
Stories by confabulator

A mountain spring, three girls out of their depth.

H 4.7 10.8k 16 2 32

The memory of lust blossoming south of the border.

4.67 2k 2 3

There's something in Cherie's new house. She'll need help.

by confabulator
NonHuman 03/08/2021
4.34 10.8k 11 17
17.2k 12 1 19

A fun night turns serious for colleagues in lust.

4.46 11.5k 9 13

A revelatory weekend leaves genitalia raw and minds aflame.

4.63 5.7k 3 1 6

European woman gets needed release in tribal ceremony.

4.19 22.3k 8 2 20

Soldiers find each other in the desert.

H 4.52 10k 10 2 16

Infidelity brings co-workers together.

H 4.62 22.8k 24 5 35

Long-distance blues evaporate when he gains a shower mate.

H 4.81 21k 21 5 26