All Comments on 'Who Will You Run To?'

by StangStar06

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wow how fucking lame.

Gave it a 3 but shoulda been 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Don't end sentences, or titles, with a preposition.

Same old story, different day.

deadrabbitsdeadrabbitsover 10 years ago
Not one of your better stories...

It's always good to read your stuff. I didn't think that this particular one was one of your better ones, but still a good read. You still are among my favorite authors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

She cheated, so of course she deserved to suffer for years and years. You forgot to put in the part where the pimp is tortured to death. Oh, Sorry. Guys are immune from having to pay for any bad behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sadly this could be a true-life event.

There is a horrible world of human trafficking of women lured or forced into sex-slavery, and even more sadly the US Government knows it and does so little; especially when so much is happening because of our Enemy to the South(Mexico).

Furthermore, there is a trend in StangStar stories, that trend is stupid and/or gullible women. Reading a story by this author, oneself might begin to think that all women are basically children that have to be hand-held through all the major decisions in their lives; lest they make their "own" choice which in turn ruins their entire life.

Still, always interesting to read. Keep on writing.

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistover 10 years ago

There is nothing wrong with ending a sentence in a preposition. It's the kind of "rule" spouted by bad teachers and people who think they know a lot more about grammar than they obviously do.

This was alright. Nothing really wrong with it, and nothing worth remembering.

looking4itlooking4itover 10 years ago

Love the way anondiots think they have something to add to the world...

One of the things I noticed about this story that was a little different than most SS stories is that the woman did end up taking responsibility for her decisions and did so early. She also was hurt but not crushed by her "love" having moved on successfully. The other thing I liked is that there was less superfluous background information, at least for me, and so it read smoothly and easily throughout. It was good to see Summer's side of the relationship as not as selfish as Ted looked back on it as. Personal perception is always different in a relationship and both views are valid, simply skewed to the information each individual has available to them. There do seem to be more typo errors in your recently posted stories, nothing annoying because I like to read your work but more something I'm not used to seeing.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 10 years ago
The wife Got away with it... OK Just kidding

seriously SS06 this is a ` way over the top...

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

Thanks for the offering.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago

"Someday you'll be a successful...uhm...communist "

Just awesome :)

Great tale as always Stang.

cpetecpeteover 10 years ago
Fine tale.

Another good read. Different that Summer character took responsibility for her actions, but understood fall out from those actions were not her fault.

Do not know how you keep cranking these stories out like Baskin Robbbins cranks out different ice cream flavors all the time. Some better than others...but all are good!

carvohicarvohiover 10 years ago
Totally cool!

Your stuff is always a little different. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't gel. I felt bad about Summer; her experiences were far worse than they had to be. On the other hand Ted knew what he wanted, and when Melissa arrived he didn't haggle. I never noticed the preposition problem someone mentioned so the flow of words was what it should have been. Like I said; your stuff is always a little different. I enjoy what you write. Of course, this is a five.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Funny thing about this story....

Even if the "commune" had not been a whorehouse, and even if the evil bastard hadn't sold her into slavery down in Mexico, Her decision to leave Ted wasn't what spelled the end of the relationship forever. He WAS going to move on, and so he did. What the hell did she expect to happen even under the best of conditions? Sure, I think her fantasy of it was that Ted would come along too, and embrace an open marriage. But, she found out before she left he would never agree. Really the death nell for the engagement, was how she had ALREADY had sex with other men before she ever brought up her open marriage views to Ted. Even if she hadn't dropped out of school and left, Ted was history, simply based on her cheating. Somehow, she just never was able to understand that. OK, so here is the funny part. She views leaving as her big mistake, and certainly the atrocities she had to put up with while enslaved, might not have happened had she never left school. That said, she never accepts that it was her fucking around on Ted while they were engaged, that was her biggest mistake. The fate that befell her afterwards, as horrible as it was, was only a consequence of her bad decisions. The original bad decision was cheating on Ted. Now, can we learn something from all of this? Thanks, Stang. Till the next one.......

avidfaavidfaover 10 years ago
My favorite thing

My favorite thing is that Stang's spellchecker doesn't flag 'gt' as a misspelling.

Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
this got bad

by the 2nd page and went downhill from there. I gave up by the 4th page and i didn't bother to vote

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

At least it was fairly short.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good as always

Gave you a 5*

After all these years and hundreds of stories, I know you simply don't even notice the short-dicked little white trash assholes who can only insult people anonymously online.

Keep writing. You're superior to those little buzzing gnats.

oscar73oscar73over 10 years ago
one of the best yet

just awesome. this one went back to your old style without being to cliche. Great Job!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
who will you run to

by Heart. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great, as usual

Stang, buddy, you did it again. A great moral tale that, unfortunately, not many of the people your stories target, will be read by them; to wit, stupid people/ cheaters.

pumpop201pumpop201over 10 years ago
Thanks Again

Thanks again for another great story.

john1946john1946over 10 years ago

Definately one of the better stories. A great lesson there for those choosing to see it. Well writen....Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Been there done that

I went through a similar situation to Ted. Not as dramatic, but 20 years later I found out what happened to my Summer. She threw her life away following the fantasies of a teenage girl. Her parents didn't love her enough to teach her about what was important in life. They were more interested in their own pleasure and their own pain. My Summer is a bitter, childless, 3x divorced woman (she was able to have kids - she also had at least 1 abortion). She followed her dreams to where they led - nowhere. She has nothing to show for her life, and defensively justifies what she has done with it. I am so grateful to my wife for our marriage and our children.

dinkymacdinkymacover 10 years ago

Thanks for a great read!

kalharrikalharriover 10 years ago
thank you

even though it wasn't a btb couldn't have done much to make her life worse. I used to bounce in go-go bars and worked in a prison for a decade. her story isn't that far off from several people I have known. you just kind of nod when you hear their stories and then you move on. there isn't much you can do for them and in fact they often don't want the help. they just need to find the new balance that works in their lives.

again....thank you for your time and energy sharing this submission.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago
Movin' on!

How many bad choices does it take to light the light bulb over your head?

How many times can you use 'fowl' when you need to use 'foul?'

(Hint, it is more than one!)

Not exactly a sweet story...maybe poignant?


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
How many bad stories can you write before you write a good one

Quite a few. You seem to have written this story twenty maybe thirty times and just changed a few details wouldn't you feel better if you tried to write something original for a change.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 10 years ago
Yeah. Another 5* story!

This is one of the saddest stories I have read. Yet there's some hope there, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

More Stang SHIT. Get a fucking life and STOP with this SHIT. You may think you are a good writer ---You fucking STINK.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just so far over the top

It was as if you took two partial stories and slammed them together, with only the most fleeting of connections.

Plus, it was too piled-on.

Finally, that so-fucking-cute-I-could-just-puke quoting of Heart, and the juxtaposition of Summer and Wynter, was more than I could take.

Won't even go into misspellings.

I wish, just for once, you'd write a story without trying to be cute. You just ARE NOT as clever as you think you are. Just write the fucking story, balance the good and the bad, and quit rehashing old plot points.

Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 10 years ago
that was very good

I liked it. Those who hate it must be Chevy owners lol

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 10 years ago
anonymous pricks

Apparently, there are trolls out there who produce nothing and love to attack good stories such as this. As far as I'm concerned they can eat shit and I hope die.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Entertaining Story

It was interesting that when he said that they were over because she obviously had fucked another guy, she replied that she did not cheat, because they were not married yet. This was the end of the line and as another pointed out she never understood this. She only understood that Melissa had taken over the man because she stupidly left him out in the rain...

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago
I'm a Chevy owner...

But I still liked this one a lot. The ex was about as dumb as a box of bowling balls, like most cheating sluts.

5 Stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Worse than a btb???

Good story, and it kinda pulls at your heart for the girl.... It's one thing to make her life "hell" but another to actually live it, and that is what she did. Nobody deserves what she got

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

One minute Melissa is experienced and he's getting the best blow job ever, and he wonders about all the guys she must have learned it from, then later on down the page she's not experienced with oral, giving or receiving? which is it? Meathead was her one and only? yet she's experienced with a lot of guys? Not good with continuity are you?

As for your story not being allowed last week, it seems that the ones that run this site only live for the cuck shit, its ALL they allow these days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
ok tale

the basic ideal has been used before but most tales have some ideals that have

been used before. the whore house thing was used before. the thing is that

it really happens to some women. there was a difference in this tale to make it good.

most women die as sex slaves when they are sold to whore houses. good read

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
Do ANY OF YOU have Fucking Daughters?

Seriously? Really people?

So...a girl who is engaged makes a bad choice. She decides she wants to maybe not get married and shacks up with someone. It's a shitty choice and a hurtful choice, but it is a choice SHE is allowed to make.


You know what? I have a daughter. Sometimes, SOMETIMES, she is not perfect. Sometimes she makes mistakes. Sometimes she hurts someone...a trusted friend, her family members.

Does that mean SHE deserves to be raped and tortured because she sort of 'betrays' someone she loves?

"Hur hur hur...that bitch got what was coming to her..." Tell you what, reread this story and instead of putting your ex wifes face in there, that girlfriend who dumped you hard, that absolute CUNT in 11th grade Algebra II who didn't even know you existed...instead of those faces, put in your daughter's, your sisters, or your nieces. Because all of them are capable of making these same choices. Is this what you wish on THEM?

Stang, this isn't personal against you. It's your story. I am working on a story where absolutely WRETCHED horrible merciless things happen to a girl. It happens and you outline things which CAN happen. I can easily imagine my children falling into such a situation and I'm horrified at it.

I am addressing people who are HAPPY it happens.

If you want to delete this comment, I understand.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 10 years ago
What a farce

Not the story, it was pretty good. I think the punishment was overboard but then I guess I must be a wimp. At least based on the comments I am.

How can i not think she got what she deserved? I mean sure the girl was curious about a situation that her parents lived though. She was drugged and made the mistake of not realizing that the resulting feelings were not real. Yes, maybe she should have come forward and told him what happened after the first time. We see how well that would have worked in how he responded to her when she did come forward about the commune. So, she tries to find out what she wants, gets drugged, dragged deeper and finally asks him to come with and help figure it out with her. Was she blameless? No. But what step should she have done differently, other than not going to Carlo at all?

Clearly, five years of slavery and torture are letting her off easy. FD45 was right

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 10 years ago
Tsk Tsk

SS06, you kinda shook SD45's tree it seems. LOL! Good read, as usual. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I don't get FD45....

These closet cuckolds are the same guys who hung out in the library playing Magic:the gathering impressing the dorks while we were outside playing football to impress the girls.

Today, they hang out in their parents basement growing their neckbeards while I am hanging out with buds at the sports bar chasing women. Do you think any of them have seen live pussy?

Virgins until the end, their mommies told them they were special but their social awkwardness has kept all hot women far away. Ostracized, alone, insecure and full of hate and rage they gather here to find other losers like them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
LOL @ anon

I think you just described IronDork and most of the nerds who take these stories so serious, imaging themself as the cuck, LOL

Get over it nerds, you got cuckled, be a man and get up and move on you losers!

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 10 years ago
Read this earlier this week

It was different and it beats the shit out of all of the cuck crap that pollutes this hub. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nice change of pace.

A great change from the plethora of cuck stories seen lately. It is also very accurate and timely.

To the UnOriginalist. You are full shit. Ending a sentence with a preposition has ALWAYS been poor grammar. It should have been To whom will you run? But, since SS06 was quoting from a song, we will give him a pass.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

Great tale about choices. Summer made a choice of cheating on her husband to be. Ted made a choice to not marry her because she cheated. Was Summers life after Ted a little over the top punishment? Of course. Did Ted find the right girl pretty quick after Summer left and live happily ever after? Definitely. It's fiction. It was an excellent read. Five Stars

theFBReftheFBRefover 10 years ago
awesome just awesome

GREAT STORY! You show that sometimes the BBH or the B burns herself. In life some peoples stories work out and some don't. EVERY ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A BTB! Gives us all hope that we can comeback from the mistakes we make.

Keep up the great work.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 10 years ago
No Need

There was no need to burn the bitch in this story. She burned herself!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
queereye for the cuckeye

closet cuck or closet queer?

answer: both!

HcopHcopover 10 years ago
Stop spoiling your own stories

You have many interesting ideas, but for some reason I find myself unable to finish almost any story of yours, without a real effort. I guess there are some things you repeat in all your stories that really annoy me and spoil them for me. I tried to figure out what those are and I came up with a couple of them.

1) Unrealistic dialogues. You use verbs like "she (screamed)(screeched)(smirked)(hissed)(whined)" all the time, and often they are annoyingly and totally irrellevant and out of sync with the emotions that normally those dialogues should involve. Even the constant use of "he said" "she said" is unnecessary and disrupts the flow of the dialogue. Study some stories by the masters here in literotica and I think you will do much better.

2) Really stupid and naive females who don't understand even the most basic things. There is nothing more irritating than a conversation involving such a female and the verbs of point (1) I made before. I guess there are people like that, but you write as if they are half the female population in the world. The other half of course being the down to earth mustang-loving, angel-like women that wait in the shadows and swoop at the right time to give comfort and new marital bliss to the wronged, square headed, honest and loving husband.

As I said before you have a plethora of interesting ideas, you can be one of the rreats if you want to.

HcopHcopover 10 years ago


JounarJounarover 10 years ago


Dude, who are you bitching about?

The comments for this story are either liking it for being the usual well written and smart story that Stang seems to be able to knock out every week or the usual anon cucky racc muppet's hating on it.

FriendsDontLetFriendsDriveFordsFriendsDontLetFriendsDriveFordsover 10 years ago
Another Great One

I love all your stories even though I am a Camero guy myself. You are one of the best at making beliveable characters. Your plots are strong even if some of your situations are a bit over the top. Don't ever let the no name trolls get to you, the LW section would not be worth visiting without your weekly stories.

TornadoTysTornadoTysover 10 years ago
Another Good Read

Another good read with a moral under tone.

Personally I am a Aston Martin DB9 fan, and Audi R8, sorry

FD45FD45over 10 years ago

What is this story about? Is it about Ted? No. Once Ted bounces on Happy Tits, he's forgotten. Is it about Mellissa? Nope. She's Happy Tits: undeveloped character who is there for the unhappy ex to bounce onto.

So, this is five pages. One and a half even have Ted in it. What is this story about?

It is about a girl fucking the wrong guy, getting raped and losing her teeth for five years.

And people are clapping about this. It isn't about Ted's recovery. It isn't about finding happiness. It's about a girl just like your daughter fucking the wrong man and suffering FOREVER for it.

Like it if you will, but know what you are 'liking'.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
missing the point


I see where you are coming from but I completely disagree with your reasoning.

While this sad story was mostly about the bad choices that Summer made and Ted was only a supporting character, I do believe he was right to dump her and move on when she admitted to cheating on him and then tossed away their relationship. What happened to Summer after that was awful and way out of proportion for what she did and I did hope to see the first pimp and the other scumbags pay for what they did to her but at the end of the day, bad shit can happen to people who make bad choices.

Overall "Who Will You Run To" was well written and had the usual Stang sense of humor about it in places and that's why I liked it, not just because Summer was abused for years by scumbags.

So going by your logic I'm supposed to call Stang every name under the sun or rate this story a 1 all because bad shit happened to the main character. Sorry dude but that's just out of order and so bitching at people who liked the story because you seem to think they like it for the wrong reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sad story

SS very sad story, but a reminder of how vulnerable girls can be, especially when they make awful decisions. It was hard to read, because you really don't wish that experience on anyone. As always appreciate your writing and the consistent effort.

Thanks again.

DunaDunaover 10 years ago

It is a very good story. I like very much Ted and Mall help to heal up Summer................My taste story..........

DunaDunaover 10 years ago
I am sorry

I am sorry. I like Ted and Mel help to heal up Summer..........I am sorry

DunaDunaover 10 years ago

I do not understand the Anon haters, why do they insult others in Consequence and Revenge story comment part. One of chase the women (I hope he is batchelor and not a cheating bastard husband) in the bars (according to himself) and comes to a (good) fable story comment part to insult other. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. If he (the woman chasing Casanova, I hope he is not cheating bastard husband.) likes to read creampieeating cuckold stories??????????????? Does AFTER reading creampieeating cuckold stories get erection to chase women in the bars?

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 10 years ago

I've honestly tried not to notice the really troubling stuff in Stang's stories as I do enjoy some of them a lot, but this is honestly kind of sick. She dumps a guy she's dating in college and so she gets kidnapped, drugged, raped and basically has her whole life ruined and now all of Stang's fans cheer how she deserves it.

That is some really fucked up hatred towards women a lot of you guys seem to have. It's also pretty disgusting the way this completely misrepresents the way human trafficking works, it makes no sense for Mexican brothels to kidnap white women to keep as slaves there. Ninety nine times out of a hundred it's the other way around, white men looking the other way about Mexican women being kidnapped and raped here in the states. I know this is just a story on a smut site

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
only bigger fag than duna is jounar

wish these virgins who've never seen pussy would stop squealing about how much harm should be done to women simply because they'll never get laid - as if it was the fault of all women that they are dickless sissies real men laugh at and women ignore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Scary to a Grandfather

I have 2 grandsons & 4 granddaughters . It scares me more than anything if someone would drug and take advantage.



DunaDunaover 10 years ago
3rd group

@Anon There are 3rd groups, who does not read all stories, but they like revenge and consequence stories, as SS06's new story. I am curiouse if the owner of the Literotica divided the Loving Wives a sexual majority husband story hub and a cuckolding hub, you would read the sexual majority hub's stories or sexual minority (cuckolding) hub stories???????????

I am very curious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
3rd group

is Duna and the other closet homos on loan from Gay Male who could easily read stories about Swedish women with big tits lapdancing etc but instead find every cuckold story and moan and cry in the comments to unload their anxiety about liking gay and cuck stories.

Straight men go right to the sex part, rub one out, then go to the sports bar.

Conflicted and confused "men" register and make a nickname and spend inordinate amounts of time here so they can find others like themselves to commiserate with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
there is a category for you duna

several actually, erotic couples, non-erotic, etc.

this one has a description, not our fault you can't read.

(might explain why you can't write either...)

DunaDunaover 10 years ago
What is your first 20 stories from Loving Wives and I tell WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!

@ Anon who gets erection from cuckold story. I show you my favorit benchmarks from LOVIN WIVES hub. Could you showe your first 20 favorit stories from Loving wives hub? My first 20 are these stories:

The 20 best revenge stories on LIT are the nexts according to me:

1. Vulcez �How Are You?� which is a Romantic Revenge Story Hurricane, Typhoon, Gale, Cyclone, Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, Avelanch, which was steered by a 17 years old smart daughter to her cheating Mom!

2. FrancisMacomber �The Six O'clock News Slot� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with a TRUE friend who assisted his friend in the revenge and if you are the total winner usefull to be generouse to the loser!

3. Longhorn_07 �Fool Me Once� which is also a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with 2 allies a man and a woman who got married after the revenge. BTW do not wait fair human relation managemant if you cheat!

4. Itmgr2010 �Black & Tan Blues Ch. 04� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with assisting friends in the revenge. Do not wait fair human relation managemant if you cheat and if you are the total winner usefull to be generouse to the loser!

5. BeerMaker �Dawn: A Cheating Slut Wife� wich is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story where the betrayed husband�s assistents are his NO DNA TEST PROOF CHILDREN!

6. FrancisMacomber �The Honey Trap� wich is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story where the assistant is an escort girl with heart!

7. OldHideki � How Does it Feel to be a Cuckold?� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story, where everything will be up side down!

8. StangStar06 �Back on the Block Ch. 01� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with very humorouse twist at the end!

9. Papatoad �Telephone Blitz� which is succesful humorouse Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story, where the husband prevented the physical cheating and later the reconcilation is possible!

10. BigK10 �...And Stay There!� which is a Cruel Revenge Story where a friend assists other friend to avoid a marriage with a slut!

11. Harddaysknight �Not Guilty� which is the first at the most revenge story fans but according to me it is not among the first 10 best. Why, because there are dead people in the story!

12. Seurat �Homecoming Call� A Romantic Revenge Story on 1 page!

13. StangStar06 �Love is for Suckers� which is a Romantic revenge Story with LUCKY suckers! SS06 did not write them ANR so only 13th!

14. Cpete �Family Guy� which is a Romantic Revenge Story, where the exwife is burnt everyday!

15. Mitchfren �Bailing Out� which is a Modern Figaro Type and Cruel Revenge Mix Story and a British wrote!

16. Tony_Ford �Scales Of Justice� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story using the USA Constitution!

17. Sojoman �Revelation Blues Pt. 04� which is a Modern Figaro Type Revenge story and the serial cheater exwife got a serial cheater Second Chance Husband. The Author did not write Second Chance woman to the exhusband so instead of 7th the story is only 17th!

18. Likegoodwine �No Strings Attached� which is a Modern Figaro Type and Romantic Revenge Mix Story. It may be 100% true according to this North Caroline guy from the You Tube:

19. Cpe te �Blood from a Turnip� whose is a bacground story from lucksmith �Let the Punishment Fit the Crime� but Cpete�s story is more revenge story than lucksmith�s story is.

20. Azpiri �Shattered Ch. 03� which is Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with a fantastic Romantic Revenge situation at the end. Why is it among the best 20, because I like when David wins on Goliats! His weapon is IT!

WriteOnGuyWriteOnGuyover 10 years ago
Female Characters

This story is a bit better than your usual depiction of female characters - even though it was a bit heavy handed in the pointless torture of helpless females department. Maybe sometime you could write a story or two completely from the female perspective? And give a new meaning to BTB - as in 'Burn The Bastard,' who cheated on her. Wouldn't that be fun? Of course such a pussy character would have to drive a Ferrari or some other kind of, lesser than a Mustang, ego enhancement...right?

DunaDunaover 10 years ago
Yes he Did

@WriteOnGuy SS06 wrote Burnt The Bastard story.............However so method the winner BT Bastard ex wife meet a BTB exhusband.........

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Too long

who cared what happened to the girl?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Should be in Non-Erotic section!

Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.

DunaDunaover 10 years ago

@ Anon Before wedding extramarital fun belongs to LOVING WIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WRONG!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I liked it...

even though you posted it on DUNA's web site.

Thanks for writing, tom anon

oldwayneoldwayneover 10 years ago
One of the Mustang Man's better efforts, I thought.

Five Stars - since not all good stories are happy ones.

dapidapiover 10 years ago
About time you ventured out of the box

StangStar06 is one of these writers who has created a template that appeals to a group of hardcore believers. He's been happily putting out stories where the sole amount of effort requires him to only change a name, a fact or car colour every now and then.

And, then he sometimes gets off his ass and actually writes a story...

Stang, my question to you is why does it take you so long to get off your butt and actually write a story that's worth reading?

This one was good, your foray into writing a werewolf story was good, your Christmas thing on SOL was a good,little satirical romp, the story with Adam and Victoria and the one about the shaman with the pony car and the girlfriend who sunk the Edmund Fitzgerald. So, why don't you keep writing the good stuff and roundfile your boilerplate stories?

HardYakkaHardYakkaover 10 years ago
I actually like lot of SS06 work

very similar to HDK and I mean that in a good way [HDK is a very talented writer] but I didn't read quite a few of his stories because most stories had very similar ending so there really was no point. This one is different though and I liked it a lot. Thanks for the effort SS06. Your choice of car still sucks though ;)

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
Well she paid a verey dear price for a imple lack of judgement -

It could happen we see stuff on TV all the time these days about women forced into bad situations here and abroad - to lose that much of your life for a stupid choice is harsh -

That she was strong enough to survive and maybe even enjoy life is a credible story and interesting - the story is clearly all about her - and should have been - Ted and Melissa are simply bit parts for it - nicely done -

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The story started out well, but soon took a dive because StangStar06 likes to go over the top with his extreme revenge fantasy.

Not satisfied with having Summer making a very serious mistake, he turned her into a kind of leach with multitudes of flaws and a history of being a slut. Then later when Summer realized that she has made a mistake, she was sold to a sex slavery gang, which I assume lead to the complete ruination of her life, because that was when I stopped reading. Meanwhile the main character is the perfect gentleman, who has a job, who has a lot if female admirers, and who saved a damsel in distress that later chased after him to become his next fiance.

The story had a plausible premise of a girl making a terrible mistake like sometimes normal people do. Yes, probably that would end her relationship with her fiance, but that in itself can be a long and a decent story with the potential for regrets, redemption and maybe even forgiveness. Instead, she turns out to be a dehumanized monster who gets totally destroyed in every aspect of life, while the husband, or in this case the fiance, turns out to be a well to do, well liked, well married, and vindicated. In short the story became a ridiculously over the top nerdy revenge fantasy that can't be taken seriously outside the humor/satire category.

To be fair, StangStar06 writes well and some of his stories are quite good, especially the romantic ones. His BTB revenge fantasy stories are generally not so good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very poor effort.

By far one of the worst stories from this author.


InescuInescuabout 10 years ago
Over the top

Having Summer sold into sexual slavery was a bit over the top. I dislike the non-consensual stuff so much I just skipped through it, as distasteful as it was. It was well written with the usual quirks, just not my cup of tea.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 10 years ago

Fucking garbage. Author once had talent, but this rape apologist, victim blaming bull shit needs to stop. By far not the only one from him, but one of the worst. Should be removed like his fucking snuff porn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
paying the price

No one deserves the life Summer had to endure and I think the author went over the top in portraying it. Way too extreme IMHO

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Over The Top?

Maybe, but while not my cup of tea, that didn't particularly bother me.

One thing that DID bother me a bit was when she blamed everything on the drugs.

But she hadn't been drugged yet when she fucked Carlos the first time, or when she told Ted she wanted to "explore", or when she went back to Carlos after Ted put her out.

For that matter, once she came down from the drugs she wasn't impressed by Carlos, so what attracted her in the first place?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
An abject lesson in thinking through choices...

...and not being naive. Good story, but my god did she go through hell.

@KarenE Actually she didn't physically cheat until she was drugged. The first time she visited the "commune" she smoked the drugged weed. Up until that point she wasn't a very good mate and was at a place she shouldn't have been, but we'll never know if she would have banged Carlo without being drugged. Likely not though judging by the description of the man.

That said, she was obviously not in-love with Ted until she lost it all and realized what she'd had. It reminds me of the majority of women I meet these days. Their heads are so full of misconceptions, faulty logic, and outright lies being spread by society that they never know when they have it good, let alone how to keep it.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago

Sigh. I only read the few comments available to be seen and most are of the over the top kind. Why? The news may not focus on human trafficking much but it is easily researched. Human trafficking is all too real, and many of the victims have it worse than the woman in this story. For those who yell over the top may I suggest that you give a large donation to an anti human trafficking organization rather than trying to bury your head in the sand when it comes to the existence of true evil in the world.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketalmost 8 years ago

A rather dark and sad tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This is Sad but, who was the Victim?

Too bad nobody was able to see what was happening to her. Yes she as a pill about keeping other women away from her man. She knew he was worth the effort see how his character turned out. The bad guy got away with his punk low actions. Some of the commenters blame her for Carlos did to her. The sudden change in her attitude towards Ted should have been red flag. The writer failed to me by having her talk to Ted about dropping out of school and cheating like she was in right mind. The later show she was so stoned she didn't know what she was doing. She was so stoned she didn't know who she was having sex. Wow major error not letting the low life Carlos be blamed and lay the blame totally on Summer.

Even some people want to also her for being victimized at first by a crook and then by crooked law enforcers. Without addressing the drugging and rape issues Summer was allowed to be further victimized by her own family. This issue is not an easy as the writer in his imagination thought. A woman is drugged, raped, beaten, and sold into sex slavery, shipped out of the country, but it was all her fault because she knowingly did all that stuff to herself. Fix your attitude boys and girls see there is a bigger problem in this story and stop blaming the victim! Summer is the victim even if she didn't live up to everyone's expectations.

VapspegeoVapspegeoover 7 years ago
Sad story but, who's the victim

Summer's actions and demeanor shows she was drugged from the beginning. Why I thought she drugged, Summer was a snob then and Carlos was way below her standards as a man in many ways. He wanted her so he took her! He drugged her committing a crime. When the drugs wore off and she realized what happened to her she was sold and drugged som more. (Another crime) Let see drugged, sold, kidnapped and hidden away. Hey isn't that called human trafficking? Just think what the writer imagined to be something very bad happened to Summer, there are real people going through that forced sex trade and human trafficking kidnapping for real. Like the anonymous said wake up and see what's going on in the world.

Summer is the primary Victim in this story and the biggest loser. She not only lost her life and love but, her family too! If she possibly married Ted she may have turned into Maybe I'm to emotional about this and too deeply attached and putting life in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
nicely written

Excellent writing as usual.

The story was over all sad. Maybe if it had more of her cheating before hand?

Sounded like she was drugged away.

But after that, the story was very sad.

Slavery, rape, a bit of stockholm syndrome, just, sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
very sad

We all make stupid choices in life. Some of them we just paid more for

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Too evil

I didn't like this. She was raped, then kidnapped and raped and tortured for years.

Carlos just got away with it?

Didn't like this one at all.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meabout 7 years ago
Loved virtually all your others...

But this one is not very appealing. Sorry.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

cautionary tale for females and males. An obvious message for females. For guys don't fall in love with a girl with hippie tendencies unless you are a hippie. Don't fall in love with a girl more sexually experienced than you. Etc

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wow, Schwanze1!

So judgmental!

To counter your sage advice, I offer my personal history:

#1) I was at the Woodstock festival. The one in 1969.

#2) I had been with two men before I met my husband, who was a virgin.

#3) We have been happily married for forty-eight years. Neither of us has ever cheated. We still have a very active sex life and can't keep our hands off each other the rest of the time.

As with Summer's parents, it's not what you have experienced in life, but what you make of those experiences that makes for a successful life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Poorly plotted

StangStar06 has a tendency to overdo it with his Slut POV storytelling and this is probably the worst example of it simply because it really went far beyond what was deserved. He seems to forget, or simply just doesn't care, that when one writes in first person the reader is meant to view things from the narrator's perspective; to empathize with, root for, and experience things along with them. In most of his stories when he writes from the Slut's POV the reader is aware they shouldn't empathize with her because it's been pre-determined she's A. delusional, B. stupidly promiscuous, C. arrogant, or D. all of the above. That wasn't really the case in this story since Summer was drugged and essentially tricked into her circumstances.

What followed was a pretty distasteful tale of a woman's several year spanning life of repeated rape, abuse, drugging, and torture. Why, exactly, StangStar06 thinks one would want to read about this is beyond me. The punishment this poor young woman received was so far beyond what she deserved for the mistake of allowing herself to be drugged and lured away from her fiance that it makes me almost believe StangStar06 gets off on torture.

I MAY have been able to accept it all if two things had happened. First, that the descriptions of her ordeal hadn't been three quarters of the whole damned story. Did we really need to know the fine details of her life as a forced prostitute? Couldn't have just summed up the experience for us? Yet another fact that makes me think StangStar06 likes this kind of fare. Second was that poor Summer would have gotten some kind of redemption and the promise of a new, GOOD life after all she'd been through. What, being friends with her lost love and going through the torment of babysitting his kids when it's likely she'll never be able to have any is repayment for her pain? Having "plenty of friends" and dating "a bit" while working an OK job and living on her own in an apartment makes it worth what she'd been through? No, life isn't always a fairy tale ending but after having to slog through pages of her being a whore and becoming a physical wreck you'd think there'd be something redeeming at the end to make up for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I love this story

Incredibly well written and entirely authentic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The Expression.....

...... Careful what you wish for !!!!

In this case, worst Hellish Nightmare!!!

Damn good story !!!!!

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

She got the Karma she deserved!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

She got what she deserved? To be repeatedly raped? Are you for fucking real?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not Enough Payback.....

and explanation of what happened to the hippie pimp that started the whole thing. He committed the crime, the drugging, the rape, the assault and the sale of a human being. The Mexican whore master also deserves punishment. It would appear both got off completely unharmed.

anythinganalanythinganalalmost 3 years ago

A tad heavy in the middle section, and the bastard we go sold her got off without any pain, but a decent story overall.

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