
How does one describe their self? Being a member here you can assume that I have an adult minded curiosity for erotica. You might also think that perhaps I have a bit of a creative bent and the wish to share my imagination with others. Both are true of course.

***Note*** the time line for the 'Being Jim' series is as follows
Life Lessons parts 1-6; Lightning Strikes; The Toe Job; Snowbound; Barbra's Reawakening ch 2; Barbra's Reawakening ch 3; Being Jim ch4 scratching an itch; Barbra's Wish; The Guilty Heart (more to follow)
It's been a while since I've updated my profile. For those who are following me, thank you. It humbles me to think so many of you enjoy my writing efforts.

***** 12-18-2023 *****
Tis the season. Not everyone celebrates this time of year, and those who do, not everyone celebrates the same things. Whatever you follow or believe, I truly hope you all find happiness and peace throughout the "Holidays" in your own ways. Best wishes and hopes for a brighter and happier new year soon to follow as well.

***** 5-21-2022 *****
Not getting any response from Lit management... I know they are too few and swamped with submissions and requests, I'm not complaining for that reason... Anyway, not hearing anything back from them, I took the suggestion of another member and resubmitted "Blood Wrong" as an edited version.
I did this in hopes that the story in it's entirety would be viewable and readable to one and all. Again, I apologize to my readers for the confusion and seemingly unusual presentation. Please read the story as a whole, it will make a lot more sense and answer many questions I hope. Thank you for your interest and especially your comments.



****** ALERT ******

It was brought to my attention just yesterday that my latest submission was only readable to page four. WTF??? When it was originally posted the entire story was available. Has the server had some sort of hemorrhage or hiccup? I've put in an email request to the site's controllers but I've not heard back yet. Some of the many comments on this story (Blood Wrong) are now making sense as to why it wasn't finished. I apologize to one and all who have run into this problem. I hope you all will go back and finish reading the story when this issue is resolved. I've never EVER had this kind of problem before. I wonder just what happened. I will put up a notice again when it's fixed and the story is available in its entirety. Again, I'm sorry for all those who were left wanting and disappointed over this. Frodov

4-18-2022: First off, I want to thank everyone who read my latest submission (Blood Wrong), and even more thanks to those of you who bothered to take time and make a comment. I was overwhelmed by the interest in this bit of fiction, truly! If I may, however, I had never intended for this story to be a series, I'm sorry. And to be honest, I thought (my humble opinion anyway) that I had wrapped up the ending pretty well on this one. Almost unanimously though, those of you who commented on this story have asked about, for, or even demanded more of this story, a continuation. I am absolutely humbled and flattered to no end. I have given it some thought, after reading the comments, and I have kind of been swayed. It may not be a continuation of the story line, but rather... bear with me... a prequel perhaps. I honestly felt that some of the important characters in this story got short changed with their own stories and backgrounds in the spirit of keeping the focus of this story on the main characters of Tom and Addy. I will perhaps remedy that and flesh out those other characters with a prequel tale that will do them justice. That's not to say that I've not completely ruled out a part two or a follow up of the original "Blood Wrong" story, maybe this prequel will inspire me to further that tale later. Again, Thank you all for your comments and for your time in actually reading my offerings.


Central US



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