All Comments on 'What Goes Around'

by curious2c

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Blue88Blue88over 17 years ago
Well Done

Sad but realistic tale about the consequences of infidelity. The very length of her affair seems to preclude any kind of eventual happy ending. In the end they are both bitter and unhappy people. Thanks to the author for a well told story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
Perhaps your best story ever

I loved it ... really. I never thought that YOU would show a story where the woman / wife actually paid REAL consequences. I mean lets face it ... with MOST of your stories the wives that cheat always manage to either get away with it and/or reconcile with their husabnds.

Most refreshingly the husband just wanted to get away and deal with his pain the way that MOST men would. So mhe oved 3000 miles away. JIM didnt hook up with Susan which is where I thought this story wwas headed.

Betty was pretty well developed as a charactet too. Her internal or mental shock of seeing Jim and Susan together .... then intuitively knowing the Message Jim was sending.... was very well done without being contrived.

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
thanks for coming out of retirement

glad you're back and missed your stories.miss your common sense type of story.surprise honey is my all time favorite.keep writing, you're in a writing class by yourself.i'm not a writer,but i know what i like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Quite well done!

Nicely caught the pathos of an adulterous situation. Unfortunately something like that doesn't come with a mulligan and the price must be paid. Cheating as egregious as this is almost impossible to forgive.


Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
keep going

Get them to give it another try.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Like most revenge stories just not realistic

Okay, Okay I understand you guys have issues with women and it comes out in your stories. While these issues can still make for an interesting story you ruin it by making it so unrealistic.

By your naivete regarding couples splitting up I can't imagine that you have ever been divorced but if you have I guess you are just making up for the horifying asskicking you took from your wife in the real world. Men hardly ever come out ahead financially in a divorce and, by the love of God, they don't get to use old appraisals or "move" investments around without getting caught and spanked real hard by opposing counsel. Literotica is a sex story site maybe you guys get an erection at the thought of a financial windfall but the rest of us just get bored. Leave the financial horseshit out of your next story no one is really interested.

Also the wife's sister throwing herself at the guy. What's up with that? Was that house a double wide? Are these people hillbillies? There is no way a sister is going after her brother in law during a nasty divorce unless seroius amounts of crystal meth are involved. You could have made this charactor a next door neighbor, the wife's female boss at work and gotten the same revenge factor with at least a shred of believebility.

I do have to give you some credit for only making the guy an accomplished boxer, albeit one that had put a guy into a coma (a little over the top don't you think?), rather than a Navy SEAL. I was beginning to think that if you wanted to get laid all you had to do was call up a Navy SEAL's wife they are just that easy.

I may have been harsh but I am sick of those cuckold stories being bashed for being unrealistic while this type of fantasyworld goes unchecked.

DREMANDREMANover 17 years ago
Please, don't finish the story.

It is perfect the way it is. Let those who will bring them back together do so, and let those who will not bring them back together do so also.

It was so real that I was humiliated by my own unfaithfulness in the past. I hope it affected others the same way in that they can now see the pain and the harm for which they are responsible (especially those with young children).

This was a real story for real people. Let it be.

louguy35louguy35over 17 years ago
Just so much bullshit!

This story had all the earmarks of a really good tale. It would have been had the author had the ability to write an appropriate ending. But like many of the writers on, he did not. Leave it to the "dear reader" to finish the story.

There are those who buy this approach as "cute", and if they like it, so be it. But whether or not anyone likes the unfinished story approach begs the point. A good story has a beginning, a middle and an ENDING. The incompetence of the author, or his/her inability to write an ending, does not mean that this approach to writing is good. Rather it means that the story, as it stands, is not good. The willingness of some readers to accept an incomplete story reflects their gullibility more than anything else.

It is the author's responsibility to finish a story, not the reader's. There are more potentially good stories that have been ruined by pitiful endings on than perhaps anyplace else that posts stories. As I have said before, it is hard to get interested in stories in the LW category because reading unfinished works has very little appeal.

But there seems to be no end to the "unfished stories" fad.

Cheers! (I guess)

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Sad story; very realistic

I guess my comment is more prompted by "anonymous" than the story itself - I disagree completely with "anonymous." It is very possible that the Susan (the sister) had a crush on him - doesn't have anything to do with hillbillies but has to do with his integrity and personality.

Also, the man usually does get screwed in a divorce, but not always. It depends on the judge, the laywers, and the circumstances. And as far as "moving" investments - one of my friends did that very successfully. Anonymous, you lack credibility but the story is very credible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Another good one

Another good one from you. The ending for the story is good but like all good stories it leaves you wanting more. Thanks.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 17 years ago
Very well done!

There is one thing you do with every story, get emotions running at full blast! Don't believe me? Read the other comments. Thanks for a fine story and a nice start to another year. I would like to see you write a conclusion but it's your story, do what you want!

daytonanudistdaytonanudistover 17 years ago
Hate to love, loving wives(lieing wives)

Very good story. I hope you leave it with this ending, but its your story. I thought the story was very realistic. Cheaters become to complacent to think of being caught. There was so little respect for her husband, using the marriage bed, an affair lasting for over 2 years, 3 times a week, than saying she still loved her husband and Sam loved his wife, you would have to wonder if she new the meaning of love and marriage.

Please keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well I have to say

That you weave a good tale. Revenge is one of the hardest tales of all. Many writers don't know how to handle this subject. You do ..more more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Excellent Story!

The only inconsistent part was when Betty first stated:

"Right up until my sister told me why I had 'caught' Jim and Shawna together I figured that my cheating was not even suspected".

Then later she says

"Once alone and thinking more clearly I knew that Jim must had found me out and my catching him with my best friend had been his payback".

So the question is which was it?

Overall, the story was very realistic in terms of the emotions and consequences. I thought that Betty's Lament was repetitive (she went over the same points over and over again) and did not really add any new information.

On the question of realism:

(1) They had been married for 7 years, no children and she had a job. In today's courts they would split the assets with no alimony.

(2) It is not unusual for siblings to view their brother's or sister's spouse as desireable but out of bounds. So Susan's attempts to come on to Jim while not typical are not extreme.

(3) Jim's character is portrayed as the silent type so whether he was a Boxing Champion, Navy Seal or karate black belt it is doubtful that he would brag about it.

I agree that this story does not need a second part. The ending is Jim moves on with his life and so do Betty.

One suggestion is to use previous characters again in a totally different story (e.g., Jim might meet and advise another couple where one spouse is tempted to cheat).

Thanks for an excellent story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
great story line, but.....

It's a great story line. But buy a dictionary, get an editor, go take a class in grammar and punctuation. Sheesh!

-- KVK

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good job as usual, although......

I probably would've preferred more background info.

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Very Good

A realistic appraisal of love and a marriage destroyed by the wife's selfish actions.

The story had a nice flow to it. No significant holes in it although I did wonder why Sam's wife wasn't invited to either barbecue. Were those get togethers for co-workers only?

I enjoyed the story. I don't feel there is any great need for a follow up.


bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Jim and Susan

I think susan should try to get Jim to meet her and see if they could see if they could get together and try dating she herself said she had a crush on him even when her sister Betty had met Jim and and betty said she would try to keep him .

Pat Murray



bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Jim and Susan

I think susan should try to get Jim to meet her and see if they could see if they could get together and try dating she herself said she had a crush on him even when her sister Betty had met Jim and and betty said she would try to keep him .

Pat Murray



Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Good tale

Good story, enjoyed the writing. I agree with a couple of the previous posters: some parts of the story, particularly Betty's tale, were too repetitive. Repeating things for emphasis doesn't work; it's better to say it once, say it right and get on with the story.

Excellent fiction this is. This 75's for you, curious2c, for a story well-told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Could probably have done without the Betty story

If you don't want to integrate her side into the main one I'd suggest putting it as a second entry rather than sticking it on the end. It doesn't read that well to have a finished storyline (sort of, anyway) then jump right into a second one.

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
Well well done as a story

But there is one *tiny* thing I hate to agree with an Anon poster with. Men rarely get out of a marriage ahead unless they are:

-Filthy rich


-The Wife makes way more money than they do.

And I'm not suggesting because they are the "man" they are entitled to get more, but if they are the innocent party in why the marriage fails it doesn't matter to the courts. Because almost all states, save a select few, are almost all "no fault" states. And almost everything is split 50-50, including bills, regardless of who's fault it is a divorce happens.

But I, and the Anon reader from the start, are making a lot of assumptions from the story too. You may have meant that when he shuffled around assets he moved half of them around so she couldn't take "All" their money as well. I guess that is slightly unclear enough, that we might make the assumption that he was trying to take everything and giving her the bare minimum he might have too. Or that he was trying to control everything and split it on his terms.

But you do suggest otherwise with Betty's part of the story with the fact you said he split the difference from the sale of the house with her even though he didn't have to or that her lawyer said that everyone viewed him as a kind and fair man and he couldn't find any dirt on someone this kind. That doesn't suggest that he "wasn't" trying to be fair to her either in the divorce. I guess I'm just not clear on what happened either way though.

But regardless you have a good foundation to the story. Personally I hope no one writes a follow up to the story where they get back together. I say that because her affair wasn't a "one time slip" it was a determined effort where only what she wanted was what mattered for over two years. This guy was sleeping with other people as well as her and could have given the husband any type of disease via the wife. And she didn't really care long as she "put one over on her husband".

The fact she now has buyer's remorse isn't a good of reason to make it a "happy ending" by having them get back together. Personally having them find happiness with other people, and start off on a clean slate with those new people, would make more of happy ending to me than sticking them back together so that someone will get a 'feel good' moment from that happening. And the husband's character, as you wrote it, doesn't suggest to anyone that this is something he would ever get past to reconcile with her on. So to me regardless of how someone wrote it, it would seemed forced.

But still by itself it was a good story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
second page

where Betty went back to the first getogether that seemed to "start it all" was not really necessary,,,

most readers, by that point in the story (even the "stroke" ones) want to "find out" "what the bitch is going to get," etc. ---- they don't want to revert to an ealier time and have her describe, almost lovingly, how she sucked her lover's tongue no more than a feet away from her husband, who's a solid and trustworthy human being.

so the author wasted a bit of space/time on that (on a 2 page story that could be much more).

one conflicting --- and so I guess "believable" --- thing about Betty's lamentation:

"if I could start all over again, I would never do this to such a good man" but then she also said, "well, I don't know for sure.... if not Sam, it would have been another person..."

that's true.

while I agree with other readers, as well as with the author, that there should be no continuation of Jim and Betty, especially now that Jim has moved away from her and their memories, the younger sister, Susan, could have a life with Jim.

why not? she's younger, likely more beautiful. She's more like her father than mother and older sister, both of whom are cheaters. she knows her father's own sorrow; yet she also knew both her father and Jim are men whom you could trust with your very last breath or penny.

in high school, she had crush on Jim. now she is a grown woman who had had healthy and not-so-healthy with other men, she's NOT obsessed; she simply knows a good solid man when she sees one.

Susan and Jim could continue the "story" and find sorrow and happiness together, as two people who know each other's heartaches and happiness, goods and bads, weaknesses and strengths, etc.

author should write a story about them, in 15 or so years, with two teenage kids, coming from the westcoast to visit the aging grandparents.

author could make Betty into any character she wants:

a person who learns from her mistakes and never repeat them and had found another man, a decent one, who's willing to give her the "chance" Jim couldn't..... or have write her as a slut who's fucked up life is even more fucked now, 15 years later, and she's one worn out, haggard looking, aged 20 years beyond her actual years for the drugs, sex, diseases, she endured and "relished" over the last 20 or so years,,,,,,

whatever happens, had her SEE the nieces and nephews of her younger sister and Jim's, who are now playing with the aging grandparents who are now dotting grandparents to their only grandchildren...... have Betty peek at a couple, Jim and Susan, being very in love with each other, as they walk slowly in the park holding hands, laughing quietly with each other, taking each other as their whole universe......

hey, why not? it's fantasies, right?

I mean, if you could write a woman sucking and swallowing tons of smelly bodily fluids from 5 complete strangers, and scream, "Give it to me, deep,,, yeah, give me a black baby!",,,, why not writing about two people who, though having started out as a way to comfort each other during sorrowful moments, are now, 15 years later, the best of friends who still caress each other's face like a delicate and exotic flower????

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well--Don't Know What To Say

Not really much of a story, per se. It was more like a newspaper account of an event a reporter observed one afternoon driving around town. There was no development of the characters--they remain one dimensional--and there was almost a complete lack of emotion. There were some problems with the punctuation (or lack thereof) and the grammar was weak in some places too but I could live with that. The dialogue was unfortunately dry, formal, and devoid of any feeling. I think this writer has considerable talent, but very little of it was utilized in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Welcome back...

It is great to see you submitting stories again. It has been a while since I've read one of yours...and once again, a wonderful story. A lot of stories do not go into detail of why a spouse strays but you did. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Fair Consequence, Credibility & Respect

KUDO's Author! You story enveloped all those lifelike elements which are important to the resulting reality of marital infidelity.

Regarding the comments about the ending. There never is an ending to the baggage from a divorce for either party. Particularly where cheating or cuckolding is involved. The wrong thing lives on in each persons past and future.

Unlike the first marriage wherein the relationship is felt to be bulletproof, subsequent relationships are always ghosted by the guilt or insecurity from the previous infidelity. Particularly if there are children who are a constant reminder of what could have been.

Next there was a complaint about this type of story being as unrealistic as the wimp cuck stories. Where did that come from?

Life - let alone marital life - is full of life's realities and consequence of a plus or minus nature on a daily basis.

A story like this resounds with a reflection of life's normality and reality in response to an unfairness and the penalty normally extracted by the way of justice albeit also painful for the injured.

So again Author - thanks for a credible work wherein like life the injured walks away with some respect and keeps their self respect intact. That is consequentially different than most of the other here which lacks reality but majors in the absurd.

You and the other Authors who write in this intriguing and entertaining field of marital consequence - can reflect on the real life difficulties experienced every day by married people.

There is no other theme which more accurately depicts the frailty of human reaction to selfish temptation and the resulting balance normally extracted as a part of life. As they say - What goes around normally comes around - to fairly balance the scales.

You and the others are appreciated with hopes for more.

With Very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good story

Nice heariung from c2c again. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Bravo, magnificent, what can I say? You did not let the story end as the husband being a whimp. He go his revenge on Betty and Sam. He did it by planing things out, not by doing something that would have him in jail. She was not worth going to jail over. If one bides their time and waits, he can get back at an offending party no matter how long it takes and revenge is so sweet.

Since Jim is at a new job location, he will have the time to play the field and that is what he should do. He is foot lose and fancy free and he should never go back to his cheating wife. I doubt very much if he could ever trust her again and without trust, there is not a marriage. I am glad he did not get mixed up with Susan, Betty's sister, because blood is thicker than water and it would rain hard on him one of these days.

As for Betty, since she is a cheating slut, I hope she gets what she ask for out of her life. That would be very little. She had a wonderful man as a husband, but she wanted to cheat on their marriage and she thought her husband did not have a backbone and would ignore her cheating ways. She learned the hard way that all men act differently and one should never judge a book by the cover. She will probably go downhill from where she is and will start prostituting herself and get hooked on drugs. Next thing you know, she will have a pimp and she will turn tricks for a dime bag. If she ever gets this desperate and needs Jim's help, I hope he ignores her.

They will both suffer, but she will suffer the most since she is the one that violated their marriage vows. She not only destroyed her marriage and her happy life, but she was part of the team that is causing Sam and his wife to have problems. In a divorce, it is the children that get hurt the worst and Sam has a wife with two children. I hope Betty is proud of herself because she knew that Sam was married when they began their affair. I do not see how Betty can live where she has since she has lost the respect of her parents, sister, best friend, ex husband and others. As Betty said, hindsight is the best sight since it is 20 20.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
Good Story, C2C.

Guess she can just be thrilled by the minute now, if she wishes.

The excitement is just so addictive, I guess.

daluentdaluentover 17 years ago

Glad to see you back. This was a marvelous story of consequences. This brain dead wife deserves nothing but the worst kind of fucked up existence for treating a decent man this way. She says she loved him after she shit on him for 2 years? Holy shit! She has to be retarded. If anybody tries to put these 2 together, they too are nuts. Thank you for writing. Regards Luis

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Fantasies of a better world

I figured it would be a hit for all who crave seeing the next cheating woman getting what she deserves - big time. I guess it serves its function of venting anger people harbor for all sorts of reasons. For that purpose the story could not be better.

As far as the quality as a story, sadly it was predictable like a ritual (part of the appeal?). I could not see the behavior of the sister, the best friend and the family as credible. Most likely in reality, the close to you close rank in time of trouble and try to support you regardless how wrong you are (every one knows that one day they might need help too). But this is about a fantasy: how to best roast a bad woman, so add family and friends to the list, why not?

The characters of the husband and the wife seem to have been custom made so it would be as comfortable as possible to admire the husband and hate the wife. Her side of the story is read like a confessional and the story as a whole reads like a morality tale.

The amazing part to me: Readers actually calling it realistic. My conclusion is that there is a misunderstanding regarding the meaning of this word. For those who call it realistic it means: that’s how the world SHOULD have looked had there been justice and order in it.

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Great Story!

Great story and as far as I'm Concerned complete, but if your looking for an ending I've included a brief but happy no wimps ending: Naturally Jim, being emotionally and mentally healthy, (not a wimp or socially maladjusted, clinging weenie) puts the ugliness of adultery & divorce behind him. He finds a new wonderful caring women and lives happily ever after. Of course Betty being a morally deficient cheating slut slips deeper and deeper into depression and despair. Finding solace in a bottle, drugs. Living her personal hell of empty liaisons with abusive partners only interested in sex, as a wedding present to Jim & Sue, she kills her self.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Why is it

that writers so often use the gimic of having their hero walk in on their wife and her lover just in time to hear them talking about their affair. In this story the dialog between the wife and her lover is so bad and unbelievable that it becomes one of the worst examples of this gimic. How can anyone believe that a couple that has been having an affair for two years meeting at least three times a week would have the following conversation just in time for hubby to hear it?

"So did you ever expect us to be so good together Betty?"

"Oh no Sam. You're so perfect...I mean that too. Everything about you is perfect. I wish I had met you before. I really do. We could have had a great time all these years."

(Does anyone talk like this?)

"Yeah, well, I was married right out of high school, and then started working for the wife's old man, so that would never have happened, but I'm like you. I wish we'd met a long time ago. You're a right fine babe."

"You know that I love Jim, but he doesn't do it for me like you do. I just hope we never get caught. Jim would probably try to hurt you...and fail of course, but then I'd have to explain everything, and that would be a large pain in my ass. After all, I don't love you anyway. I love fucking you...sucking you...having you inside me...Oh god I love that especially. You fit me just right."

For me this dialog alone makes this one of this authors weakest postings to date. I acn't even begin to talk about how bad Betty's view of the affair.

And what the hell does this mean?

"Here I am, newly divorced and alone, so terribly alone. My lover of the last years has dumped me like the plague, and trying to keep from ending up divorced just like me. Once I knew that I had been caught, I had severed all ties to Sam. Too little, too late. In effect we both dropped each other, but in both cases...well, you know." Betty says that her lover dumped her, then she says that she severed all ties with him and then she says that they drop each other all in one paragraph. This is really weak.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
Not a revenge story

Some people keep insisting that any story that doesnt involve the husband taking his cheating wife back is a revenge story. The only revenge in this story was the husband screwing her friend. After that he just divorced her. He even gave her more money in the settlement than he was legally obligated to. Hardly seems like a chest thumping caveman revenge story to me.

I thought the story was ok but not great. I liked that the husband didnt back down from his initial course of action (divorce). I liked that the husband wasnt a perfect cutout of a man. He did have hurt feelings and a desire to get even (that doesnt make it a revenge story though since it was only a small part of the overall story and he didnt pursue his revenge until she was broken and penniless).

The story was sorta formulaic though. I also thought the structure of the wife's part was hard to read. She was repeating herself and it jumped around in time too much.

Anyway, Im glad to see you back and I hope you spend the rest of the winter sitting on your ass writing stories for us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
For The Temporary Cynic Named Kolkore

Gosh bud, perhaps you have been treating the wronged too long. Spend a little time with the righted to pump yourself up.

Life is full of optimism if you will it as no one else can [as you well know].

There is no more evidenced effort to right a life than to to sever contact with - to divorce a partner who isn't any more. That my friend is reality and life.

Going forward having done the right thing in severing the offending appendage so the rest can live again is realism. Like cancer - failing to do something to rid it - means the whole marital body will rot.

So yes - reality doesn't suck but the opposite does.

Also, when self respect is lost, respect dies as well.

Enough - cheer up Kolkore - and Author your work is appreciated by most as you can see and know.

P. S. Maybe some remember the Little Engine That Could. There was one that couldn't but who wanted to read that?

Kanga40Kanga40over 17 years ago
Kolkore, if you want "reality", read the papers

But, on second thoughts, probably not much reality there either, so you're stuffed mate!

If a scenario is justified by the author, that is okay with me.

If you want 'reality' and 'facts' read a scientific treatise.

We are talking stories here - not facts. All we really need is plausibility - could it possibly happen somewhere sometime?

As for the story, Betty did say the same thing a few thousand times until it started to grate, but otherwise it was a good story.

Every story does not need to follow the characters to the grave, but all need some sort of resolution of the tension (hopefully) created by the author.

This story ended quite well, and needs no more to be complete.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Kanga, thanks for the lesson in reading Fiction

However, I never said that I am seeking reality in stories. To the contrary, first I said that the characters and the plot were essentially more of an abstraction or a formula of black and white; certainly not credible, or in your words not plausible. In fact, I was thinking aloud what genre could best describe the style of this story and came up with a morality tale, which has very little in common with reality.

At the end, I was RESPONDING to other comments which praise the story for being realistic, where I felt they were in fact responding to something else- namely, the way things could or should have been, had there been justice or order in the world.

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 17 years ago
Kolkore is right.

This story is unrealistic. I’ll go even farther. Many of these LW stories are unrealistic as they are written by men attempting to portray why women do whatever. Women don’t get up one Tuesday (or pick your own favorite day) and decide to have an exciting affair. Doesn’t happen. They perceive that their husbands neglect them so they feel the need to get emotional sustenance elsewhere. For women, affairs are NOT about sex; they are about emotional needs. Some stories here do portray this realistically and then the ignorant comment about “psychobabble.” Any psychologist will tell you the “psychobabble” is the real reason that people do things. Ask one.

From a Lit submission “A Nerd's Guide To Getting Hooked Up” by Lothario the Great: “Only when a girl feels safe will she want to have sex with another person. Read that sentence again. A woman seeks an emotional connection...” In other words, she needs to feel comfortable, safe and secure. That’s not a description of excitement.

A guy where I work has been divorced twice to the tune of a half a million bucks lost, including his 401K. No cheating but the reasons didn’t matter. The second wife blew through her quarter million in about three years. If there is child support and you’re getting Social Security, it will be garnished. The guy generally loses in court bigtime.

Thanks for writing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
TiggerToo, you are an idiot!!!!

I have met and fucked women after two beers, married ones as well. I have found married women on the internet who were looking for a guy to have sex with. I have had more married women than single ones.

One thing I can tell you Tigger Too is that women fuck for different reasons. What you and Kolklore are trying to do is utter rubbish. You cant fucking generalize you dumb cunt, and speak for all married women.

If you find these stories unrealistic, write to Lit and ask for your money back, and good luck. However, dont say women are like this or like that, as if you know every married woman. Speak for yourself, smart ass cunt.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Foul language, exclamation marks Anon.

You may or may not know how to bed women, but you certainly need a lot of help in reading. This is fiction, which means it never happened (ask the author). As fiction, each reader comes to his/her own judgment whether they find the story or the characters believable or credible or not. It’s all based on our life experience; education and experience in reading. So far, are you with me?

On your point of reasons for cheating, I agree with you - there could be many reasons why women (and men) cheat. But you assess credibility of characters on every thing that the story presents (the way they talk behave interact etc), not necessarily just on one point (such as the reason for cheating). In reading this story, the characters did not come across to me as credible. I like westerns. There is one bad guy all dressed in black. Then there is the good guy and he is dressed in white. But every one knows what it is. That’s what this story reminds me of.

Now, how do you want any one to read a story? Call you first and ask you how you feel about it, or else you call people idiots or writing rubbish?

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Nice languar Anonymous

That previous comment by the coward hiding behind the Anonymous moniker is everything that is wrong with the comment system on this site. Why do people have to just throw vicious words around. You can make your point without using such insulting words like "cunt" and "idiot". By the way at least look up the person you are insulting's biogarphy before you throw the stones. You would have noticed that the person you thought was a she is actually a he. See, I didnt swear once and I dragged you through the mud rather nicely.

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Nice language Anonymous

That previous comment by the coward hiding behind the Anonymous moniker is everything that is wrong with the comment system on this site. Why do people have to just throw vicious words around. You can make your point without using such insulting words like "cunt" and "idiot". By the way at least look up the person you are insulting's biogarphy before you throw the stones. You would have noticed that the person you thought was a she is actually a he. See, I didnt swear once and I dragged you through the mud rather nicely.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Very well done story of consequences in life

Very good entertianment

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Justice Served!

Great story, well written and very good characters. Keep up the good work.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Sam the rat

Jim should have given sam to Bubba and made him a bitch to bubba he would have been happy then.that would have made jim very happy.



Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Nah, it's still cheating

Average quality writing with several typos and grammatical errors that detract from the prose. The author's style isn't impressive and the story doesn't read particularly well. I found the writing droll and not particularly pleasing.

The plot is tired and the characters not novel nor very interesting. The wife's long monologue about how she screwed up is tired and wearisome. It adds nothing to the story and could well have been omitted.

I do not agree with the author's contention that two wrongs make a right. Two wrongs just make a bigger wrong. Jim violated his marital oath when he slept with Shawna. It doesn't matter whether he thought it was just or not. It doesn't matter whether Betty deserved it or not. Jim's just a cheater and, in my book, he's just as bad a slut as Betty. Divorce is your remedy and that's all you're allowed.

Excellent fiction this is not. Here's a 25 for your effort. I thank you.

niciniciover 17 years ago
Feel Better Now?

Fantasy or fiction?

Both are not reality, but fiction does follow a logical course of action, of subjective behavioral chance. People interact with each other, giving their best to succeed with their own personal agendas. Conflicts arise, and each participant loses some, wins some. The finality of conflict is never the same as anyone intended.

Where as fantasy… is fantasy, anyone can be anything and everything. Fantasy is a world where facts, laws of nature and chance, logic and fears can be suppressed into denial. Consequences overlooked with out worries. In fantasy worlds the cowboy in the white hat wins all battle with easy. He is perfect, liked and desired by all.

Sorry, but the world of fantasies and fairytales belongs to children. Yes, in times of stress, pain and suffering we all need to seek our inner child, and feel good. So even for adults, fantasies do have their place… so long we realize that they are pipe dreams, void of all reality, truth and moral ethics.

I did though have a hard time keeping my mind on the text I was reading. Your text was too historic, too passively written. For a male dominated fantasy and action story too passive, far too passive.

DeadWouldDeadWouldover 17 years ago
This story was fair enough

And I amlost fell off this chair laughing at nici's comment. Took me almost 15 minutes before I could type!

She wrote the most stupid LW story ever on Literotica and she calls yours a fantasy. What a joke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

i liked how Jim is portrayed. his tryst w/ Shawna shows he is a man, after all, and not some kind of a martyr. it lends plausability.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Fair story

The story was okay, good and bad. I would have liked more meat, more plot and characterization, but I guess that's just me.

Nici's comments made my head spin. Boy, she likes to hear herself talk. Verbose diarrhea. Without any reasoning she gives conclusions, based on some kind of faulty logic or how "big" is the word she can spew on a sentence. But regretfully, her logic is as flawed as her grammar.

daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago
Nici;s full of it.

Nici's comment is really stupid. She is a self involved bitch. Her story was asinine. Her female in her story was one crazy motherfucker. She sees males as owing her everything. Totally absorbed in her own mystic. Shit bitch wake up and get a clue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Between Nici & the idiot Alvaron53-which is worse?

The author did a good job of creating a realistic & believable story. What is "un-realistic" is the stupidity of the comments coming from the professional commentator, Alavaron53 along with his typical bullshit and the rantings of the Nici [whose perverse female dominated stories] are so predictable. Although, credit is given to Nici for at least she has the "balls" to submit stories on this site as opposed to the "professional commentator" fear of posting his sub-standard efforts.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 16 years ago
Oh goodie!

Oh, Anonymous, come on. It's no contest, my little pain slut, you're the worst. ;) By the way, I just published a couple more stories, and I understand that the checks are in the mail.


If you hurry, you can be the first one on your block to read 'em. Oh, darn, I forgot -- you can't read. Well, that's okay, sign up anyway over at you-know-where and ask someone nicely to read them to you. Just remember not to get caught masturbating in public again so that the police won't have to come haul you away like they did last time. Ta-ta. :P

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

for him to be with susan, the sister, would be good for him, it seems, and the chance for betty to realize the added measure of the consequences. sam got his, and his life mucked up, like hers.

louguy35louguy35over 15 years ago
Too Bad! Too Bad!

I would have given you 100 if you had finished the story. I continue to be more and more frustrated with writers who leave a story hanging. That is not what real storytelling is all about. Only on is it considered cute. It makes little difference if the writing, construction, development is good if the story is left unfinished...if you cannot write an ending.<p>

My frustration used to net out 25 points from the score. It has gotten so bad that now I net out 50 points. I expect that soon, not finishing a story will net out to zero.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Husband gets his revenge and lives a "good" life. Whore wife gets it in the A** and has to live with the fact that she f**ked up! GREAT STORY! THANK YOU!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sorry folks the story was finished. He moved on.

She became a full time slut. End of story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Once again...

Alvaron has graced us with his prescence again, though I doubt his claim. I'm sure the stories he "sold" were excuses to the IRS for some unpaid taxes and the "checks" in the mail are refunds just large enough for a happy meal and a shake. It's a given that anyone that arrogant and condescending is usually big on talk, short on walk, and the more shit he talks, the larger the inadequacy. He should take notes from curious2c....if he ever does write something other than a shithouse wall limerick, he'll need the example set forth by established authors who, rather than blowing a dull and bent horn, prove themselves by their talents!

JamesMcIntyreJamesMcIntyreabout 15 years ago
Why the hell would she want him back?

He'd been keeping secrets from her all their married life. He was as morally bankrupt as she was. And he had no trouble getting over her - he loved her even less than she loved him. She's better off without him. Perhaps now she can find a real man and not a cardboard cutout who thinks that macho means man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Hey readers

If you're going to write a page criticizing pro or con, put in some paragraphs. It's difficult reading half a page of continuous sentences. I do enjoy reading the comments, LMAO at the arguments. Nothing like readers criticizing each other, could almost write a story on the comments.

Leto DegeneresLeto Degeneresabout 15 years ago
paragraphs are a great idea

Paragraphs in comments are a great idea, if only those suggesting might say how it could be done. I'm told that "br" between "<" and ">" symbols will do it.<br><br>

let's see...yes, absolutely. The paragraph above ended with two of those break sequences, one immediately after the other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

The author goes on about how much the wife loved the husband, she was having an affair for two years and was sleeping with her lover three times a week in her husband bed.Love him no way she did, read your own stories and don't talk so silly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

any statement from wife that she loved him, silly. she got a dose of reality and so did sam. so long to them both. husband gets away from a bad chapter of his life.

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
How else could it have ended?

I think the ending fit perfectly with the title. Indeed, "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND". Ole wifey got her just desserts. I thought it was great story.

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754about 14 years ago
Very Well written

I like your style. I also love you use a word processor to catch type errors. There are some here that are good story tellers, but not very good at editing thier work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good to a point, but...

It has been my experience that, being the emotional creatures they are, women are incapable of setting aside their own perspective for the one which you gave this wife.

Feelings are messy, and they mess up both logic and heartfelt contrition. MAYBE in fifteen to twenty years this might have been a realistic perspective of the wife's, but being that it seems less than two years interval between the divorce and her thoughts being contemplated, I highly doubt their likelihood.

Tweak the time-frame a little bit, and the story might resonate a little better with the reader, I think.

Good Luck!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

is a girl's name. William is a man's name, and Billy is the nickname.

norcal62norcal62almost 14 years ago
You worry about his name? It's a cultural thing.

What about a story where hubby is Carl and loverboy is Charles? Author just could be very creative I guess. There are so few male names to choose from.

jd927jd927almost 14 years ago

I liked it, especially how she recognized that even if she had respected her husband more, that she would have most likely cheated anyway. We often learn and fully understand some of the most important lessons in life when it's too late.

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Great writing

Give us another one just like this one. Appreciate the reality you wove into the plot line

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
Liked the story.

I also had trouble with the final bit from the ex-wife. It is hard for others to see past their own feelings, and I had a hard time buying her sympathy for Jim. She could have been suprised at all the efforts to find dirt on Jim were for naught, and she could have been pissed about that. Most likely, she would have cosidered him a boy scout who had finally had his eyes opened.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
this is actually a good story, not the reg from c2c

norm for c2c is the husband's a pussy and takes her back, a nice change. 5 star

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

the circle grinds slowly and crushes all. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I Hate

Cowardly authors who can't/won't finish their work. "Oh gentle reader you finish it, I am scared too."


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I would have liked the photographic evidence and then go in with the phone and the guy's wife is on the line. ANd she feels the revenge has long term effects.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago

I HATE cheating wives. Jim was too good. He gave her extra money she didn't deserve to get. She cheated for 2 FUCKING YEARS and she thought at first that she had caught him???

Look at my Literotica name. You tell me why I feel so strong. I can't get any kind of revenge for myself. Eventually I will write my story. I'm not ready yet. Any time a husband gets any kind of revenge or leaves his ex in a lousy situation I love it. I'm so pissed off I can't stand myself. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I got cheated on too, but at least we were not married and the only thing I believe to prevent this in the future is to only date women were i know it happened to them too, so they'll at least think twice about doing it to me...

Well what can you do?

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 12 years ago
I don't care for writers (like you) not writing the ending, whatever it is.

Also don't like being given two endings. It is YOUR story, write it. Personally I would have liked them to either have gotten back together a few years down the road but I would have preferred him getting with the sister. Don't leave people hanging. Other wise a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
good story

Good story well written, enjoy the protaganist and antagonist (?) Synopsis of this tragic time in their marriage. Yes I don't care for open ended ending. But this IS YOUR story and you can do anything with it.

Please do reconsider and write a conclusion for the story!

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

or the boogey man will find you. TK U MLJ LV NV

kakashi524kakashi524over 11 years ago
Interesting, but not great.

3... The story was interesting, I liked knowing the 2 Points of view format even though Betty felt repetitive in several occasions.

Why a 3 star rating? Well, I haven't checked the date this was posted (and feel too lazy to do it even it would be faster than writing this sentence lol). But I'm guessing it is one of his first posted since there are many misspelled words. And there were some parts of the story that were weak.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
she is just a whore

you have to make a conscience effort to cheat it don't just happen and you spread your legs.

if you were forced you file charges not lie to your husband but in her case she was fully willing to fuck someone else and destroy her marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
sorry on three stars

I found this chapter was just of bunch of rambling on and on. I just repeated itself over and over again. Then there wasnt any real ending as it just showed she cheated, he caught them, a little revenge then a divorce. After that who knows.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Chicken Shit.

Author does not have the balls to finish the story.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 11 years ago
Fuck the ending you gave...

I just hate it when an author is too lazy to write an ending. You could still come back and either get them back together of have them happily married to others or SOMETHING. Give it an ending!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago

Thanks for the offering. Not sure if you simply intended it to reflect the wife's state of mind, but her dialogue was rambling and disorganized.

timebomber427timebomber427about 11 years ago
Um... Get off your Ass?

Wow.... Chickenshittery. Fuck this, I read this story for the pain caused in an immediate, satisfying revenge story, the feeling of justice somewhat done and eternal torture for the offender, but the ending killed it all. Fukkit, I'm going cold tonight.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What was the point of this asshattery?

She cheats, he cheats. Both are cheaters and deserve to be shit on. But tell us how her "best friend" fucked her husband after he came on to her? That is the opposite of best friend. I quit reading by that point and only skimmed it as I was scrolling to the comments. And how the fuck could be be considered perfect when he cheated on her? He was no more justified in cheating than she was, so he's as bad as Betty.

sugnasugnaalmost 11 years ago
Wow what criticism

I just read your story and I liked it. I thought it was somewhat realistic in that I have seen payback cheating before. The only thing that might not be realistic was the wife's reaction. The cheating women I have met tend towards denial rather than self revelation. Most of the cheating women I have met are simply selfish people looking for a better deal or just a little something More for themselves. Anyone who cheats knows the risks involved. Fucking your boyfriend in your husbands bed is a big risk. It is also literally rubbing his nose in it! So, I think it is unrealistic that this women really cared about her husband or her marriage. At best she cared about being embarrassed and marked as a cheating, deceitful slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Where the Hell is the ending???????????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Just another damn lazy author that thinks they're being clever by leaving the ending of the story up to the readers. NOTE TO AUTHORS: This type of ending isn't clever and nobody likes it.

Storm113Storm113over 10 years ago

just finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
quit writing

cause you are another JPB, can't even finish what u start.

probably the same with sex.

2 star cause you lazy writer or not intelligent enuff to be story completer.

ones like you are reason I don't attempt to author cause I ain't good nuff

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I don't get it . . .

A very good story BTW. So -- the cheating wife gets dumped, which seems to crush her emotionally (a good thing, we all agree), and her lover gets found out and finds HIS life gets fucked over (a good thing, we all agree); yet STILL we have readers that insist there was no ending! What more do you want?

It almost makes me embarrassed to be one of the "anonymati" that people don't see this as an ending. Anything more drastic and hubby likely goes to jail (a bad thing, we all agree), so again, What more do you want?

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
What's to figure out?

Husband moves away to start his life over again and cheating ex-wife spends the rest of hers alone in her crappy apartment. The end.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 10 years ago
I disagree with all comments, but what the fuck do I know!!!

When a wife decide's to spread her legs with another man, it's all over but the crying. But is it? In 100 years who will care or even know. Our religious beliefs, our conceptions do they really mean anything, fuck if I know.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

to keep it in the family, TK U MLJ LV NV

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
an ending

And they both died of old age.

The End.

Is that better ?

wiz4646wiz4646about 10 years ago
Figure out our own endings? Really?

If I wanted to figure out my own endings, I'd be writing these damn things instead of reading them.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
Not up to c2c's standards, but still a fairly good read.

I generally do not like the cheater's story, but this one wasn't too bad. It was simply too long and it repeated too many things.

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