
Stories by Efilnikufesin

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Therapy proves who the addict really is.

3.68 2.7k 4 2 8

A code from the game for anal.

4.33 4.4k 2 8

Bringing back the old Lisa to me.

4.5 2.6k 4 8

Running some arrands starts a daylong journey.

4.39 2.7k 2 5

I create a game to bring excitement, passion and wanting.

3.88 3.5k 1 3 9

What it was like when we first met.

4.57 1.9k 1 5

A request for a "Special" massage.

3.75 9.1k 1 8

Relocation of a pool table turns into a wonderful fuck.

4.07 10.1k 5 12

A little fun with dinner preparation.

4.11 3.6k 1 3

Using our Tantra chair with toys.

3.81 6.4k 1 6

A Christmas tradition to connect.

4.46 3.1k 1 4