Taken by the Wolf Ch. 05

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Nurse Roche does her own examination of Alex.
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Part 5 of the 27 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 11/27/2013
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After being dragged away from Bella, the gag still firmly in his mouth and his asshole burning from the Wolf's anal rape, Alex allowed himself to slump in his guard's hands, forcing them to actually drag him. Although he picked up his feet to keep the skin from being scraped off, he didn't make their job easy.

Ahead of him, Nurse Roche stopped, turned around and raised her eyebrows. "Well if he can't walk, then carry him," she said briskly, and then turned around and continued.

The bigger soldier shrugged and picked Alex up over his shoulder, which was humiliating. Alex had always considered himself to be a fairly big guy, definitely strong, but this particular soldier had about twice his mass. The only sop to Alex's pride was that the soldier didn't seem to be having a particularly easy time carrying him. For a moment he considered waiting for the soldier to tire out and then struggling and escaping... but there was the other soldier to consider. Not to mention that he had no idea where Bella was. And Trish was with Jordan. She wasn't his responsibility, but he couldn't handle the idea of just leaving her here, but going up against Jordan would be a suicide mission. So he just hung there like a piece of meat, feeling even lower about himself.

Feeling fluid trickling down the back of his thigh, Alex shuddered. He suddenly realized that his focus on escape was a way to help his mind ignore everything that had just happened. Not only had he raped Bella, but then he'd been raped himself and been forced to fuck her again. And both times had felt good.

The second time had, in some ways, felt even better, which made everything worse. Alex didn't like anal sex. He'd experimented with other men because it had seemed expected at his school, not because he'd been particularly interested, and he'd stopped as soon as he could do so without looking like a prig. The mitigating factor must have been that he was already inside Bella's soft, warm pussy while the Wolf was fucking his ass, but it still didn't make him feel much better. To Alex's mind, he shouldn't have gotten hard at all, much less been able to cum.

Ahead of them, he heard a door opening and then they were passing through a doorway. He didn't know it, but Alex was in a room nearly identical to the one Bella had been taken to, except that instead of a padded table in the center of the room there was a large frame with wooden slats and bars that could be adjusted for whatever was needed. The frame itself could be set horizontal, vertical or tilted at an angle and then locked into place; it could even bend in half, forcing whatever unlucky person was attached to it to also bend over.

"Secure him, please," Nurse Roche said. Alex's body tensed and then he forced himself to relax again; there was no point in fighting back right now. He'd only lose and probably be in a worse position than before.

The soldier set him down in front of the frame, the other one immediately stepping forward to grab Alex's wrist and push it above his head. They attached him to the cuffs on the frame so that his limbs formed the shape of an X and shortened the length of the chains attaching the cuffs to the frame so that there was no slack for him to move. Then they put a two slats on the frame, one in front of his chest and the other behind his back, at about the same level. The reason for this became clear a moment later when the frame was bent in half and Alex was forced to bend forward at the waist.

The wooden slats across his chest and back kept his body from sagging, forcing his ass up in the air and he had a moment of panic as his vulnerability was reemphasized. That panic only subsided when both of the male soldiers stepped back and took up positions by the door. They were obviously there to guard him or in case Nurse Roche needed him, not to inflict further indignities on his leaking asshole.

He made a noise behind his gag, wanting the Nurse to remove it. Turning his head he looked at her pleadingly. Smiling at him, she patted his cheek.

"I think it's best if the gag stays in, Toy. That way no one will be subjected to any useless pleading."

Alex groaned. His jaw was beginning to ache from having the gag in it and he was constantly having to swallow to keep from drooling. It was not at all comfortable. Then again, neither was any other part of his body, so why should that be any different? Maybe because Nurse Roche hadn't seemed that intimidating to him. Maybe because she was treating him with more caution than the Wolf had. After all, if it wasn't for the fact that he was restrained and there were two soldiers in the room, he could easily overpower her, even exhausted as he was.

The nurse went through the same injection of the tracker and explanation that Doctor Margolis had given Bella, although Alex wouldn't know that until later when he and Bella compared noted. Every time he looked up at Nurse Roche, she gave him a little smile but it was looking more and more like a smirk than an actual smile. As if she was enjoying having a big, brawny man at her mercy. Alex looked away.

She ran her hands over his back, massaging his muscles and he couldn't help but groan. It felt good to have the tension smoothed away somewhat. Then her hands moved down to his lower back and onto his buttocks and he tensed all over again as she moved behind him.

Gentle fingers massaged the rim of his anus, and he gritted his teeth around the gag at the reminder as her fingers made a sloppy, wet sound from the Wolf's cum.

"Looks like we're going to need to clean you out back here," she said, cheerfully. Alex's stomach dropped. He didn't understand what she meant, but his imagination couldn't come up with anything pleasant. And there was nothing he could do, although he automatically jerked at the restraints. The frame rattled, but didn't give in the slightest. It went against Alex's very nature to be trapped like this, but there was nothing he could do about it... and that fact grated.

He couldn't see what was happening, although he could hear all sorts of strange sounds, but Nurse Roche was pulling a hose up from a special floorboard and attaching a long nozzle to the end of it. The nozzle was about four inches long and slightly tapered, made of a special material that had been specifically designed for the use it was about to be put to.

All Alex knew was when something hard pressed against his anal hole, too stiff and unyielding to be denied. With his legs far apart and attached to the legs of the frame, it was nearly impossible for him to clench his buttocks closed anyway; there was nothing he could do but pull uselessly at his restraints as Nurse Roche fed the tube into his asshole. Once it was firmly lodged inside, she pressed a button on the hose, and the base of the nozzle, just inside Alex's opening, expanded into a little round ball, making it impossible for him to expel. He could feel the sudden change in the nozzle and he groaned as that part of his tunnel stretched and protested.

"Good boy," Nurse Roche said, patting his bottom, and making Alex rattle the frame again. Her patronization was really starting to get to him. It wasn't as if he was truly doing anything to be good, he just didn't have the option of doing anything else.

Then there was a sudden gush of fluid into his rectum, distracting him from his growing frustration and anger. The fluid was warm, almost soothing if it wasn't for the location, and that just made Alex all the more uncomfortable. If whatever the nurse was doing had led to something painful, he almost would have preferred that. Painful he could resist, could fight against. This almost pleasurable feeling of warmth in his belly was harder to be angered by.

The flow of warmth continued, filling him, until the point where he was almost uncomfortable and his body was starting to strain against the restraints. Which was exactly when the nurse stopped it.

"Almost done," she said cheerfully, pushing another button. The nozzle inside of Alex expanded, pressing against the walls of his body, and suddenly the water began to flow out of him, cleaning out his bowels and being sucked down through the hose and into the waste pipes of the building. "A good enema is just what you needed. No more mess. It's a lovely little system."

That chirpy, patronizing tone was really starting to get on his nerves. Alex tried to concentrate on his annoyance, rather than on the feeling of pleasurable relief that was sweeping through him as the fluid rushed back out of him. The nozzle shrank inside of him, including the little bulb that created a plug, and then it was being withdrawn. He sagged in relief and hated himself for doing so.

Nurse Roche wiped around his anus with a cloth, cleaning the last remnants from the abused hole and then the frame began to move, bringing him back to an upright, standing position. Alex hated the wave of relief that he felt at that as well. Not that he'd ever expected to be in this kind of situation, but any time he'd ever imagined himself captured at the hands of enemies (and what little boy doesn't?) he'd definitely thought he would do better than he had so far.

He closed his eyes as she cleaned the sticky mess of his sperm and Bella's juices from his groin, hating the reminder of what he'd done before coming to this room. No, so far his actions had not been that of the hero that he'd always pictured himself as. He didn't know what else he could have done under the circumstances, but being cleaned of the aftermath filled him with shame and guilt and fury.

"Alright, Moon Boy, let's get you measured." The term sounded almost like an insult, but he ignored that as he wondered: measured for what?

The nurse came around to the front of him and knelt down in front of his soft cock. He had a moment of disdain as he looked down at her. Was she going to try to get him hard to measure the length of his dick? Even if he wasn't completely disgusted by the situation, he'd just come twice, recently. Getting him hard again when he wasn't remotely aroused wouldn't be easy and it seemed stupid for her to want to measure his cock.

To his surprise, she didn't seem at all interested in trying to get him hard. She had a soft ring made of a stretchy looking material (he didn't know it was very similar to the material the nozzle of his enema had been made of) and she pushed his balls through it, one at a time, before pulling his limp dick through it as well. The ring rested snugly against his groin and around his entire cock and balls, making his dick feel rather strange. The sensation of his pulse flowing through that entire area was amplified.

"Hmmm..." The nurse fiddled with a remote in her hand and Alex felt the ring tighten, although not uncomfortably. Just snugly. As if it was hugging the base of his cock and balls. "That should do it but, let's make sure."

And suddenly she leaned forward and took his cock between her lips, his hips surging forward in shock. The sensation of her hot, wet mouth around his dick seemed more intense than he'd ever felt before, and he wondered if that was one of the effects of the ring she'd just put on him. Clamping his jaw around the gag, he resisted the trickles of pleasure that tingled through him as her tongue flicked against his pee-hole and she sucked gently on his flacid dick.

Alex tried to think of everything he could to keep himself from getting hard. The Moon. His family. Finding Ken and Lisa in bed together. Bella - no that was a bad idea. The Wolf. How sore his asshole was.

None of it did any good. Slowly but surely, his dick began to harden as the nurse skillfully fellated him. Alex felt that same sense of shame and humiliation that he had when he'd first looked at Bella's naked body and hadn't been able to control his reaction. Jerking hard at the frame did nothing but make the soldiers in the doorway smirk at him, but even looking at them did nothing to halt the slow rise of his cock.

Even though the things going through his mind should have deflated him immediately, it was like his cock couldn't get smaller, like it could only get bigger and harder. The nurse's fingers tickled his balls, which were exquisitely sensitive as his cock grew and the ring snugged against his body grew tighter.

Nurse Roche was obviously very skilled at giving oral sex, she was able to take the entire length of his cock down her throat. The harder his cock got, the faster it got hard, no matter what he did to try and slow the process. He didn't give in though, and when she finally pulled her lips from the angry red organ, he growled at her through the gag.

She ignored him, putting her hand around the shaft and pumping it. "Very nice..." she said approvingly. "I think you might be the biggest Moon Boy we've had here." A wicked smile crossed her face. "In fact... I think I might even like to play with you a bit, Toy."

The frame he was on began to tilt backwards and Nurse Roche stepped out of the way until it held his body completely parallel with the floor, at which point it began to lower. The entire time, his cock felt like it was aching, growing even harder, despite the cessation of stimulation. Alex didn't know how, but he knew it was because of the ring she'd placed around him.

Once he was on the floor, Nurse Roche stood over him, lifting up her skirts as she straddled his waist. Alex had plenty of experience with women, including older ones; he loved women and, while he was always faithful when he was in a relationship, he'd had a fair number of sexual partners in his life. But he'd never had an experience like this, where he was completely out of control of the situation. He'd never had a woman hike up her skirts and point his cock to the ceiling so she could lower herself onto it without any participation or cooperation from him.

Despite the fact that her pussy was slick and tight, mentally he couldn't let go and enjoy what was happening to him.

Not that she seemed to care. Neither did the soldiers in the doorway. They just watched impassively as Nurse Roche, her skirt bunched around her hips, started to bounce up and down on top of his cock. It felt fantastic, physically. His cock was so hard, so engorged, and the wet haven of her pussy was exactly where it wanted to be. But his head was not engaged and he felt sick and ashamed that he couldn't force his traitorous organ back down.

The nurse's moans filled his ears, churning his stomach as she bounced and gyrated on top of him, obviously enjoying herself. He truly did feel like a toy; a sex toy that she was using for her own gratification. As her pussy squeezed and slid up and down his shaft, he began to feel his orgasm begin to build, the physical stimulation overriding his mind.

Part of him felt relieved, it would be over soon.

But the tight ring around his balls and dick had done something... the sensation built and continued to build, far past the point of comfort, and yet it was like the tight ring was holding his physical reaction in check. Alex groaned, his body straining to cum now, the intense need completely overwhelming him as Nurse Roche continued her self-pleasure ride on his cock. Tears sparked in his eyes as the discomfort became almost painful, like a blockage within his body and the pressure was building up and up behind it...

Throwing back her head, the nurse screamed out her orgasm and the ring around his balls and dick loosened just the tiniest increment... and Alex's orgasm slammed into him like a freight train. It was heaven and hell, for the second time that day, as he pumped seed into her squeezing pussy. She was grinding down on top of him for all she was worth, rubbing her pussy over his groin as she spasmed with ecstasy, and the delay of his orgasm only increased his own.

When the nurse was finally done with him, the ring around his cock and balls loosened again slightly, just enough to be snug without being constrictive. Alex panted, breathing hard through his nose as Nurse Roche sighed happily and lifted herself back up. She thoroughly cleaned off his cock and balls again before returning the frame to its standing position.

The very last thing she did was finally remove the gag and have him swallow a soothing, cool gel that coated the back of his sore throat. Alex glared at her but didn't say anything, even though the gag was removed. He couldn't think of what he wanted to say, his thoughts and emotions were in such upheaval.

The soldiers re-cuffed his wrists in front of him and secured a collar around his neck. It was comfortable enough, not too tight, but it made him feel even angrier. Like they were marking him as something lower than human. Unfortunately, anger couldn't sustain him and he was practically shaking on his feet, feeling pathetically weak as they led him down the hall.

People passed by them. All of them looked at him, some of them with anticipation, some with desire, and some with something like smug superiority. Alex glared back at all of them. A few looked away when he did that, which was a small balm to his pride.

Finally they stopped and one of the soldiers opened the door, the other pushing him through. The door snapped shut behind him.



Utter relief swept him as he saw her sit up on the bed in the center of the room. There wasn't much else in the room other than the overly large bed that could probably fit six people on it. The moment he had the thought, Alex wished that he hadn't. Bella was wrapped up in what looked like the sheet from it, tendrils of her brown hair falling down, her eyes red from crying. And she still looked beautiful.

Jumping up, she ran to him and he lifted his arms up so that she could throw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she started to sob. Lowering his arms around her, he noticed that she was neither collared nor handcuffed, and he felt a bit of grim satisfaction at that. Someone must think he was some kind of threat, even if he'd been incredibly ineffective so far.

But this... hold Bella while she cried, that he could do.

As he did so, pressing her against his body and letting her weep onto his chest, he took quick stock of the room. It was remarkably bare; there was the large bed, a table with some food on it and what looked like some kind of storage on the far wall.

"It's okay sweetheart..." he murmured into her hair. "It'll be okay, I promise... I won't let him beat us. We're going to escape."

Bella pushed back away from him, although she couldn't go very far since his hands were cuffed and he couldn't open his arms to release her. To his shock, her expression was one of horror.

"What? No!"

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Redbeard1952Redbeard1952over 10 years ago
Chapter Five

I am continuing down the path that this story takes me enjoying every step along the way.

GoldeniangelGoldeniangelover 10 years agoAuthor

Sorry I didn't make it clear, in my head, Nurse Roche told Alex the same thing about the tracker that Dr. Margolis told Bella... but Alex is a badass and he's not going to let something like that hold him back from planning... he'll just make it part of the plan ;) If Bella will let him.

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedover 10 years ago

Its definatly the tracker. love this story great so far. please hurry with the next chapter :-)

Ellienora35Ellienora35over 10 years ago
The tracker

The people explained what the tracker does to Bella and how it will cause excutiating pain, but they didn't tell Alex. They wanted Bella to have to tell him. More mind games. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it. Well, at least until the next chapter comes out. ;)

inspector123inspector123over 10 years ago
I am also

questioning why Bella does not want to leave. Is she afraid given the warnings from the guard for the previous chapter? Love the romance that is developing between Alex and Bella. It balances out the darkness of this story somewhat. Too short of a chapter but still enjoying it.

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