
Stories by Alexis Haines

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He's on a mission, but his chauffeuse has her own!

H 4.73 18.4k 4 3 6

New life begins as pain of an old one finally dies.

H 4.57 27.8k 11 9 13

A woman strives for freedom in 1922.

H 4.64 10.5k 1 4 1

The not-so-gentle path to a couple's reconciliation.

by Alexis Haines
BDSM 06/22/2005
H 4.67 85.4k 31 13 41

Lost knowledge from the Apocrypha, retold at last.

H 4.81 22k 6 4 8

Jessica learns to succeed.

4.48 45.9k 7 6 8