
After years of writing technical and instructional manuals followed by many more years of writing and editing government reports, I'm retired and can write about those things I enjoy. The money isn't as good, but it is much more satisfying. I welcome and appreciate positive or reinforcing comments. I likewise accept and incorporate criticism as appropriate.

BTW: I am not the T. B. Ornot who authored 'In Memoriam. A poem about Sam a faithful hound,' on pages 31 through 34 of 'Tom Bracken's Annual, 1896,' by Thomas Bracken (aka T. B. Ornot).

May 30: I've found that when I drink too much my writing is trite, derivative, and inane. Unfortunately, now that I'm retired, I usually begin drinking wine around three or four in the afternoon. In addition, I've been lucky enough to spend my evenings with a beautiful, buxom, blonde whom I believe loves me and whom I love and care for dearly. Thus, I spend nights enjoying and pleasing the buxom blonde and mornings regaining my strength. So, in the end I can only write from ten in the morning until I start drinking again, with breaks for lunch and a quick walk and workout. It is my hope that the three or four hours I spend writing will soon produce an acceptable product.


Southwest U.S.A.



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