Product Placement

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Everything has its place - ouch.
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"So Stephanie, tell me of the two wines which did you prefer tonight; the 2007 Robert Mondavi Estate-bottled Cabernet Sauvignon or the '09 Napa Creek?"

"Why do you do that?" Stephanie cocked her head to the side and almost bit her lower lip. She was torn between labeling this guy as insufferably infuriating or really interesting. Considering the woeful state of her recent relationships - interesting was her current hope. After all, this was a very nice restaurant.

Lawrence had to smile before he replied. It also gave him time to watch her take another sip of wine; she had sexy lips - really sexy lips. "Do what?"

"You use very proper naming, you've been doing all evening. For instance just now instead of asking me if I liked the first wine or the second, you used their full name. Am I making any sense? I mean it's almost like you're doing a commercial or something." She was tempted to say something else, but she was still holding out hope for "interesting."

"I do know what you mean Stephanie. It's called product placement. Companies benefit from a form of advertising when their products are used in movies or TV programs. Sometimes it's done without the company paying for it - one the best examples out there is Apple Computers. Movies, TV, print media what do you see - that big Apple logo; on computers, laptops, iPods, iPhones, oh - and don't forget iPads; they're everywhere. Why? Well, primarily because advertising companies are usually Mac shops - so they use what's nearby. That is one savvy company when it comes to PR. Other times companies find it worth the investment to influence those decisions. Don't you find it more comfortable when you see a recognized brand being used rather then some phony or generic thing?"

"I guess so. I can't say that I pay that much attention to that kind of thing." Stephanie watched Lawrence's hands as he twirl the glass stem while he spoke. He has nice hands with long fingers.

"Oh, I'm not saying that you pay attention to it - you just notice it, perhaps only sub-consciously." Lawrence focused on Stephanie with a casual intensity. She's pretty, very sexy, and clearly interested. But something was holding her back, he wondered if she was one of those "Rules" girls.

"Okay, so advertisers are trying to brainwash us all - what else is new?" Stephanie looked down at his hands again; they were clean, nails cut short. He dressed stylishly enough, she reminded herself to check out his shoes when they left.

"It's a rare commercial that really boosts sales for a company's product. In fact, most people actively ignore commercials when they come on so even a good commercial, a creative commercial, is ignored. However, if you see that same product on a TV show that you watch, or in a movie, especially a movie you really like or with a star you really respect, you might be "more comfortable" the next time you have the opportunity to buy that particular product. That's the benefit of product placement." Lawrence waited her out. He was just a little bit more curious to see if she would accept or reject his statements.

"Okay, I get it. So why are you doing it? This isn't TV or a movie."

Lawrence smiled. "Well Stephanie, I had a brilliant idea one day and wrote one very simple proposal. I sent it to...well, let's just say I sent the proposal to the right people. It's proved to be a very lucrative venture."

"Wait a second, you've lost me here." Lawrence nodded, not so much at her confusion as to the fact she had leaned towards him clearly wanting him to help her. She was nibbling at the bait - she wanted to be caught, wanted to be reeled in, and most of all she wanted to be landed.

"I pitched the idea of product placement in stories published on the Internet. Any kind of story would do; romance, science fiction, mystery, erotic sex-filled stories. Story length didn't matter either, although I've always felt that the bigger the story the more enjoyment to be had...don't you agree?

Stephanie nodded, relaxed, and leaned even closer to Lawrence.

"If a story happens to mention one of the products that I'm representing then I get a tiny fraction of a penny for every occurrence. The great thing about it is that it is so easy to track the number of times a site is viewed. If a story is downloaded I make even more." Lawrence sat back in his chair. He caught the waiter's eye.

"And you're making a living doing this?" Stephanie was clearly in re-evaluation mode now. Lawrence watched her facial responses, for a blind date things were moving along quite well.

"The Lexus LS 400 that we drove here in is courtesy of product placement. I'm going to pay for this meal with my CapitalOne Miles Plus Visa card. I can even sign the receipt with my Mount Blanc fountain pen - all examples of product placement. And do you know what's the best part of all this proper naming I do?"

"No Lawrence." Stephanie was quickly reconsidering her plan for the evening. Her normal blind date protocol - not that she went on a lot of them - was for a handshake at the end of the date. A simple, quick kiss was possible if the guy was polite, charming and interesting. If he was cute, attentive and had an unobtrusive way of paying for everything without it being apparent then he might get a little bit lucky and be allowed a momentary unrestrained hand roving, perhaps even a brief caress of her breast. Any attempt at nipple contact would be gently discouraged, although not necessarily stopped until it actually happened. She felt her body warm and tingle in anticipation; interesting, definitely interesting. "Tell me what you do best."

Lawrence raised his eyebrows in a silent acknowledgement of her shift to sexy flirting. "I write to the authors, as one of their fans, and tell them that their stories would be more believable it they used recognizable products. I often send along a list of the products I'm representing with detailed descriptions of various lengths and wait for the checks to roll in."

"Really." Stephanie had already decided that Lawrence was cute enough and attentive enough that she was going to let him kiss her. If he took her somewhere nice after dinner then she might just invite him in for a moment and let him - well she would decide just how far when she came to that point. Certainly if he came through on a second date, she'd make sure he did too. Third date sex was guaranteed.

"Stephanie, would you like dessert or some coffee? Or we could go to an after-hours place - dancing maybe?" Lawrence saw the brief darting of a pink tongue between her lips. He handed his credit card to the waiter and smiled at the charmingly sexy woman by his side.

Stephanie was barely inside her door before Lawrence kissed her. He kissed her just right; soft enough to let her get used to his lips and taste and hard enough to let her know he was definitely interested. She kissed him back and wondered if he would try to take advantage of her with his hands?

Lawrence let his hands trail down her back to right above her bottom. He played slowly back and forth, but going no further downward. He kissed her harder then slowly backed off by raising his head. Her lips followed as she stretched up on tiptoe. That simple motion caused his hands to move across her soft bottom and he softly moved his fingers tips in random circles. At the very moment she ceased to reach up to his lips he brought his hands up and slightly forward.

Stephanie felt his hands gently come to rest alongside her breasts as she pulled back from the kiss. The motion of his fingertips on her lower back had been arousing enough but when she'd stretched up to continue kissing him those fingertips seemed to be everywhere across her bottom - this was too far too fast and all together way too arousing. Her efforts to break the contact had caused his hands to end up along side her breasts; she paused waiting and wanting him to squeeze them. She hadn't been this aroused in months. She smiled before she spoke. Smiling in the knowledge that she would likely have to change the batteries in her vibrator tonight. She really liked this guy.

"I had a wonderful time tonight Lawrence. Dinner was fantastic and that club we went to was - wow! I never drank cognac before, I think I'll have to be more careful next time." Stephanie smiled and chewed her bottom lip waiting for him to pick up on "next time."

"I thoroughly enjoyed this evening too Stephanie. And don't go blaming the cognac either. You were a incredible dancer well before we enjoyed the Hennessy Paradis cognac."

"Ha - product placement again." Stephanie tried to smile alluringly but it felt more like a lust-filled leer. The alcohol was really catching up to her now. Funny how he'd mentioned cognac was made from wine, and hadn't told her how much stronger it was until after she'd finished her glass. He was a slippery little devil...if only he would pick up on "next time."

"I guess I'd better get going. Do you mind if I call you - would you consider going out again?" He felt her answer before she spoke it as her body moved just enough for her hard nipples to press against his chest.

"Yes, I would." Stephanie smiled her best "you're doing great, keep going" smile. The combination of her arousal and the amount of alcohol she'd consumed was reaching the "oh-oh" zone. She had to get him out of her apartment before this went any further - God she was horny. "Yes, call me...okay."

"I will. Wow, that's just great." Lawrence reached into his jacket pocket. His keys jangled as he pulled them free. "I'm already looking forward to next time."

"You dropped something Lawrence."

"Got my keys right here." Lawrence held them up.

"No not your keys." Stephanie knelt down and picked up the object. As she was standing she looked more closely at it. "You dropped this." Stephanie brought it closer to her face. "Oh my."

She wanted to look Lawrence in his eyes. But she could not tear her eyes away from the palm-size square of foil with the large circle revealed within it - a very large circle. The lettering was in some Asian language. She didn't need a translation to know that she was holding a very large condom; it covered the palm of her hand. Oh my.

Stephanie hardly noticed Lawrence removing his jacket. She did notice when he kissed her again. When his hand kneaded her breast and gently pinched her nipple she really noticed. When his other hand slid up the back of her thighs to cup her ass. His hands seemed everywhere and as she noticed her wetness she accepted that her blind date policies were not written in stone anywhere. They were more like guidelines anyway.

Stephanie was pretty sure that her feigned resistance seemed real enough as Lawrence undressed her (God she wanted this, it had been far too long since she'd been laid.) She appreciated that Lawrence kept saying he knew he shouldn't be doing this but that he couldn't stop himself. Stephanie was truly appreciative when Lawrence turned off her bedroom lights after laying her nude body on the bed. Stephanie quickly reassured herself that blind date sex wasn't really that slutty if the lights were out.

Any concerns about slutiness were swept away with her first orgasm that answered the question of whether he was good with his hands. She had tried to do something to him but he had insisted on going down on her and - OHMIGOD - who was she to argue about that. Two toe curling orgasms in one night were almost too much as Stephanie threw any last remnants of resistance out the window - she wanted to be filled and fucked.

"I need you in me Lawrence - don't make me wait any longer - please, I need IT now!" Stephanie couldn't hide the frantic tone in her voice. Lawrence had teased her mercilessly with his fingers and his tongue. All the while keeping his cock hidden from her view. "The condom. Do you want me to help put it on you?"

"Better let me put the condom on. We wouldn't want to break it now would we?" The sound of tearing foil sent shivers through Stephanie's ready cunt. "Okay baby, are you ready for me?"

"OHGODYES - I am so ready for you."

Lawrence pushed into her and pounded her with relentless intensity. He came with a strangled cry, "Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh! Oh Stephanie!"

Lawrence rested heavily on his forearms for a moment before slowly pulling his shrinking cock out of Stephanie. Rolling off the bed he felt around in the dark for his clothes. He heard Stephanie get up and walk across the dark room.

The bedroom lights flashed on.

Lawrence looked over at Stephanie and she looked back at him. Her intense gaze wandered down his body until it fixed on Lawrence's spent cock. Her eyes widened and then narrowed as she looked at the large unopened packet on the night stand still in the same exact place where she'd placed it earlier.

Lawrence followed her gaze and looked down at his average in every way cock. He looked back up at the gloriously nude, freshly fucked, and fiercely pissed off Stephanie. "Is there something wrong?"

"Product placement - huh? Have you ever heard about truth in packaging?"

"What are you talking about Stef? Oh didn't really think that was for me? That's for horse breeding - you know - breeders use them for semen collection when they do artificial insemination. You didn't think...I mean no man is that big...what are you doing?"

Stephanie walked up to Lawrence and pushed him onto the bed. "I'm not through with you yet." She picked up the equine condom, waved it at him, and smiled. "I'm keeping this as a souvenir...a reminder of a lesson learned." She opened her nightstand drawer and dropped it in. She pulled the next drawer down out and dumped the contents onto her bed; a fistful of condoms, a slightly used tube of lubricant, an odd collection of this and that, and a rather impressively large dildo. She rummaged through the pile holding up one condom after the other, "Large...nope, Magnum XL...not necessary tonight,'s the little devil," and threw a condom at Lawrence. "Trojan, ribbed for her pleasure."

She unscrewed the top off the tube of lube. "Extreme-Glide Lubricant, how's this for a catchy line "if you want it sliding you better be Extreme-Gliding." She squeezed a healthy dollop onto the head of the dildo and rubbed it around. "All About Eve, 12" deluxe dildo, with G-spot ridge bumps." She climbed onto the bed and spread her legs. "Sit right there, no touching, and when you're hard put the condom on."

She slowly worked the dildo into her ready cunt. Her primary motion was in and out, with a slight wrist twist as the G-spot Ridge Bumps passed over their intended spot. Lawrence watched mesmerized as she worked the dildo deeper and deeper inside. Soon enough she was sweating freely as a red flush spread across her neck and chest. Lawrence tore open the packet and rolled the condom on. Stephanie nodded approvingly as he smeared some of the Extreme-Glide over the tip. She held out two fingers and encouraged Lawrence to load them up with lube. She lifted her knees to her chest and slathered her rectum with lube. Stephanie pulled the dildo from her cunt and sighed. "Okay kneel here, close your eyes, and grab hold of the headboard."

CLICK "Oh you are a naughty girl."

CLICK "Ah Steph that's my ankle you just..."

CLICK "What the...?"

CLICK "Hey! I can't move."

"Are you comfy sweet pea? I hope so, now aren't these just the best, they're LoveHoney Steel wrist and ankle cuffs; safe, secure, reliable - I just love my LoveHoney restraints." She gave Lawrence's ass a resounding slap. "Nice ass babe - very nice ass."

Stephanie sat back on the bed and resumed working the dildo in her cunt until she came. She eased the dildo out waved it in front of Lawrence's face. "You can't imagine how much I wanted to be...filled tonight. I'm talking about being really truly, deeply filled and not with this thing. I know guys are all about how tight a girl is, how wet she is, how hot. Well it might interest you to know that some of us ladies really like the feeling of being stuffed full with a real live cock. There is nothing like be filled by a great big old hard cock. One so big that you can't keep from screaming it feels so damn good when it's inside you. Now I love a big dick as much as the next girl, but sometimes - hell most times - I have to settle for this."

Lawrence started half a dozen excuses, rationalizations, and weak assed attempts at getting out of this predicament. It was a pathetic effort doomed to failure. He shut his mouth and hung his head.

Stephanie held the All About Eve, 12" deluxe dildo, with G-spot ridge bumps and slathered Extreme-Glide Lubricant on it. She wiped the excess along the crease of Lawrence's upturned ass. "Now Larry let's you and I explore product placement from a woman's point of view."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bitch, slut and whore!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Payback is a bitch!

I loved it!!! LOL!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What a bitch.

And something tells me the author didn't need to "invent" the character. Puta.

bollebolleover 13 years ago

loved your story, nice sense of humor.

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