Samson and Delilah

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I'm too large for ballet but with her? I can perform.
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Samson and Delilah Edited April 2022

Copyright Oggbashan June 2021

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


"Sir? You know what you are doing."

"I should hope so, director. My mother was Alice Hughes."

"And she was a founder of our company. How is she?"

"Very well, thank you. She should be here later with her husband."

Our amateur Rugby club had arrived early on World Ballet Day for an event hosted by the local ballet company. Our coach had suggested that some of us could benefit from ballet training.

We had arrived, in force, in our official logo-covered tracksuits. We had been watching a petite ballerina demonstrating the basic ballet moves and she had invited us to copy her. Despite being by far the largest of all our Rugby club's players, not only had I matched her moves, but I knew all the terms for them.

"Could you do a duet with Myfanwy?" The director asked.

"I think so," I replied, "But I am rather out of scale."

"You are, but it could be interesting."

The event was being recorded by two Steadicam video operators. The director, Myfanwy, and I discussed which duet to do and decided on the duet from Act 2 of Don Quixote.

Because Myfanwy was so small and light, I found the lifts very easy. But my hands seemed so large that I almost surrounded her waist with my fingers.

As we danced, the audience had to move back to give us room. They watched in complete silence, but my Rugby mates broke into a storm of clapping and cheering when we ended.

"That was amazing," the director said. "I wouldn't have thought that was possible for someone as large as you. You know we will be staging a community event in three months' time?"

"Yes. My mother will be part of it."

"I would like you to be too. And? Are you free this afternoon?"

I looked at my coach. I should be at Rugby practice.

"I don't see why not, Huw." He said. "You are fit enough that missing one practice won't matter."

"Then, yes," I said.

"I would like you to repeat that duet when we have a larger audience. If you are wearing what you are now, and apparently Myfanwy gets you out of the crowd it will be a surprise."

"OK. But my mother will be watching. If I'm not perfect, she will tell me off..."

"I'm sure she will be pleased. Two o'clock?"

"Yes, director."

I stayed talking to Myfanwy as the rest of my teammates moved off. We agreed to do a second standard duet this afternoon. I was aware that Myfanwy was tiny, but she was a very adult woman. Her ballet costume flattened her breasts as much as possible because they were large for her small frame. She saw me looking at her cleavage.

"Like what you see, Huw?" she asked with a giggle.

"Yes, Myfanwy. I know you are a woman."

She snuggled up to me.

"And you are a lot of man, Huw."


I moved on, pleased that I would be back with Myfanwy that afternoon. In another room two male dancers were demonstrating leaps. I joined them. I appeared to jump higher than they did. It was an illusion. I started out head and shoulders above them. I can't leap as far with 300lbs of muscular body but since my head ended up far above theirs it looked as if I could.

When I moved on, I had attracted a group of young male fans. I am used to that as one of the Rugby club's star players, but these were following me for my ballet.

One plucked up the courage to ask me:

"Ballet and Rugby? How do you do that?"

"The ballet came first, lad," I replied. "I started ballet at age three, and Rugby at age eight. I had good trainers for both."


At two o'clock I was back with Myfanwy. This time the audience seemed even more impressed than my Rugby mates who were at their practice session. My Rugby friends knew I could dance. This audience didn't.

At the end of the second duet, I had Myfanwy cradled in my arms. She leant forward and kissed me to cheers from the crowd.

"Thank you, Huw," She whispered in my ear. "You made me look special, and I'm not, just one of the corps de ballet."

"You're special to me, Myfanwy," I replied, "and anyway, that's the male dancer's job, to make his partner look great, and I think you are. Small, perfectly formed, but wonderful and I don't want to put you down."

"Then don't. It is time for my coffee break. I'm sure you could carry me to the canteen."

I did and she drank her coffee sitting on my lap.


Later that afternoon Myfanwy and I were joined by the two male dancers for a reduced version of the Rose Adagio from Sleeping Beauty followed by the Jam Tart adagio from Alice in Wonderland. I was surprised that the two men made bitchy comments about Myfanwy's dancing. I thought she had performed brilliantly and said so.

"How would you know?" One asked. "You're a rugby player, not a ballet dancer."

I glared at him. He shrank away.

"Why?" I asked. "Myfanwy? I thought you did well."

"So do I. You were a great partner, Huw."

"What was he upset about?"

"Later this year there will be a vacancy for an assistant principal. He, and the other man, are in the running with me but only one of us will get promoted. He's jealous because you made me look good."

The director came across to us as the audience moved on to another display.

"Well done, Myfanwy. You were great. And you, Huw, will be the star of our video. It is a shame you didn't take up ballet. You could have been good."

"I know. But I grew too large. I don't fit the scale of most ballet companies."

"I can appreciate that. But I have been discussing our community event with your mother. She and I think you and Myfanwy could do the climactic scene from Samson and Delilah with you, Huw, as Samson. What do you think?"

"I might enjoy being seduced by Myfanwy..."

"Myfanwy? You complained after your last boyfriend that you wanted a real man. Is Huw enough for you?"

"Enough? He is the giant economy size."

Myfanwy snuggled up to me to demonstrate the difference in size. Except when she was on her points when her head almost reached my chin, she was as high as my armpit.

"Well?" The director asked.

"Of course," Myfanwy said. "A giant who can dance almost as well as I can. I can't say no. What do you think, Huw?"

My answer was to swing her up into my arms and kiss her.

"I'll leave you two to it," the director said as he walked off, leaving us in an empty room.

I was sitting with Myfanwy in my arms. She seemed so small, and delicate compared to my size, but I could feel muscles and sinews under her skin. She was seriously fit, as I am, but I am all bulk and heavy muscle. She was much more a miniature. I was enjoying cradling her and her frequent kisses.

Eventually we went for a coffee and joined my parents. My mother knew Myfanwy well. She had been the ballet teacher that started Myfanwy dancing and kept teaching her until Myfanwy became a part of the ballet company. My mother complimented Myfanwy on her performance.

"And for his size, Huw is an amazing dancer," Myfanwy said.

"I know. If he hadn't grown so large, he might have become a principal," my mother said.

"That's partially your fault, Mum. You shouldn't have married a six feet six inch Rugby player."

"But even so, I didn't expect to have a six feet nine inch Rugby player."

"Who is even better a Rugby than he is at dancing." My father added.

"And I need to get back to Rugby tomorrow," I said. "The last match of the season is in Wednesday evening, and we have to win."

"If you do, your team will still only be fourth, won't they?" Dad asked.

"Unless our closest rivals lose. They shouldn't. They have weak opponents."

"I would like to see you playing Rugby, Huw," Myfanwy said.

"Then come with us on Wednesday evening. I'm a club director and you can watch from the comfort of the Directors' suite." My father said.

"Thank you. I would like that," Myfanwy said.

"But don't be frightened by what Huw is like on a Rugby pitch. He is normally a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt a fly, but people trying to stop him when is playing Rugby usually suffer." Dad said.

"He is enormous. He weighs more than two of our male dancers and at least three times as much as me," Myfanwy said.

"So did his father when I met him. But that didn't matter. They are both gentlemen and very protective of the women they are with." My mother said.

Myfanwy sat on me again and wrapped her arms around my neck. My parents smiled at her, remembering how they had been when they first met.

Before I left with my parents, I had arranged to take Myfanwy out for a meal that evening, and I would see her again after Wednesday's match. She would be performing in a matinee that afternoon but there was no ballet performance in the evening.


On the Monday evenings we went out for a restaurant meal. Tuesday evenings were a dress rehearsal for the following week's ballet, and I was at Rugby practice, as I was every Saturday.

I wanted to do far more with Myfanwy, but I appreciated just how tired and exhausted she was every evening.

After the final Sunday matinee, I brought Myfanwy to my parents' house for an evening meal. It was a great success. Myfanwy and my mother were discussing ballet, a conversation in which both my father and I could participate. We also discussed the scheduled community event and how Myfanwy and I would perform.

After the meal I was sitting in the living room in an armchair with Myfanwy on my lap. My father had my mother on his lap. Both women looked small in their partners' arms. I still wondered how such a wonderful woman could be so minute compared with me, but I knew I had a real adult woman in my arms, snuggled up to me as if she belonged there.

The Rugby match was a close fought one. Our opponents were only a couple of points below us in the table. Towards the end of the game, in the final minutes, the scores were level when I received a pass. I charged towards the line on my own. Five of the other team tried to stop me, but they were all wingers and not up to my weight. I crashed over the line in a heap of bodies and scored a try which I then converted to win the match. But our rivals had also won so we ended up fourth, after all.

After the showers I joined my parents and Myfanwy in the directors' suite. I had to make my way through some suited men congratulating me.

I winced as Myfanwy jumped into my arms. I was bruised almost everywhere. My father and mother made sympathetic faces. They remembered how my father had been after a hard-played match.

"Can you drop Huw and I off at my place, please?" Myfanwy asked. "I think he needs a massage."

"He probably does," My mother said, "but are you sure? Massaging Huw will take a lot of effort."

"I can try. Like me, he uses a lot of energy."

My father and mother went to the kitchen to make coffee. Myfanwy whispered in my ear.

"Nest week, Huw, can we go to a restaurant on Monday? I'll do the massage after Rugby practice on Tuesday evening, but Wednesday? I want you to stay the night but nothing sexual. OK?"

"You're sure?"

She answered with a kiss.

"I could take Thursday off. How about going out for the day?"

"Sounds good, Huw."


An hour later I was face down on Myfanwy's bed, naked while she was naked too and working hard to relax my muscles. My mother was right. Myfanwy was having to use all her muscles and effort to work on my body. When I turned over, I was not surprised to find that I was erect. A naked petite ballerina leaning over me was almost irresistible.

"We're not at that stage in our relationship yet," Myfanwy said. "You'll have to control yourself. OK?"

"Yes, Myfanwy," I said. "I can't control my instinctive reaction, but I can just appreciate what you are doing for me."

Half an hour later Myfanwy had covered me up and I was asleep while she showered. She had working herself into a sweat trying to ease my muscles. When she returned, fully dressed I too had a shower before taking a taxi home, feeling better than I had done after most matches.


Over the next two weeks our relationship progressed as we got to know each other better as people but although we saw each other naked often, nothing really sexual happened between us. Myfanwy was performing from Wednesday afternoon matinee through Wednesday to Saturday evening and a Sunday matinee, and she was dancing more than an ordinary company member would do, performing with some second-tier dancers as well.

She was very tired and frequently bruised. After each evening performance I would collect her from the stage door and drive her home before I gave her naked body a full massage and then returned to my lonely bed where I would dream about the beautiful petite body I had just been handling.

It was the start of a relationship, but I was frequently frustrated. Myfanwy and I were rehearsing for the public performance. The Director and Choreographer had adapted the climatic orgy scene at the end of the Opera Samson and Delilah. The whole ballet company would be wearing nude suits and performing simulated sex on stage while Delilah seduces me. At the end I would be tied to two pillars which I would bring down, demolishing the temple and crushing everyone.

Myfanwy and I rehearsed in her flat. The nude suits were too thin and fragile for frequent wear, so we were both naked and I had a permanent erection from a very desirable Myfanwy doing her best to seduce me as Delilah.

"When the performance is over Huw, I want that," she said, pointing at my erection.

"You're sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Not having it is frustrating me as well."

The performance, restricted to an adult audience only, was a great success. At the end the director complimented us. We were surprised when he went on.

"Myfanwy. You have been appointed as an assistant principal of the company, and you, Huw, are now an honorary member too."

The two male dancers complimented Myfanwy.

"You were great," one said. And You, Huw, were a fantastic partner. It's a shame you are so large."

"But because I am," I replied, "I'll never be competition for you. I'm sure you two will be promoted soon."

"Thank you, Huw."

"But I have one thing to ask you. The Rugby club want ballet lessons for the team. They told me to ask you two whether you could spare three hours an evening once a week when your other activities permit. If so, they'd pay you fifty pounds an hour after taxes etc."

"Fifty pounds an hour? That's far more than we get paid as members of the corps de ballet, and even more than Myfanwy would be paid as an assistant principal." He looked at his colleague who nodded.

"We accept. We'd be fools not to."

"You might find it hard going. Our Rugby players aren't like me. They are appalling dancers, but that's not we need. We need them to be far more supple rather than competent at ballet."

"We can probably help with that. For the fee, we'd do a lot."

"Thank you."


Myfanwy and I went off to her flat. After an hour of mutual naked massage, Myfanwy said she wanted to try another ballet duet. She put on a wheel practice tutu with the stiffened skirt horizontal before we tried dancing two or three sets. I was naked. Apart from the nude suit which has d been specially ordered for me, I had no ballet costumes in my size. At the end, she asked me to get on the bed.

She straddled me and moved up the bed until her skirt was above my face. She lowered herself and I was covered in stiff netting before she moved further and pressed her panties over my mouth and nose. She rubbed herself over my face, groaning. I could barely hear her because her tutu was rustling so much. Finally, she lifted herself off me, shed her costume and got back on my body. She teased me with her naked breasts before sliding down and engulfing my erection. Now it was my turn to groan as more and more of me slid inside her. My hands reached up to her breasts which were just a handful each.

Myfanwy's fitness showed. Her interior muscles clamped and squeezed around my erection. Soon, too soon, I had come into her, but she wouldn't let me go. She held on until I was aroused again and then we coupled for what seemed a long time, far longer than I had ever survived with a woman before. A naked Myfanwy was devastating, and so she proved several times during the night. We went to sleep with my tool still sheathed inside her.

That was the first of many nights of a naked Huw and a naked Myfanwy together in bed. While we danced together sometimes. our energetic activities when naked in bed were far more enjoyable.

Delilah might have seduced Samson, but this Samson never lost his strength or his desire for Myfanwy/Delilah.

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oggbashanoggbashanabout 2 years agoAuthor

2nd edit has made a few amendments.

oggbashanoggbashanover 2 years agoAuthor

Now edited to remove redundant text and other corrections were made.

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 3 years ago

Differently told but nice

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I so wanted to say I loved it but the misspellings and the goofy words stopped me from it.

bucksumgalbucksumgalalmost 3 years ago

Inventive story that should keep the attention of sports fans and dance fans because it doesn't belittle either one.

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