
Stories by Tequila8me

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Wife reflects on the cause of the wet spot on her side.

4.25 9.3k 6 9

We have the "Best Day Ever" of fucking our brains out!

4 4.9k 4 5

Wife’s first orgasm of the day was the best.

4.28 7k 4 1 11

Loud and Kinky Sex on a Saturday Afternoon.

4.13 19.9k 10 22

Wife rubs her pussy during sex.

4.37 11.1k 7 12

Wife’s orgasm rolls on and on.

4.17 8.7k 1 1 2

Wife enjoys riding crop during afternoon sex.

H 4.54 14.6k 8 12

Husband eats wife for breakfast.

4.45 19.7k 14 18

Wife licks pussy off husband's face during sex.

4.42 14.3k 11 18

Wife achieves 8 orgasms during morning sex.

4.41 13.7k 3 2 5