
Stories by Wyden Long

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Caroling in the dark invites a friendly goose or two.

H 4.59 67.6k 8 2 12
846.1k 216 11 275

Small-town librarian experiences a different world.

4.32 48.3k 4 2 6
1.25M 194 26 232

Daughter tries to wear her balls in airport.

H 4.58 265k 92 2 125

Mature man meets hot California girl.

4.19 86.6k 11 1 19
898.8k 180 23 241

New aftershave works too well.

4.4 37.4k 2 2 3
305.2k 38 10 55

Julie saved her cherry for her GrandPa.

4.48 175.2k 25 5 37

23-year-old virgin cums to grips with life.

4.34 98.3k 7 1 12

An XXXmas story.

3.99 248k 24 5 33

Two 18-year olds examine a man up close.

4.27 327.1k 86 10 122

Does cum really cure zits?

4.09 351.2k 39 10 54

College student learns the value of a good snore.

4.24 119.2k 22 12 37

Tourist enjoys a local cherry.

4.44 132.1k 27 2 48

Daughter views the underbelly of Paris.

4.46 184.7k 15 1 32

Older sister teaches younger brother a few things.

4.09 275.1k 41 58
341.4k 84 8 103

Kimmie and her Gramps become sex terrorists

H 4.52 60.1k 7 2 7

To be accepted she must become a sex slave to an old fart.

4.45 137.6k 25 2 43

Groundhog Day, move over!

4.03 34.6k 3 1 7

Man finds his ideal existence--or does he?

4.3 24.6k 2 5
790.9k 151 24 179

He learns how to command obedience.

4.16 103.5k 20 2 30