You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 06


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Then, he stopped.

He zoomed back and confronted me, calling me out on my bullshit. After all the tension between us, this was bound to happen. I let him get it all out of his system, and he deserved to yell at me a bit. But then, he did something I didn't expect. He said something no guy had said to me before.

He told me no.

He drove away then, claiming he was moving on from me, that I wasn't worth the trouble. I knew it was over. The game was over. Tom ended it, put a stop to it from his end, and it was my responsibility to do the same. I knew that.

But honestly, who was he to end this?

I was the one in control here. I was running this show, driving this car. I was the game master. I was his mother. He's not in charge. No one said no to me. I couldn't get over it. I had never been rejected. I had always had the power. No guy ever turned me away. But here he was, walking away, moving on.

This ate away at me for a while. Had I lost the game we were playing? Tom took the mature approach, walking away before the game took control of him, something I wasn't able to do at that age. And now, my son was gone, and with Jay gone all the time, I couldn't help but realize how boring things were without Tom around. Playing with him was a lot of fun, more fun than I had had in years. I respected Tom's wishes and kept my distance, but part of me couldn't wait to get him back home and maybe pick up where we started. Because there was no way he was totally over me. Not possible.

But then, he brought that girl home. Uh-uh! That cocky little shit comes home and parades her around me. What's her name, Carmen? Ughh. How dare he? He says he doesn't want to play anymore, but I call bullshit. That was a move. You don't parade a girl around an old crush who rejected you without knowing exactly what was really going on. He was still playing, despite claiming otherwise, so proud of his new girl. He wouldn't have been so proud of his cute, older girlfriend if he wasn't trying to rub it in my face. Cocky little shit. If he wants to play rough, we could play rough. And the thing was, she was nothing compared to me. She was a poor man's version of me, a runner-up prize when you can't get the real thing. And then he puts a ring on her finger?! What? He barely knew her! The only explanation was he was trying to prove a point, either to me or to himself. That was the only explanation, because I had her beat in every way.

She was cute, but I was stunning. Her hair was nice, but mine was gorgeous. Her skin was pale, mine was sexy and tan. She had ten or fifteen extra pounds, I was lithe and firm and hot. Her breasts were meager DD's. I had mammoth FF tits. Her ass was decently round, but mine was rounder, juicier, and more heart shaped. Her legs were nice, but mine were longer and firmer. I had my son's girlfriend beat in every way and if he thought otherwise, he was kidding himself.

I did not like her. At all. My son was capable of better that that. The more I thought about her, the uglier I realized she was. I had to play nice and hang out with her. The girl was so transparent in trying to get my approval. Ha! The superior woman does not beg for approval from another. I mean, he knows he's downgrading with her, right? Compared to me, she is straight up ugly. He wanted me, not her. I am not the type of woman who walks away defeated. No, I am a winner. I do not lose to an uggo, an out-of-shape, downer of a girl. A young, stupid, pathetically jealous little girl. She is the loser. I am the conqueror. And I would make him realize that.

I made sure to have her know it. I made it a point to parade myself around her, show off my body, make sure she knew her boyfriend's mother was her superior. Made sure she knew I had bigger tits, a better ass, a prettier face, better hair. I had it all, and she had nothing! Besides that, the girl was such a little downer. She talked shit about everyone, when in fact she was worse than the people she made fun of. She was a dumb little know-it-all who deserved to be treated like the pathetic little cunt she was. Plus, she dressed like a slob, acted all sarcastic and snarky. Uh. Gag me. I hate girls like that, yet my son apparently loves her! Bullshit. Tom loves women like me. He doesn't truly want a dumb little girl like her. He's lying to himself. He wants a real woman. A hot fucking babe, not a sad, chubby little fucking bitch. Tom wanted me, not her. Tom wanted me more than her. I knew that for sure.

I hope he enjoyed the gift I left him. I had discovered that camera the day after chugging his cum, and once I figured out how it worked, I saved it, knowing I had a secret weapon. And it was a weapon. He might act like he was over me, but no way he still thought that after seeing what that camera held.

I thought I was over it too, done with the game, but no way. I was back. My competitive side was back in full bloom. He had unleashed a monster here. Saying 'no' was the worst thing he could have done. My son was in my cross hairs now. I would break him down until I made him beg, until he knew that I owned him completely and I would be the only woman he would ever want. I wanted him to admit I win, that he could never handle me. He fought back against me, now I would crush him. That arrogant prick thinks he can show off his new girl in front of me? That doesn't happen to me! I'm always the girl on the guy's arm.

It didn't matter that he was my son. We were rivals now. Competitors. He wanted to act like an adult. Well, it was time to play adult games. The game of seduction and sex. Tom was my greatest challenge yet. I had created a man more capable than any other I had ever come across. He could play like no other. It was in his blood. I realize now the only way I could find a rival worthy of a challenge was to create him myself. Give birth to him. He was using his genetic talents against the one who granted them to him. But you can't beat the real thing.

I'm tired of beating around the bush in life. Being humble. I'm fucking perfect! I'm any guy's wet dream. And I am fucking dirtier than the nastiest of sluts. I mean, I chugged my son's cum without a second thought! My body was a work of art. A brick shithouse of a body. A perfect, mature slut, with massive, perky FF's. You don't say no to this body.

The Tanya McGee I had spent years creating was now gone. The evil, depraved slut from my younger years was back. Tom wanted to unleash my inner slut... well he was about to get it. He had unleashed the full power of his slut mom. A newly evolved form, the final evolution, combining the slutty ambition of my younger years, with the discipline and control I had learned through my maturity. And when he saw what I was capable of, he would never be able to handle it. No fucking way.

He wanted to play. Let's play. I wouldn't be fazed. Not anymore. He had landed some haymakers on me, but I had some tricks in my book. Nothing was off-limits anymore. Nothing! I was ready to take this as far as I needed to. I planned to break my son. To conquer him like I had conquered so many before. I had underestimated him for too long, but no longer. I was ready to do whatever it took to conquer him. Whatever... it... took.

This wasn't simple jealousy on my part. I wouldn't act in a manner that childish. No, it was more than that. Doing what he did, parading that... girl... in front of me, if you could even call her a girl, that was an act of aggression. And I would respond tenfold. If he thought I took things too far before, wait till he sees what I do this time.

Me and my son were playing chicken. We had had to find out which one of us would blink first. But it would never reach that point, and it was that fact that freed me from any guilt. He was a lot more capable than I ever expected, but I don't think he has the nerve to follow through with it. The guts to do what is necessary. I was a force that he had never encountered before. It was easy for him to talk tough, but when confronted with reality, that was a whole different matter altogether. He had matured greatly and grown more confident and skillful. He had 'moved on.' Bullshit! At the sight of his mother's naked body, all of those façades would crumble away. They would have to. He would revert to that nervous, stammering state I had him in before. And he would see my naked body, that much was certain now. Oh, he would see me naked. My son would see his mother's naked body, a sight no son should be allowed to see. He would see my long, bare legs. My clean, bare cunt. My round, heart shaped, succulent ass. And, of course, my mammoth, juicy tits. My son would see my rock hard nipples in the flesh, and when he did, he would crumble. But that would be in due time. My body gave me my power over him, as it would for any hot bodied mother. And when he did finally see it, he would fall to his knees, unable to control himself, conquered, begging for me, and in that moment, he would know why he could never have me. That he was not man enough to step up and take what could be his. And because of that, he would know that I owned him completely. I had the guts to take this all the way. My son did not. My pussy and my son's cock were now on a collision course. And when, or if, we reached that point was now entirely up to him, and how much he could handle.

And if neither of us pulled away from our collision course, then I'm sure our collision would be a rough one. It would be rough. And hot. And sweaty.

My eyes opened, and I exhaled calmly. My mind was focused. My aim was true.

I knew exactly what I had to do.



I was terrified of my wife.

I mean, I still love her, obviously. She had been nothing but a great wife to me and a great mother to our son. But that didn't change the fact that I was completely intimidated by her. I like to think I wear the pants in the relationship, but when she puts her foot down and sets her mind to something, there is no stopping her.

The most intimidating thing about her was her looks. My wife was fucking gorgeous and she still had a body porn stars would envy. Every one of my friends clearly envied me and would kid me about how lucky I was. Every time we would go out, I would watch men eyeing her up with lust, and women eyeing her with envy. I got used to the impressed nods I would get from men, thinking I must have some mighty tricks up my sleeve to land a catch like her. But they had no idea. They had no clue what it was like being married to someone as unbelievably sexy as her.

I just shake my head when I see other guys size her up. It's not that I felt threatened or anything like that. It was just... they had no idea what she was capable of. My wife was talented at most things she put her mind to, but her greatest talents lied in the bedroom. Tanya was insatiable. She just kept going... and going... and going. She didn't stop. I couldn't keep up with her. I mean, at first, it wounded my manly pride not to be able to match up with her, but I quickly realized the talents Tanya displayed were not normal. It was like trying to run a marathon, and she was sprinting the whole way and not getting winded in the least. I couldn't keep up with her, but I soon realized it would be impossible for anyone to keep up with her. She never said or did anything that gave away any indication she was left unsatisfied, but every so often, I could sense the disappointment behind her eyes or in her words of encouragement. We eventually came to an unspoken, tacit agreement that she would take it easy on me and not ask me to keep up with her insatiable lust. This essentially meant we had vigorous sex less often. And honestly, that was a relief.

Tanya's talents were incredible, and her body was indescribable, most men would kill to be in my spot. But they didn't know what she could do. What she needed for relief. There's the saying, 'I'll show you a beautiful woman, and then I'll show you a guy who doesn't want to have sex with her.' That was the case in my book. Not that the sex wasn't good. Far from it. It was too good. But having this goddess in my bed and not being able to satisfy her was a reminder that I was not enough for my wife.

Most men would call me a fool for being on the road so much, leaving that hot piece of ass alone and unsatisfied. But being away freed me from the responsibility of having to have sex with her. But those guys were right. I knew I was tempting fate leaving her alone. A large part of me was terrified that I would come home one day to find her getting railed by some super-stud, giving her the relief she so desperately needed. Luckily, that had never happened. To my knowledge, she had been a totally loyal wife. But that nagging part of me never quite went away.

Then again, she probably deserved to cheat. She probably deserved to get the pleasure she needed to get. I often wondered if being married to this goddess, having a wife so unspeakably sexy, yet not being able to give her what she clearly needed, was a penalty. A punishment. Karmic justice for the sins I committed.

I guess I should back up. When I met Tanya, I was just a run of the mill, normal guy. I was decently attractive, not a super-stud or anything like that. I always resented that type of guy. I was not the type to be obsessed with girls or cars or anything like that. I came from a good family, with a decent level of wealth, but I had to work hard in school to get where I wanted in life. I resented those people that had it easy and didn't have to put in the work I did. People who rode their family's success and never earned success on their own merits. People who took it easy every day of their lives.

I wasn't that type of guy. I had my first job at 16 and worked as often as I could from that point on. I saved up for school and any luxuries I allowed myself to have. I didn't have a nice car or the best stuff, but when the time came and my peers would be struggling with debt, I would be free and clear.

My friends told me I had to loosen up. I was so focused on working hard and saving up and being responsible that I had forgotten to go to parties, have fun, and be a stupid kid. I wasn't unpopular by any means. I had had a few girlfriends, more the smart bookish type than the party girls. I was on the football team and had quite a few friends. It was just that some of the stuff my high school peers were interested in didn't appeal to me in the least. It was only during the graduation of high school, when I saw everyone so happy, sharing stories of the adventures they had, it was only then that I truly felt I had missed out on something. So, when I set off to college, I vowed to loosed up and enjoy the experience, to allow myself to be a dumb and irresponsible college kid.

It was the biggest regret I ever had.

I still remember the first time I saw Tanya. She was a bit of a star at school. Everyone knew who she was, and seeing her on campus felt like an event. I had a class with her, and when I saw her there, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I saw the same look on other guys' faces, staring in awe of this goddess. It was like, is this girl real? Could someone be this gorgeous?

We dealt with each other a bit in class. As a person, she was great. Nothing but nice and friendly, but it was clear we ran in different social circles. She was a party girl. I was a student. I had loosened up a bit, allowed myself to party, get drunk and have fun, but I was still relatively the same bookish guy. I hadn't really done something too crazy or stupid yet. The opportunity had never come along, and I was too responsible to actively try to do something really reckless.

Then I saw Tanya at a party. I kept my eyes on her, and saw her chatting with multiple guys and it was clear none were to her liking. When she retrieved a drink, I caught her eyes and smiled warmly. She returned the smile and we began to chat.

I slow played my hand. I talked to her knowingly, aware that she was not having the best time. I talked to her in a way none of the other guys did. I talked to her as if I was not looking to have sex with her. Which, you know, I kinda was. I mean, I'm not typically the type for one night stands and stuff like that. I was more looking for a girlfriend than a fling. But when you have Tanya within reach, you throw out your rules. You could be the nicest guy in the world, a guy who donates to charity, helps the underprivileged, and treats women not as objects but as equals. But one glimpse at her and you want to squeeze her huge fucking tits hard and fuck her as hard as you could. Me and Tanya were very different, but I knew I had to give it a shot. It was college. Why not?

And whatever I did worked! Maybe I was her last resort, or maybe I did charm her, but we ended up upstairs, furiously making out. I quickly realized she was willing to go all the way, and I just went with it. I had to control myself and resist losing control, and even then I almost came when I saw her naked body for the first time. But I couldn't slow down. I couldn't blow this opportunity.

Within moments, I was driving myself into her. I was responsible enough to wear a condom, but even with that slightly muffled pleasure the condom was causing, I realized I wouldn't last long. Her pussy was indescribably good. It could probably make a lesser guy cum in five seconds flat. I held out the best I could, but it was a losing battle.

I could tell she was enjoying herself, which filled me with pride that I could pleasure such a goddess. As I drove into her, I sensed she was close to cumming. Looking back, I'm guessing she was really horny that night and probably any decent dick would have gotten the job done. Obviously, we've had sex many times since, and I rarely saw her experience the pleasure she did that night. Sure, I had given her small orgasms quite a few times, but I never really made her scream in pleasure. Tanya was a bit of a screamer in bed, but in our time together, whenever she screamed out, it was if she was trying to talk herself into the pleasure, talk herself into cumming. She never really lost control. She was simulating the sex she wanted, the sex I eventually realized I could never give her. She could talk the talk, but I couldn't walk the walk.

But anyways, back to our first night together, as I drove into her, and I realized she was close to cumming, I drove into her harder. I was getting close too, and it was then that I felt a new sensation. I was feeling her tight, wet pussy against the flesh of my turgid dick. And in that moment, I realized the condom tore. I kept driving into her, not knowing what to do.

These few moments were moments I had looked back to almost every day. Tanya was so close to cumming, as was I. Stopping would ruin the moment. And at that moment, her pussy wasn't letting me think straight. At that moment, I did something stupid. I let myself be irresponsible. It felt like the right decision at the time. I just... kept going. I decided to take my chances and just go with it. To do something stupid. So, I didn't say anything. Tanya was too hot to resist, and too hot to resist the pleasure she could give. My wolfish side taking over, I just kept fucking her, and when the moment came, and her pussy drove me to the edge. I came inside her as she came on me, groaning as she scrunched her eyes in pleasure.

I still remember the panic she felt as she realized what had happened. She questioned me angrily, but I feigned ignorance. She stormed off to the bathroom, and I felt terrible. What was I thinking? I just risked pregnancy for a few moments of pleasure. It was incredibly stupid, especially knowing she would probably think of this as nothing but a one-night stand. A dark part of me paused at the thought of her being pregnant, having us bound together in such a big way, forcing us to be responsible and be together. That way, I could have her body for the rest of my life... NO! What was I thinking? That was messed up. I didn't want to trick a girl into being with me. That is something some prick jock would do. 'Yeah, man, I knew the condom broke, and I just kept fucking the bitch anyway.' Ugh. I hated those guys with a passion. But, after years of resenting that kind of guy and trying not to be that kind of guy, one night with Tanya made me act exactly like that kind of a guy. One night with Tanya and that body undid all the good things I had worked for.