The Virgin Ceremonies Ch. 15

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Brent: A Bad Connection.
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Part 15 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/27/2022
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Chapter 15

Brent: A Bad Connection

I stood outside in the cool air. I'd left the party after the proposal. How could I stay? It was over. Everything Ginny and I had was ruined now. Not only did she have a boyfriend she never told me about, she had a fiance. I felt so betrayed. My heart was shattered.

"You understand now why I invited you?"

I turned. Olivia was there, a shawl over her shoulders, her long black dress making her look like a grim reaper, come to reap the love out of my life. She'd won. She never cared about me making some stupid comment to scare off Ginny. This was her plan, to show me that Ginny had betrayed me.

"Yes, I do," I said.

"You see she could never be serious about you."

I held my breath. "It wasn't like that. We're just friends."

"Friends don't fuck at the Marriott."

Her words were a bucket of ice over my head. The suffocating cold captured me.

"I... I..."

"What, did you think I didn't know?" she said. "Did you think I hadn't looked at her phone records, that I hadn't traced her movements, that I hadn't traced your movements? Do you think I don't have the resources to call a few hotels, drop your name? Do you have any idea how easy you made it for me?"

"You don't know... we..."

"Shut your fucking mouth."

I shut it.

She stepped forward. I was completely unprepared as her hand flew up and slapped me across the face. I stumbled back, stunned.

"If you ever, ever touch my niece again, I will end your life."

My head jerked.

"You heard me. I will ruin you financially, physically, and emotionally. Oh, I don't need to kill you. You'll jump from a tall building for me. You fucked with my family, little boy. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," I said.

"Then say it. Tell me you will never see Ginny again. Tell me you won't answer her calls."

"I will never see Ginny again," I said. "I won't answer."

"Remember you said those words," she said. "If you forget, I'll be paying you and Grandma a visit."

I took a quick breath. "She--"

"It would be a shame if she found herself institutionalized and your little dog euthanized. Don't fuck with me, you piece of shit."

"You're evil," I said softly.

"Oh, no, Brent. This is love. I love my family, and you are not my family. Now get the fuck out of my face, and don't ever let me see you again."

I went home, dragging my feet the whole way. My world was shattered. I was terrified of what that woman Olivia could do to me. I didn't know what to do anymore. I had no right being in Ginny's world, a world where she had a man, where she was engaged, where she had people who loved her. And there I was, daring to suggest she give up that world for poor, little, worthless me. No man alive fucked so well that a woman would give up such a life.

I was an absolute fool to think I could ever win her. I was a distraction, a boy who could please her sexually, and she was inexperienced, like me. Any man out there could do what I'd done, and do it better. My arrogance let me believe I had some worth beyond the measure of my dick. What a fool.

When I came home, Max was jumping and barking. He wanted out. I didn't have the heart to take him to the fountain. I could never go there again. It was now a painful reminder of everything I'd lost. I walked him around the block, cleaning up after him. He knew now I was depressed, and when we returned home, he put his chin on my knee.

Grandma was talking to me, asking me who I was, why I was there. She was getting worse and worse. I kept repeating I was her grandson, but it lasted only a few minutes before she asked again. This was my life now, a dead-end job, tied to a grandmother who couldn't survive without me, no possible prospects of love or companionship in my future. I was truly in the shadows, but I was alone here.

Sunday morning, I woke up Grandma and made her breakfast. We ate in silence, watching her favorite shows. I didn't even look at my phone. I didn't care if Ginny called. Or so I told myself. When I checked and confirmed she didn't, I was glad. She was probably with her fiance now, laughing and enjoying a delicious breakfast, holding and kissing each other. They probably made love last night.

At work, Colin and I were busy all day. He asked me what happened after the party. He'd seen me leave after the engagement announcement. I said I was fine, that it was never going anywhere anyway, said I was happy for her. Just lies. I was used to lying. Lying was easy in the shadows.

Around 3:00 p.m., I was busy cleaning the coffee bar when I heard my phone buzz. I knew before I even looked at it, just knew. I took a heavy breath and pulled it out, hoping for a telemarketer. Private number.

"Fuck," I said.

Colin looked over my shoulder. "She has the gall to call?"

"I don't even want to talk to her."

"Want me to talk to her?"

"No. Let me just... damn it."

"I'll watch the counter. Step outside."

I did so, hurrying outside, the sounds of the city loud. I answered. "Yes?"

"Hi there, sexy voice," she said.

My face scrunched in surprise. She was playing it that way?

"Did you miss me?" she asked.

"Did I miss you?" I echoed.

"Mmm, I missed you. And guess where I am?"


"I just checked into the Marriott, courtesy of our love fund."

"Wow..." I said, I couldn't believe she was going to act like nothing had happened. She was never going to tell me, was she? I was her side guy, and that's where she wanted to keep me.

"So..." she said, "when do you think you'll come? I know we usually meet at 7:00, but I'm here, so you know, whenever you want to come, introduce yourself, tell me your real name, you know, make love to me, well, I'm all yours."

"You should have called me sooner," I said. "I could have saved you some money, told you not to rent the room."

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head. "I know, Ginny."

"Know what?"

"Congratulations on your engagement."

I hung up on her. Let her fucking call me again.

She did, seconds later. I didn't answer at first. I should've let it go to voicemail, let her realize who I was, let her put the pieces together herself. Damn her for wrapping me around her finger. I answered.


"I'm so sorry. Let me explain, I beg you."

"Explain what? It's self-explanatory."

"It's not, not at all. I swear it's not like that. I don't even know how you found out."

"I was at the fucking party, Ginny!"

"What? How?"

"Goddamn it. Haven't you figured out who I am yet? Are you blind?"

"I, what?"

I sighed heavily. "You know, I don't even want you to know who I am anymore. You go on with your life, and I'll go on with mine."

"No, wait, you are being so unfair to me."

"I'm being unfair to you?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes! You're not giving me a chance to explain."

"So, explain."

"No, not like this. Face to face."

"You don't even know what I look like."

"You'll show me tonight. We'll talk. Really talk, all cards on the table."

"And then fuck, right? That's what you want from me, isn't it? What, your fiance doesn't do it for you? Is that what I was all this time? A better dick?"

"Okay, fuck you, it wasn't like that. Don't treat me like I'm a slut looking to get laid. You know what we have. You fucking know. Don't pretend like it's nothing. You owe me enough to hear me out."

I didn't respond. She was right about that. But it didn't matter what her explanation was. Her aunt was looming over us. It had to end.

"Please," she said. "Meet me here, now if you can. Let me explain, and you can tell me everything about yourself. No sex, okay, not tonight, just talking. Please, Beau, don't let this slip through our fingers because we couldn't talk to each other. Don't do that to us."

I took a deep breath. "It has to end. I can't see you again."

"You don't mean that. You're going to be here at 7:00, our time, 7:00. You will. And if you're not, I'll wait at the fountain every day at 7:00 until I find you. You're not going to stand me up."

"You stood me up first."

"Damn it, don't do this."

"I really loved you, Ginny," I said. "Don't call me again."

"God, no, please wait. Let me explain. You know I love you."

"Goodbye." I hung up and I dialed my voicemail, recording a new message: "Don't leave a message at the beep."

Ginny was calling again, but this time, for the first time, I saw her real number. I turned off my phone. I dare not answer again. It was over. It had to be. I went back inside, my heart in pieces. Colin saw my despair.

"Are you all right, buddy?"

"Not in the slightest," I said, coming behind the counter.

I worked for another hour, just wanting the day to end so I could go home and sleep. And then the bell above the door rang. I figured it was just a regular customer. Of course, it wasn't.

"Oh, shit, she's here," Colin said.

I didn't turn around, but I saw her in the espresso machine's reflection. She was beautiful, of course, especially because she'd dressed up. She wore the same blue dress she'd worn the night we met, but now it was half-covered by her coat.

"Hey, guys," Ginny said.

"Oh, uh, hey, Ginny," Colin said, glancing at me. "The usual?"

"Um, not right now. Actually, I was hoping you guys could help me."

I took a deep breath and turned around. "With what?"

"It's kind of crazy, but can I borrow your phone? I have to call someone. I think my friend blocked me, so I don't think my calls are getting through."

I stared at her. This had to end. "I'll help you." I took off my apron as well as my cap. "I'm gonna head out, Colin."

"Yeah, sure, Karen won't mind if you leave an hour early, right?"

"Right. Why would she?"

I came out from behind the counter.

"Come on," I said.

She followed me outside. "I only need to borrow your phone for a few minutes. It's fixed now, right?"

"Yes. But first, let's go for a walk." I started walking, and she fell in step.

"A walk? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"Help me understand what's wrong," I said.

"But it would only take me a minute to use your phone."

"I know, but you seem really agitated, like you're ready to fight. If you get on the phone and start arguing, your friend is just going to hang up. Why don't you take a breath, calm down, and talk me through it? I'll help you collect your thoughts, then you can make your call and make your case."

She breathed in deeply. "Yeah, okay. You're probably right. I guess it's pretty obvious I'm a mess. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I said as we walked. I would take her to the fountain. She wanted to talk to Beau? She was going to get her chance.

"Did you see anyone, like, I dunno, out of place at the party last night?" she asked.

"Out of place how?"

"I don't know. Maybe dressed casually."

"Hm, no, not that I recall," I said.

"Maybe someone lurking in the back?"

"I really don't remember. You must be excited though, big engagement."

"Oh, God, don't remind me."

"Excuse me?" I said.

"It's complicated."

"You're not wearing your ring?" I said, glancing at her hand. We paused at the crosswalk.

"Yeah, I don't really like it."

"Why is that?"

"I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm kind of seeing two guys."

I chuckled. "Kind of?"

"Yes, my fiance, and another guy I'm really into."

"Uh-huh?" I said, crossing the street and entering the park.

"That's why I need your phone. See, this other guy, he told me he was at the party, and he found out about the engagement, so I need to explain to him it wasn't like that."

"Wasn't like what?" I asked.

"Like what he saw."

"You're not engaged?" I asked.

"No, I am, but I mean, I wasn't expecting it."

"Most people aren't," I said. "Have you dated your boyfriend long?"

"Since I was, like, 13, and I've known him since I was little."

I barked a laugh. "Wow. Not exactly out of nowhere then."

"It kind of was. We were probably broken up half the time we were together."

"You were broken up before last night?"

"Well, no. We've been back together since Thanksgiving."

I bit down and saw red. "I see. But you were still surprised?"

"Yes, and I have to make this guy understand that I wasn't cheating on him. I wanted to end things with my boyfriend, fiance, whatever."

"Why didn't you?" I asked, controlling my tone.

"It's hard. Our families are close. I didn't want to ruin the party."

"I see," I said. "And this other guy won't listen to you?"

"No, he won't even let me explain. That's why I need to borrow your phone."

We were in front of the fountain. I turned to face her and pulled out my phone. I turned it on and cleared the notifications of a dozen missed calls and voicemails. "Here's your chance, Ginny. Give him a call."

She took my phone and started to dial. "Thank you so much for this, really. I know he'll answer as long as he thinks it's not me. It's okay if he sees your number, right?"

"Oh, it's fine," I said with a smile.

She pressed the call button. It tried to connect but then immediately gave a busy signal.


She tried again. Failed.

"That's so weird. I think your phone is still broken."

"It's fixed. Are you dialing the right number?"

"Of course. I've dialed this number a hundred times." She took out her phone with her other hand, showing her call log. "See?"

"What's this *67 before the call?"

"That makes it private."

I chuckled. "Wow, you're blocking your number? You must really trust this guy."

She gave me a little glare. "I stopped doing that today."

"I'm sure he appreciated the gesture. What happens when you dial from your phone? Does it disconnect like it did with mine?"

"No, it just rings and then goes to voicemail."

"Show me."

She dialed. "He's not going to answer."

The phone in her left hand called, and the phone in her right hand rang. She looked down at the phones, her eyes going from hers to mine, seeing her own number. Her eyes erupted, stretching wider than I'd ever seen them. She gasped and dropped both of the phones. They hit the pavement, the screens shattering.

"Oh, my God!" Her hands covered her mouth. "It's you!"

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


While the entire world is trusting that you are EVENTUAL-fucking-LY going to let the course of true love run smooth, in the meantime WE ALL HATE YOU!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

At last, the lights came on in the expensive, dimly lit dungeon she's trapped in inside her own head! Maybe now she'll even realize what a callous, unfeeling, evil bitch she has for an aunt! Maybe she will hit that detonator she's holding! 5⭐ Rafe

VanillaExtractVanillaExtractalmost 2 years agoAuthor

hi jhlieberman. And she broke Brent's phone! She better pay him back for that.

jhliebermanjhliebermanalmost 2 years ago

Lol amazing, Ginny's moment of realization was properly hilarious.

VanillaExtractVanillaExtractalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hi cantfightfate, thanks! I tried to make these characters feel real. A rich girl who is selfish and slow to change... an immature guy growing up as he discovers love... and Olivia... well, yeah that bitch crazy!

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