Witches of Lust Ch. 05


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"Oh shit, that's the catch," I said, as we headed to the exit of the locker room. "Her fee is going to be outrageous. Hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars."

"We'll get you to a doctor, afterwards," Irina laughed gaily as she turned my own words on me. "Seriously, Cheryl looks comfortable alright but she can't afford that."

"I know, but half of these Instagram babes are just hookers! What if she--"

"She's not!"

"--taking us out of the gym so that she can charge us her special service price! What if she's got a pimp?!"

"Oh my fucking God Jeanie, pull yourself together! She can have ten pimps, we've got Denny so don't worry!"

"Denny?" I thought about the boy, actually he was all man. He had a sinewy chest and a no nonsense demeanor, I thought, even if he had been strangely non-conversant that one time we met. I would soon find out his true nature.

"Trust me, she's not like that. Even if she was, she wouldn't pull that with us girls! You're just getting cold feet." She folded her arms and gave me this impatient look.

"Okay, that makes a lot of sense, but--"

"Did you see the way she was looking at you? She wants you! She wants me too! That's why she invited us. Now that she's invited us over, it's mission accomplished. You know how many guys have crashed and burned just to get where you are now? For fucks sake girl, act like you have a pair!"

"I do," I whispered. "They're huge."

Just then we passed a few people very close by, we had not realized they were there on the other side of a passageway, catching a drink at the water fountains.

"Fuck, let's at least be discreet," I whispered, hoping no one had heard that much of what we had been saying. "Besides, she doesn't even know!"

"What, about that?" Irina said, gesturing toward my pelvis. "Remember the plan? Leave that to me. You just hang back and watch. If she doesn't jump all over you, rest assured I will when the time comes."

Karina was standing by her car, a silver Lexus. We offered to follow her and jumped into Irina's Mini. We hung a left onto the main road and soon took a left turn into the neighborhood just east of Morgana's place. We were literally blocks away from Morgana's, which was good to know.

Like most houses in the neighborhood, Karina's place was new and rather luxurious. We pulled up behind Karina's Lexus in her driveway. An automatic garage door opened and Karina parked inside, but Irina cut the engine at that point and got out. There was another car stopped at the curb, and a young man was behind it, hauling a massage table out of the trunk. It was in a big canvas case with oversized carrying handles and a big padded shoulder strap. When we stepped out of our cars and began heading towards the front door, he strolled purposefully up the driveway, as if to show that he was completely unencumbered by the huge object hanging from his shoulder.

Karina came out and thanked the man, and sent him on his way. Lifting the table by the shoulder strap, she led us inside the garage and through a door that opened into her kitchen.

The house was immaculate, except for a pile of clothes in a laundry basket by the far wall. It was decorated with traditional southwestern charm. There was a grandfather clock, and an ornate crucifix hung by the foyer. Stairs led up to a landing from there. The living room was to the right of the stairs, it was warmly lit and adjoined the dining room, which had a modest table for six. The dining room and kitchen were separated by a counter with three bar stools. I could make out the stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, although the lights there were still turned off.

"Well, this is my place! What do you think?" Karina said with a flourish.

"Oh my God Ms. Albertson! We're so in awe!" Irina said. "It's so impressive, wow! Your husband must be rich!"

"Oh, I'm not married. I have been doing well lately, I guess it's finally paying off. I only bought this place a few months ago."

"You own this house?!" We were both surprised.

"My gig at the gym pays well, and I have been hustling for endorsements," Karina said. "A little inheritance helped too," she shrugged.

"By the way, how much does a massage cost? We're totally good for it, by the way, just name your price." Irina flourished her designer shoulder bag.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Anything that happens at the house, is on the house. I insist, and since when am I Ms. Albertson? Are you girls trying to make me feel old? My friends call me Kari, how's that sound?"

We looked at each other, then back at her. "It sounds wonderful!"

"Okay, now let's get you ready for a massage. I'm just going to set this table up over here, and I'll use the upstairs showers because I've been at the gym all day and I can't wait to wash it off. You can use the shower down the hall," she indicated a passageway past the kitchen. "Um, I have spare bath robes somewhere but they might still be in boxes. You can just get dressed afterwards or put on a towel. You're both over eighteen right?"

"I'm still eighteen, but I'll be nineteen in February," Irina said. "Jeanie over here is twenty."

Kari rolled her eyes, as though she felt a little disappointed at just how young we were, or perhaps she was worried that she would later feel guilty for robbing the cradle, even if it was legal.

"Whew, at least you're of age. Otherwise we'd need a parent or guardian here, and I haven't the time for the hassle, to be honest. I'm not very clear on the letter of the law but it could get fuzzy with minors and massages."

"We understand," I said.

"How old are you?" Irina asked. "You look pretty young to me."

"I'm twenty-nine." We were both surprised at that, given how young she looked. After showering her with praise, she showed us to the bathroom.

As soon as Irina stripped, I got hard. Even though I was a little apprehensive about being in a stranger's house, and planned to reveal my newly grown organ to someone who might scream with revulsion or just freak out, I just could not stay flaccid with Irina naked and showering before me.

"Is this really happening, Iri?" I asked her.

"This is the plan, babe. Do you still want to fuck her?"

The answer was yes all the way, but I just couldn't say it. Anyone with an ounce of appreciation for the female form would be all over Karina, given the chance. I didn't want to make Irina jealous needlessly though.

"I take it by your silence that you can't wait to nail her while she's face down, ass up, crying out your name," Irina continued. "Don't be ashamed of it. I know we're a couple now, and that I'm yours. Tell me that you're mine, too."

"I'm yours, blondie."

"Good. Good. Now, we can be honest about other things, because I don't have to worry about you not being mine. Do you want her? Of course you do. I just want you to hear you say it." As she showered, she caressed her plump breasts and even pinched her nipples. "Mm, admit it, you want to fuck her raw."

"Like you said, yes, but this isn't just a favor to me, is it?"

"Jeanie! Did yousee that girl? You think I would hesitate for one second?"

"You wouldn't," I agreed.

"Any day of the week!"

"Maybe you should have invited her into the coven instead of me."

"Now Jeanie, don't be jealous. It doesn't become you, and besides it would be too easy to make fun of you, Jealous Jeanie. As I was about to say, I hope I get to watch you pound her good and hard. Your turn."

Irina was done rinsing off and she grabbed the towel I handed her. I stepped under the luxurious showerhead as soon as she made room. Soaping down my body, I couldn't help but give my cock a few strokes while cleaning it, and I took extra time to make sure I was well scrubbed around my glans and foreskin. At least there weren't any pubes to worry about.

Cleaning my cock while erect was fun and I decided it would be the best way to clean it from then on. I also was surprised at just how girthy I was. I put it down to my imagination or just forgetting how hung I had been to begin with, but no matter how I tried, I could not touch my fingers to thumb while encircling it. I also worried at my length. I needed a ruler to be sure, but it actually seemed longer. I shut off the faucet and Irina handed me a towel.

"Look at that cock," Irina marveled. "So big and hard, yet pink and hairless and feminine."

"I could swear it grew longer and thicker," I said.

"Maybe! Who knows, probably just hornier right now, you horndog you."

I shrugged and nodded, then let out a deep sigh.

"I wonder what she's thinking," I said.

"Simple, Irina said. She was putting her clothes on -- yoga pants and an off-white fitted turtleneck. "She wants to sleep with us, but she hasn't committed yet. She wants to know if we're more than just ditzy disease-carrying sluts. She's probably going to want to chat with us a while, feel out our personalities. Act natural, and we'll be fine."

I couldn't disagree. Irina's smart outfit was the perfect blend of comfy and sexy, covering her without concealing her figure. In fact, the sight of her fully dressed affected me so much that I was forced to get dressed while I was still fully erect. I stuffed my junk into a tight pair of jeans, and threw on a t-shirt that covered my hips.

It did little to conceal the obscenely oversized bulge in my crotch. I tried to will my cock to go soft, but it stayed firm, at least for the moment. I found that being dressed helped me calm down, while my nervousness over possibly getting rejected Karina also seemed to help me soften. "Jeez, how do guys deal with this?" I asked. "It's got a mind of its own."

"That's what they always say," she grinned. Presently, my negative thoughts and apprehension succeeded in beating back my throbbing arousal.

"Okay, let's go," I said.

We came back into the living room together to find the lights had been dimmed. The massage table had been set up, and there was the distinct aroma of essential oils in the air. Karina was dressed in a t-shirt and hot pants.

"Can I get you girls anything to drink? Tea perhaps?"

"Um, no thanks," I said. Among other things, Karina had a diet tea sponsor which I had researched, and I didn't want to go near it.

"How about wine?" she asked.

"Sure!" Irina said. "See I told you!" she whispered to me.

We sat on the sofa and chatted, agreeing that it was best to wait for the massage until we had given the wine some time to settle. She also offered snacks since none of us had dinner, mainly carrots and celery, and grilled chicken. We sipped our flutes and ate together at the dining table, while chatting about fitness and cardio. We had a wide ranging and fun time with that, and I could tell that Kari was both intelligent and driven.

After eating, we retired to the living room. Kari turned on the automatic fireplace, and we sprawled out on the sectional sofa. Kari started to ask us questions about ourselves and what we were doing, what we planned to do. We had only offered vague notions of what we were doing in terms of Instagram. Had Kari looked, she would have seen Irina's link to her porn site. We were surprised she hadn't seen it already, but we weren't using our phones this evening. Still, she would eventually find out the truth. I also had my penis to divulge, and there would be no avoiding it.

We had agreed that once Kari seemed affable and trusting with us, we would be able to reveal our secrets. The night could not have gone any better so far, so it certainly seemed like the time. Irina jumped in with both feet.

"There are some things that we've been meaning to tell you, and they aren't the sort of things we'd normally share with strangers, but I've been doing some adult videos with my girlfriends for a while. I'm not sure if I will continue now that I've got Jeanie here in my life, but anything is possible."

"Whoa, wow!" Karina said, struggling to strike the right balance of shock and coolness. "That's pretty risky for someone your age, there's a lot of pitfalls! I should know, a lot of my friends tried it. Err, acquaintances really. How is it going for you?"

"Well, I just started out, and I'm trying to keep independent. I get to choose who I work with, and I'm careful about that. Besides, I get tested all the time and I'm clean as a whistle. So it's easy money, right?"

"Yeah, and some studios can be complete fuckwads," Karina griped. "There's a video of me out there somewhere. I've asked the studio to delete it but who knows."

"You did porn once?" I asked, incredulously.

"One time, one scene. It was awful, the cameraman was just some idiot, there was no script and I felt like I was getting trampled emotionally the entire time. This guy did actually step on my hand once though. I was told that if I backed out I'd get nothing, and I was just trying to make it, uh, you know. I was proud, wanted to show my stuff. I had no idea how big them fuckers were gonna be too! It was terrible, but that experience made me turn my life around."

Oh shit, she doesn't like big dicks. This is bad. I wish I wasn't so damn hung! Iri, what now?!

"Well, good on you! You're doing so well, I wish I had a body like yours to show off. As for Jeanie, man it would be hot if she would, but I think it's best if she stays clear."

"Oh, certainly. You shouldn't be anywhere near porn, you're far too pretty. The name Jeanie is hardly fitting for your beauty, wouldn't you say Irina?"

"Hells yeah."

"Thank you," I said, my heart aflutter. Her praise just lifted my spirits so high, I forgot to worry about the size of my dick anymore, and I was back in the moment. "It seems so surreal for someone as breathtaking as you to say that to me, but um, don't stop." I bit my lower lip and my eyes locked with her gaze.

"You're so right, Karina, you don't even know how right you are," Irina said. "I don't know if Jeanie feels like telling you her story yet, but maybe now would be as good a time as any."

"Oh?" Karina turned to me, and I must have turned six shades of red. That was my cue, but I was momentarily unable to speak, and Irina carried on for me.

"Well, we want to tell you, but first you have to understand that this is in strict confidence. Jeanie is very private about her sexuality. Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course, that's understood," Karina replied. "So what is it? Or would you rather not say?"

"Well, the thing is, I always grew up feeling like I was different than other girls. My clit was more of a penis, actually, and I kept wishing it were big enough to count as one. It was so little, but I went on hormone therapy, and it took years but I've really filled out down there, you could say I've got a fully formed penis as well as a vagina."

"What? Is that even possible?" Kari asked, trying to remain cool.

"You can see for yourself," Irina replied. "Testicles too."

"It really made having a romance impossible for me, constant fear of rejection, and self-esteem issues," I lied. Not sure if I was following the script properly, I looked to Irina.

"She was a lonely wallflower, until lucky me loved her for who she was, not what she was" Irina just set out a happy sigh. "I just love it, but I'm weird. It's very unusual."

"This world is still very slow to accept people like me."

"Oh, absolutely," Karina agreed. "I'm not one of those people who would judge you though. I think it's so cool that you're like that, actually it's amazing! I mean, it makes sense though. There's hormone therapy, hermaphrodites, penis enlargement. I won't judge your, uh, thing. If it's big enough for you now, the better for both of you."

"They definitely got amazing results, incredible results!" Irina said. "She just breaks me off every time. It's wonderful, virile, and um, tasty! Thank goodness she hasn't knocked me up yet!"

"You mean--"

"The doctors said I make viable sperm," I lied. "Pretty decent sperm count too."

"Anyway, we know it's just a massage, but even so you might have noticed, um, her thing and it could have startled you. We thought you'd want to know ahead of time, that way we could explain it."

Karina nodded firmly the entire time Irina had been talking. "Believe me, I think only more highly of you two after sharing this."

At that point, it was clear that she was willing to believe our bullshit story. Irina settled back against me and we continued to pay attention to Kari talking. Now and then, we turned to each other only briefly for a dry kiss on the lips. Suddenly I found my jeans getting very tight.

"I wouldn't want to judge anyone in your position, and I've heard some hermaphrodites struggle with being put in a binary gender category, though thankfully those attitudes are changing, I guess. You don't quite strike me as the type, though, so it came as a surprise."

"Oh?" I asked. Irina was trying to kiss my neck, and I was doing a poor job of fighting her off.

"Oh I'm sorry dears, it looks like the wine is really getting to your friend," Karina said. She squirmed, clamping her thighs together. "Oh god, is it already seven o'clock? Are your parents expecting you home?"

"Don't worry, we don't have to be home yet. We're living on our own. You don't mind that it's getting this late?"

"Me? Mind?" Karina laughed despite herself. "We've only just gotten started. I haven't even gotten to your massages yet."

"Oh, we're sorry to take up so much of your evening," Irina said. "Honestly though, you've already been more than kind, and we wouldn't want to impose. Maybe we should just take a rain check."

"Nonsense!" Karina snorted. "I think we're ready for massages. You need them or you'll be sorry. In fact, it shouldn't take long at all. Maybe we should get started." She stood up, and moved around to the back of the sectional. Soon after she passed, the unmistakable aroma of wet pussy wafted past our faces.

"Me first!" Irina giggled, pulling away from me and jumping to her feet. She skipped over to the massage table and climbed on, making sure to point her ass at Karina as she did so. Karina watched Irina's every sexy move, and my heart began to race as I watched them both. They were clearly into each other! I felt a little jealous, but that was nothing compared to the elation that I felt thinking that Irina might be about to seduce Karina without even using magic. It was heady stuff, believe me, and I was happy for my friend.

Once Irina was laying face down on the table with her face through the padded headrest, Kari began massaging her shoulders and upper back. She worked on the deltoids and triceps. When she moved on to forearms, Irina asked if forearms were necessary.

"Any exercise where you are gripping weights will work your forearms," Karina explained.

"It feels really good, but we mostly used machines. We did a lot of leg work."

"Oh, I'll get your lower back and legs next," Karina said, finishing up Irina's forearms quickly.

Irina moaned as Karina worked her strong hands over her lower back. "I don't know the name of the machine I was on, but I just know my butt is going to be sore," the blonde pouted. "Could you please pay special attention to me back there?"

Karina moved in with both hands, eliciting moans from Irina from every squeeze and caress. Hearing the sexy moans of encouragement, the fitness model continued kneading the blonde's buns and working the flesh deeply. After a few moments, Kari began to move further down.

"Wait," Irina said. "This doesn't feel right. Why are you massaging me through my clothes? Shouldn't I just wear a towel?"

Karina just stood there and I could have sworn I heard her let out a low, almost silent moan. Finally, she responded in a sultry voice, "That's up to you."

"Oh, too nice! Too awesome!" Irina enthused.

The scent of essential oils was everpresent, but not enough to mask the musk of our wet pussies. We were all getting so damn aroused I didn't know how much longer I could take it. Karina had to know what we wanted, and she had to want it too. We were all getting off on the fact that we were all pretending that the massage was still innocent, even as Irina stripped down and wagged her bare ass at Karina enticingly.