didn't she come home in the morning?

To have a miscarriage, she must have known she was pregnant, and never told him? If they weren't planning a family, wasn't she on birth control? So, how did she get pregnant?

"I'll stop seeing him." - Note, she doesn't say she HAS stopped seeing him.

Pt. 02 - Present tense again?

Not much to comment on, except that I agree with HDK that this ISN'T multiple POV, but third person.

Pt 03 - STILL present tense!

"She knew that she would never, ever, let herself become like him: feeble and dependent on another for happiness." - What does she call living off a man other than dependent?

LOL, she has more respect for him now that she thinks he's perverted?

So, John's estranged wife, who CHEATED on him, makes a claim without proof, and Sam believes it?

My only change to the ending would have been Melissa coming back to the table and finding Jimmy gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thank you

This was a fantastic story. Somehow I had not read the first two chapters. Both were great. This one was perfect. Thank you again for the pleasure of reading this.

javmor79javmor79over 4 years ago
Queen Cercei...err...Melissa.

I don't think there is as delicious a villain as Melissa in all of the Loving Wives category. As I reread this series, I fell in hate with her all over again. Great job.

Still, I think there is actually a small grain of truth in what LSD said. Melissa was such a great villain that I was licking my chops in anticipation to the epic showdown between her and June Fucking Silva. Mano a mano! Even if it was just an encounter with them out-sniding each other with witty, quippy take-downs, they needed a final battle. What I felt here was equivalent to what I felt at the end of GOT when Queen Cersei merely died under a fallen building while Daenerys burned EVERYONE ELSE alive.

Still, it was a great story. GITM is a gifted writer, and her talent should be praised.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Artist is right. I agree with Randi. Thank you so much for your contributions.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

Lordslamdawgg's comment is the greatest thing ever written on this site.

beretta84beretta84almost 2 years ago

your writing is so easy to read. it feels like i'm watching a movie i can see every facial expression & every eye roll.

i can hear every voice inflection & change of pitch.

well done. oh, yeah, & a great story.

TheHat900TheHat900over 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this. Thank you! Looking forward to browsing through the rest of your oeuvre.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

What a great story! Not sure how I missed your offerings out of all the LW ones I have read. Looking forward to reading more.

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I write filthy stories and drink too much coffee. *** Come find me on twitter: girlinthemoon7 ***