
Cmas 2023, I'm on quarterly injections for life or until they do not work then we hope some added drugs will keep pushing out my end-date. I've resolved to accept Vietnam karma is chasing me.
My issue is the quarterly jab side-affects leave me lethargic and brain-fogged. Only the last two weeks of the quarter do I feel normal and think straight, so my writing days are few. I've been writing another story for over a year; but the story plot line is weaving all over the place needing serious reconstruction by paragraph cut, change, move or rewrite.
Aug 2023, it looked like the big C 'WAS' in remission but has come back when I went off the quarterly jab, then another Afib hit me, again. Tomorrow, I get the paddles to convert my heart back to sinus - it took and branded me. We hope quarterly injections will put the C back into remission for another decade.
June 2019, diagnosed with cancer and then got my first Afib heart event. I've since completed radiation (that did nothing) and remain on quarterly injections for 3yrs. The quarterly jab put me into a false remission by suppressing, the bad news is the injection has crappy side-affects; foggy-mind, constant fatigue, man-o-pause, etc.
I've got three partial stories in the hopper but cannot seem to make progress. And now C19 has hit; I'm lucky to be able to telework from home; (update: as of June 2020 I'm now retired but still feeling glum & useless). The old saying "when you have your health you have everything" holds so very true.
I continue on a literary walk-about.
Thanks for stopping at my port of call.
"May you always cruise on fair seas getting a stiff wind!"
OB, Hooyah, Salute!
The 'week' after posting "Crossing the Family Line" a righteous WOKE do-gooder L-LW-reader complained that my story advocates death/abuse on the CHEATing paramours; apparently this is not allowed in 'fictitious' stories getting the story rejected (after reaching a 4* with 39K readers). My severity in justice is not allowed. Oh well..... Let the WOKEness prevail.
What has gotten my cackles up is reading some contest stories with as much or more explicit brutality and death BUT written by highly rated L author do NOT get censored - L hypocrisy lives on and my few do not create enough key-clicks.
Just received another L reject on my "Crossing the Family Line - redo"; from L, "However, we've found that we cannot post your submission in its current form. The checklist below may help you in re-examining your manuscript. While we do accept submissions with graphic violence, we don't accept "snuff" - i.e. death & extreme torture with the aim of sexual titillation. We generally do not accept submissions of nonconsensual sex in which the "victim" gets absolutely no sort of thrill or enjoyment from the acts, or is seriously and /or permanently physically harmed/abused." (for lesser writers but not highly rated writers, i.e. one contest story has a character whipped to death.)
I tempered down the extreme violent aspects to the cheaters but the outcome to the cheaters remained the same - a severe ending for the pain they inflicted upon their families - a wish all victims would desire for CHEATERS. Still rejected....





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