
My name is Alethea Faust and I write kinky, queer erotic fantasy.

Update 10.2.22 - First off, I wanted to say thank you for your patience with me. Odyssey has by far been the most difficult and LONGEST thing I've ever written. So long, in fact, that it is now being split into books 3 and 4 of this series. I know that I promised y'all that I would see you through to the end of book 3, but because of how things have been split up, you've actually already read book 3 with the championship arc.

I say this because I am going to have to stop posting here. This series has blown up in ways I never expected, and I'm excited and thrilled, but also EXHAUSTED. I still work a full-time job, but the success of the Sex Wizards series has made becoming a full-time author a very real possibility. Just... not yet. So at this point, I just don't have the bandwidth to continue posting this story on multiple platforms.

I hope y'all understand. It's not the ending I wanted here, but I need to take care of myself as I try to navigate this new, wholly unexpected chapter of my life. It's been so long since I've posted a chapter that part of me wonders if anyone is reading this, but if you are, thank you for your continued interest in this story. This series is available on Amazon and my Patreon, but if cost is ever an issue, just contact me and I will always happily provide a free copy.

Thank you all for your understanding <3

Update 11.21.2021 - I've done some soul searching and made a difficult decision regarding the posting of this story to Literotica. Engagement has dropped SIGNIFICANTLY since Mastery, which is hard because that engagement is what I use to motivate myself to keep writing. With the release of Initiation on Amazon, I think it's time for me to move on from here and I'll explain why.

My day job becoming untenable due to differences on health and safety (namely, my bosses are anti-vaxxers that are content to put the entire company at risk by NOT disclosing when someone was exposed to Covid on top of... blatant religious differences). I'm a department head, and this job has done really well for me for the past six years, but right now it feels like a dam about to break and everything I've worked for there is going to get swept away.

I really want to make writing a career, and I've been working my ass off to try and make that a reality, but by keeping these stories up here, I'm missing out on the vast exposure that comes from Kindle Unlimited as he requires exclusivity. Even as anti-capitalist as I am, I still have to live in disaster-capitalism, and I need to find a way to make it work for me. Writing is the one thing that makes me not want to hide in my bed all day, so if there's even a possibility I can work towards doing it full time, I need to try.

So, as it is, book 3 will be the last Wizards story that I post publicly. I would never leave the readers I DO have hanging, so I will finish posting the rest of book 3 here. I will also be taking down Initiation and Mastery in the near future.

I hope my readers here understand that this is something I thought about long and hard (pun intended) before deciding to do it. I will always be grateful for the readers here who voted and commented and sent feedback on these stories, because without you, I never would have found the courage to even attempt this. It's scary as hell, but if I even have a shot at this, I need to try. I hope some of you choose to follow on this new adventure.

Thank you all for reading and your support. It really does mean the world to me <3

Initiation, Sex Wizards book 1 is now on Amazon! Link here:

I have a Patreon!

If you would like to support me and my writing while simultaneously getting early access to the the Sex Wizards series as well as extra bonuses like a 42 page exclusive featuring Garrett's backstory, check it out, yeah?

A special thank you to B Scott, LBMatt, botanicalmysts, R'lee, SortaVulcan, Lila, Sydney, Ace_Of_Clubs, Matt, Cheryl Terra, "Cancassi's Favorite," Azamir, Nora, HypnoStory, Peter, sylvershade, B.K., Melody Diaz-Musgrave, Jill Rafferty and others who already support me as Patrons!

If you want updates on future chapters and stories, follow me on Twitter @AletheaFaust

My titles are terrible, but my stories are not.

Things you can expect to find in my stories:
- risk aware consensual kink
- hard BDSM
- nontoxic masculinity
- kind, emotionally mature adults
- so, so much butt stuff

Thanks for reading!



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