
Stories by Astordatair

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He thinks he’s a bull. But he’s just a blinking idiot.

4.36 41.7k 77 70 173

Because a queen must have her throne...

4.2 19.4k 34 39 74

And I guess I had to make one myself to get over it.

by Astordatair
Non-Erotic 01/18/2024
4.28 10.1k 27 37 63

And no, it could not wait.

4.06 69.5k 109 91 220

March and April were not really better...

3.87 47.3k 95 109 197

She wanted some fun, on HER terms.

3.97 73.3k 79 93 174

Rick's journey to understanding the message from his wife.

3.39 68.1k 60 124 149