
Stories by doublewhiskey

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Daughter stokes the fire, literally and figuratively.

H 4.59 63.9k 100 9 231

Who introduced Linda to the world interracial porn?

H 4.61 18.5k 40 7 93

Wrong hotel room proves right for ignored wife.

H 4.55 44k 78 8 102

Husband makes a mistake and is punished.

3.76 59.6k 61 14 102

Her client presents evidence that may aid in his defense.

4.32 17.7k 18 1 22

Nick and his sister toast to changes in both their lives.

4.11 75k 66 13 100

Molly tries to assuage her feelings, until...

4.32 26.1k 24 6 40

A dark stranger interrupts three women's spa plans.

H 4.5 36.9k 43 1 56