You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 06


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I could see Mom's eyes tearing up a bit, and she smiled.

"I mean, I figured you were just lashing out. I don't blame you. It still did kinda hurt, but it's still nice to hear you apologize." Mom said, wiping under her eye.

"Mom... can we just end this? Please? I've matured. I'm happy. I'm in a great relationship. I don't want to ruin any of that just cause of some, you know, infatuation I once had." I said.

"You're right." Mom said, nodding. "The best thing to do for both of us would be to just end this now." I felt my excitement rise. Had I done it? Was this journey finally over? "We are both starting to say things, you know, we don't really mean."

"I agree." I said, speaking genuinely. "I don't to ruin our relationship over some silly game. I never wanted that. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. You're my mother, and I'm your son. Let's not forget that."

"No more bullshit. No more lies." Mom said.

"Agreed." I said with a nod. "Some of the things you said were pretty mean."

"Some of the things you said were pretty hurtful." Mom said.

"I know." I began. "I didn't mean them. I didn't mean that, you know, Dad's not happy with you or anything like that."

"Oh, I don't care about that." Mom said, waving her hand. "But you said my tits sag."

"Wait, what?" I said, caught off guard.

"You said my tits sag! I knew that was a lie. I mean, you haven't seen them naked yet, but I think you can tell through my tops they're perky as fuck." Mom said, her tone losing that genuine emotion into one of more playfulness. "And I will have you know I don't have any fucking crow's feet! I barely have any wrinkles whatsoever, and for a woman my age, I think that's pretty fucking impressive." I gave her a look, a knowing glance. "And if you think, I've actually lost a step, keep fucking dreaming, baby. I had those frat guys drooling, and those casting directors' literally said they hadn't seen anyone like me ever. They're already talking, like, movie parts. They said the world needs to see me."

"Uh..." I began, but she wasn't done.

"But the biggest lie of all was what you said last. You actually think your little girlfriend has me beat? Who's the delusional one now, huh? Everything I said about her was fucking true. She is a troll-faced, whiny, little bitch who can't dress and doesn't know the first thing about being a woman. She is barely a girl. What, she wears like a hoody and pajama pants as her dress wear? What type of girl is that? Plus, she has no looks, terrible hair, no ass, and those tiny little tits!" Mom said incredulously.

"She has DD's!" I replied.

"Well, they're not FF's." Mom replied, cupping her massive jugs. "If you even try to tell me any little college girl has me beat, you're kidding yourself. Your mom has the tits, the ass, the cunt, the legs, the face, the hair, the stomach... I've got it all! And I'm sure you think Carmen is enough for you, you've deluded yourself into thinking your little rebound obsession is what you truly want, when we both know that's not the case. It's my breasts you want to squeeze. It's my nipples you want to suck. My mouth you want choking around your cock. It's my cunt you want to fill with your cum. It's my asshole you want to worship with your tongue. I'm sure it's fun to spray down those little college cunts with that thick, tasty cum of yours, but imagine how it would feel hosing down your own mom. Imagine how hard you would cum, how much cum you would spray onto me. I bet you've thought about it before. So, if you want the lies to stop, the first thing you should do is look in the mirror."

I was stunned. Sure, I hadn't heard her talk this raw to me, really, ever. But even though she said a lot of bad things, I wasn't even mad, truly.

"I will admit to one lie." I began. "You are a pretty good actress." She smiled.

"You liked that?" Mom said with a wicked smile. "I haven't busted out the fake tears in years."

I had to marvel at her. Marvel at how far she was willing to go just to get ahead. Part of me was mad, sure, but I was more amused than anything. I couldn't help playing along a little bit.

"That was good. That was good." I confirmed.

"Son, you've got to realize, I'm not gonna stop. I'm not gonna be shaken off. There is nothing I won't do to get what I want. There is nothing you can say that will stop me. Nothing you can do that will prevent this from happening. You will give in eventually. I'm too fucking hot to resist." Mom said.

"If you're so fucking willing to do anything, why don't you just fucking flash me those tits of yours. Cause if I supposedly can't handle myself around you, why don't you just do it now?" I dared her. She smiled.

"Oh, what's the fun in that?" she said. "Hon, you know why I won't just show you the goods. It's the same reason you didn't just slap your big cock on the table. I suspect you're pretty big, and you know that I, I mean, just look at them..." Mom said, jutting out her chest. "Me just giving up the goods makes me lose all the power. Removes any mystery. As long as I have these under wraps, I have something over you. And sure, just showing you my juicy tits might get the job done, but I want to challenge myself. I'm fighting with one hand tied behind my back, as are you." Mom said. I nodded.

"Well, Mom, I'll give you credit for trying." I told her. "But you just don't understand how much I love Carmen. I want you to stop cause you're wasting your time. I'm not changing my mind. So, you know what... do your worst. Give me your best shot, Mom. Lay it on me. I'll think you'll realize you're wasting your time."

"And I think you'll realize how much hotter your mom is compared to your little pathetic girlfriend." Mom said. I gritted my teeth, trying to look past her slights against Carmen.

"When me and her get married, I expect you to eat some serious crow." I told her.

"If you two get married, I'll get on my knees and kiss her fucking ass." Mom said. "But I'm not too worried about it. I think you'll find that I kneel for no one. Let me paint a picture for you." she began. I smiled, amused by how much work she was putting in. "Paint a picture of your life after you admit the truth. After you dump your little girlfriend, cause you will be dumping her. That much is certain. Cause sometime soon, you will see the goods. You hear me, Tom. You will see me naked. You will see your mother's big breasts. You will see her perfect ass. Her absolutely gorgeous cunt. You will see things no son should ever see. And that will almost be enough to break you. But you're a strong young man, so I'll give you credit. You won't break just yet. But it won't take long. I'll ride you, I'll put you through your paces until you beg me to stop, cause the pleasure is too great. The sight of my body in action is too sexy. You will beg your own mother to stop. And in that moment, I will own you. From that day on, you will follow me, be my little slave, always around, desperate to get your hands on me. You will worship the ground I walk on, you will kiss my feet, suck my toes, just for the hope that I will give you the pleasure you need. You will have long since stopped jacking off, stopped seeking anyone to relieve that pressure in your balls. Cause you know it's not worth it. Your own hand, or some girl's cunt, none of it will match up to the one magical night you spent driving into my cunt. Into my ass. So it will be far more productive to beg for me, to beg for the pleasure only I can provide. A pleasure that will never come. Cause you will only get me once. You only have one shot. And when you fail, I will have no reason to play with you again. Why would I? I would have gotten your best, and you would fail miserably. You will spend the rest of your life craving a pleasure that will never come. You will do everything I say like a good son should, and you will truly know that you could never handle me."

I let Mom finish monologuing. I was a little shocked at how severe the future was she had planned for me, but I wasn't too worried. I really didn't see that happening. I was more amused at how she came across like a crazed movie villain. I had to respond.

"Let me tell you what will actually happen. I will marry Carmen, and you will congratulate us. You will see how satisfied I am, and you will know that I beat you. That I never succumbed. And that will be the end. We will shake hands, and I'll move across the country, and start my new life as a married man... away from you." I told her. She smiled.

"Well, we'll see about that." Mom said.

"Indeed." I replied. I heard a knock at the door and realized Carmen and the movie had been long forgotten in my conversation with Mom. I think mom realized that, and a coy smile crossed her lips.

"Bye." I told her.

"Bye Tom." she replied.


I was a little unhappy that I had engaged Mom in her little game but I was happy about how unbothered I was by it. It was like a former alcoholic taking a drink and realizing he didn't like the taste anymore. I saw her game, I was in it for a bit, but I walked away.

Her words and proclamations didn't really bother me. Carmen kept me happy and distracted, so a lot of Mom's big moves began to fade into memory.

Mom kept at it, but her moves were limited. I think she was hoping her declaration would have me obsessed with her all over again, but that really wasn't the case. I had done a better job suppressing Mom all over again. Sure, after seeing the video of her swallowing my cum, I let myself fall into old habits again. I didn't like that. But after overcoming her once before, I found doing it a second time was far easier, especially when I had someone by my side.

The video of her chugging my cum was thrilling to watch. And then seeing pictures of her slutting it up in front of guys my age, that made my blood boil. But that was the best she could do, and clearly, that wasn't enough. Her main plan of attack nowadays was sending me sexy pictures.

I liked to call it Mom's picture of the day. Every afternoon, I would return to my dorm from classes and find an email in my inbox. There would be little sayings, like "Thought you would need some relief after a long day,", or "Some memories of home," stuff like that. And in these emails were pictures.

Mom in bikinis. Mom posing sensually. Mom looking hot in normal, everyday clothes. As time went on, her pictures began to push more boundaries. One had her lying on her stomach on her bed, topless, her big breasts pressed into the bed, so much round flesh exposed as she flashed her bedroom eyes at the camera. I don't think she was wearing anything, as I could see her butt curve behind her, but I saw no details.

I enjoyed these pictures, sure, but I wasn't too bothered by it. I looked at them and then moved on. I may have looked at some a little harder than others, but I was able to compartmentalize them. I didn't let them distract me from Carmen, my one true love. And if Mom was turning up the heat, I realized she might be getting desperate.

I wasn't a bad boyfriend. I wasn't distracted. I wasn't suspicious. I was great. Me and Carmen were joined at the hip, going to movies, going out to eat. I met a lot of her friends and I think I won them over. I was doing adult things, growing up, being mature, leaving that silly obsession with Mom behind.

I was happy at how well things were going, but I felt like Mom was saving her best ammunition for when I came back home. There was both spring break and summer break, and both would give her the chance to work her wiles on me. I hadn't been home alone with Mom since the summer, and although I trusted myself, I didn't exactly want to put myself in that position.

So, I talked to Carmen and asked her what her plans were for spring break and summer break. I told her I didn't want to be away from her for that long. We talked it out, and when she came up with a plan, I couldn't help but smile.


"I love all this sneaking around." Carmen said as we stood in my room back home. It was the first day of spring break. Me and Carmen were heading down to Mexico for spring break, to some resort. I needed to grab some stuff from home before our flight. I knew Mom would be busy today with some friends, and Dad was away on business, so I knew I could come home and not be intercepted by anyone.

I grabbed the stuff I needed, and me and Carmen began to head downstairs. As we stepped out the front door, I had to stop, cause standing right there, looking up in shock, was Mom.

I stepped back a bit. This was the first time we had been face to face since our meal at that restaurant back at school. She looked up at me, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, smiling warmly. She was wearing a pink tank top and a thin pullover. On her lower half was a pair of khaki capri pants and some flip-flops. She, as always, looked great.

"Oh, um, we were heading out before our flight and I had to just grab a few things." I explained.

"Trying to sneak home without seeing your old mom?" she asked with a smile. She stepped forward and gave me a firm, squishy hug, forcing her big breasts against me. I was forced to just take it. She stepped back and greeted Carmen.

"Hello, dear." Mom said.

"Hi, Mrs. M." Carmen said.

"So, you hanging around at all?" Mom asked with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Fraid not." I said. "Our flight's pretty soon here."

"Oh. Shame." Mom said. "Well, I wish I could have gotten you home over Spring Break, but at least I'll have my son back over the summer." she said happily. Me and Carmen exchanged a look, and Mom noticed. "What?" she asked. I looked at Carmen, and she shrugged.

"Oh, um, well, me and her have been talking. And... her folks bought us a bit of a trip as an engagement gift/graduation gift for her. So, me and her gonna go to Europe for the summer... so I probably won't be home much, if at all. We're moving in together next year. We'll probably have to move in as soon as we get back." I explained.

Looking at Mom, I saw her eyes widen. For the first time, Mom looked a bit panicked. All of sudden, she had realized she was running out of time with me. She had this all planned out, no doubt, to tempt me during summer break, but now, that wasn't gonna happen.

"When did this happen?" Mom asked, clearly frustrated.

"Um, not too long ago." I said. She looked at me and chewed her lip. She looked over at Carmen.

"Carmen, can you give us a minute?" Mom asked.

"Sure." Carmen said, walking towards my car and playing with her phone. Mom made sure she was far enough away before speaking up. She turned to look at me, and I simply smiled.

"Don't look so smug." Mom said, annoyed.

"I think that's checkmate, Mom." I said. Mom was tapping her foot, thinking. She looked back at Carmen then back to me.

"Not quite." Mom began. "You dump her right now and stay here, you can have me. No bullshit. You can take me anyway you want, any hole, any position. We could be having sex in five minutes, Tom. Think about that. You can live your dream... right now. All that work you did before. It could pay off right now. Let's do this thing. Let's just get naked and get really fucking nasty."

I simply smiled at her.

"Face it Mom. It's over." I told her. "Give it up."

Mom just gritted her teeth and looked at me. I stepped forward and confidently gave her hug.

"Have a good summer, Mom." I told her. I stepped back as she narrowed her eyes at me. I had turned and I was about to walk away when I stopped. I couldn't help myself. I stopped and turned to face her again. I stepped in close, but this time, I did something different. I moved in close, reached around me, and slapped my hand confidently on her juicy ass. As I gave it a firm, healthy squeeze, I moved my lips to her ear and whispered.

"And besides, Mom... you couldn't handle me."

I pulled away and winked at her. Her eyes were wide and glassy as she looked up at me. Knowing I had survived my battle with Mom, I turned and walked away from her, walking towards my fiancée, walking towards a bright new future.


(Author's Note: Next time on "You Couldn't Handle Me", you just have to wonder what Tom's rejection will do to Tanya's ego, and what kind of things she'll do to get what she wants. Cause you have to think she knows she will now have to go a lot farther than she ever has before to try and conquer Tom.)

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Throwing that line back at her at the end of the chapter was literal *chef's kiss* PERFECTION! :)

Poor, oblivious Carmen. The heartbreak express is coming her way soon.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give a 0 at how shocked I am that Tanya was a sex-mad superslut back in her day. Who could have seen that coming? At least we know where Tom gets his cocky arrogance from although he can walk the walk, too. I kind of love how deliciously toxic the relationship has gotten. And the ending of this chapter was just brilliant with the line she used on him so much. Tanya is RAGING!

"I could either be a productive member of society or a nasty slut who spends all day, every day, riding cock." Meh, being a productive member of society is overrated; there's enough people to do that. Slut it up! Get all the cock you can, while you can, girl! Anyway, Tanya is starting to sound a bit crazy. Going off the deep end. Tom should be concerned. Very concerned.

I liked the background on Tanya and Jay. Gives us a nice insight into their past so we can understand them a bit better as well as their behaviour, especially Tanya's. Kudos with that.

So it seems this is going to end in one of two main ways: 1) Mom loses and Tom ends up with Carmen; or 2) Mom wins, Tom fucks her, and Carmen gets cheated on. Even if she doesn't find out, that's fucked up for the supposed love of his life. Is there an ending where they all win? That threesome idea from the dream with an adjustment might work... but if he ends up with his mom in a relationship, Carmen is still out, which sucks because she seems like a really nice person and doesn't deserve that shit.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is a seriously toxic relationship and the story has just become repetitive. End it with her locked up somewhere, and the kid grown up enough to move on from the psycho.

walkindatdogwalkindatdog9 months ago

At one point, Tom describes his mom as "...slightly sadistic...". Slightly??? He's delusional if he doesn't have her at the extreme end of whatever adjective he can come up with. Slightly sadistic? C'mon, man: she's the Jeffrey Dahmer of nasty, sadistic, cruel, ball-thieving CUNTS! Her picture is in the dictionary beside every one of those truths. And he somehow deludes himself into thinking she's not that bad?! Slightly?!

Even when the story is given over to her to tell, she evinces not a shred of sympathy from me. She may be all that and a box of chocolates, but she's got NO HEART! And we see, finally, that her son is her better in that he does, against all odds, have the capacity for love. Now if only he can come away from the battle royale to come with his dignity and his heart and his soul and his balls still attached. Maybe then i can believe this whole story is more than a polemic on the nature of EVIL! I'm rooting like all heck for Tommy boy to save himself and save Callahan Auto Parts as well. This story has captured my mind like very few have done done here at this portal of eroticism. Thanks for that. Carry on!

walkindatdogwalkindatdog9 months ago

Wait! Now we hear Tanya's voice?? just opened the chapter. One of my comments at the end of all this was that first person singular by necessity means we aren't privy to anyone else's thoughts, and now, six chapters in, Mom has a voice? That changes the whole story: All along i wanted to know her machinations, what makes her tick, why is she such a sadistic cunt? (answer: cuz the author revels in sadistic cunts!). it certainly defies convention. Why didn't she chime in the entire time. If anyone can make sense of the hash you just tossed over your story, it's you! I think it's cheating. But i've only read that first sentence and glanced to see it was her voice. WTF?! Good luck!

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