
I'm a total girly girl, but I have a deliciously naughty side. I am into some BDSM, but unlike most people think from my name, I am not really a Mistress. I'm more of a sub, though just the other day I had a deliciously sexy man whisper "yes Mistress' to me and I almost jumped him.

For those interested, I've just added my Tumblr blog of naughty things that float my boat. Feel free to check it out and see what I post. ****HTTP://LADYTREASURECHEST.TUMBLR.COM/****

I love any feedback on what I have written. It's a nice bit of a feel good rush. I am working on trying to get some more stories up. Unfortunately "Outpost 59" is at a bit of a standstill. I'm lost as to how to make it work, so for now, it's on the shelf.

*UPDATE 10-6-13*
For all interested, all my current The Architect Becomes Her chapters are up. I hope to be able to write more soon.

*UPDATE 9-27-13*
I have just got my butt in gear and I've submitted Ch. 6 of The Architect Becomes her. I have two more chapters as well that I'm finishing the edits and I will post over the weekend. So look for them! I have a lovely story idea for a gal who meets a hiker off the trail, and I'm dabbling in it, but as it's somewhat personal as well, I'm not sure how much I want to post because I have directed a friend to see my 'works'. Well, if I can actually brave it, I will possibly have something completely new in the next week or so.

*Update* 9-20-2013*
I am sure anyone that was following "The Architect Becomes Her' is quite disappointed I'm not continuing with the storyline. I do have more, but my life went from normal to zero time to write except in my pretty little head. I do have one newer story that I plan to post within the week, and I hope to continue with TABH, soon.

*UPDATE 8-9-12*
I have not given up 'The Architect Becomes Her', and I actually have one more chapter to post. My life has gotten super crazy with a very ill father and a business to run with my mother, so writing has not been something I've had time for. Please don't give up on me though. I hope to post the next chapter soon.

*UPDATE 9-8-11*

Chapter 3 of 'The Architect Becomes Her' has been submitted and should be up in about three days. Keep checking back. :)

*UPDATE 8-11-11*

The correct Ch.2 of 'The Architect Becomes Her' is now up. Sorry about the delays and such. Chapter 3 soon!

*Update 8-2-11*
The first chapter of "The Architect Becomes Her" has been posted. Due to my lack of remembering how to submit, I was unable to give thanks to my editors. So I want to thank MrWhiteTiger for his wonderful help. Charming and sweet, he gave me a world of help.
And to autoplot, who, while a smart alec, is brilliant. Thank you both!

I will be posting chapter 2 soon.



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18 Years AgoMember Since
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37My Favorites
34My Comments
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Guys In A Good Suit, A La Harvey Specter, Cowboys, Southern, Scottish, Irish, And French Accents, Having Someone Say 'yes Mistress' To Mein A Playful Manner ..... And Recently Total Bad Boys..........

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