The Try Outs Ch. 04


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"Phwahhhh!..." David cried, his body going into another series of violent spasms on top of Luisa. This time his vision started to blur and there was a roaring in his ears as the current pulsed through his system.

Amanda and Luisa could both feel David's cock rigid tool expand and throb even more frantically as the electric charge coursed through his prostate. The two women exchanged heated glances as they savored the young man's ineffective struggling.

"Oh Godd!....Yesss!...Keep doing him like that!..." Luisa hissed, her eyes rolling back in her head

And then Amanda turned off the 'Rabbit' and drew her hips back so that the plastic dick was again just barely lodged inside David's gaping sphincter.

There was so much adrenalin racing through David's system that he continued to twitch and writhe for several moments even after the current was switched off.

Then as the mists cleared from his brain, the first sensation that struck him was the throbbing ache of his groin. It felt like his cock was stuck in a hive of honey bees that were buzzing around the end of it. And then he realized that Amanda was no longer squeezing the root of his cock in a death grip. She was in fact gently jacking him off into Luisa's silky pussy.

At this point things started to happen fast with very little participation on David's part. His arms and his legs were still trembling fitfully against the bed frame and he was barely mobile.

With the 'Rabbit' no longer emitting its charge, his prostate began to relax, going into a series of reflexive spasms. The strength of those spasms triggered an equally powerful response in David's genitals. His testicles went through a rapid transition from fiery numbness to hypersensitivity. He felt an indescribable tension build in his groin. He pushed himself up with his arms and arched his back.

And then, suddenly, his balls kicked and he was coming with an intensity that wracked his whole body.

"Wagghh!....Aghh!...Ahhh!..." he wailed, as his come rushed out of him in a searing tidal wave. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the head board with palsied hands. It felt like all of his insides were rushing out of him in a flood of molten liquids.

Amanda smiled down at him from behind, jerking his cock hard in time with his ejaculation.

"Yess!...Do it!...Do it!...Do it!..." Luisa chanted, heaving her loins up into David's and clinging to him as his searing come poured into her womb.

David's head was ringing and he was gasping for breath as his loins bucked and spasmed in a mind wrenching orgasm.

He was trying to fuck Luisa in time with Amanda's pulling hand, but his limbs were so rubbery he could barely support himself. Regardless of that, his testicles continued to hammer away in his loins and his burning come continued to flow with an excruciating intensity

He barely heard Amanda as she whispered in his ear..."Take it!..." as she lunged the 'Rabbit' up his ass again and pressed the button.

All he saw then was a flash of lightning behind his eyes as a white hot fist seized his heart. And all he felt was his balls knotting up into an agonizingly painful constriction. But that distress began to fade as quickly as it had come. A bright light behind his eyes popped like a flash bulb and then faded to black and he passed out.

When he slumped down on top of Luisa like a sack of wet cement, Amanda eased off on the 'Rabbit'. But where she continued to grip the root of his cock she could feel that his come was still spurting out of him in rapidly diminishing spasms.

"Ohhh Goddd!...You made him come sooo much!..." Luisa crooned.

Amanda smiled down at her friend over David's shoulder. Jabbing the button on the 'Rabbit' again she purred..."Take it!..."

David's body twitched in response to the quick jolt.

"Ahhhhh!..." Luisa groaned as his erection jumped inside her and dribbled out another meager bolt of sperm.

"Take it all!..." Amanda said, jabbing the button again and again in short little bursts, making David quiver and his hard-on twitch until he was emptied of every drop of come he had.

"Shit!...Shit!...Shit!..." Luisa groaned, her eyes flashing up into Amanda's as her loins spasmed weakly in time with the David's reflexive shuddering.

When Amanda finally stopped playing with the 'Rabbit', Luisa gratefully relaxed under David's sprawling form. Licking her dry lips and with her eyes burning up into her friend's she murmured..."You are soo bad!..."

"Yes I am!..." the lanky blonde replied, shifting backwards on the bed and disengaging herself from David's unresisting ass.

She got off the bed, removed the harness and the dildo and put it on the side table. Then she went back and started releasing David from his restraints. It was a bit of a struggle because of his dead weight but she was soon able to get him undone. And then, despite Luisa's protests that she was enjoying his still buried prick, Amanda was able to pull her out from under him. David let out a faint whimper then and curled up into a fetal position on the bed as the two women smiled down on him.

Without taking her eyes from his recumbent form Amanda asked her friend..."Do you think you can get him off again?..."

Luisa considered this for a moment and then replied..." I can try but maybe we should get him back to his room first."

Amanda agreed that that was probably a good idea and the two girls started rummaging around for their clothes including David's.

After that things were pretty much a blur for the barely conscious young quarterback. He had a vague recollection of the two women, still in their nurse's uniforms which now included skirts and tops for decency's sake, half leading, half carrying him down the hallway to the elevator. He was wearing one of the hotel robes while the girls carried his clothes in a laundry bag.

There was a little bit of a kafuffle in the elevator when it stopped a few floors before David's and three fairly inebriated business men got on. When they saw the girls in their hot nurse's outfits they made a couple of jokes that turned into some lewd suggestions and then they started getting pretty aggressive. But that ended quickly when Amanda accidently nailed the fattest one squarely in the gut with an elbow. When he lurched into Luisa, she stumbled and landed with her spiked heel and all her weight on the arch of the foot of the big one standing next to her. Then there was a lot of groaning and stifled swearing before the elevator stopped at David's floor and the girls led him off.

The next thing he remembered he was sort of sitting on the bed, leaning back on his elbows with his head slumped forward on his chest. The girls were talking and when he managed to look up he saw that they were smiling down at him and Luisa was applying a coat of gleaming scarlet lip gloss to her mouth. Almost as if he were in a dream he heard her saying...."Let me see what I can do..."

And then he was sort of aware that the dark haired beauty was between his knees and her head was bobbing up and down in his crotch. He couldn't really feel what she was doing. He was more asleep than he was awake and would have nodded off if it wasn't for Amanda who laced her fingers in his hair and pulled his head up to make him watch Luisa toiling away at his groin.

So David watched but he really had no idea how long Luisa spent working on him. Finally, after what seemed like a long time, he did feel a distant stirring in his loins. He sat up as a tingling tremor seemed to pulse through his groin. But it was all very dream like. Luisa's head stopped moving and she stayed bent over him for a minute or two, apparently intent on finishing what she had started. Then her head came up and she smiled into his eyes while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She rose up gracefully to stand between his knees and looked at Amanda.

"Barely a bubble..." he heard her say, without really knowing what she meant.

He wasn't sure what was going on but he thought maybe Luisa wanted more sex from him. So he reached out for her, pulled her face down to his and tried to kiss her. Luisa let him do it and opened her lips against his. She danced her tongue lightly into his mouth and David pulled her more roughly down towards him. Luisa managed to remove her mouth from his.

"Easy Tiger! I think you're done..." she said, softly stroking his cheek with her hand.

"Nooo!...I can...I can do it!...Just need... a little extra...extra..." David mumbled, his words slurring and his eyes slitted like he was trying to get through the last round of a heavy weight bout.

"No baby!...I think you've had it!..." Luisa purred, turning her eyes to Amanda and giving her a little nod. She leaned down and claimed David's lips once more in a juicy kiss. At the same time, Amanda reached into the pocket of her nurse's tunic and pulled out the 'Rabbit'. She watched her friend kissing with the young man for a moment longer, her tongue obviously dueling with his. Then she set the 'Rabbit' on mid, pressed it against David's neck just behind his ear and pushed the button.

David collapsed like an inflatable doll that had suddenly had all the air let out of him. The girls looked down on him for a moment, each smiling contented smiles.

They gently got David comfortable on the bed, pulled the covers over him, turned out the light and left.

When David woke up the next morning his first thought was that he must have been in an accident. His head ached so bad it felt like he must have been hit on the top of his skull with a sledgehammer. When he tried to move it was if he was in a body cast, so reluctant were his limbs to respond to his brain's command. When he did finally manage to swing his legs over onto the floor, he thought he was going to faint with the effort.

He just sat there hunched over, breathing slowly and deliberately for the longest time. The events of the past evening slowly returned to him in memory but sort of in a hazy blur. His brain was really sore.

He knew there were 'Try-Outs' going on and that he was supposed to be there. But the way he felt, that was about as likely to happen as him flying to the moon. He remembered Amanda and Luisa but the things that he thought he had done with them and that they had done with him, were so far-fetched he was sure he had to be confusing fantasy with reality.

He gave his head a little shake but that turned out to be a really bad idea. Once the nausea started to subside a little he got up and headed toward the bathroom. He was dying of thirst. On the way he noticed a bulky envelope on the dresser. Stuck to that was a note on lavender paper. David picked that up and opened it. It was from Amanda.

'Dear David...' she wrote.

'Luisa and I had a lot of fun last night. We hope you did too. I've taken the liberty of getting a doctor friend of mine at the Austin 'St. Clair' Clinic to write a little report for you. A copy of it is in the envelope. It basically says that you arrived at the clinic last night, the victim of a hit and run accident. He treated you for minor trauma and a tricky tib/fib fracture that he has immobilized. It goes on to say that he recommends that you return home immediately for follow-up and possible surgery, if needed, by your family health services group.

David...I just thought that since we did get sort of carried away last night, this might be a good fall back plan for you. If you withdraw from the Try-Outs because of injury, the school has a policy of letting you return for the next term's 'Try-Outs' without going through the whole qualification process. I'm going to fax this letter to the Athletic department at 10:00 unless I hear from you before then. I'll also get the doctor to call and confirm the whole thing with them. He's got a bit of a crush on me and besides, I have a few pictures of us together that I think he'd prefer his wife didn't see.

So sweetie... I hope you make the right choice here. And if you do come back to Austin, Luisa and I would love it if you wanted to give us a call. It was fun darlin'. Hugs & Kisses Amanda

PS Be sure to say 'Hey' to your mom for me.'

David pondered over Amanda's letter for a moment. A broken tib/fib would be a vast improvement over what he was feeling right at that moment. He fumbled for his watch on the dresser and when he found it, he saw that it was 10:30. Well, that made it easy.

As he stumbled through the bathroom to the shower and started the water running, he mulled over Amanda's letter.

'That was nice of her...' was the thought that went through his mind just before he stepped under the torrent of steaming hot water.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Abuse is abuse , its never good sex . Its liberal era no need to hide in that closet Mr writer. Pointless cruelty in the story .

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I liked your story. It was very hot. Mature stories turn me on, give me ideas, and gets me so very excited. It's nice reading a good writer! Courtney C.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Wonderful story, one of the best in this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
story requests!!

This was a great story like your others. How about a high school girl wearing nylons and heels and a pleated skirt and satin blouse to school to seduce her male teachers?

How about a group of cheerleaders wearing nylons and heels to the opponents locker room, seducing them, making them loose the game because the sluts drained them of all their strenth?

please! haha, or continue the case about john

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
That was intense.

I'm never a fan of that much abuse being heaped upon someone in a sex story, but having said that, I will say that was one intense story. Every time I thought you were done abusing poor David, you would ratchet it up a whole 'nother level.

It's been a while since your last story, so most of all, I'm just glad to see that you're doing okay, and I'm ecstatic you chose to contribute another story. I look forward to your next one. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into these. I hope things are well with you. Take care, and good luck.

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