
Stories by Tiberius_Daniel

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Part of Moore Saga - Entertainment not serious staff.

30.7k 21 48

The next generation will judge you.

14.4k 17 30

A book change a cuck.

22.1k 11 17

The consumer society has ruined us all.

17.7k 8 10

Divorce after cheating.

19.4k 10 17

Often people are content with appearances.

3.8k 1 4

Don't miss this modern fable.

22.5k 15 19

Another odd but effective BTB.

71.5k 39 86

After an affair people hurt.

48.2k 22 37

BTB, Tales from Europe series.

39.2k 11 33

Unusual but very effective BTB.

46.6k 12 32

Part of More Saga, entertainment not serious stuff.

23k 14 19