
Stories by byronbert

by byronbert
105.7k 75 23 133

A mature woman and a younger man sexually erupt.

by byronbert
Mature 04/26/2019
H 4.63 69k 52 7 73

A University enrolment results in a different education.

by byronbert
Mature 07/27/2018
H 4.61 33.9k 18 6 31
by byronbert
336.7k 136 51 202

An older woman learns from a young teacher.

by byronbert
Mature 10/15/2017
H 4.62 47.5k 39 9 54

A young man has an odd sexual relationship with older woman.

by byronbert
Mature 01/29/2016
H 4.56 75k 41 3 57

Young man starts a fruitful relationship with an older woman.

by byronbert
Mature 09/05/2014
H 4.58 89.8k 65 13 90

A young man comes of age with an older woman.

by byronbert
First Time 10/11/2013
4.43 115k 29 9 40
by byronbert
303.4k 65 28 100

A younger man provides evidence of infidelity.

by byronbert
Mature 04/15/2010
H 4.51 64.5k 21 6 30

Student tends to an older womans garden.

by byronbert
Mature 03/23/2010
4.49 103.6k 20 3 28