
Stories by Doc Redfield

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Spurned husband has his way with her one last time.

3.55 113.9k 14 9 29

Where pleasure bots can perform any act - & more.

4.36 42k 10 2 14

Romantic lovers try it bound for the first time.

by Doc Redfield
BDSM 10/29/2005
4.43 25.8k 5 2 6

Romana is bound, left to Lady Adrasta's mercies.

4.3 23.8k 1 1 4

Dark Angel is caught breaking in.

4.44 171.3k 87 8 99

Pop singer awakens, bound for the pleasures.

4.41 129.7k 10 2 16

Newly united couple enjoy a night of passion.

3.58 15.2k 1 2