Karen A.

A quiet English girl who lives in a lovely rural setting on the South Coast of the UK. But underneath both lies a seething cauldron of suppressed (and not so suppressed) sexuality...

I've been writing for a few years now, and the wonderful Literotica readers have been very kind about my submissions. I started writing in the first place because I was disapointed generally with the standard of erotica I found on the web - I wanted to find real characters with real personalities that I could get even slightly emotionally involved as you do in real life, but so often all I found was graphic descriptions with little setting of the scene.

Of course, now I realise that I've shot myself in the foot - I spend so much time establishing characters and storylines that my stories tend to turn into small novels before I know it! But I enjoy what I do, and I hope you do too. The best feeling in the world is when someone writes to me to say how much they enjoyed a story. That makes it all worthwhile.

I've set up my own website at www.heatwavepublications.com - please feel free to drop in and have a look.

Lots of love. K xxxxxxxxx



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