
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through. I'm just a reader looking for good stories, and maybe comment as feedback when necessary. And if I do, I'll always try to do it openly for everyone to see, that way anyone has a chance to give an opinion, and maybe we all can learn a thing or two.

My reading interests are: Romance, Adventure, Exotic Places, Fiction, and Taboo Love.

I'm good at noticing errors and enjoy fixing them, if I can. I've done amateur work as an editor and as an English/Spanish translator in the past, as a pastime just for fun or to help, but never here. Usually here, I commented in the errors and their proper way, but even though they always were in the spirit of constructive criticism, all I found was rejection, even from some authors asking for feedback. Sometimes my comments were deleted, even. So, I stopped commenting. If you're one of the very few people who stumbled by accident and found my profile, I'll let you know that I usually keep track of all the common errors from the authors I've read stories from, just for the exercise and to comment later as feedback, and I'm be sharing those notes with everyone. They're just plain text files, and if you're an editor or an author, feel free to use them in any way. If I can help improve anyone's work, even a little bit, that would be great. The text files can be found here, named after each author, and probably I'll be updating and adding more in the future, as long as I keep reading stories from Literotica:



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