
Stories by Craggyva

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Stressed executive finds relaxation with a masseuse.

3.72 7.7k 4 1 13

AI experts have exciting time at conference.

4.38 5.8k 4 11

Man is abducted to carry the child of unknown creatures.

4.09 2.4k 1 2

Woman's life is destroyed by a demon.

by Craggyva
Erotic Horror 10/03/2020
4.09 10.7k 11 26

Husband seeks therapy after changes in his wife’s behavior.

3.98 16.9k 16 5 36

A happily married couple explore their fantasies.

by Craggyva
Loving Wives 09/14/2020
4.06 31.7k 28 16 55